Results for 'Asymmetric warfare. '

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  1.  2
    Introduction to Special Section on Virtue in the Loop: Virtue Ethics and Military AI.D. C. Washington, I. N. Notre Dame, National Securityhe is Currently Working on Two Books: A. Muse of Fire: Why The Technology, on What Happens to Wartime Innovations When the War is Over U. S. Military Forgets What It Learns in War, U. S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group The Shot in the Dark: A. History of the, Global Power Competition His Writing has Appeared in Russian Analytical Digest The First Comprehensive Overview of A. Unit That Helped the Army Adapt to the Post-9/11 Era of Counterinsurgency, The New Atlantis Triple Helix, War on the Rocks Fare Forward, Science Before Receiving A. Phd in Moral Theology From Notre Dame He has Published Widely on Bioethics, Technology Ethics He is the Author of Science Religion, Christian Ethics, Anxiety Tomorrow’S. Troubles: Risk, Prudence in an Age of Algorithmic Governance, The Ethics of Precision Medicine & Encountering Artificial Intelligence - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3-4):245-250.
    Volume 23, Issue 3-4, November - December 2024, Page 245-250.
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  2. Asymmetric warfare and morality : from moral asymmetry to amoral symmetry?Carl Ceulemans - 2009 - In Ted van Baarda & Désirée Verweij (eds.), The moral dimension of asymmetrical warfare: counter-terrorism, democratic values and military ethics. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff.
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    The moral dimension of asymmetrical warfare: counter-terrorism, democratic values and military ethics.Ted van Baarda & Désirée Verweij (eds.) - 2009 - Boston: Martinus Nijhoff.
    PART I The superpower and asymmetry PART II Jus ad bellum, jus in bello, jus post bellum PART III Leadership and accountability PART IV Soldiersa (TM) ...
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  4. Reframing asymmetrical warfare : beyond the just war idea.Thomas Frank - 2009 - In Ted van Baarda & Désirée Verweij (eds.), The moral dimension of asymmetrical warfare: counter-terrorism, democratic values and military ethics. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff.
  5. Autonomous Weapon Systems, Asymmetrical Warfare, and Myth.Michal Klincewicz - 2018 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 23:179-195.
    Predictions about autonomous weapon systems are typically thought to channel fears that drove all the myths about intelligence embodied in matter. One of these is the idea that the technology can get out of control and ultimately lead to horrifi c consequences, as is the case in Mary Shelley’s classic Frankenstein. Given this, predictions about AWS are sometimes dismissed as science-fiction fear-mongering. This paper considers several analogies between AWS and other weapon systems and ultimately offers an argument that nuclear weapons (...)
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  6. The moral dimension of asymmetrical warfare : accountability, culpability and military effectiveness.Daren Bowyer - 2009 - In Ted van Baarda & Désirée Verweij (eds.), The moral dimension of asymmetrical warfare: counter-terrorism, democratic values and military ethics. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff.
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    Double effect, double intention, and asymmetric warfare.Steven Lee - 2004 - Journal of Military Ethics 3 (3):233-251.
    Modern warfare cannot be conducted without civilians being killed. In order to reconcile this fact with the principle of discrimination in just war theory, the principle is applied through the doctrine of double effect. But this doctrine is morally inadequate because it is too permissive regarding the risk to civilians. For this reason, Michael Walzer has suggested that the doctrine be supplemented with what he calls the idea of double intention: combatants are not only to refrain from intending to harm (...)
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    Noncombatant Immunity in Asymmetrical Warfare.Evan Feinauer & Nir Eisikovits - 2012 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (2):165-180.
    The principle of noncombatant immunity (NCI) lies at the heart of jus in bello or the moral rules governing the conduct of war. This paper takes up the status of NCI in asymmetrical wars (AW). The argument proceeds in six parts. In the first we present a skeptical or realist position about the feasibility of NCI in AW. Part two surveys the development of the idea of NCI. Part three provides an account of the logic and dynamics of AW. Part (...)
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  9. The moral dimension of asymmetrical warfare : an introduction.Ted van Baarda - 2009 - In Ted van Baarda & Désirée Verweij (eds.), The moral dimension of asymmetrical warfare: counter-terrorism, democratic values and military ethics. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff.
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    Weaponized NonCombatants: A Moral Conundrum of Future Asymmetrical Warfare.Phillip W. Gray - 2014 - Journal of Military Ethics 13 (3):240-256.
    Do noncombatants in warfare receive immunity because of their subjective or objective characteristics? Can a noncombatant be ‘weaponized’, and if so, how does this weaponization change the noncombatant's moral status as protected from direct attack? The purpose of this article is to analyze the moral issues that arise when noncombatants are made into weapons, specifically as delivery systems for biological weaponry. Examining such a tactic, I go on to explore how the problems that arise from ‘weaponized’ noncombatants illustrate deeper problems (...)
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    A Strategic Doctrine of Disproportionate Force for Decentralized Asymmetric Warfare.Joseph Michael Newhard - 2018 - Libertarian Papers 10.
    : Newhard recommends that anarcho-capitalist societies acquire nuclear weapons and adopt aggressive territorial-defense postures. This paper substantiates the argument for the necessity of such actions under reasonable assumptions. In particular, these societies are likely to be relatively small in geographic size, population, and economic output, inhibiting strategic depth and military spending. Deterrence and defense will […].
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    Asymmetrical morality in contemporary warfare.Deane Baker - 2005 - Theoria 44 (106):128-140.
    The latest catchphrase to enter the English language as a result of military conflict is the term 'asymmetrical warfare'. At its broadest, asymmetrical warfare is simply any conflict in which there is a significant qualitative 1 mismatch between opponents in any or all of the following: manpower, firepower, technology and tactics. While the phrase is new, the concept is not. Asymmetrical warfare has been going on for about as long as humans have fought each other in organized ways. In the (...)
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    Stateless national groups, international justice and asymmetrical warfare.Anna Moltchanova - 2005 - Journal of Political Philosophy 13 (2):194–215.
  14.  63
    A Question of Identity: The Use of Torture in Asymmetric War.Joe Santucci - 2008 - Journal of Military Ethics 7 (1):23-40.
    This article submits that torture is not an effective tool in asymmetric warfare. It offers a definition of ‘effective’ as it relates to torture, and presents findings which discriminate between torture's tactical utility and its strategic consequences. By doing this, it attempts to convey the paradoxical nature of torture. Torture can help gain bits of information that may prevent terrorist acts. But the very act of torture, or even the perception of its use, holds strategic consequences for those nations (...)
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    Viewpoint article closing with completeness: The asymmetric Drone warfare debate.Jai C. Galliott - 2012 - Journal of Military Ethics 11 (4):353-356.
    . VIEWPOINT ARTICLE CLOSING WITH COMPLETENESS: THE ASYMMETRIC DRONE WARFARE DEBATE. Journal of Military Ethics: Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 353-356. doi: 10.1080/15027570.2012.760245.
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    The warrior, military ethics and contemporary warfare: Achilles goes asymmetrical.Pauline M. Kaurin - 2014 - Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate Pub. Company.
    While there has been extensive discussion on what counts as military professionalism, that is what makes a soldier, sailor or other military personnel a professional, the warrior archetype still holds sway in the military self-conception, rooted as it is in the more existential notions of war, honor and meaning. In this volume, Kaurin uses Achilles as a touch stone for discussing the warrior, military ethics and the aspects of contemporary warfare that go by the name of 'asymmetrical war.'.
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  17. Just War contra Drone Warfare.Joshua M. Hall - 2023 - Conatus 8 (2):217-239.
    In this article, I present a two-pronged argument for the immorality of contemporary, asymmetric drone warfare, based on my new interpretations of the just war principles of “proportionality” and “moral equivalence of combatants” (MEC). The justification for these new interpretations is that drone warfare continues to this day, having survived despite arguments against it that are based on traditional interpretations of just war theory (including one from Michael Walzer). On the basis of my argument, I echo Harry Van der (...)
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  18. Asymmetric air war : ethical implications.Martin L. Cook & Mark Conversino - 2009 - In Ted van Baarda & Désirée Verweij (eds.), The moral dimension of asymmetrical warfare: counter-terrorism, democratic values and military ethics. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff.
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    The Long Shadow of Leninist Politics: Radical Strategy and Revolutionary Warfare After a Century.Geoff Boucher - 2017 - In Matthew Sharpe, Rory Jeffs & Jack Reynolds (eds.), 100 years of European philosophy since the Great War: crisis and reconfigurations. Cham: Springer.
    The underlying equation between revolutionary politics and military strategy in the work of Marx and Engels is well known. For the founders of Marxism, class struggle and revolutionary warfare are simply different intensities, different visibilities, of the same logic—“now hidden, now open”—of hostility. If the class struggle over the working day represents a “veritable civil war”, and “every class struggle is a political struggle,” then it is no surprise that class politics, the confrontation of class-on-class, vying for state power, “is (...)
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    Proportionality and Self-Interest.Nir Eisikovits - 2010 - Human Rights Review 11 (2):157-170.
    This paper offers a justification of the principle of military proportionality that is based in considerations of self-interest. By offering such a justification, I hope to vindicate the principle on the basis of the least controversial argument available. The war between Israel and Hezbollah in the summer of 2006 is used as a case study. Part 1 surveys recent work on military proportionality and suggests that the importance of this principle has increased in the age of asymmetrical warfare. Part 2 (...)
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  21. British leaders and irregular warfare.David Benest - 2009 - In Ted van Baarda & Désirée Verweij (eds.), The moral dimension of asymmetrical warfare: counter-terrorism, democratic values and military ethics. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff.
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    Humanitarian Terrorism as a Higher and Last Stage of Asymmetric War.Boris N. Kashnikov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (1):66-84.
    The articles reviews the problem of humanitarian terrorism that is a terrorism of self-proclaimed humanitarian goals and self-inflicted constraints. This type of terrorism justifies itself by lofty aspirations and claims that its actions are targeted killings of guilty individuals only. This terrorism is the product of the Enlightenment, it emerged by the end of the 18th century and passed three stages in its development. The first stage is the classical terror of the Jacobins 1793–1794. The second one is Russian revolutionary (...)
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    Der Wandel des Krieges: von der Symmetrie zur Asymmetrie.Herfried Münkler - 2006 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
    Herfried Münkler beschreibt den Wandel vom klassischen Krieg zwischen Staaten zu neuen Kriegsformen, in denen substaatliche Akteure zu Herausforderern des früheren Kriegsmonopolisten Staat geworden sind. Mit diesem Wandel haben sich nicht nur die sicherheitspolitischen Arrangements verändert, sondern es haben auch die völkerrechtlichen Regelungen, die auf den klassischen Staatenkrieg bezogen waren, an Kraft verloren. An ihre Stelle ist eine Konfrontation von Konzeptionen des gerechten Krieges mit solchen des heiligen Krieges getreten.
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    Health Care in Contexts of Risk, Uncertainty, and Hybridity – Introduction to the Volume.Daniel Messelken & David T. Winkler - 2021 - In Daniel Messelken & David Winkler (eds.), Health Care in Contexts of Risk, Uncertainty, and Hybridity. Springer. pp. 1-15.
    This chapter introduces to the main topic of the volume, namely the influence of the changing nature of warfare on the provision of medical care and the ethical challenges that occur. It presents the main ideas of relevant concepts such as asymmetrical warfare, hybrid warfare, and complex emergencies before illustrating the ethical challenges that new forms of warfare create for military and humanitarian health care providers. Examples of ethical challenges include embedding medical personnel in combating forces, questions regarding the treatment (...)
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    Becoming Abject: Rape as a Weapon of War.Bülent Diken & Carsten Bagge Laustsen - 2005 - Body and Society 11 (1):111-128.
    Organized rape has been an integral aspect of warfare for a long time even though classics on warfare have predominantly focused on theorizing ‘regular’ warfare, that is, the situations in which one army encounters another in a battle to conquer or defend a territory. Recently, however, much attention has been paid to asymmetric warfare and, accordingly, to phenomena such as guerrilla tactics, terrorism, hostage taking and a range of identity-related aspects of war such as religious fundamentalism, holy war, ethnic (...)
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    Political Safeguards in Democracies at War.Samuel Issacharoff - 2009 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 29 (2):189-214.
    Next SectionWartime challenges democracies both from without and within. The need to marshal resources against a foreign enemy prompts the centralization of authority which, in turn, threatens to compromise domestic liberty. This article, originally delivered as the 2008 Hart Lecture, examines the ability of democracies to survive military threat with their core liberties intact. The focus is not on the more familiar liberty versus security trade-offs, but on the ways in which divided political authority in democracies serves as a check (...)
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    Killing in war and the moral equality thesis.Claire Finkelstein - 2016 - Social Philosophy and Policy 32 (2):184-203.
    :In his famous book Just and Unjust Wars, Michael Walzer articulates a thesis he calls the “Moral Equality of Soldiers,” namely, the principle that combatants have an equal right to kill other combatants in war, regardless of the justice of the cause for which they are fighting. The Moral Equality Thesis, as I shall call it, is an essential component of traditional Just War Theory, in that it provides the basis for distinguishing the jus in bello from the jus ad (...)
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    Just war criteria and the new face of war: Human shields, manufactured martyrs, and little boys with stones.Michael Skerker - 2004 - Journal of Military Ethics 3 (1):27-39.
    This article applies jus in bello criteria to a relatively novel tactic in asymmetrical warfare: the attempt by a conventionally weaker force to shape the conditions of combat so that the (morally scrupulous) stronger force cannot advance without violating the rules of war. The weaker side accomplishes this by placing its own civilian population before the attacking force: by encouraging or forcing civilians to be human shields, by launching attacks from civilian areas, by provoking reprisal massacres, by creating humanitarian disasters, (...)
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    Proportionality and responsibility.Michael Walzer - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (3):385-392.
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    Robots, Trust and War.Thomas W. Simpson - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (3):325-337.
    Putting robots on the battlefield is clearly appealing for policymakers. Why risk human lives, when robots could take our place, and do the dirty work of killing and dying for us? Against this, I argue that robots will be unable to win the kind of wars that we are increasingly drawn into. Modern warfare tends towards asymmetric conflict. Asymmetric warfare cannot be won without gaining the trust of the civilian population; this is ‘the hearts and minds’, in the (...)
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    Modern wars and their impact on national security.Andrey Kovalev - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 4 (98):37-50.
    Introduction. War occupies a special place in the mankind development because it is an integral part of its history. Thousands of researchers have been engaged in the problem of war from the standpoint of various sciences. The confrontation of nations and individual social groups as a social and political fact has been seen in philosophical thought since the epoch of the first major civilizations. However, at the present stage of society’s development, the problems of war are closely connected with the (...)
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  32. Nanotechnologically Enhanced Combat Systems: The Downside of Invulnerability.Robert Mark Simpson & Robert Sparrow - 2014 - In Bert Gordijn & Anthony Mark Cutter (eds.), In Pursuit of Nanoethics. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 89-103.
    In this paper we examine the ethical implications of emerging Nanotechnologically Enhanced Combat Systems (or 'NECS'). Through a combination of materials innovation and biotechnology, NECS are aimed at making combatants much less vulnerable to munitions that pose a lethal threat to soldiers protected by conventional armor. We argue that increasing technological disparities between forces armed with NECS and those without will exacerbate the ethical problems of asymmetric warfare. This will place pressure on the just war principles of jus in (...)
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  33. A Challenge to the Reigning Theory of the Just War.Christian Barry - 2011 - International Affairs 87 (2):457-466.
    Troubled times often gives rise to great art that reflects those troubles. So too with political theory. The greatest work of twentieth century political theory, John Rawls's A theory of justice, was inspired in various respects by extreme social and economic inequality, racialized slavery and racial segregation in the United States. Arguably the most influential work of political theory since Rawls—Michael Walzer's Just and unjust wars—a sustained and historically informed reflection on the morality of interstate armed conflict—was written in the (...)
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    Targeted killing with drones? Old arguments, new technologies.Tamar Meisels - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (1):3-16.
    The question of how to contend with terrorism in keeping with our preexisting moral and legal commitments now challenges Europe as well as Israel and the United States: how do we apply Just War Theory and International Law to asymmetrical warfare, specifically to our counter terrorism measures? What can the classic moral argument in Just and Unjust Wars teach us about contemporary targeted killings with drones? I begin with a defense of targeted killing, arguing for the advantages of pin pointed (...)
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    La démocratie et la guerre au XXIe siècle: De la paix démocratique aux guerres irrégulières.Jean-Vincent Holeindre & Geoffroy Murat (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Hermann.
    Au debut du XXIe siecle, la guerre est a la fois absente et omnipresente dans les democraties occidentales. Si la plupart des pays democratiques ne vivent plus dans l'horizon de la guerre, les nouvelles formes de violence armee, comme le terrorisme et les conflits asymetriques en Afghanistan et en Irak, occupent l'espace mediatique et les discours politiques. Le but de ce livre est de faire le point sur les relations complexes qu'entretiennent la democratie et la guerre dans la politique internationale (...)
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  36. The Grotius Sanction: Deus Ex Machina. The legal, ethical, and strategic use of drones in transnational armed conflict and counterterrorism.James Welch - 2019 - Dissertation, Leiden University
    The dissertation deals with the questions surrounding the legal, ethical and strategic aspects of armed drones in warfare. This is a vast and complex field, however, one where there remains more conflict and debate than actual consensus. -/- One of the many themes addressed during the course of this research was an examination of the evolution of modern asymmetric transnational armed conflict. It is the opinion of the author that this phenomenon represents a “grey-zone”; an entirely new paradigm of (...)
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  37.  7
    Introduction to Call for Papers on Ethics of War.Maciej Zając - 2024 - Etyka 59 (1-2):7-9.
    The field of war ethics changes its focus, and grows, in reaction to salient conflicts of the day – and this is how things should be. World War II made the deficiencies of contemporary law and policy crystal clear, remaining the obvious reference point up to this day. It was in reaction to the atrocities of the Vietnam War that Michael Walzer and others made just war theory relevant again, featured in military academies and politician’s speeches. The Iraq War inspired (...)
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  38.  18
    Predatory War, Drones and Torture: Remapping the Body in Pain.Kevin McSorley - 2019 - Body and Society 25 (3):73-99.
    Elaine Scarry argues in The Body in Pain that war is a vast and reciprocal swearing on the body, with corporeality key not only to its brutal prosecution but also to the eventual ending of the political ‘crisis of substantiation’ that war entails. However, her work has not been extensively explored with reference to significant transformations in the embodied experiences of contemporary warfare. This article thus analyses a particular articulation of late modern warfare that I term predatory war, whose current (...)
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  39.  15
    The Urban 'Battlespace'.Stephen Graham - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (7-8):278-288.
    Sustaining the military targeting of the everyday sites and spaces of urban life in the contemporary period is a new constellation of military doctrine and theory. In this the spectre of state-vs-state military conflict is seen to be in radical retreat. Instead, the new doctrine is centred around the idea that a wide spectrum of global insurgencies and ambient threats now operates across the social, technical, political, cultural and financial networks which straddle transnational scales while simultaneously penetrating the everyday spaces, (...)
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  40.  31
    Necessity in International Law.Jens David Ohlin & Larry May - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Necessity is a notoriously dangerous and slippery concept-dangerous because it contemplates virtually unrestrained killing in warfare and slippery when used in conflicting ways in different areas of international law. Jens David Ohlin and Larry May untangle these confusing strands and perform a descriptive mapping of the ways that necessity operates in legal and philosophical arguments in jus ad bellum, jus in bello, human rights, and criminal law. Although the term "necessity" is ever-present in discussions regarding the law and ethics of (...)
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  41. Human shields.Banu Bargu - 2013 - Contemporary Political Theory 12 (4):277-295.
    In recent decades, we have witnessed the emergence of new forms of warfare, which are characterized by asymmetry, irregularity and the cybernetization of weaponry. Waged from a distance, these wars have created the impression of decorporealization and low risk, at least for one of the contending parties. In contrast, the same asymmetric conflicts have been sites in which the human body has been utilized as a novel and lethal weapon. Although much scholarly attention has been paid to suicide attackers (...)
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  42.  24
    Pandours, Partisans, and Petite Guerre: The Two Dimensions of Enlightenment Discourse on War.Bruce Buchan - 2013 - Intellectual History Review 23 (3):329-347.
    During the Enlightenment period a certain notion of war came to prominence in European thought. This notion, which I here refer to as ?civilized war?, centred on the idea that European war-making in the eighteenth century was characterised by humanity and honour. This image of European war-making was sustained by a variety of intellectuals and even some military practitioners who reflected not only on the practice of war in Europe in this period, but on the practice of war among supposedly (...)
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    Military ethics in professional military education--revisited.Edwin R. Micewski & Hubert Annen (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The evolving nature of armed conflict, characterized by a new emphasis on crisis management and peace support, is bringing morality to the forefront of military leadership. The challenges of today's military operations place a new imperative upon Professional Military Education (PME) to maximize the quality of instruction on ethics in terms of both content and effectiveness. This volume presents the refined proceedings of two conferences of the European Forum on Military Pedagogy dealing with ethical issues of teaching and learning in (...)
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    Ethics of War and Conflict.Asa Kasher (ed.) - 2013 - Routledge.
    Standing on the shoulders of thinkers who have sought carefully to delineate proper behaviour in armed conflict—not least to distinguish just from illegitimate wars—military ethics is a subdiscipline enjoying renewed interest and, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, increasing practical relevance. It is particularly vibrant and expansive at the moment due to the emergence of novel forms of military activity. Whereas classical warfare involved a near symmetrical encounter between opposing forces, present-day asymmetric conflicts (such as fighting terrorists and (...)
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    Hybrid War as a Phenomenon of Semantic Postmodern Discourse with Emphasis on the Military Constant as a Factor of National Security.Andriy Tkachuk & Pavlo Tkachuk - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):190-215.
    The article states the core thesis about two asymmetric modes of existence of war – physical and discursive. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the analytical and practical necessity of distinguishing between two modes of existence of hybrid warfare as a phenomenon of physical reality and as a discursive construct, as well as to raise questions about the value specificity of the relationship between them. The methodology of work represents the implication of two asymmetric modes of (...)
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  46. Cser protocol on religion, warfare, and violence.Warfare Religion - 2006 - In R. Joseph Hoffmann (ed.), The Just War and Jihad. Prometheus Press. pp. 277.
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    A Framework to Integrate Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects (ELSA) in the Development and Deployment of Human Performance Enhancement (HPE) Technologies and Applications in Military Contexts.Human Behaviour Marc Steen Koen Hogenelst Heleen Huijgen A. Tno, The Hague Collaboration, Human Performance The Netherlandsb Tno, The Netherlandsc Tno Soesterberg, Aerospace Warfare Surface, The NetherlAndsmarc Steen Works As A. Senior Research ScientIst At Tno The Hague, Value-Sensitive Design Human-Centred Design, Virtue Ethics HIs Mission is To Promote The Design Applied Ethics Of Technology, Flourish Koen Hogenelst Works As A. Senior Research Scientist at Tno ApplicAtion Of Technologies In Ways That Help To Create A. Just Society In Which People Can Live Well Together, His Research COncentrates on Measuring A. Background In Neuroscience, Cognitive Performance Improving Mental Health, Military Domains HIs Goal is To Align Experimental Research In Both The Civil, Field-Based Research Applied, Practical Use To Pave The Way For Implementation, Consultant At Tno Impact Heleen Huijgen Is A. Legal Scientist & StrAtegic Environment Her MIssion is To Create Legal Safeguards Fo Technologies - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3-4):219-244.
    Volume 23, Issue 3-4, November - December 2024, Page 219-244.
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    Asymmetric Information and Corporate Social Responsibility.Thomas Kaspereit, Frerich Buchholz & Kerstin Lopatta - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (3):458-488.
    This article addresses the question whether companies benefit from their commitment to corporate social responsibility. The authors argue that firms which score high on CSR activities build investor confidence and find evidence that they benefit from lower information asymmetry. The authors measure information asymmetry by insider trading, which is defined as the trading of a company’s shares by corporate insiders who have an information advantage with the aim to reap gains or avoid losses. Using a sample of U.S. firms listed (...)
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    Asymmetrism about Desire Satisfactionism and Time.Eden Lin - 2017 - In Mark C. Timmons (ed.), Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, Vol 7. Oxford University Press. pp. 161-183.
    Desire-satisfaction theories of welfare must answer the timing question: when do you benefit from the satisfaction of one of your desires? There are three existing views about this: the Time of Desire view, on which you benefit at just those times when you have the desire; the Time of Object view, on which you benefit just when the object of your desire obtains; and Concurrentism, on which you benefit just when you have the desire and its object obtains. This paper (...)
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    What Asymmetric Coordination in German tells us about the syntax and semantics of conditionals.Ingo Reich - 2009 - Natural Language Semantics 17 (3):219-244.
    In this paper, I argue on empirical grounds that (VL-initial) Asymmetric Coordination in German cannot be reduced to a syntactic structure of the form [if S1, then S2], but rather needs to be analyzed as some kind of adjunction to the if-clause, i.e., along the lines of [[if S1] and S2]. This conclusion gives rise to an apparent mismatch between syntactic structure (narrow scope of if) and semantic interpretation (wide scope of if). To resolve this paradoxical situation, I propose (...)
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