Results for 'Arthur Kinoy'

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  1.  35
    Imagery in scientific thought: creating 20th-century physics.Arthur I. Miller - 1984 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Arthur I. Miller is a historian of science whose approach has been strongly influenced by current work in cognitive science, and in this book he shows how the two fields might be fruitfully linked to yield new insights into the creative process.
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    Merit and responsibility.Arthur W. H. Adkins - 1960 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
  3.  23
    Constraints on Analogical Inference.Arthur B. Markman - 1997 - Cognitive Science 21 (4):373-418.
    The ability to reason by analogy is particularly important because it permits the extension of knowledge of a target domain by virtue of its similarity to a base domain via a process of analogical inference. The general procedure for analogical inference involves copying structure from the base to the target in which missing information is generated, and substitutions are made for items for which analogical correspondences have already been found. A pure copying with substitution and generation process is too profligate (...)
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  4. The Sleepwalkers.Arthur Koestler - 1959 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 14 (2):228-229.
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    The Reality of Time Flow: Local Becoming in Modern Physics.Richard T. W. Arthur - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    It is commonly held that there is no place for the 'now’ in physics, and also that the passing of time is something subjective, having to do with the way reality is experienced but not with the way reality is. Indeed, the majority of modern theoretical physicists and philosophers of physics contend that the passing of time is incompatible with modern physical theory, and excluded in a fundamental description of physical reality. This book provides a forceful rebuttal of such claims. (...)
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    Narration and knowledge: including the integral text of Analytical philosophy of history.Arthur Coleman Danto - 1985 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Arthur Coleman Danto.
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    Three ways of thought in ancient China.Arthur Waley - 1939 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Zhuangzi, Mencius & Fei Han.
    . . . The book is enhanced by the polished and lucid style of Mr. Waley's translations.
  8. The conditions of fruitfulness of theorizing about mechanisms in social science.Arthur L. Stinchcombe - 1991 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 21 (3):367-388.
    Mechanisms in a theory are defined here as bits of theory about entities at a different level (e.g., individuals) than the main entities being theorized about (e.g., groups), which serve to make the higher-level theory more supple, more accurate, or more general. The criterion for whether it is worthwhile to theorize at lower levels is whether it makes the theory at the higher levels better, not whether lower-level theorizing is philosophically necessary. The higher-level theory can be made better by mechanisms (...)
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    Nonintentional similarity processing.Arthur B. Markman & Dedre Gentner - 2005 - In Ran R. Hassin, James S. Uleman & John A. Bargh, The New Unconscious. Oxford Series in Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 107--137.
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    Dialectics of labour: Marx and his relation to Hegel.Christopher John Arthur - 1986 - New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.
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    The renewal of case studies in science education.Arthur Stinner, Barbara A. McMillan, Don Metz, Jana M. Jilek & Stephen Klassen - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (7):617-643.
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  12. Science textbooks and science teaching: from logic to evidence.Arthur Stinner - 1992 - Science Education 76 (1):1-16.
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    Monads, Composition, and Force: Ariadnean Threads Through Leibniz's Labyrinth.Richard Arthur - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    In this new work, Richard T. W. Arthur offers a fresh interpretation of Leibniz's theory of substance. He goes against a long trend of idealistic interpretations of Leibniz's thought by instead taking seriously Leibniz's claim of introducing monads to solve the problem of the composition of matter and motion.
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    Psychology's crisis of disunity: philosophy and method for a unified science.Arthur W. Staats - 1983 - New York, N.Y.: Praeger.
  15.  38
    Consciousness and motor control.Arthur C. Danto - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):540-541.
  16.  37
    Leibniz’s Syncategorematic Actual Infinite.Richard T. W. Arthur - 2018 - In Igor Agostini, Richard T. W. Arthur, Geoffrey Gorham, Paul Guyer, Mogens Lærke, Yitzhak Y. Melamed, Ohad Nachtomy, Sanja Särman, Anat Schechtman, Noa Shein & Reed Winegar, Infinity in Early Modern Philosophy. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 155-179.
    It is well known that Leibniz advocated the actual infinite, but that he did not admit infinite collections or infinite numbers. But his assimilation of this account to the scholastic notion of the syncategorematic infinite has given rise to controversy. A common interpretation is that in mathematics Leibniz’s syncategorematic infinite is identical with the Aristotelian potential infinite, so that it applies only to ideal entities, and is therefore distinct from the actual infinite that applies to the actual world. Against this, (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Amphioxus and the Ancestry of the Vertebrates.Arthur Willey - 1894 - The Monist 5:313.
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    World as will and representation, the (excerpt).Arthur Schopehauer - unknown
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    The Thirteen Pragmatisms, and Other Essays.Arthur Oncken Lovejoy - 1963 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    Originally published in 1963. The essays in this volume are critical and, with one exception, directed against the philosophic movement of pragmatism. "The Thirteen Pragmatisms" is an exercise in logical analysis and is a challenge to a group of philosophers who have taken on a collective name to show how their apparent diversities are to be reconciled. Few philosophers would call themselves orthodox followers of this train of thought, so these essays can be studied without a sense of personal injury (...)
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  20. Studies in Pessimism;.Arthur Schopenhauer - 1893 - St. Clair Shores, Mich.,: St. Clair Shores, Mich., Scholarly Press. Edited by T. Bailey Saunders.
    On the sufferings of the world.--On the vanity of existence.--On suicide.--Immortality; a dialogue.--Further psychological observations.--On education.--On women.--On noise.--A few parables.
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    The Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold: Late Head Master of Rugby School, and Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Oxford.Arthur Penrhyn Stanley - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Head of Rugby School for over a decade, Thomas Arnold became Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford in the final year of his life. Known for his controversial ideas on schooling and religion, he was a prominent and influential figure in the history of British education. First published in 1844, this two-volume work presents a diverse collection of Arnold's correspondence, compiled by his friend and former pupil Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Dean of Westminster. Interspersed with biographical commentary by Stanley, (...)
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    The New Physics and Cosmology: Dialogues with the Dalai Lama.Arthur Zajonc (ed.) - 2004 - Oup Usa.
    What happens when the Dalai Lama meets with five leading physicists and a historian? This book documents their fascinating discussions about theoretical quantum physics and Buddhist philosophy.
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  23. Science fictions: Comment on Godfrey-Smith.Arthur Fine - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 143 (1):117 - 125.
    This is a comment on Peter Godfrey-Smith’s, “Models and Fictions in Science”. The comments explore problems he raises if we treat model systems as fictions in a naturalized and deflationary framework.
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    The common sense from Heraclitus to Peirce..Arthur Norman Foxe - 1962 - New York: Turnbridge Press.
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    Reality and value.Arthur Campbell Garnett - 1937 - London,: G. Allen & Unwin.
    Originally published in 1937. This book addresses the importance of the theory of values that rests on a general metaphysical understanding founded on a comprehensive view of all aspects of the world. The author speaks against the absolutist theories with a realistic one encompassing a theory of space and time and considering value as an object of immediate intuition. These great philosophical questions feed into discussions of the philosophy of religion and of science. Garnett distinguishes between spiritual and other values (...)
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    The twenty-eight annual meeting of the american psychological association.Arthur I. Gates - 1920 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 17 (5):125-137.
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    The Should Be of What Is.Arthur Grupillo - 2024 - Ethical Perspectives 31 (2):119-125.
    Review article of David McPherson, The Virtues of Limits (Oxford, 2022).
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    Christ and Freud.Arthur Guirdham - 1959 - London,: Allen & Unwin.
    Originally published in 1959, this book is primarily concerned with the question of psychiatric factors in religion, and, conversely, with that of religious factors in psychiatry. It rejects the Freudian theory that religion is a form of obsessional neurosis. Though this latter hypothesis may explain many of the phenomena of religious observance, it cannot explain the reality of religious experience. Dr Guirdham believes that orthodox Christianity is a perversion of the psychologically irrefutable teaching of Christ and that its conception of (...)
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    American eugenics.Arthur E. Hamilton - 1915 - The Eugenics Review 6 (4):308.
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  30. Rights, natural rights, and the philosophy of law.Arthur Stephen McGrade - 1982 - In Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny & Jan Pinborg, Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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  31. (2 other versions)Analytical Philosophy of Knowledge.Arthur C. Danto - 1968 - Philosophy 44 (170):354-355.
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  32. The Freedom of Man.Arthur H. Compton & P. W. Bridgman - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 47 (1):117-119.
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    Which way out?: and other essays.Arthur M. Young - 1990 - Lake Oswego, Or.: R. Briggs Associates.
  34. Philosophy in the Middle Ages: the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions.Arthur Hyman & James Jerome Walsh (eds.) - 1973 - Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co..
    Introduction The editors of this volume hope that it will prove useful for the study of philosophy in the Middle Ages by virtue of the comprehensiveness of ...
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  35. Mysterious Apocalypse: Interpreting the Book of Revelation.Arthur W. Wainwright - 1993
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  36. Leibniz’s Actual Infinite in Relation to His Analysis of Matter.Richard T. W. Arthur - 2015 - In G.W. Leibniz, Interrelations Between Mathematics and Philosophy. Springer Verlag.
  37. Presupposition, Aggregation, and Leibniz’s Argument for a Plurality of Substances.Richard T. W. Arthur - 2011 - The Leibniz Review 21:91-115.
    This paper consists in a study of Leibniz’s argument for the infinite plurality of substances, versions of which recur throughout his mature corpus. It goes roughly as follows: since every body is actually divided into further bodies, it is therefore not a unity but an infinite aggregate; the reality of an aggregate, however, reduces to the reality of the unities it presupposes; the reality of body, therefore, entails an actual infinity of constituent unities everywhere in it. I argue that this (...)
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    The Idea of Nature.Arthur E. Murphy - 1946 - Philosophical Review 55 (2):199.
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    A Tribute to Larry Erlbaum.Arthur B. Markman - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (1):1-1.
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    Editorial Statement.Arthur B. Markman - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (1):1-2.
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    Leibniz e o aperfeiçoamento da medicina: introdução ao texto e tradução.Arthur Leandro da Silva Marinho - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e35.
    Neste artigo apresentamos uma tradução e discussão de uma carta do filósofo Leibniz (1646-1716), na qual ele discute ações para o aperfeiçoamento da medicina. A importância e atualidade desta carta consiste em propor ações públicas de controle de epidemias pelo estado, como também, discute o uso de medicação pela medicina para controle das epidemias. No primeiro momento, explicamos a importância da publicação desta carta, destinada a Germain Brice, no Journal des Savants. No segundo momento apresentamos a tradução do texto, onde (...)
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    Natur und Erkenntnis.Arthur March - 1948 - Wien,: Springer.
    Dieses Buch ist kein eigentliches Lehrbuch; es will dem Leset" weniger einen Begriff yom Inhalt als yom Geist der modcrnen Physik vermitteln und ihn von der Angemessenheit einer Denk­ weise iiberzeugen, die in ihrer auf das auBerste getriebenen Sach­ lichkeit ihn zunachst befremden muB. Es gibt sehr bekannte und ausgezeichnete Biichc'r (von E d din g ton, J e a n s, deB r 0 g lie und J 0 r dan), die in derselben Absicht geschrieben wurden, so daB cine (...)
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    Scientific method.Arthur David Ritchie - 1960 - Paterson, N.J.,: Littlefield, Adams.
  44. Ainda alguns esclarecimentos sobre a filosofia kantiana.Arthur Schopenhauer - 1998 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 4.
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  45. So ist die Welt.Arthur Schopenhauer - 1966 - (Gütersloh,: Bertelsmann, Mohn) Buchgemeinschafts-Ausgabe.
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  46. The wisdom of Schopenhauer, from selections of T. Bailey Saunders, M. A.Arthur Schopenhauer - 1902 - New York,: G. A. S. Wieners.
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  47. Neural basis of memory: Systems level.Arthur P. Shimamura - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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    Anticipate the School You Want: Futurizing K-12 Education.Arthur B. Shostak - 2008 - R&L Education.
    Across America, especially in the aftermath of 9/11, parents rely on K12 schooling to prepare their children for the shocks, the perils, and especially the bright possibilities that are part of our warp-speed future. A new generation of school staffers is forging a fresh learning partnership with youngsters for whom creative computer-based schooling is as natural as breathing.
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  49. Perception and representation.Arthur Still - 1979 - In Philosophical Problems In Psychology. London: Methuen.
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    Ethik.Arthur Fridolin Utz - 1970 - Heidelberg,: Kerle; Löwn, Nauwelaerts. Edited by Brigitta Galen.
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