Results for 'Articulation'

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  1.  40
    Articulating the World: Conceptual Understanding and the Scientific Image.Joseph Rouse - 2015 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Naturalism as a guiding philosophy for modern science both disavows any appeal to the supernatural or anything else transcendent to nature, and repudiates any philosophical or religious authority over the workings and conclusions of the sciences. A longstanding paradox within naturalism, however, has been the status of scientific knowledge itself, which seems, at first glance, to be something that transcends and is therefore impossible to conceptualize within scientific naturalism itself. In Articulating the World, Joseph Rouse argues that the most pressing (...)
  2. Be Articulate: A Pragmatic Theory of Presupposition Projection.Philippe Schlenker - 2008 - Theoretical Linguistics 34 (3):157-212.
    : In the 1980s, the analysis of presupposition projection contributed to a ‘dynamic turn’ in semantics: the classical notion of meanings as truth conditions was replaced with a dynamic notion of meanings as Context Change Potentials. We argue that this move was misguided, and we offer an alternative in which presupposition projection follows from the combination of a fully classical semantics and a new pragmatic principle, which we call Be Articulate. This principle requires that a meaning pp’ conceptualized as involving (...)
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  3. Articulating the social: Expressive domination and Dewey’s epistemic argument for democracy.Just Serrano-Zamora - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (10):1445-1463.
    This paper aims at providing an epistemic defense of democracy based on John Dewey’s idea that democracies do not only find problems and provide solutions to them but they also articulate problems. According to this view, when citizens inquire about collective issues, they also partially shape them. This view contrasts with the standard account of democracy’s epistemic defense, according to which democracy’s is good at tracking and finding solutions that are independent of political will-formation and decision-making. It is also less (...)
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  4. Articulating an uncompromising forgiveness.Pamela Hieronymi - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (3):529-555.
    I first pose a challenge which, it seems to me, any philosophical account of forgiveness must meet: the account must be articulate and it must allow for forgiveness that is uncompromising. I then examine an account of forgiveness which appears to meet this challenge. Upon closer examination we discover that this account actually fails to meet the challenge—but it fails in very instructive ways. The account takes two missteps which seem to be taken by almost everyone discussing forgiveness. At the (...)
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  5. Articulating Reasons: An Introduction to Inferentialism.Steven Gross - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (2):284.
    This is a book review of: Robert B. Brandom, Articulating Reasons: An Introduction to Inferentialism. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000. Pp. 230.
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    Articulation dynamics and evaluative conditioning: investigating the boundary conditions, mental representation, and origin of the in-out effect.Moritz Ingendahl, Ira Theresa Maschmann, Nina Embs, Amelie Maulbetsch, Tobias Vogel & Michaela Wänke - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (6):1074-1089.
    People prefer linguistic stimuli with an inward (e.g. BODIKA) over those with an outward articulation dynamic (e.g. KODIBA), a phenomenon known as the articulatory in-out effect. Despite its robustness across languages and contexts, the phenomenon is still poorly understood. To learn more about the effect’s boundary conditions, mental representation, and origin, we crossed the in-out effect with evaluative conditioning research. In five experiments (N = 713, three experiments pre-registered), we systematically paired words containing inward versus outward dynamics with pictures (...)
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  7. Articulating a Thought.Eli Alshanetsky - 2019 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Eli Alshanetsky considers how we make our thoughts clear to ourselves in the process of putting them into words and examines the paradox of those difficult cases where we do not already know what we are struggling to articulate.
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    Articulations of antimicrobial resistance in trade union financed journals for nurses in Scandinavia – A Foucauldian perspective.Stinne Glasdam, Henrik Loodin & Jonas Wrigstad - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (3):e12396.
    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacterial infections is a growing threat to humanity and a challenge to healthcare systems worldwide. Healthcare professionals have an important role in preventing AMR and the spreading of infections. This article focuses on trade union financed journals for nurses in Scandinavia studying how the journals articulate AMR to its readership. A systematic literature search over an eleven‐year period was conducted, using web‐based national trade union financed journals, searching for ‘bacteria’ and ‘resistance’. A thematic analysis, inspired by (...)
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    Articulating reasons: An introduction to inferentialism.F. MacBride - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (2):237 – 238.
    Book Information Articulating Reasons: An Introduction To Inferentialism. By Brandom Robert. Harvard University Press. Cambridge. 2000. Pp. 230. Hardback, £23.95.
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    L 'articulation de l'éthique et du politique dans l'horizon d'une philosophie de l'acte (2e partie).Jean-Luc Amalric - 2016 - Eco-Ethica 5:233-250.
    The aim of this paper is to show the anthropological resources of Ricceur’s philosophy of the act, in order to elaborate a living articulation of ethics and politics that avoids the deadlock which represents the idea of a complete divorce between moral idealism and political realism. In this second part, it defends the thesis that the reconquest of an “ethical-political teleology” is only possible to the extent that, in Ricceur, the reappropriation of the “ethical originary affirmation” takes a radically (...)
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    Articulating Values Through Identity Work: Advancing Family Business Ethics Research.Marleen Dieleman & Juliette Koning - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (4):675-687.
    Family values are argued to enable ethical family business conduct. However, how these arise, evolve, and how family leaders articulate them is less understood. Using an ‘identity work’ approach, this paper finds that the values underpinning identity work: arise from multiple sources, evolve in tandem with the context; and, that their articulation is relational and aspirational, rather than merely historical. Prior research mostly understood family values as rooted in the past and relatively stable, but our rhetorical analysis unlocks a (...)
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  12.  92
    Articulation and acoustic confusability in short-term memory.D. J. Murray - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (4p1):679.
  13.  79
    Articulation of Parts Explanation in Biology and the Rational Search for Them.Stuart A. Kauffman - 1970 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1970:257 - 272.
  14.  11
    Articulations of eroticism and race: Domestic service in Latin America.Peter Wade - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (2):187-202.
    ‘Service’, particularly ‘domestic service’, operates as a specific articulation or intersection of processes of race, class, gender and age that reiterates images of the sexual desirability of some women racially marked by blackness or indigeneity in Latin America. The sexualisation of racially subordinated people has been linked to the exercise of power. This article focuses on an aspect of subordination related to the condition of being a servant, and the ‘domestication’ and ‘acculturation’ that domestic service implies in societies where (...)
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    ‘Articulating the unsaid’ via and-prefaced formulations of others’ talk.Galina B. Bolden - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (1):5-32.
    This article provides a conversation analytic description of a previously unstudied conversational action: ‘articulating the unsaid’ via and-prefaced formulations of other people’s talk. Contributing to the extant research on formulations and on interactional functions of discourse markers, the article shows that and-prefaced formulations accomplish a distinct conversational action that has the following features: these formulations are assertions about the addressee’s domain of knowledge that perform a repair operation in the form of a request for confirmation; they articulate a ‘missing’ element (...)
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    Symbolic Articulation: Image, Word, and Body Between Action and Schema.Sabine Marienberg (ed.) - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    In a unique cooperation between philosophy, linguistics, art history, and ancient studies, this volume focuses on ways in which the entangled and embodied nature of image and language enables us to symbolically articulate the world and our experience in a great variety of forms. It lays the foundation for a new cultural anthropology of symbolic processes.
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    Articulating Babel: An approach to cultural evolution.William C. Wimsatt - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4):563-571.
    After an initial discussion of the character of interdisciplinary linkages between complex disciplines, I consider an area with confluences of many diverse disciplines—the study of cultural evolution. This must embrace not only the traditional biological sciences, but also the multiple often warring disciplines of the human sciences. This interdisciplinary articulation is in its early stages compared, e.g., to that of evolutionary biology or evolutionary developmental biology, and I try to lay out major axes along which its articulation should (...)
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  18.  62
    Articulation and Liars.Sergi Oms - 2017 - Disputatio 9 (46):383-399.
    Jamie Tappenden was one of the first authors to entertain the possibility of a common treatment for the Liar and the Sorites paradoxes. In order to deal with these two paradoxes he proposed using the Strong Kleene semantic scheme. This strategy left unexplained our tendency to regard as true certain sentences which, according to this semantic scheme, should lack truth value. Tappenden tried to solve this problem by using a new speech act, articulation. Unlike assertion, which implies truth, (...) only implies non-falsity. In this paper I argue that Tappenden’s strategy cannot be successfully applied to truth and the Liar. (shrink)
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    Articulation Speaks to Executive Function: An Investigation in 4- to 6-Year-Olds.Nicole Netelenbos, Robbin L. Gibb, Fangfang Li & Claudia L. R. Gonzalez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:316841.
    Executive function (EF) and language learning play a prominent role in early childhood development. Empirical research continues to point to a concurrent relation between these two faculties. What has been given little attention, however, is the association between EF and speech articulation abilities in children. This study investigated this relation in children aged 4–6 years. Significant correlations indicated that children with better EF [via parental report of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) inventory] exhibited stronger speech sound (...)
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  20.  15
    Articulation and transparency of decision-making by human research ethics committees.G. Davies & L. Gillam - 2007 - Monash Bioethics Review 26 (1-2):46-56.
    In this paper, we argue that Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs) have an obligation to clearly articulate, document and be accountable for the reasons for their decisions, and to make their documentation available for external scrutiny. We advance two arguments to support this claim. The first is that this is a legal obligation — that HRECs, by virtue of the way they are established under legislation, are required by law to provide statements of reasons. The second is an ethical argument (...)
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  21. Articulated terms.Mark Richard - 1993 - Philosophical Perspectives 7:207-230.
  22.  86
    Dominant Articulations in Academic Business and Society Discourse on NGO–Business Relations: A Critical Assessment. [REVIEW]Salla Laasonen, Martin Fougère & Arno Kourula - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (4):521-545.
    Relations between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and companies have been the subject of a sharply increasing amount of publications in recent years within academic business journals. In this article, we critically assess this fast-developing body of literature, which we treat as forming a ‘business and society discourse’ on NGO–business relations. Drawing on discourse theory, we examine 199 academic articles in 11 business and society, international business, and management journals. Focusing on the dominant articulations on the NGO–business relationship and key signifiers they (...)
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    Nurses’ articulations of the patients’ role when the vision is partnership: A qualitative study.Julie Mondahl & Kirsten Frederiksen - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (2):e12327.
    Although principles such as ‘patient participation’ and ‘patient involvement’ have become ideals in health‐care, they have proven to be difficult to apply in practice. In 2014, one Danish region issued an official document that included the vision of ‘the patient as partner’. However, little is known about how such a vision affects clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to investigate nurses’ views on how partnerships between them and patients are established considering this vision. We conducted semi‐structured interviews with (...)
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  24.  95
    The Articulated Life: An Interview with Charles Taylor.Ruth Abbey - 2001 - Philosophy of Management 1 (3):3-9.
    Charles Taylor is one of the most prolific and wide-ranging philosophers in the English-speaking world today. He writes with authority in the fields of moral theory, political philosophy, theories of language, the history of western thought, epistemology and hermeneutics.1 Currently an Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at McGill University, he has enjoyed a distinguished academic career which includes being Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory at Oxford University. He has also been active and influential in the politics of his native (...)
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    Mieux articuler ses croyances et ses pratiques en matière d’inclusion gr'ce au soutien d’un dispositif ULIS : perspectives et limites.Olivier Kheroufi-Andriot - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):239-258.
    A French secondary school teacher is committed to the inclusion of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, and aligning her beliefs with her inclusion practices is by no means obvious. She nevertheless succeeds with the support of a school adaptation system at her college, and the results of our field survey, which took the form of a socio-anthropological approach centered on the case study, help to better understand how and why the support she receives from this system allows her to align her (...)
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  26.  13
    Moral articulation: on the development of new moral concepts.Matthew Congdon - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book explores the historical development of new moral concepts, an activity the author labels "moral articulation." Starting from examples of new moral language developed in the twentieth century, like 'sexual harassment', 'genocide', 'racism', and 'hate speech', this book asks: are we simply naming moral realities that already existed, fully formed and intact, prior to their expression in language? Or do changes in our concepts and language sometimes reshape the objects they bring to light? Moral Articulation outlines an (...)
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  27.  1
    Re-articulating care and carelessness in precarious times: An introduction.John Nguyet Erni - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    Care is a contradictory terrain, as seen in the persistence of both socioeconomic vulnerabilities and the wide range of compassionate discourses and practices in society, including in the education landscape. The pandemic has laid bare the fault lines embedded within healthcare systems, schools, and biopolitical frameworks, unveiling important challenges that permeate the institutional, emotional, and relational dimensions of care provision and reception. Engaging in interdisciplinary thinking spanning from Education, Philosophy, Environmental Humanities, Film Studies, Literary Studies, to Cultural Studies, the collection (...)
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    Should moral commitments be articulated? An introduction.Ariën Voogt & Petruschka Schaafsma - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (5):303-308.
    This Special Issue questions a basic assumption in thinking about morality: the idea that the explicit articulation of moral commitments that usually remain implicit is the basis par excellence for dialogue and rapprochement between people of opposing views. Nicholas Adams shows in the main article of this Special Issue that there is a paradox behind this assumption concerning ethics itself: articulating moral commitments may end up undermining them. It inherently stands in tension with forms of life as people actually (...)
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  29.  14
    Articulating Scientific Practice with PROTEE: STS, Loyalties, and the Limits of Reflexivity.Ruth McNally & Helena Valve - 2013 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 38 (4):470-491.
    Scientific knowledge is the outcome of a collective, for example, of experts, methods, equipment, and experimental sites. The configuration of the collective shapes the scientific findings, allowing some interactions to become visible and meaningful at the expense of others. PROTEE is a methodology that aims to increase the reflexivity of research and innovation projects by helping to sensitize practitioners to the demarcations their projects enact and to think through how these may affect the relevance of the outcomes. We used PROTEE (...)
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  30.  37
    Re-articulating Genealogy: Hegel on Kinship, Race and Reproduction.Susanne Lettow - 2021 - Hegel Bulletin 42 (2):256-276.
    In the decades around 1800, genealogical imaginaries, or the social, political, economic and cultural meanings of descent and kinship, underwent far-reaching change. Hegel was deeply concerned with these transformations in various respects and in different parts of his philosophy. By engaging with the issues of kinship and family, with the disputes over racial diversity as well as with the scientific debates about life, reproduction and the meaning of sexual difference, Hegel contributed to a philosophical re-articulation of genealogical relations, or (...)
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  31.  19
    Articulation et rythme : matière, pensée et création dans le discours.Lucie Bourassa - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Première parution dans Intermédialités — Intermediality, Rythmer, n° 16, Automne 2010, p. 185-206. — URI : — DOI : 10.7202/1001962ar. Nous remercions Lucie Bourassa de nous avoir donné l'autorisation pour cette nouvelle mise en ligne. Résumé : Cet article propose un rapprochement et une confrontation entre la notion de rythme d'Henri Meschonnic et celle d'articulation de Wilhelm von Humboldt. Ces notions présentent plusieurs parentés, bien - Linguistique et théorie du langage – Nouvel article.
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    L’articulation des croyances et des pratiques dans l’enseignement des sciences humaines et sociales au secondaire : quelles pistes pour l’accompagnement des enseignants débutants?Sébastien Boucher, Anderson Araújo-Oliveira & Geneviève Therriault - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):65-85.
    The study presents partial results from a larger project aimed at supporting the professional development of beginning teachers with respect to their personal epistemology. Based on a thematic analysis of data from explanatory interviews, the article focuses on the articulation between beliefs (epistemological and pedagogical) and stated practices of ten beginning teachers of social sciences and humanities (SHS) in secondary schools. The results highlight the high degree of sophistication of the participants’ epistemological beliefs and the constructivist tendency of their (...)
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  33. Articulations of Self and Politics in Activist Discourse: A Discourse Analysis of Critical Subjectivities in Minority Debates.[author unknown] - 2017
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  34. Inescapable articulations: Vessels of lexical effects.Una Stojnić & Ernie Lepore - 2021 - Noûs 56 (3):742-760.
  35.  24
    Articulating the Moral Community: Toward a Constructive Ethical Pragmatism.Henry S. Richardson - 2018 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Henry S. Richardson is Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University. From 2008-18, he was the editor of Ethics. His previous books include Practical Reasoning about Final Ends, Democratic Autonomy, and Moral Entanglements. He has held fellowships sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University.
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    (1 other version)The articulation of enkinaesthetic entanglement.Susan Stuart - unknown
    In this article I present an argument for the necessary co-articulation of meaning within our felt enkinaesthetic engagement with our world. The argument will be developed through a series of stages, the first of which will be an elaboration of the notion of articulation of and through the body. This will be followed by an examination of enkinaesthetic experiential entanglement and the role it plays in rendering our world meaningful and our actions values-realising. At this stage I will (...)
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  37. Social articulation in US-HipHop. Communication structure of a social minority.Martin A. M. Gansinger - 2020
    Taking the metaphor of Black CNN as a starting point, the project attempts to analyze the potential of the musical form of expression of hip hop as a communication structure of the black minority in the USA. After a historical-cultural explanation, which deals with the tradition of reflecting social and political aspects in the different musical expressions of the Black ethnic group in the USA, and which already shows the importance of this form of expression in the context of an (...)
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  38.  19
    The dialectic of articulation: a Hegelian response to Adams.Ariën Voogt - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (5):333-339.
    This article responds to Nicholas Adams by exploring the affinities between his account and Hegel, with a particular focus on the dialectic of articulation. They seem to agree on the undermining effect of articulation and reflection on implicit commitments. However, Adams diverges from Hegel by questioning the consequence and supposed inevitability of this dialectical process. Whereas Hegel argues for the desirability of conscious articulation in the progress towards modernity, Adams contends that it is actually a destructive and (...)
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  39. Articulating the World: Experimental Systems and Conceptual Understanding.Joseph Rouse - 2011 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25 (3):243 - 254.
    Attention to scientific practice offers a novel response to philosophical queries about how conceptual understanding is empirically accountable. The locus of the issue is thereby shifted, from perceptual experience to experimental and fieldwork interactions. More important, conceptual articulation is shown to be not merely ?spontaneous? and intralinguistic, but instead involves a establishing a systematic domain of experimental operations. The importance of experimental practice for conceptual understanding is especially clearly illustrated by cases in which entire domains of scientific investigation were (...)
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  40. Comment articuler logique déontique et logique modale l.Jean-Louis Gardies - 1983 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 3.
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    Articulations indigènes / Futurs traditionnels.James Clifford - 2007 - Multitudes 3 (3):37-47.
    In these extracts from longer essays, James Clifford deals with the question of the dynamics of indigenous cultures. Following the ideas of Jean-Marie Tjibaou, he exposes the different dialectics that inhabit the relations to place and localization of power with regard to their terms of articulation. Across the dialectics that variously link aboriginal histories and diasporas, origins and dislocations, and the relations between past, present and future, Clifford explores the array of indigenous arrangements tangled up in the post- and (...)
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    Articulating the sources for an African normative framework of healthcare: Ghana as a case study.Caesar A. Atuire, Camillia Kong & Michael Dunn - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 20 (4):216-227.
    Bioethics is gradually becoming an important part of the drive to increase quality healthcare delivery in sub‐Saharan African countries. Yet many healthcare service‐users in Africa are familiar with incidences of questionable health policies and poor healthcare delivery, leading to severe consequences for patients. We argue that the overarching rights‐based ethical administrative framework recently employed by healthcare authorities contributes to the poor uptake and enforcement of current normative tools. Taking Ghana as a case study, we focus on the cultural ethical context (...)
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  43. Higher‐Level Plurals versus Articulated Reference, and an Elaboration of Salva Veritate.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2013 - Dialectica 67 (1):81-102.
    In recent literature on plurals the claim has often been made that the move from singular to plural expressions can be iterated, generating what are occasionally called higher-level plurals or superplurals, often correlated with superplural predicates. I argue that the idea that the singular-to-plural move can be iterated is questionable. I then show that the examples and arguments intended to establish that some expressions of natural language are in some sense higher-level plurals fail. Next, I argue that these and some (...)
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    L'articulation des temporalités dans les politiques de prévention du vieillissement. La prise en compte des activités physiques et sportives comme outil d'anticipation du bien vieillir.Cécile Collinet & Schut - 2014 - Temporalités 19.
    La prévention du vieillissement est au cœur des politiques publiques de la santé. De nombreux dispositifs sont ainsi proposés aux différentes échelles de l’action publique afin de promouvoir le vieillissement réussi ou le vieillissement actif ou encore le bien vieillir. Dans les plans et programmes, trois piliers semblent se dégager au cœur des mesures préventives pour la santé des personnes âgées : la nutrition, l’activité sociale et la pratique des activités physiques et sportives (APS).Notre intérêt se porte sur la politique (...)
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  45. Articulating Understanding: A Phenomenological Approach to Testimony on Gendered Violence.Charlotte Knowles - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (4):448-472.
    ABSTRACT Testimony from victims of gendered violence is often wrongly disbelieved. This paper explores a way to address this problem by developing a phenomenological approach to testimony. Guided by the concept of ‘disclosedness’, a tripartite analysis of testimony as an affective, embodied, communicative act is developed. Affect indicates how scepticism may arise through the social moods that often attune agents to victims’ testimony. The embodiment of meaning suggests testimony should not be approached as an assertion, but as a process of (...)
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  46. The articulation of silence in language. About Ueda Shizuteru’s language thinking.Ralf Müller - 2022 - In Raquel Bouso, Adam Loughnane & Ralf Müller (eds.), Tetsugaku Companion to Ueda Shizuteru: Language, Experience, and Zen. Heidelberg, Deutschland: Springer.
    Ueda Shizuteru (born 1926) draws both on „Asian“ and „Western“ ideas to highlight the importance of silence as a mode of expression, especially in the Zen Buddhist tradition. This paper seeks to sort out the basic idea that stands behind his analysis: the idea of articulation, a term – implicitly or explicitly – taken from Wilhelm von Humboldt. Though Ueda acknowledges the importance of language, and – in line with Ernst Cassirer – of non-linguistic, i.e. symbolic forms of (...), the way in which he presents his concept of silence remains in itself opaque and contests partly his basic assumption that the human being is essentially linguistic. It will therefore be shown how Humboldt’s and Cassirer’s idea of articulation can help to clarify Ueda’s usage of the term, while its application by Ueda in a number of analyses can help to rethink the idea of articulation from its inception in voicing (Verlautlichung) and vocalizing (Verlautbarung) and hence the relation of language and silence. The paper finally aims at an interpretation of Ueda’s analysis of how silence in sitting meditation is drawn towards articulating the very idea of silent meditation in words. (shrink)
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    Silent witness, articulate collective: Dna evidence and the inference of visible traits.Amade M'charek - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (9):519-528.
    DNA profiling is a well-established technology for use in the criminal justice system, both in courtrooms and elsewhere. The fact that DNA profiles are based on non-coding DNA and do not reveal details about the physical appearance of an individual has contributed to the acceptability of this type of evidence. Its success in criminal investigation, combined with major innovations in the field of genetics, have contributed to a change of role for this type of evidence. Nowadays DNA evidence is not (...)
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  48. Articulating reasons: an introduction to inferentialism.Robert Brandom - 2000 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  49. Articulating the Aims of Science.Nicholas Maxwell - 1977 - Nature 265 (January 6):2.
    Most scientists and philosophers of science take for granted the standard empiricist view that the basic intellectual aim of science is truth per se. But this seriously misrepresents the aims of scieince. Actually, science seeks explanatory truth and, more generally, important truth. Problematic metaphysical and value assumptions are inherent in the real aims of science. Precisely because these aims are profoundly problematic, they need to be articulated, imaginatively explored and critically assesseed, in order to improve them, as an integral part (...)
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  50. En articulation et rémanences: un espace de parole en suspens.Virginie Jaton - 2005 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 137 (2):149-156.
    La parution de plus en plus fréquente d�ouvrages (souvent collectifs) consacrés aux figures et aux ailleurs de la pensée suggère la présente note de lecture. Pluralités indéterminées de régimes de �scientificité�, richesses épistémologiques d�une complexité et du paradoxe: entre attentes et ambiguïtés, autant de relations, voire de résurgences, circulant dans les espaces discursifs. Recherches d�expression ou recherches de pensée? Peut-on alors imaginer une actualité d�une parole entre philosophie et géographie?
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