Results for 'August Romeo'

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  1.  20
    Vergence eye movements during figure-ground perception.Maria Solé Puig, August Romeo & Hans Supèr - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 92 (C):103138.
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    Philosophy of Biology.August W. M. Martin - 2015 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 29 (4):441-444.
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    Auguste Comte and positivism: the essential writings.Auguste Comte - 1975 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Gertrud Lenzer.
    Although Auguste Comte is conventionally acknowledged as one of the founders of sociology and as a key representative of positivism, few new editions of his writings have been published in the English language in this century. He has become virtually dissociated from the history of modern positivism and the most recent debates about it. Gertrud Lenzer maintains that the work of Comte is, for better or for worse, essential to an understanding of the modern period of positivism. This collection provides (...)
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    Auguste Comte.Auguste Comte - 1968 - [Paris]: Bordas. Edited by Pierre Arnaud.
    " Pour devenir un parfait philosophe, il me manquait surtout une passion, a la fois profonde et pure, qui me fit assez apprecier la partie affective de la nature humaine " note Auguste Comte dans ses " Prieres quotidiennes " redigees peu apres 1845, cette " annee sans pareille " au cours de laquelle il rencontre, frequente et voit disparaitre Clotilde de Vaux a laquelle il voue un amour eperdu. Cette relation aussi profonde et intense que physiquement ephemere ne bouleverse (...)
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  5. Auguste Comte et l'hypothèse cosmogonique Herschel-Laplace.Auguste Comte & Castilhos Goycochêa (eds.) - 1950 - Rio de Janeiro: [Jornal do commercio].
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  6. The positive philosophy of Auguste Comte.Auguste Comte & Harriet Martineau - 1896 - London,: G. Bell & sons. Edited by Harriet Martineau & Frederic Harrison.
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    Selected writings of August Cieszkowski.August Cieszkowski - 1979 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by André Liebich.
    Selections from the most important and representative writings of the philosopher, economist, social reformer and political activist August Cieszkowski (1814 1894).
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  8. Œuvres d'Auguste Comte..Auguste Comte - 1968 - Paris,: Éditions Anthropos.
    t. 1.- Cours de philosophie positive. v. 1: Les préliminaires généraux et la philosophie mathématique.--v. 2: La philosophie astronomique et la philosophie de la physique. v. 3: La philosophie chimique et la philosophie biologique.
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    Código de leyes sobre genética.Romeo Casabona & Carlos María (eds.) - 1997 - Bilbao: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia.
    La obra incluye legislación de quince países, así como diversos documentos de la ONU, la UNESCO, el Consejo de Europa, la Unión Europea, Comités Nacionales de Ética, dictámenes y resoluciones de Instituciones Internacionales, jurisprudencia española y una selección bibliográfica con unas 1.300 referencias, clasificada por materias. Algunas leyes nacionales y los documentos del Consejo de Europa se publican traducidos al español y en su idioma original, cuando éste se ha considerado fácilmente asequible, con el fin de facilitar el acceso a (...)
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    Profilo della critica blondeliana.Romeo Crippa - 1962 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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  11. Racionalidad y racionalización.Sergio Rábade Romeo - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 10:45-55.
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    Messer, August, Glauben und Wissen.August Messer - 1920 - Kant Studien 24 (1).
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    Œuvres de Auguste Barth: recueillies à l'occasion de son quatrevingtième anniversaire.Auguste Barth - 1914 - Paris: E. Leroux.
    t. 1. Les religions de l'Inde, et Bulletins des religions de l'Inde (1880-1885) -- t. 2. Bulletins des religions de l'Inde (1889-1902) -- t. 3. Comptes rendus et notices (1872-1886) -- t. 4. Comptes rendus et notices (1887-1898) -- t. 5. Comptes rendus et notices (1899-1911). Bibiliographie. Index général.
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  14. I concordati di Giovanni Paolo II.Romeo Astorri - forthcoming - Civitas.
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    Biotecnologia e suas implicações ético-jurídicas.Romeo Casabona, Carlos María & Juliane Fernandes Queiroz (eds.) - 2005 - Belo Horizonte: Del Rey.
    A Bioética, que podemos qualificar, sem a menor dúvida, como uma ciência jovem - embora cheia de vigor, dinamismo e em plena expansão - se ocupa, desde as multifacetadas óticas das grandes perguntas que se formula a cada dia, o homem moderno, em torno da vida. Neste livro, os autores tratam de alguns aspectos conceituais que, às vezes, são obliterados no discurso bioético. Por exemplo, quais as relações que se interpõem entre Bioética e Direito, começando por delimitar cada uma destas (...)
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    Biotechnology, law, and bioethics: comparative perspectives.Romeo Casabona & Carlos María (eds.) - 1999 - Bruxelles: Bruylant.
    Fornece um panorama sobre os avanços biotecnológicos, dando ênfase aos aspectos jurídicos e éticos do impacto destes na área genética sobre o homem e o meio ambiente.
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    Biotecnología y derecho: perspectivas en derecho comparado.Romeo Casabona & Carlos María (eds.) - 1998 - Bilbao: Cátedra Interuniversitaria Fundación BBV-Diputación Foral de Bizkaia de Derecho y Genoma Humano, Universidad de Deusto, Universidad del País Vasco/EHU.
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  18. Il realismo integrale di M. Blondel.Romeo Crippa & M. Sciacca - 1954 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (3):491-492.
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  19. Vita e Pensiere d'Ollè-Laprune.Romeo Grippa, F. Sciacca & Du même - 1957 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 147:91-91.
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  20.  30
    Port-Royal e la filosofia.Maria Vita Romeo - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:559-562.
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    Pascal: una politica cristiana.Maria Vita Romeo - 2021 - Roma: Studium edizioni.
  22.  6
    Nietzsche, von August Vetter..August Vetter - 1926 - München: E. Reinhardt.
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  23. Fünf Faksimile-Tafeln zum Beitrag von August Faust: Kopernikus.August Faust - 1943 - Kant Studien 43:16.
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  24. A la lumière du Marxisme, t. II, 1re partie: Auguste Comte. Les Utopistes français. Proudhon.Auguste Cornu, Armand Cuvillier, Paul Labérenne, Lucy Prenant & Henri Wallon - 1937 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 44 (4):11-12.
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    Más allá de la salud: intervenciones de mejora en humanos.Romeo Casabona & Carlos María (eds.) - 2012 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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  26. Il pensiero di L. Ollé-Laprune.Romeo Crippa - 1947 - Brescia, Italy: Morcelliana.
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  27. Le passioni in Spinoza.Romeo Crippa - 1965 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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  28. Moralità e realtà.Romeo Crippa - 1977 - Napoli: Morano.
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    Il rapporto uomo-Dio nella trama dell'etica: la riflessione di Bahya Ibn Paquda.Sara Romeo - 2019 - Palermo: Progetto Accademia.
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  30. Papel de la filosofía en una sociedad democrática.Sergio Rábade Romeo - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 6:313-330.
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  31. La synthèse subjective d'Auguste Comte.Auguste Comte - 1900 - Paris,: Fonds typographique de l'exécution testamentaire d'Auguste Comte.
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    Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Therapy: The Need for a Common European Legal Framework.Carlos M. Romeo–Casabona - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (6):557-567.
    The possibility of obtaining stem cells from human embryos has given rise to an intensive legal and ethical debate. In this paper, attention is paid to the normative disparity and ambiguity in Europe. An argument for the need for a minimal legal harmonization is made; and a prudent and flexible way to reach this successfully is suggested. Establishing a common legal framework seems to be the only way to guarantee true competitiveness for the European scientific community.
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    The Traumatic Experience of Breast Cancer: Which Factors Can Relate to the Post-traumatic Outcomes?Annunziata Romeo, Marialaura Di Tella, Ada Ghiggia, Valentina Tesio, Eleonora Gasparetto, Maria Rosa Stanizzo, Riccardo Torta & Lorys Castelli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  34.  27
    Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Therapy: The Need for a Common European Legal Framework.Carlos M. Romeo&Ndashcasabona - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (6):557-567.
    The possibility of obtaining stem cells from human embryos has given rise to an intensive legal and ethical debate. In this paper, attention is paid to the normative disparity and ambiguity in Europe. An argument for the need for a minimal legal harmonization is made; and a prudent and flexible way to reach this successfully is suggested. Establishing a common legal framework seems to be the only way to guarantee true competitiveness for the European scientific community.
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    Valeurs et éthique.Roméo Malenfant - 2010 - [Lévis, Québec]: Éditions D.P.R.M..
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    Las Disputaciones Metafísicas de Suárez: innovación y proyección.Sergio Rábade Romeo - 1998 - Arbor 159 (625):45-60.
    En 1997 se cumple el IV Centenario de la publicación de las Disputaciones Metafísicas de Suárez. Indudablemente no puede pasar inadvertida esa fecha si se tiene en cuenta que estamos ante el libro español de filosofía que ha influido más en el pensamiento europeo, muy concretamente durante el siglo XVII. Tanto la estructura del libro, alejada de los comentarios de Aristóteles, como el que se manifiesta tanto en el abultado número de reediciones, como en los temas que, desde las páginas (...)
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    Vers une société d’uniques?Roméo Delatte - 2021 - Philosophique 24.
    Nous vivons dans une société mondialisée apparemment unie par une vision commune de l’humanité. Mais derrière l’illusion première d’un ‘’Nous’’ déjà là, se cache la réalité de l’hétérogénéité des croyances, des modes de vies et des cultures. Modèles différents entre pays et dans les pays eux-mêmes, sur le plan mondial comme ‘’national’’, nous cherchons encore ce qui constitue ce Nous tant rêvé. Quel est donc le fondement de notre vie commune? Qu’est-ce qui nous permet de dire que nous faison...
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  38. Papel de la filosofia en una sociedad democratica.S. Rabade Romeo, G. Bueno, C. Diaz, A. Lopez Quintas, J. Sadaba & P. Cerezo Galan - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 2 (6):313-330.
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  39. Racionalidad y racionalizacion.S. Rabade Romeo - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 4 (10):45-55.
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  40. Luces y límites en la gnoseología de Zubiri.Sergio Rábade Romeo - 1993 - Diálogo Filosófico 25:78-81.
  41. The Adversary System of Excuse and the Lawyer's Role Between Law and Morality.Andrea Romeo - 2019 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 104 (4):570-588.
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  42. Alethic Pluralism and Kripkean Truth.Andrea Iacona, Stefano Romeo & Lorenzo Rossi - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    According to alethic pluralism, there is more than one way of being true: truth is not unique, in that there is a plurality of truth properties, each of which pertains to a specific domain of discourse. This paper shows how such a plurality can be represented in a coherent formal framework by means of a Kripke-style construction that yields intuitively correct extensions for distinct truth predicates. The theory of truth we develop can handle at least three crucial problems that have (...)
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  43. Auguste Comte, 1798-1857: correspondance conservée aux Archives positivistes de la Maison d'Auguste Comte: inventaire.Michèle Maison D'auguste Comte, Sacquin & Bibliothèque Nationale (eds.) - 1984 - Paris: Bibliothèque nationale, Dép. des manuscrits.
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    Lettres d'Auguste Comte à divers.Auguste Comte - 1902 - Paris,: Fonds typographique de l'exécution testamentaire d'Auguste Comte. Edited by Georges Audiffrent.
  45. Testament d'Auguste Comte.Auguste Comte - 1896 - Paris,: Fonds typographique de l'Exécution testamentaire d'Auguste Comte. Edited by Pierre Laffitte.
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  46. Competency of school heads in leading people influences school performance.Romeo Lepardo & Manuel Caingcoy - 2021 - International Journal of Educational Policy Research and Review 8 (4):126-131.
    Investigating school performance and competencies, especially on leadership, received a considerable attention in the past. In fact, there have been multitudes of evidence that leadership can impact school performance, student achievement, or outcome. Also, there was no single measurement of school performance. This study examined the influence of leadership and core behavioral competencies on the school performance of school heads. This was to build a new model of school performance. Using an explanatory research design, it administered a survey questionnaire to (...)
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    Visual awareness and the on-line modification of action.Jillian H. Fecteau, Romeo Chua, Ian Franks & James T. Enns - 2001 - Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (2):104-110.
  48.  14
    La metafísica suareciana y la acusación de esencialismo.Sergio Rábade Romeo - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 3 (1-2):73-86.
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    Morfologia dei vissuti nelle analisi di Edmund Husserl: verso una nuova antropologia fenomenologica.Stefania Romeo - 2002 - Napoli: L'orientale.
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  50. Tommaso Campanella: l'uomo e l'opera.Francesco Giuseppe Romeo - 2006 - Firenze: Bandettini.
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