Results for 'Attila Németh'

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  1.  7
    Epicurus on the self.Attila Németh - 2017 - London: Routledge.
    Epicurus on the Self reconstructs a part of Epicurean ethics which only survives on the fragmentary papyrus rolls excavated from an ancient library in Herculaneum, On Nature XXV. The aim of this book is to contribute to a deeper understanding of Epicurus' moral psychology, ethics and of its robust epistemological framework. The book also explores how the notion of the self emerges in Epicurus' struggle to express the individual perspective of oneself in the process of one's holistic self-reflection as an (...)
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    Seneca and the narrative self.Attila Németh - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (5):845-865.
    This paper focuses on the narrative aspect of Seneca’s idea of self-transformation. It compares Seneca’s viewpoint with some modern notions of the narrative self to highlight some parallels and significant differences between the ancient and modern conceptions and it establishes the reading of some parts of De Brev. Vit. in the context of other passages as concerned with the narrative self. The paper argues, amongst other points, that in Ep. 83.1–3, Seneca extends the practice of meditatio (ethically directed self-examination) by (...)
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  3. .Attila Németh - unknown
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    Examining the Influence of Early Life Stress on Serum Lipid Profiles and Cognitive Functioning in Depressed Patients.Ágnes Péterfalvi, Nándor Németh, Róbert Herczeg, Tamás Tényi, Attila Miseta, Boldizsár Czéh & Maria Simon - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  5.  40
    Attila Németh, Epicurus on the Self, Routledge, London-New York, 2017, 205 p., ISBN 978-1-138-63385-8 [hbk], £ 105. [REVIEW]Francesco Verde - 2017 - Rhizomata 6 (2):236-244.
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    Russian Neo-Kantianism: Emergence, Dissemination, and Dissolution.Thomas Nemeth - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Editorial Board: Karl P. Ameriks, Margaret Atherton, Frederick Beiser, Fabien Capeillères, Faustino Fabbianelli, Daniel Garber, Rudolf A. Makkreel, Steven Nadler, Alan Nelson, Christof Rapp, Ursula Renz, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann, Denis Thouard, Paul Ziche, Günter Zöller The series publishes monographs and essay collections devoted to the history of philosophy as well as studies in the theory of writing the history of philosophy. A special emphasis is placed on the contextualization of philosophical historiography into the areas of the history of science, culture, and (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Attilâ İlhan'ın defteri.Attilâ İlhan - 1900 - Cağaloğlu, İst. [i.e. İstanbul]: Özgür Yayın Dağıtım.
    -- 5. Sağım solum sobe -- 6. Ulusal kültür savaşı -- 7. Sosyaliz, asıl şimdi -- 8. Aydınlar savaşı -- 9. Kadınlar savaşı.
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    Philosophy in Imperial Russia’s Theological Academies.Thomas Nemeth - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    This work is a historical study of the philosophical writings emerging from Imperial Russia's theological "academies" – Orthodoxy’s higher educational institutions that ran parallel to the secular universities – from their inception to the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution. Unlike with nineteenth century Russian revolutionary thought, there are few secondary studies of the philosophical works stemming from the academies. These philosophical works focused on ontology and, as such, stand in sharp contrast to the shift toward epistemology in that century as (...)
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    Discouraging climate action through implicit argumentation: An analysis of linguistic polyphony in the Summary for Policymakers by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.Attila Krizsán & Julia Kanerva - 2021 - Discourse and Communication 15 (6):609-628.
    In this paper, we study on the ways the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change communicates scientific knowledge on climate change to policymakers in the Summary for Policymakers of the Fifth Assessment Report ; the most recent Assessment Report issued by the IPCC. We investigate implicit argumentation with a special focus on the ways the summary may direct the orientation of the discourse towards the evasion of climate action while appearing to be pro-action on the surface. The results of a systematic (...)
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    A Hard Case for the Ethics of Supported Voting: Cognitive and Communicative Disabilities, and Incommunicability.Attila Mráz - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (3):353–374.
    (OPEN ACCESS) In this article, I explore the implications of three moral grounds for the justification of supported voting – respect as opacity, respect as equal status, and respect as political care. For each ground, I ask whether it justifies surrogate voting for voters unable to either communicate or give effect to their electoral judgments, due to some cognitive or communicative disability. (Henceforth: incommunicability cases.) I argue that respect as opacity does not permit surrogate voting, and equal status does not (...)
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    How to Justify Mandatory Electoral Quotas: A Political Egalitarian Approach.Attila Mráz - 2021 - Legal Theory 27 (4):285-315.
    (OPEN ACCESS) This paper offers a novel substantive justification for mandatory electoral quotas—e.g., gender or racial quotas—and a new methodological approach to their justification. Substantively, I argue for a political egalitarian account of electoral quotas. Methodologically, based on this account and a political egalitarian grounding of political participatory rights, I offer an alternative to the External Restriction Approach to the justification of electoral quotas. The External Restriction Approach sees electoral quotas as at best justified restrictions on political participatory rights. I (...)
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  12.  53
    Differential contributions of majority and minority influence.Charlan J. Nemeth - 1986 - Psychological Review 93 (1):23-32.
  13.  11
    Paris – Wien: Enzyklopädien im Vergleich.Elisabeth Nemeth & Nicolas Roudet (eds.) - 2005 - Springer.
    Eines der zentralen Anliegen des "Wiener Kreises" ist heute aktueller denn je. Es bestand darin sichtbar zu machen, wie ganz unterschiedliche, weit auseinanderliegende Bereiche wissenschaftlicher Theoriebildung miteinander in Zusammenhang gebracht werden können. Genannt sei hier Otto Neurath, als Motor der ganzen Sache. Die "Encyclopedia of United Science" sollte eine Vorstellung davon vermitteln, wie moderne Wissenschaften ihre Erkenntnisansprüche formulieren und überprüfen. Sie knüpfte ausdrücklich an die Enzyklopädisten der französischen Aufklärung an. Die in diesem Band zusammengefassten Beiträge durchleuchten das Aufklärungskonzept, das der (...)
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    The Lesson of Carl Schmitt’s Realism.Attila Gyulai - 2018 - Theoria 65 (155):26-49.
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    Gustav Shpet’s Implicit Phenomenological Idealism.Thomas Nemeth - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (3):267-285.
    The issue of whether the phenomenology presented in Ideen I was a metaphysical realism or an idealism came to the fore almost immediately upon its publication. The present essay is an examination of the relation of Gustav Shpet, one of Husserl’s students from the Göttingen years, to this issue via his understanding of phenomenology and, particularly, of the phenomenological reduction, as shown principally in his early published writings. For Shpet, phenomenology employs essential intuition without regard to experiential intuition. If we (...)
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  16.  21
    Kant in Imperial Russia.Thomas Nemeth - 2017 - Springer Verlag.
    This book presents a comprehensive study of the influence of Immanuel Kant’s Critical Philosophy in the Russian Empire, spanning the period from the late 19th century to the Bolshevik Revolution. It systematically details the reception bestowed on Kant’s ideas during his lifetime and up to and through the era of the First World War. The book traces the tensions arising in the early 19th century between the imported German scholars, who were often bristling with the latest philosophical developments in their (...)
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  17. Phronesis, intuition, and deliberation in managerial decision-making: Results of a global survey.Attila Tanyi, Frithiof Svenson, Fatih Cetin & Markus Launer - forthcoming - Management Revue.
    There are a number of well-established concepts explaining decision-making. The sociology of wise practice suggests that thinking preferences like the use of intuition form a cornerstone of administrators’ virtuous practice and phronesis is a likely candidate to explain this behaviour. This contribution uses conceptual and theoretical resources from the behavioural sciences, management science as well as philosophy to account for individual level differences of employees regarding thinking preferences in administrative professions. The analysis empirically investigates the behavioural dimension of the preference (...)
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    Visualizing Relations in Society and Economics: Otto Neurath’s Isotype-Method Against the Background of his Economic Thought.Elisabeth Nemeth - 2019 - In Adam Tuboly & Jordi Cat (eds.), Neurath Reconsidered: New Sources and Perspectives. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 117-140.
    The article shows how two domains of Neurath’s broad and multifaceted work are related to each other: the concepts and methods he wanted to implement in political economics, on the one hand, and the methods of visualization that he and his interdisciplinary team developed at the Social and Economic Museum of Vienna, on the other. Some of Neurath’s suggestions in both domains are surprisingly modern even today.
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    The Other is Dead.Attila Kovács - 2017 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:39-58.
    The question is whether we can even speak about alterity in our current world, whether the meeting of the other is possible at all, and if it is, whether it should be discussed in an ontical-ontological, an ethical (Lévinas), or a social (Baudrillard) framework. In the ecstasy of communication (Baudrillard), the Other appears not as an autonomous person carrying an existential message, but as one of the elements of the system bridging the gap between the communicating parties. As soon as (...)
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    The Grammar of Faith. Ludwig Wittgenstein on Madness and Religious Faith.Attila M. Demeter - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:31-50.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein repeatedly called religion and faith “madness”, “folly”, etc. However, this does not mean that he considered it irrational or meaningless. Rather, he saw in it a way of thinking and speaking, a “language-game”, that was not explicitly rational, but nevertheless meaningful, and in which there were “entirely different connections” than normal between individual statements. Nor can the language of faith be regarded as conventional, according to Wittgenstein, even if approached from the point of view of the nature of (...)
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  21.  20
    Emergence and Evolution of the West Karaim Bible Translation Tradition.Michał Németh & Anna Sulimowicz-Keruth - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (3):555-580.
    Karaim is a severely endangered language belonging to the Turkic language family and its only surviving dialect is Northwest Karaim with speakers in Lithuania and Poland. In the past few years numerous Karaim translations of the Bible have been discovered. Some of these are among the oldest texts written in this language. The authors present some of the oldest Karaim texts known today as well as recently discovered Karaim translations of the entire Tanakh. It is shown how these recent research (...)
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  22.  11
    The Early Solov'ëv and His Quest for Metaphysics.Thomas Nemeth - 2013 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume offers a critical examination of the early works of Vladimir Solov'ëv, Russia's most famous and systematic philosopher. It presents a philosophical critique of his early writings up to 1881 from an immanent viewpoint and examines Solov'ëv's intended contributions to philosophy against the background of German Idealism, including Schopenhauer, and the positivism of his day. Examining contemporary reactions to his writings by leading figures of his day, such as Chicherin and Kavelin, The Early Solov'ëv and His Quest for Metaphysics (...)
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  23.  24
    The Philosophy of the “Other Austrian Economics”.Elisabeth Nemeth - 2013 - In Hanne Andersen, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Thomas Uebel & Gregory Wheeler (eds.), New Challenges to Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 339--350.
  24. Anticipazioni della logica stoica in Platone.Attila FÁj - 1970 - Giornale di Metafisica 25:675-691.
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  25. Tensione, distensione e affinità elettive.Attila FÁj - 1958 - Giornale di Metafisica 13 (5):584.
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    Human Nature and the Concept of Basic Needs.Attila Ágh - 1981 - Dialectics and Humanism 8 (3):81-93.
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    One More Span in the Bridge: A Rejoinder to Michael Apple, Ulf Lundgren, and John White.Attila Horvath - 1989 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 2 (2):19-20.
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  28.  51
    Explicitly accounting for pixel dimension in calculating classical and fractal landscape shape metrics.Attila R. Imre & Duccio Rocchini - 2009 - Acta Biotheoretica 57 (3):349-360.
    Different summarized shape indices, like mean shape index (MSI) and area weighted mean shape index (AWMSI) can change over multiple size scales. This variation is important to describe scale heterogeneity of landscapes, but the exact mathematical form of the dependence is rarely known. In this paper, the use of fractal geometry (by the perimeter and area Hausdorff dimensions) made us able to describe the scale dependence of these indices. Moreover, we showed how fractal dimensions can be deducted from existing MSI (...)
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    Symbolic Numerical Distance Effect Does Not Reflect the Difference between Numbers.Attila Krajcsi & Petia Kojouharova - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Ideologically speaking: Transitivity processes as pragmatic markers of political strategy in the state of the nation speeches of the first Orban government in Hungary.Attila Krizsán - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (2):177-199.
    This paper offers a politolinguistic analysis of four ‘state of the nation’ speeches delivered by the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán between 1999 and 2002. The analysis focuses on the ways in which Orbán’s self-representation, his discourse strategies and the tone of the speeches changed in response to changes in the ideological background over the four years in question. The findings demonstrate that Orbán’s voice was most active in the pre-election speech of 2002, that he had become increasingly interpellative (in (...)
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  31.  36
    Die Einheit der Planwirtschaft und die Einheit der Wissenschaft.Elisabeth Nemeth - 1982 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 16 (1):437-449.
    Eine plarmiäßig gestaltete Naturalwütschaft setzt an die Stelle der abstrakten Eiiüieit des Geldes und des Marktes eine konkrete Einheitlichkeit, die das Ergebnis von Beratungen und Entscheidungen ist. Da diese Eiiüieitlichkeit nicht auf ein Prinzip (das Geld) zurückgeführt werden kann, wüd in üir das "naturale Wesen aller Leistungen" einerseits und die Abhängigkeit der Wirtschaftsordnung von Machtverhältnissen andrerseits sichtbar. Ebenso soll die Eirüieitswissenschaft an die Stelle der abstrakten Eirüieit des phüosophischen Systems eine lebendige Verknüpfung des historisch gegebenen wissenschaftlichen Wissens setzen und es (...)
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  32.  13
    Die Einheit der Planwirtschaft und die Einheit der Wissenschaft.Elisabeth Nemeth - 1982 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 16 (1):437-449.
    Eine plarmiäßig gestaltete Naturalwütschaft setzt an die Stelle der abstrakten Eiiüieit des Geldes und des Marktes eine konkrete Einheitlichkeit, die das Ergebnis von Beratungen und Entscheidungen ist. Da diese Eiiüieitlichkeit nicht auf ein Prinzip (das Geld) zurückgeführt werden kann, wüd in üir das "naturale Wesen aller Leistungen" einerseits und die Abhängigkeit der Wirtschaftsordnung von Machtverhältnissen andrerseits sichtbar. Ebenso soll die Eirüieitswissenschaft an die Stelle der abstrakten Eirüieit des phüosophischen Systems eine lebendige Verknüpfung des historisch gegebenen wissenschaftlichen Wissens setzen und es (...)
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  33.  47
    Gustav Shpet’s Path Towards Intersubjectivity.Thomas Nemeth - 2014 - Husserl Studies 30 (1):47-64.
    With his “discovery” of the phenomenological reduction, Husserl confronted the problem of intersubjectivity: How is the Other constituted? Gustav Shpet, a Russian student of Husserl’s in Göttingen, unlike many others accepted the reduction on some level but, unlike Husserl, did not dwell on the problem. In this essay, we look first at the Russian treatment of intersubjectivity in the immediately preceding years and see that the concern was over the possibility of proving our natural conviction in the Other. We then (...)
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    (1 other version)Kant in russia: Lavrov in the 1860s — a new beginning?Thomas Nemeth - 1992 - Studies in East European Thought 43 (1):1-36.
  35. Philosophy of Science in Europe and the Viennese Heritage.Elisabeth Nemeth (ed.) - forthcoming - Springer.
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  36. Russian philosophy.Thomas Nemeth - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The young Losev as phenomenologist.Thomas Nemeth - 2015 - Studies in East European Thought 67 (3-4):249-264.
    The two names most closely associated with phenomenology in early twentieth century Russia are Gustav Špet and Aleksej Losev. However, is that judgment warranted with regard to Losev? In just what way can we look on him as a phenomenologist? Losev himself, in the mid-1920s, employed the expression “dialectical phenomenology,” seeing phenomenology as an initial descriptive method to ascertain essences. He was sharply critical of its self-limitation in disavowing all explanation as metaphysical. Yet, earlier that decade Losev approved of Husserl’s (...)
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    Képi logika.Attila S. Székely - 2009 - Budapest: Animula.
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  39. Gramsci's concept of constitution.Thomas Nemeth - 1978 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 5 (3-4):296-318.
  40. Logical empiricism and the history and sociology of science.Elisabeth Nemeth - 2007 - In Alan Richardson & Thomas Uebel (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Logical Empiricism. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 278--302.
  41. On the Intrinsic Value of Genetic Integrity.Attila Tanyi - 2015 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 18 (3):248-251.
    In their article Yasha Rohwer and Emma Marris argue that there is no underived prima facie obligation to preserve genetic integrity. It is clearly demonstrated that conservation bi...
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  42. Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung zwischen Sozialrevolution und Sozialreform: Überlegungen zu Otto Neuraths sozialistischem Zentralismus.E. Nemeth - 1990 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 24 (61):73-90.
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  43. Desires as additional reasons? The case of tie-breaking.Attila Tanyi - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 152 (2):209-227.
    According to the Desire-Based Reasons Model reasons for action are provided by desires. Many, however, are critical about the Model holding an alternative view of practical reason, which is often called valued-based. In this paper I consider one particular attempt to refute the Model, which advocates of the valued-based view often appeal to: the idea of reason-based desires. The argument is built up from two premises. The first claims that desires are states that we have reason to have. The second (...)
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  44. Consequentialist Demands, Intuitions and Experimental Methodology (with Joe Sweetman).Attila Tanyi - manuscript
    Can morality be so demanding that we have reason not to follow its dictates? According to many, it can, if that morality is a consequentialist one. We take the plausibility and coherence of this objection – the Demandingness Objection – as a given and are also not concerned with finding the best response to the Objection. Instead, our main aim is to explicate the intuitive background of the Objection and to see how this background could be investigated. This double aim (...)
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    Sunesis as Ethical Discernment in Aristotle.Attila Simon - 2017 - Rhizomata 5 (1):79-90.
    :In this paper, I examine the concept of.
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    Is there a link between the volume of physical exercise and emotional intelligence (EQ)?Attila Szabo, István Soós & Zoltán Gáspár - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (1):105-110.
    Emotional intelligence was linked to sport participation. We report two studies in which we tested the link between exercise volume, defined as weekly hours of exercise, and EQ. Volunteers completed the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale. In Study I, significant correlations between exercise volume and use- and regulation-of-emotions prompted us to use a posteriori grouping into high- and low exercise-volume groups. The former exhibited better use-of-emotions than the latter. In Study II, using a priori grouping, we replicated the finding (...)
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  47. G. A. Cohen Why Not Socialism? című könyvéről (On G. A. Cohen’s Why Not Socialism?).Attila Tanyi - 2015 - In Balázs Böcskei & Miklós Sebők (eds.), Ötven könyv, amelyet minden baloldalinak ismernie kell (Fifty Books Everyone on the Left Should Know About). Kossuth. pp. 266-271.
    This is a short, critical introduction to Cohen's book and argument: that socialism is justified on several grounds contrary to common opinion. I present Cohen's arguments together with some potential problems as well as responses to them.
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    Finding happiness in a complex world: rules from Aristotle and Aquinas.Charles P. Nemeth - 2022 - Manchester, New Hampshire: Sophia Institute Press.
    Why, since happiness is so universally sought after, are so many people so miserable? The answer can be found by unpacking the wisdom of two of history's intellectual giants who set out to answer the question that has confounded man from time immemorial: What makes us happy? Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas existed sixteen centuries apart, yet each reached similar understandings about what makes a person happy and what makes him miserable. In these enlightening pages, Dr. Charles Nemeth synthesizes the judgments (...)
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    “freeing Up One's Point Of View”: Neurath's Machian Heritage Compared with Schumpeter's.Elisabeth Nemeth - 2007 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 13:13-36.
    Why concern oneself with Otto Neurath’s economic thought in its historical context? Could anything be more out of fashion than a theory proposing a centrally managed planned economy? Than the views of a theorist whose ideas on in-kind economic planning drove the notion of economic planning to its utmost extreme ? Indeed, Neurath’s ideas appeared too radical and utopian even for the social democrats of the 1920s. So why give even a second thought to them today? Would it not be (...)
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  50. Kant on capital punishment and suicide.Attila Ataner - 2006 - Kant Studien 97 (4):452-482.
    From a juridical standpoint, Kant ardently upholds the state's right to impose the death penalty in accordance with the law of retribution. At the same time, from an ethical standpoint, Kant maintains a strict proscription against suicide. The author proposes that this latter position is inconsistent with and undercuts the former. However, Kant's division between external (juridical) and internal (moral) lawgiving is an obstacle to any argument against Kant's endorsement of capital punishment based on his own disapprobation of suicide. Nevertheless, (...)
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