Results for 'Asian Dub Foundation'

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  1.  35
    Music for Euro-Maoists.John Hutnyk - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (3):136-158.
    This article takes up the appearance in the club circuits of Europe of cultural matter derived from radical peasant insurgency in West Bengal. It asks why the political content of cultural performance is so often glossed as exotica, and writes back some of the history of transnational, or internationalist, politics into this forum. Linking this to the celebrated Booker Prizewinning text of Arundhati Roy, and Gayatri Spivak's translations of Mahasweta Devi's writing, the contradictions of cultural politics are foregrounded.
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  2. (1 other version)Supporting Asian Christianity’s Transition from Mission to Church: A History of the Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia.[author unknown] - 2010
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    The Problem of Meaning in Early Chinese Ritual Bronzes.Graham Hutt, Rosemary E. Scott, William Watson & Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art - 1971
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    Foundations of Responsible Leadership: Asian Versus Western Executive Responsibility Orientations Toward Key Stakeholders.Michael A. Witt & Günter K. Stahl - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (3):623-638.
    Exploring the construct of social-responsibility orientation across three Asian and two Western societies, we show evidence that top-level executives in these societies hold fundamentally different beliefs about their responsibilities toward different stakeholders, with concomitant implications for their understanding and enactment of responsible leadership. We further find that these variations are more closely aligned with institutional factors than with cultural variables, suggesting a need to clarify the connection between culture and institutions on the one hand and culture and social-responsibility orientations (...)
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    The Associations among Moral Foundations, Political Ideology, and Social Issues: A Study of These Associations in an Asian Sample.I. J. Hsieh & Yung Y. Chen - 2021 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 21 (1-2):138-151.
    This study examined the relationships among moral foundations, political ideology, and controversial social issues in an Asian culture. The study sample included 835 participants who completed a moral foundations questionnaire and three questions regarding attitudes toward social issues, and a political ideology questionnaire. Results indicated that binding foundations were associated conservative tendencies, and individualizing foundations were associated liberal tendencies. Also, participants who scored higher on Authority showed higher approval of the death penalty, and those scored higher on Purity showed (...)
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  6. Foundations of East Asian Bioethics.Hyakudai Sakamoto - 1996 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 6 (2):31-32.
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    Features of National Foundation Myths in Korea: Through the Comparison with East Asian Myths.TaiHong Lim - 2007 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 52:141-177.
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    Asian American Christian ethics: voices, methods, issues.Grace Kao (ed.) - 2015 - Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press.
    An ideal volume for researchers, teachers, and students alike, Asian American Christian Ethics articulates the foundations, questions, and goals of this vibrant and flourishing field of study.--Alex Mikulich "Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics".
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    Asian Traditions of Meditation.Halvor Eifring (ed.) - 2016 - University of Hawaii Press.
    Meditation has flourished in different parts of the world ever since the foundations of the great civilizations were laid. It played a vital role in the formation of Asian cultures that trace much of their heritage to ancient India and China. This volume brings together for the first time studies of the major traditions of Asian meditation as well as material on scientific approaches to meditation. It delves deeply into the individual traditions while viewing each of them from (...)
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    (1 other version)Classic Asian philosophy: a guide to the essential texts.Joel Kupperman - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In recent years, Asian philosophies have captured increasing attention in the West, setting off a profusion of new translations of classic Asian philosophical texts like the Analects and the Tao te Ching. Yet these texts are often inaccessible to Western readers because of subtleties of the concepts and other difficulties inherent in reading across cultures. Classic Asian Philosophy is designed to give someone new to Asian philosophy a clear sense of its most foundational and widely available (...)
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    Learning from Asian philosophy.Joel Kupperman - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In an attempt to bridge the vast divide between classical Asian thought and contemporary Western philosophy, Joel J. Kupperman finds that the two traditions do not, by and large, supply different answers to the same questions. Rather, each tradition is searching for answers to their own set of questions--mapping out distinct philosophical investigations. In this groundbreaking book, Kupperman argues that the foundational Indian and Chinese texts include lines of thought that can enrich current philosophical practice, and in some cases (...)
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  12. "Asian Values" and Global Human Rights.Fred Reinhard Dallmayr - 2002 - Philosophy East and West 52 (2):173 - 189.
    Are human rights universal, and, if so, in what sense? Starting with the opposition between "foundational" universalism (as articulated in modern natural law and rationalist liberalism) and "antifoundational" skepsis or relativism (from Jeremy Bentham to Richard Rorty) and steering a path beyond this dichotomy, an inquiry is made into the "rightness" of rights-claims, a question that calls for situated, prudential judgment. With specific reference to "Asian values," Henry Rosemont's emphasis is followed on the need to differentiate between "concept clusters" (...)
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  13.  61
    An Asian Ethic of Compassion.T. R. Raghunath - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 29:139-156.
    Chidambaram Ramalingam (1823 – 1874) was a nineteenth century Indian-Tamilian poet, mystic, and visionary moral thinker well-known for his seminal contributions to Tamil religious and moral literature. He initiated a new moral and spiritual community and movement, Suddha Sanmargam, or “The Pure Path to True Harmony”, in the nineteenth century in the province of Tamilnadu in Southern India. One of Ramalingam’s texts which laid the philosophical foundation for this community and movement is his great unfinished essay “The Ethic of (...)
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    Learning From Asian Philosophy.Joel J. Kupperman - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    In an attempt to bridge the vast divide between classical Asian thought and contemporary Western philosophy, Joel J. Kupperman finds that the two traditions do not, by and large, supply different answers to the same questions. Rather, each tradition is searching for answers to their own set of questions--mapping out distinct philosophical investigations. In this groundbreaking book, Kupperman argues that the foundational Indian and Chinese texts include lines of thought that can enrich current philosophical practice, and in some cases (...)
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    Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought.J. Baird Callicott & James McRae (eds.) - 2014 - SUNY Press.
    Seminal essays on environmental philosophy from Indian, Chinese, and Japanese traditions of thought. Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought provides a welcome sequel to the foundational volume in Asian environmental ethics Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought. That volume, edited by J. Baird Callicott and Roger T. Ames and published in 1989, inaugurated comparative environmental ethics, adding Asian thought on the natural world to the developing field of environmental philosophy. This new book, edited by Callicott (...)
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    Socio‐functional foundations in science: The case of measurement.Kareem Khalifa & Sanford C. Goldberg - 2022 - Philosophical Issues 32 (1):382-397.
    We present a novel kind of “socio-functional” foundationalism rooted in the division of scientific labor. Our foundationalism is social in that it involves a socio-epistemic phenomenon we dub epistemic outsourcing, whereby claims from one group of scientists provide epistemological foundations for another group of scientists. We argue that: (1) epistemic outsourcing results in a legitimate form of epistemic foundationalism, (2) this sort of foundationalism can be used to shed light on the epistemology of measurement; and (3) epistemic outsourcing is a (...)
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    Handbook of Asian Education: A Cultural Perspective.Yong Zhao, Jing Lei, Guofang Li, Ming Fang He, Kaori Okano, Nagwa Megahed, David Gamage & Hema Ramanathan (eds.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    Comprehensive and authoritative, this _Handbook_ provides a nuanced description and analysis of educational systems, practices, and policies in Asian countries and explains and interprets these practices from cultural, social, historical, and economic perspectives. Using a culture-based framework, the volume is organized in five sections, each devoted to educational practices in one civilization in Asia: Sinic, Japanese, Islamic, Buddhist, and Hindu. Culture and culture identities essentially are civilization identities; the major differences among civilizations are rooted in their different cultures. This (...)
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  18.  8
    The foundation of buddhist practice.Thubten Chodron & Dalai Lama - 2018 - Somerville: Wisdom Publications. Edited by Thubten Chodron.
    The second volume in the Dalai Lama’s definitive and comprehensive series on the stages of the Buddhist path, The Library of Wisdom and Compassion. Volume 1, Approaching the Buddhist Path, contained introductory material that set the context for Buddhist practice. This second volume, The Foundation of Buddhist Practice, contains the important teachings that will help us establish a flourishing Dharma practice. The Foundation of Buddhist Practice begins with the four seals shared by all Buddhist philosophies, and moves on (...)
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    Finding Wisdom in East Asian Classics.Wm Theodore de Bary (ed.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    _Finding Wisdom in East Asian Classics_ is an essential, all-access guide to the core texts of East Asian civilization and culture. Essays address frequently read, foundational texts in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese, as well as early modern fictional classics and nonfiction works of the seventeenth century. Building strong links between these writings and the critical traditions of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism, this volume shows the vital role of the classics in the shaping of Asian history and (...)
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    The aesthetics of asian art: The study of montien boonma in the undergraduate education classroom.Mary Ann Maslak - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (2):67-82.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Aesthetics of Asian Art:The Study of Montien Boonma in the Undergraduate Education ClassroomMary Ann Maslak (bio)John Dewey, in his Experience and Nature, expounds on the developmental nature of human experience premised on the concept of qualitative propinquity—the integration and harmonization with the environment exemplifies the essence of experience. This principal line of reasoning shapes his fundamental argument in Art as Experience, one of Dewey's most significant educational (...)
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  21. The Foundations of Skeptical Theism.Stephen J. Wykstra & Timothy Perrine - 2012 - Faith and Philosophy 29 (4):375-399.
    Some skeptical theists use Wykstra’s CORNEA constraint to undercut Rowe-style inductive arguments from evil. Many critics of skeptical theism accept CORNEA, but argue that Rowe-style arguments meet its constraint. But Justin McBrayer argues that CORNEA is itself mistaken. It is, he claims, akin to “sensitivity” or “truth-tracking” constraints like those of Robert Nozick; but counterexamples show that inductive evidence is often insensitive. We here defend CORNEA against McBrayer’s chief counterexample. We first clarify CORNEA, distinguishing it from a deeper underlying principle (...)
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  22.  13
    Turning Toward Technology: A Glimpse Into the Asian Paradigm.George Teschner & Alessandro Tomasi - 2016 - New Brunswick (U.S.A.): Routledge.
    We live in an age when the dominant technologically utilitarian worldview is undergoing a transformation. To increase our awareness of this change, Turning Toward Technology introduces readers to the possibility of an alternative technological worldview by examining foundational concepts to Asian thought. The early Eastern philosophical treatment of technology was not ethical, but ontological, exhibiting sensitivity to how human existence was defined and determined in its relation to technology and to reality as a whole. Within the Eastern cultural orientation, (...)
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  23. New foundations for counterfactuals.Franz Huber - 2014 - Synthese 191 (10):2167-2193.
    Philosophers typically rely on intuitions when providing a semantics for counterfactual conditionals. However, intuitions regarding counterfactual conditionals are notoriously shaky. The aim of this paper is to provide a principled account of the semantics of counterfactual conditionals. This principled account is provided by what I dub the Royal Rule, a deterministic analogue of the Principal Principle relating chance and credence. The Royal Rule says that an ideal doxastic agent’s initial grade of disbelief in a proposition AA , given that the (...)
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  24.  16
    From Pharmaceutical Innovation to Revenue Generation: The Asian Experience.Subir Kumar Basak - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (S1):62-75.
    Asia’s pharmaceutical sector has experienced remarkable growth over the last two decades, with companies in the region producing bulk of the world’s specialty generics, biologicals, and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). The Asian pharma growth story has had several pillars for a strong and sustainable foundation that provided non-linear growth. This report introduces three models showing how Asian countries at different development stages — India, South Korea, and Singapore — have nurtured their own, self-sustaining pharmaceutical sectors.
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  25.  18
    Whole Person Education in East Asian Universities: Perspectives from Philosophy and Beyond.Benedict S. B. Chan & Victor C. M. Chan (eds.) - 2021 - Routledge.
    This book provides much new thinking on the phenomenon of whole person education, a phenomenon which features strongly in East Asian universities, and which aims to develop students intellectually, spiritually, and ethically, to master critical thinking skills, to explore ethical challenges in the surrounding community and to acquire a broad based foundation of knowledge in humanities, society and nature. The book considers different approaches to whole person education, including Confucian, Buddhist, and Chinese perspectives, Western philosophy and religion and (...)
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    Transcultural Philosophy and Its Foundations in Implicate Logic.David Bartosch - 2022 - Asian Studies · Azijske Študije 10 (3):107-126.
    This article provides a transcultural, “transversal” investigation. It starts from the philosophical problem of knowing non-knowing. In chapters 1 and 2, the first expressions of this problem by Confucius and Socrates are considered. Against this background, new transcultural working concepts are developed. A new key term to be established here is that of an “implicate logic”. It refers to the reflection of unity of unity and difference and therefore to the very condition of the possibility of (differentiating) thinking as such. (...)
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  27.  1
    New Old Foundations for Confucian Ethical Philosophy: Itō Jinsai, Dai Zhen, and Jeong Yakyong.Philip J. Ivanhoe - 2014 - Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies 11 (1):77-133.
    This essay presents and compares core elements of the ethical theories of three neo-Confucian thinkers, Itō Jinsai 伊藤仁齋 (1627-1705), Dai Zhen 戴震 (1722-1776), and Jeong Yakyong 丁若鏞 (1762-1836), and argues that their criticisms of the Cheng-Zhu School represent a distinctive type and style of Confucianism, spanning the three major East Asian cultures of China, Korea, and Japan. Moreover, the essay defends their primary criticisms of the neo-Confucian metaphysical foundations for ethics as valid and argues that they should have a (...)
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  28.  68
    Kenneth J. Doka, Amy S. Tucci, Charles A. Corr, and Bruce Jennings : End-of-life ethics: a case study approach: Hospice Foundation of America, Washington, DC, 2012, 281 pp, $ 32.95 , ISBN: 978-1893-349148.William G. Hoy - 2014 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 35 (5):395-399.
    As readers of Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics undoubtedly know, edited books can be highly uneven in their quality, with some chapters excelling in content, depth, and readability while others languish in mediocrity. Volumes in an annually issued series run an even greater risk of suffering the plague of inferiority, especially after many years of fame and success. End-of-Life Ethics: A Case Study Approach clearly overcomes these maladies and provides readers with an excellent collection of well-written, thought-provoking essays.The Hospice Foundation (...)
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    Moral foundations for responsible leadership at a time of crisis.Hamid Khurshid, Crystal Xinru Wu & Robin Stanley Snell - forthcoming - Asian Journal of Business Ethics:1-32.
    This paper analyzes perceptions of responsible leadership in eight Asia-based firms during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The focal firms were a mixture of multinational corporations (MNCs), large-sized enterprises, and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In all eight focal firms, we found that the responsible decision-making of leaders during the pandemic was perceived to be guided by five main moral principles. These comprised equity-based justice for employees, meeting employees’ basic needs, ethics of care for employees, concern for non-employee (...)
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    Buddhist Compassion as a Foundation for Human Rights.Eugene Rice - 2005 - Social Philosophy Today 21:95-108.
    The basic philosophical question underlying the Asian values debates is whether human rights represent a universal moral concern applicable to humans in every culture or whether they are simply another form of Western imperialism. While most of the philosophical work on this issue has focused on Confucian and Marxist elements, there is a growing interest in tackling the topic from a Buddhist perspective. This paper evaluates Jay Garfield’s attempt to reconcile Buddhist ethics with Western-style human rights. Garfield endeavors to (...)
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    Autonomy, Humane Medicine, and Research Ethics: An East Asian Perspective.David K. Chan - 2004 - In Michael C. Brannigan, Cross-Cultural Biotechnology: A Reader. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 127-137.
    In Chinese Confucian medical ethics, the principle of autonomy has not been recognized. Instead, the basic values of medical practice are compassion and humaneness. Patient autonomy however lies at the foundation of Western medical ethics in general and research ethics in particular. In the modern world of biotechnology, what happens when medical research is carried out in an East Asian society? Should the society adopt principles of Western medical ethics? Or can resources to ensure ethical research be found (...)
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    On the Limited Foundations of Western Skepticism towards Indigenous Psychological Thinking: Pragmatics, Politics, and Philosophy of Indigenous Psychology.James H. Liu - 2011 - Social Epistemology 25 (2):133 - 140.
    The problem of defining culture has exercised anthropologists but not cross?cultural psychologists because psychological science is based on quantitative forms of empiricism where the validity of categorical boundaries is determined by their predictive utility. Furthermore, many indigenous psychologies have been allied to nation?building projects in the developing world that choose to gloss over within state ethnic differences for the purposes of national strength and unity. Finally, Carl Martin Allwood?s target article ?On the foundation of the indigenous psychologies? (2011, Social (...)
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    On the Principle of Comparative East Asian Philosophy: Nishida Kitarō and Mou Zongsan.Tomomi Asakura - 2013 - National Central University Journal of Humanities 54:1-25.
    Recent research both on the Kyoto School and on the contemporary New Confucians suggests significant similarities between these two modern East Asian philosophies. Still missing is, however, an explanation of the shared philosophical ideas that serve as the foundation for comparative studies. For this reason, I analyze the basic theories of the two distinctly East Asian philosophies of Nishida Kitarō (1870-1945) and Mou Zongsan (1909-95) so as to identify and extract the same type of argument. This is (...)
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    The experiential foundations of shamanic healing.James McClenon - 1993 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 18 (2):107-127.
    An experience-centered approach reveals empirical foundations for shamanic healing. This article is based on data derived from surveys of Chinese, Japanese, Caucasian-American, and African-American populations and participant observation of over thirty Asian shamans. Respondents reported anomalous events such as apparitions, extrasensory perceptions, contact with the dead, precognitive dreams, clairvoyance, and out-of-body experiences. Based on folk reasoning, these episodes support belief in spirits, souls, and life after death. Shamanic healers have a far greater propensity to experience anomalous events than general (...)
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    Christian Spiritual Formation in a Southeast Asian Theological College.Jimmy Boon-Chai Tan - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (2):163-179.
    This article is an account of the teaching and practice of a course on Christian spirituality and ministry at Trinity Theological College in Singapore. It introduces the design of the course, discuss its theological foundations and practicums, and explains how it is delivered and assessed. The course adopts a historical-theological approach to the introduction of Christian spirituality and traces its development from the early church until the Protestant and Catholic Reformations. It introduces spiritual exercises from each epoch of the Christian (...)
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    Junzi virtues: a Confucian foundation for harmony within organizations.Robin Stanley Snell, Crystal Xinru Wu & Hong Weng Lei - 2022 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 11 (1):183-226.
    The classical literature on Confucianism exhorted leaders to practice five core virtues as the basis for becoming a noble person and for sustaining harmonious communities built on trust and good example. We present a theory about how the senior management in modern corporations, by enacting the five Junzi virtues through virtuous environmental, social, and governance policies and practices, might inspire virtue-based relationships between superiors and subordinates and between employees. We argue that if middle managers and employees observe and experience that (...)
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  37.  34
    Buddhists, Brahmins, and Belief: Epistemology in South Asian Philosophy of Religion.Daniel Anderson Arnold - 2005 - Columbia University Press.
    In _Buddhists, Brahmins, and Belief_, Dan Arnold examines how the Brahmanical tradition of Purva Mimamsa and the writings of the seventh-century Buddhist Madhyamika philosopher Candrakirti challenged dominant Indian Buddhist views of epistemology. Arnold retrieves these two very different but equally important voices of philosophical dissent, showing them to have developed highly sophisticated and cogent critiques of influential Buddhist epistemologists such as Dignaga and Dharmakirti. His analysis--developed in conversation with modern Western philosophers like William Alston and J. L. Austin--offers an innovative (...)
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    The religious foundations of Nishida's philosophy.R. P. Peerenboom - 1991 - Asian Philosophy 1 (2):161 – 173.
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    Reconstructionist confucianism and health care: An asian moral account of health care resource allocation.Ruiping Fan - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (6):675 – 682.
    In this article, I offer an abridged reconstruction of the foundational elements of Confucian moral commitments, which, I will argue, still provide the background moral substance for moral reflection in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and Korea. The essay presents implications of Confucianism for establishing an appropriate health care system and critically assesses the features of current health polices in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Singapore. The goal is to offer a family-oriented, non-individualist account of resource allocation that takes (...)
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    Joseph Millum, The Moral Foundations of Parenthood: Oxford University Press, 2018, 168 pp., £41.99 , ISBN 9780190695439.Harisan Unais Nasir - 2018 - Asian Bioethics Review 10 (4):333-335.
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    Processions, Seductions, Divine Battles: Aśvaghoṣa at the Foundations of Old Javanese Literature.Thomas M. Hunter - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (2):341-360.
    The influence of Aśvaghoṣa on the later tradition of kāvya was largely passed over in the South Asian tradition, even though the debt to his influence is clear in processional scenes developed by Kālidāsa and the attempted seduction of Arjuna developed by Bhāravi in his Kirātārjunīyam. We know from the testimony of the Chinese pilgrim Yijing that the Buddhacarita was a revered object of study in the Sumatran capital Śrībhoga near the close of the seventh century CE. It thus (...)
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    Thoughts on Jun Otsuka’s Thinking about Statistics – the Philosphical Foundations.Elliott Sober - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-11.
    Jun Otsuka’s excellent book, Thinking about Statistics - the Philosophical Foundations (Otsuka 2023) is mostly organized around the idea that different statistical approaches can be illuminated by linking them to different ideas in general epistemology. Otsuka connects Bayesianism to internalism and foundationalism, frequentism to reliabilism, and the Akaike Information Criterion in model selection theory to instrumentalism. This useful mapping doesn’t cover all the interesting ideas he presents. His discussions of causal inference and machine learning are philosophically insightful, as is his (...)
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    (1 other version)Space, Time and the Ethical Foundations.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2002 - Ashgate Publishing.
    Anthony C. Yu, Carl Buck Distinguished Professor in Humanities, Chairman, Division of East Asian Languages, University of Chicago, Divinity School, writes: "Robert Allinson's book represents tremendous thoughtfulness, originality, and erudition. Its wide-ranging and lucid discussions cover a huge terrain, from ancient metaphysics to quantum mechanics. The enlistment of certain classical Confucian concepts and themes at critical junctures to advance the book's argument also provides luminous comparison. His interpretation of the Confucian emphasis on life as social and self-preservation is both (...)
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  44. Alan Weir. Truth through Proof: A Formalist Foundation for Mathematics. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-19-954149-2. Pp. xiv+281: Critical Studies/Book Reviews. [REVIEW]John P. Burgess - 2011 - Philosophia Mathematica 19 (2):213-219.
    Alan Weir’s new book is, like Darwin’s Origin of Species, ‘one long argument’. The author has devised a new kind of have-it-both-ways philosophy of mathematics, supposed to allow him to say out of one side of his mouth that the integer 1,000,000 exists and even that the cardinal ℵω exists, while saying out of the other side of his mouth that no numbers exist at all, and the whole book is devoted to an exposition and defense of this new view. (...)
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  45. Original Tao: Inward Training and the Foundations of Taoist Mysticism (review). [REVIEW]John Allen Tucker - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (2):307-310.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Original Tao: Inward Training and the Foundations of Taoist MysticismJohn A. TuckerOriginal Tao: Inward Training and the Foundations of Taoist Mysticism. By Harold D. Roth. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. Pp. v + 268. Hardcover $29.50.Searching for the origins of things remains a perennial favorite of Western scholars. For millennia, this quest has been at the core of innumerable scholarly projects. However, it has had significantly less (...)
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    Understanding Mozi's Foundations of Morality: a Comparative Perspective.Xiufen Lu - 2006 - Asian Philosophy 16 (2):123-134.
    In the Western studies of the texts of Mozi, three distinctive views have surfaced in the past few decades: (1) Mozi is inconsistent because he seems to have been committed to both a Utilitarian standard and a divine command theory; (2) Mozi is a divine command theorist who argues that it is right to benefit the world because it is the will of heaven; and (3) Mozi is a utilitarian thinker who has based morality on the criterion of whether actions (...)
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    Understanding Mozi's Foundations of Morality: a Comparative Perspective.Xiufen Lu 1 - 2006 - Asian Philosophy 16 (2):123-134.
    In the Western studies of the texts of Mozi, three distinctive views have surfaced in the past few decades: (1) Mozi is inconsistent because he seems to have been committed to both a Utilitarian standard and a divine command theory; (2) Mozi is a divine command theorist who argues that it is right to benefit the world because it is the will of heaven; and (3) Mozi is a utilitarian thinker who has based morality on the criterion of whether actions (...)
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  48. Early confucian principles: The potential theoretic foundation of democracy in modern china.Keqian Xu - 2006 - Asian Philosophy 16 (2):135 – 148.
    The subtle and complex relation between Confucianism and modern democracy has long been a controversial issue, and it is now again becoming a topical issue in the process of political modernization in contemporary China. This paper argues that there are some quite basic early Confucian values and principles that are not only compatible with democracy, but also may become the theoretic foundation of modern democracy in China. Early Confucianism considers 'the people's will' as the direct representative of 'Heaven's will', (...)
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    A Study into Ge Hong(葛洪)'s Nurturing Life - On the Lineage, Theoretical Foundation and Practice and Meaning of the Main Nurturing Life Techniques -.Jung Woo Jin - 2013 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 40:339-369.
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    Kang Jungildang’s Study Theory and its Philosophical Foundation.Sang-Who Shin - 2019 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 51:27-80.
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