Results for 'Astrid Eich-Krohm'

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  1.  6
    Book Review: The CDU and the Politics of Gender in Germany: Bringing Women to the Party. [REVIEW]Astrid Eich-Krohm - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (3):529-530.
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    Book Review: German Professionals in the United States: A Gendered Analysis of the Migration Decision of Highly Skilled Families by Astrid Eich-Krohm[REVIEW]Smitha Radhakrishnan - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (6):946-948.
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    The Currency of Politics: The Political Theory of Money From Aristotle to Keynes.Stefan Eich - 2022 - Princeton University Press.
    Money in the history of political thought, from ancient Greece to the Great Inflation of the 1970s In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, critical attention has shifted from the economy to the most fundamental feature of all market economies—money. Yet despite the centrality of political struggles over money, it remains difficult to articulate its democratic possibilities and limits. The Currency of Politics takes readers from ancient Greece to today to provide an intellectual history of money, drawing on the (...)
  4.  26
    Memory for unattended events: Remembering with and without awareness.Eric Eich - 1984 - Memory and Cognition 12:105-11.
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    Levels of processing, encoding specificity, elaboration, and CHARM.Janet M. Eich - 1985 - Psychological Review 92 (1):1-38.
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    "Levels of processing, encoding specificity, elaboration, and CHARM": Correction to Eich.Janet Metcalfe Eich - 1985 - Psychological Review 92 (4):461-461.
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    Between Justice and Accumulation: Aristotle on Currency and Reciprocity.Stefan Eich - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (3):363-390.
    For Aristotle, a just political community has to find similarity in difference and foster habits of reciprocity. Conventionally, speech and law have been seen to fulfill this role. This article reconstructs Aristotle’s conception of currency ( nomisma) as a political institution of reciprocal justice. By placing Aristotle’s treatment of reciprocity in the context of the ancient politics of money, currency emerges not merely as a medium of economic exchange but also potentially as a bond of civic reciprocity, a measure of (...)
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    Retos filosóficos de las sociedades digitales: incertidumbre, confianza y responsabilidad.Astrid Wagner - 2022 - Dilemata 38:13-29.
    This article addresses a number of phenomena in the field of digital communication - disinformation, infodemics and conspiracy mania - that promote indifference regarding the distinction between truth and lies, fact and fiction, opinion and knowledge. They have thus decisively altered users' patterns of rationality and common sense and contributed to the rise of anti-democratic and anti-scientific positions. To address this complex problem, a systemic approach is provided that considers these phenomena to be factors that disturb the ethical-epistemic equilibrium between (...)
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    Cognition and Emotion.Eric Eich, John F. Kihlstrom, Gordon H. Bower, Joseph P. Forgas & Paula M. Niedenthal (eds.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Written in debate format, this book covers developing fields such as social cognition, as well as classic areas such as memory, learning, perception and categorization. The links between emotion and memory, learning, perception, categorization, social judgements, and behavior are addressed.
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  10.  36
    Mania, Depression, and Mood Dependent Memory.Eric Eich, Dawn Macaulay & Raymond W. Lam - 1997 - Cognition and Emotion 11 (5-6):607-618.
  11.  25
    A composite holographic associative recall model.Janet M. Eich - 1982 - Psychological Review 89 (6):627-661.
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    Green dreams of reason. Green nanotechnology between visions of excess and control.Astrid E. Schwarz - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (2):109-118.
    Nanotechnology has recently been identified with principles of sustainability and with a ‘green’ agenda generally . Some maintain that this green dream of nanotechnology is a rather ephemeral societal phenomenon that owes its existence to the campaign ploys of politics and business. This paper argues that deeper lying societal and cognitive structures are at work here that complement or even substantiate in some sense the seemingly manipulative saying of a greening of nanotechnologies. Taking seriously the concept of ‘green nano’, this (...)
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  13.  32
    Microbial Suicide: Towards a Less Anthropocentric Ontology of Life and Death.Astrid Schrader - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (3):48-74.
    While unicellular microbes such as phytoplankton (marine algae) have long been considered immortal unless eaten by predators, recent research suggests that under specific conditions entire populations of phytoplankton actively kill themselves; their assumed atemporality is being revised as marine ecologists recognize phytoplankton’s important role in the global carbon cycle. Drawing on empirical research into programmed cell death in marine microbes, this article explores how, in their study of microbial death, scientists change not only our understanding of microbial temporality, but also (...)
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  14.  48
    A Model of Consolation.Astrid Norberg, Monica Bergsten & Berit Lundman - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (6):544-553.
    Consolation is needed when a human being suffers (i.e. feels alienated from him-or herself, from other people, from the world or from his or her ultimate source of meaning). The aim of this study was to illuminate the meaning of consolation. Tape-recorded narrative interviews were carried out with 18 professionals from various spheres. The transcribed interviews were interpreted hermeneutically. A model of consolation is outlined in a drawing. It states that the mediator and the receiver of consolation must become ready (...)
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  15.  60
    Anesthesia, amnesia, and the memory/awareness distinction.Eric Eich, J. L. Reeves & R. L. Katz - 1985 - Anesthesia and Analgesia 64:1143-48.
  16.  4
    Ricœur’s Practical Philosophy of Suffering in Medicine: a Contextualization of “Suffering is Not Pain” with Other Peripheral Works.Astrid Chevance - 2024 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 15 (2):28-47.
    Contextualizing Ricœur’s lecture “Suffering is Not Pain” alongside his other peripheral works on the matter uncovers a “practical philosophy,” that could provide new perspectives for clinicians faced with suffering. The analysis unfolds in four stages. First, it examines Ricœur’s interest in dialoguing with psychiatry to nourish his philosophical work. Second, it highlights Ricœur’s contributions as a third party to help psychiatrists overcome some major issues at that time. Third, it contextualizes the topic of suffering within the prevailing medical views at (...)
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  17.  63
    Ambient Assistive Technologies : socio-technology as a powerful tool for facing the inevitable sociodemographic challenges?Astrid M. Schülke, Herbert Plischke & Niko B. Kohls - 2010 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 5:8.
    Due to the socio-demographic change in most developed western countries, elderly populations have been continuously increasing. Therefore, preventive and assistive systems that allow elderly people to independently live in their own homes as long as possible will become an economical if not ethical necessity. These respective technologies are being developed under the term "Ambient Assistive Technologies". The EU-funded AAT-project Ambient Lighting Assistance for an Ageing Population has established the long-term goal to create an adaptive system capable of improving the residential (...)
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  18. Die Bedeutung publizierter Texte für die Kritik politischer Macht : historische Entwicklungen von der klassischen griechischen Epoche bis zur Spätantike.Armin Eich - 2009 - In Gianpaolo Urso (ed.), Ordine e sovversione nel mondo greco e romano: atti del convegno internazionale, Cividale del Friuli, 25-27 settembre 2008. Pisa: ETS.
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  19. Decision-making processes among contemporary ʻulamā: Islamic embryology and the discussion of frozen embryos.Thomas Eich - 2008 - In Jonathan E. Brockopp & Thomas Eich (eds.), Muslim Medical Ethics: From Theory to Practice. University of South Carolina Press.
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    Eight Late Poems.Gunter Eich & MichaelAug 25- Hofmann - 2006 - Common Knowledge 12 (3):508-515.
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    Fundamental factors in mood-dependent memory.Eric Eich & Dawn Macaulay - 2000 - In Joseph P. Forgas (ed.), Feeling and Thinking: The Role of Affect in Social Cognition. Cambridge University Press. pp. 109--130.
  22. Islam.Thomas Eich - 2007 - In Albin Eser, Hans-Georg Koch & Carola Seith (eds.), Internationale Perspektiven zu Status und Schutz des extrakorporalen Embryos: rechtliche Regelungen und Stand der Debatte im Ausland = International perspectives on the status and protection of the extracorporeal embryo. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Islam und Bioethik: eine kritische Analyse der modernen Diskussion im islamischen Recht.Thomas Eich - 2005 - Wiesbaden: Reichert.
    In diesem Band werden bioethische Debatten behandelt, die sich unter den islamischen Rechtsgelehrten seit den 1980er Jahren entwickelt haben. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Fragen des Lebensanfangs, die sich anhand der Diskussion um den rechten Umgang mit Embryonen vor dem Hintergrund neuer Moglichkeiten der modernen Reproduktionsmedizin entwickelten. Dabei wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich moderne islamische Rechtsdiskussionen konkret entwickeln und welche Konzepte oder Faktoren diese Entwicklung beeinflussen.So wird nachgezeichnet, wie Mitte der 1980er Jahre Definitionen uber den Beginn menschlichen Lebens und (...)
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  24. Mood dependence in implicit memory.E. Eich & L. Ryan - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):498-498.
  25. Negotiating Islamic identity in Egypt through bioethics : contesting 'the West' and Saudi Arabia.Thomas Eich & Bjorn Bentlage - 2011 - In Catherine Myser (ed.), Bioethics Around the Globe. Oxford University Press.
  26.  31
    Christoph Antweiler: Was ist den Menschen gemeinsam? Über Kultur und Kulturen.Astrid Jakob - 2011 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 64 (3):265-273.
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  27. Dirt, cleanliness, and social structure in ancient Greece.Astrid Lindenlauf - 2004 - In Andrew Gardner (ed.), Agency uncovered: archaeological perspectives on social agency, power, and being human. Portland, Or.: UCL Press. pp. 81.
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    Relektüre von Hannah Arendts Dissertationsschrift: Wiederentdeckung der religiösen Wurzeln ihrer Anthropologie.Astrid Reglitz - 2005 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 49 (1):71-73.
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    Acceptable attitudes and the limits of tolerance: Understanding public attitudes to conscientious objection in healthcare.Astrid Haaland Barlaup, Åse Elise Landsverk, Bjørn Kåre Myskja, Magne Supphellen & Morten Magelssen - 2019 - Clinical Ethics 14 (3):115-121.
    BackgroundThe public’s attitudes to conscientious objection are likely to influence political decisions about CO and trust towards healthcare systems and providers. Few studies examine the pub...
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    Robots beyond Science Fiction: mutual learning in human–robot interaction on the way to participatory approaches.Astrid Weiss & Katta Spiel - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):501-515.
    Putting laypeople in an active role as direct expert contributors in the design of service robots becomes more and more prominent in the research fields of human–robot interaction and social robotics. Currently, though, HRI is caught in a dilemma of how to create meaningful service robots for human social environments, combining expectations shaped by popular media with technology readiness. We recapitulate traditional stakeholder involvement, including two cases in which new intelligent robots were conceptualized and realized for close interaction with humans. (...)
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  31. .Armin Eich - unknown
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    National greenhouse-gas accounting for effective climate policy on international trade.Astrid Kander, Magnus Jiborn, Daniel Moran & Thomas Wiedmann - 2015 - Nature Climate Change 5 (5):431-435.
    National greenhouse-gas accounting should reflect how countries’ policies and behaviours affect global emissions. Actions that contribute to reduced global emissions should be credited, and actions that increase them should be penalized. This is essential if accounting is to serve as accurate guidance for climate policy. Yet this principle is not satisfied by the two most common accounting methods. Production-based accounting used under the Kyoto Protocol does not account for carbon leakage — the phenomenon of countries reducing their domestic emissions by (...)
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  33. Environment and development : Reflections from Latin America.Astrid Ulloa - 2015 - In Thomas Albert Perreault, Gavin Bridge & James McCarthy (eds.), The Routledge handbook of political ecology. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Nurses’ roles in informed consent in a hierarchical and communal context.Astrid P. Susilo, Jan Van Dalen, Albert Scherpbier, Sugiharto Tanto, Patricia Yuhanti & Nora Ekawati - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):413-425.
    Although the main responsibility for informed consent of medical procedures rests with doctors, nurses’ roles are also important, especially as patient advocates. Nurses’ preparation for this role in settings with a hierarchical and communal culture has received little attention. We explored the views of hospital managers and nurses regarding the roles of nurses in informed consent and factors influencing these roles. We conducted a qualitative study in a private, multispecialty hospital in Indonesia. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven managers. Two (...)
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  35. Wulf Segebrecht.Christoph Meckels Verständnis Günter Eichs - forthcoming - Horizonte:235.
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    SIGNS and MEANINGS: Translation in the Middle Ages versus Translation today: The Semiotics of Translation.Astrid Guillaume - 2014 - Human and Social Studies 3 (2):47-79.
    Translation in the Middle Ages did not involve the same constraints as translation today for various reasons, which this article will attempt to highlight through a semiotic analysis of the opposing powers and other translation-related pressures which interact in the translation process. This process involves a source language and a target language, but above all a source culture and target culture. Translation in the Middle Ages, like translation today, is primarily about taking into consideration certain constraints, some of which are (...)
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    The Intertheoricity: Plasticity, Elasticity and Hybridity of Theories.Astrid Guillaume - 2015 - Human and Social Studies 4 (1):11-29.
    Theories are processes modelled by thought. When they evolve in time, they are transformed and become new theories. They may cross from one academic discipline to another, then open up to new areas of human knowledge, mixing together the humanities, art, science and even spirituality. The way they are modelled reveals their plasticity and their elasticity is tested in their potential for transfer from one domain to another, while the different contacts they make and mergers they undergo generate a certain (...)
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    Einstellung der Verbraucher zu Alternativen zur Ferkelkastration ohne Betäubung im ökologischen Landbau: Qualitative Ergebnisse aus Deutschland.Astrid Heid & Ulrich Hamm - forthcoming - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics.
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  39. Dynamic Choice, Independence and Emotions.Astrid Hopfensitz & Frans Van Winden - 2008 - Theory and Decision 64 (2):249-300.
    From the viewpoint of the independence axiom of expected utility theory, an interesting empirical dynamic choice problem involves the presence of a “global risk,” that is, a chance of losing everything whichever safe or risky option is chosen. In this experimental study, participants have to allocate real money between a safe and a risky project. Treatment variable is the particular decision stage at which a global risk is resolved: (i) before the investment decision; (ii) after the investment decision, but before (...)
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  40. Subjektivierung durch (Weiter-)Bildung.Astrid Messerschmidt - 2011 - In Bernd Lederer (ed.), "Bildung": was sie war, ist, sein sollte: zur Bestimmung eines strittigen Begriffs. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren.
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    “Hier bin ich Mensch, hier darf ich’s sein!”—Partaking in the Nanoworld.Astrid Schwarz & Alfred Nordmann - 2011 - NanoEthics 5 (2):233-243.
    Images from the nanoworld are not at all disorienting or bewildering, as one might expect from contemplating the strange and surprising features that arise where classical physics comes to an end and quantum effects begin to appear. Instead, we see the traces of explorers in a world that appears to be infinitely malleable. The paper shows that the capability to visualize processes and phenomena at the nanoscale is a matter not only of research technologies and the advancement of observational techniques, (...)
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  42.  21
    Abel Im Dialog: Perspektiven der Zeichen- Und Interpretationsphilosophie.Astrid Wagner & Ulrich Dirks (eds.) - 2018 - De Gruyter.
    Wahrnehmen, Sprechen, Denken und Handeln sind zeichenverfasste und interpretative Vorgänge. Deren Verständnis ist Ziel der Allgemeinen Zeichen- und Interpretationsphilosophie Günter Abels. Insofern hierbei Zeichen nicht bloß als Stellvertreter-für-etwas und Interpretationen nicht bloß als Deutungen-von-etwas begriffen werden, rücken die Zeichen- und Interpretationsverhältnisse in eine fundamentale Stellung. Mit diesen Grundwörtern zeitgenössischer Philosophie lassen sich auch erfahrungsorganisierende, wirklichkeits- und sinnformierende Prozesse als sinnlogische Voraussetzungen aufschlussreich beschreiben. So macht die Untersuchung der Zeichen- und Interpretationspraxis unsere alltäglichen wie auch besonderen Welt-, Fremd- und Selbstverhältnisse verständlich. (...)
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    Body memory and the emergence of metaphor in movement and speech.Astrid Kolter, Silva H. Ladewig, H. Michela Summa, Cornelia Muller, Sabine C. Koch & Thomas Fuchs - 2012 - In Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller (eds.), Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. John Benjamins. pp. 201.
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    The becoming of the experimental mode.Astrid Schwarz - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (SPE):65-83.
    Francis Bacon's experimental philosophy is discussed, and the way in which it not only shapes scientific methodology but also deeply pervades all philosophical and social learning. Bacon draws us in to participate in an experiment with experience. The central driving force is the idea that learning how to learn is necessary in order to know. To meet this requirement, he considers the relation of form and content of pivotal importance, and therefore the selection of the literary form and the form (...)
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  45.  25
    Team members’ emotional displays as indicators of team functioning.Astrid C. Homan, Gerben A. Van Kleef & Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (1):134-149.
  46.  13
    Literary gaming.Astrid Ensslin - 2014 - London, England: The MIT Press.
    A new analytical framework for understanding literary videogames, the literary-ludic spectrum, illustrated by close readings of selected works. In this book, Astrid Ensslin examines literary videogames—hybrid digital artifacts that have elements of both games and literature, combining the ludic and the literary. These works can be considered verbal art in the broadest sense (in that language plays a significant part in their aesthetic appeal); they draw on game mechanics; and they are digital-born, dependent on a digital medium (unlike, for (...)
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    "Suffering is Not Pain" by Paul Ricœur.Astrid Chevance & Luz Ascarate - 2024 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 15 (2):14-27.
    In 1992, Ricœur delivered his lecture, "Suffering is Not Pain," at a psychiatry colloquium, addressing clinicians eager to explore this profound human experience, which is notably absent from the traditional psychiatric corpus. Ricœur examined the semiology of suffering through three moments: the specific relationship between oneself and the other, the characterization of a diminution in the power to act, and, finally, a hermeneutic reflection on suffering as an enigma that has something to teach—both at the level of self-reflection on one’s (...)
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    Nurses' roles in informed consent in a hierarchical and communal context.Astrid P. Susilo, Jan Van Dalen, Albert Scherpbier, Sugiharto Tanto, Patricia Yuhanti & Nora Ekawati - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):0969733012468467.
    Although the main responsibility for informed consent of medical procedures rests with doctors, nurses’ roles are also important, especially as patient advocates. Nurses’ preparation for this role in settings with a hierarchical and communal culture has received little attention. We explored the views of hospital managers and nurses regarding the roles of nurses in informed consent and factors influencing these roles. We conducted a qualitative study in a private, multispecialty hospital in Indonesia. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven managers. Two (...)
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  49.  30
    Mood as a mediator of place dependent memory.Eric Eich - 1995 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 124 (3):293.
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    Social comparison and risk taking behavior.Astrid Gamba, Elena Manzoni & Luca Stanca - 2017 - Theory and Decision 82 (2):221-248.
    This paper studies the effects of social comparison on risk taking behavior. In our theoretical framework, decision makers evaluate the consequences of their choices relative to both their own and their peers’ conditions. We test experimentally whether the position in the social ranking affects risk attitudes. Subjects interact in a simulated workplace environment where they perform a work task, receive possibly different wages, and then undertake a risky decision that may produce an extra gain. We find that social comparison matters (...)
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