Results for 'Artem Морозов'

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  1. Повноваження президента україни як верховного головнокомандувача збройних сил україни.Artem Nosulia & Marіna Zelinska - 2014 - Схід 6 (132):49-55.
    The article describes the powers of the President of Ukraine as the Head of the security sector and national defense and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The paper explores the legislative framework corresponding to real opportunity of exercising the power in this area by the President of Ukraine. The research focuses on the quality of implementing certain powers in the field of Ukraine's security and defense by the acting President.
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    Theories without the tree property of the second kind.Artem Chernikov - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (2):695-723.
    We initiate a systematic study of the class of theories without the tree property of the second kind — NTP2. Most importantly, we show: the burden is “sub-multiplicative” in arbitrary theories ; NTP2 is equivalent to the generalized Kimʼs lemma and to the boundedness of ist-weight; the dp-rank of a type in an arbitrary theory is witnessed by mutually indiscernible sequences of realizations of the type, after adding some parameters — so the dp-rank of a 1-type in any theory is (...)
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  3. Mysli o dushe: russkai︠a︡ metafizika XVIII veka.T. V. Artemʹeva (ed.) - 1996 - Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka.
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  4. The role of awareness in the error-processing of involuntary eye movements.Artem V. Belopolsky - 2006
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    Malʹbransh i kartezianstvo.Artem Aleksandrovich Krotov - 2012 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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    On the French Philosophy of History of the Restoration Period: Pierre-Simon Ballanche.Artem A. Krotov - 2021 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (9):35-52.
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  7. Особливості регламентації управлінських функцій на металургійних підприємствах.Artem Shevchenko - 2011 - Схід 3 (110):64-69.
    The necessity of developing number standards for the managers on the basis of the of management functions regulation for various levels of management is proved. The consistency and structure of management functions at the metallurgical enterprises are investigated. The correlation of general and specific functions for the further consideration in calculating the number standards for manager is defined. A scientific and methodical approach to dealing with the types of work by the possibility of labor input rationing during the determination of (...)
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    Is there a continuum of agentive awareness across physical and mental actions? The case of quasi-movements.Artem S. Yashin, Sergei L. Shishkin & Anatoly N. Vasilyev - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 112 (C):103531.
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    Діяльність націонал-демократичної партії німеччини та спроби визнати її антиконституційною (1998-2006 рр.).Artem Yovenko - 2011 - Схід (2(109)):88-95.
    The article deals with the place and role NPD in German politics, reaction to NPD activities of public authorities and society, progress and consequences of the proceedings on the Prohibition Party and the development of relations with other right parties.
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    On model-theoretic tree properties.Artem Chernikov & Nicholas Ramsey - 2016 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 16 (2):1650009.
    We study model theoretic tree properties and their associated cardinal invariants. In particular, we obtain a quantitative refinement of Shelah’s theorem for countable theories, show that [Formula: see text] is always witnessed by a formula in a single variable and that weak [Formula: see text] is equivalent to [Formula: see text]. Besides, we give a characterization of [Formula: see text] via a version of independent amalgamation of types and apply this criterion to verify that some examples in the literature are (...)
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    To be like children in a world come of age: Some considerations related to a christian theology of childhood.Artem Serebryakov - 2023 - Sociology of Power 35 (4):48-84.
    The article presents an analysis of the main aspects of the Christian theology of childhood based on the works of outstanding theologians of the 20th century: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Karl Rahner, Paul Tillich, and Jurgen Moltmann. The preoccupation with understanding the figure of the child in Western Christianity is motivated by several factors: the undeniable importance of theology as a tradition of interpreting the existential constraints of the human condition, the deep influence of Christian teaching on secular (...)
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    Forking and dividing in NTP₂ theories.Artem Chernikov & Itay Kaplan - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):1-20.
    We prove that in theories without the tree property of the second kind (which include dependent and simple theories) forking and dividing over models are the same, and in fact over any extension base. As an application we show that dependence is equivalent to bounded non-forking assuming NTP 2.
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    Measuring as a New Mode of Inquiry That Bridges Evolutionary Game Theory and Cancer Biology.Artem Kaznatcheev & Chia-Hua Lin - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):1124-1133.
    We show that as game theory was transferred from mathematical oncology to experimental cancer biology, a new mode of inquiry was created. Modeling was replaced by measuring. The game measured by a game assay can serve as a bridge that allows knowledge to flow backward from target (cancer research) to source (game theory). Our finding suggests that the conformist and creative (Houkes and Zwart 2019) types of transfer need to be augmented. We conclude by introducing the expansive and transformative types (...)
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  14.  44
    The Precautionary Principle in EU Regulation of GMOs: Socio-Economic Considerations and Ethical Implications of Biotechnology.Artem Anyshchenko - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (5):855-872.
    Law is often linked to ethics and morality. Regulations of genetically modified organisms ensue from a discussion on how well the law is composed to accommodate ethical considerations. The precautionary principle and biotechnology have undeniable moral connotations. Besides, the principle has socio-economic implications. The application of the precautionary principle in plant breeding should be legally justified on the basis of the best available evidence. On the other hand, scientific information cannot provide all the necessary information on which a risk management (...)
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  15.  18
    Henselian valued fields and inp-minimality.Artem Chernikov & Pierre Simon - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (4):1510-1526.
    We prove that every ultraproduct of p-adics is inp-minimal. More generally, we prove an Ax-Kochen type result on preservation of inp-minimality for Henselian valued fields of equicharacteristic 0 in the RV language.
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    On $n$ -Dependence.Artem Chernikov, Daniel Palacin & Kota Takeuchi - 2019 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (2):195-214.
    In this article, we develop and clarify some of the basic combinatorial properties of the new notion of n-dependence recently introduced by Shelah. In the same way as dependence of a theory means its inability to encode a bipartite random graph with a definable edge relation, n-dependence corresponds to the inability to encode a random -partite -hypergraph with a definable edge relation. We characterize n-dependence by counting φ-types over finite sets, and in terms of the collapse of random ordered -hypergraph (...)
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  17.  18
    BTB domains: A structural view of evolution, multimerization, and protein–protein interactions.Artem Bonchuk, Konstantin Balagurov & Pavel Georgiev - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (2):2200179.
    Broad‐complex, Tramtrack, and Bric‐à‐brac/poxvirus and zinc finger (BTB/POZ) is a conserved domain found in many eukaryotic proteins with diverse cellular functions. Recent studies revealed its importance in multiple developmental processes as well as in the onset and progression of oncological diseases. Most BTB domains can form multimers and selectively interact with non‐BTB proteins. Structural studies of BTB domains delineated the presence of different interfaces involved in various interactions mediated by BTBs and provided a basis for the specific inhibition of distinct (...)
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  18.  23
    Invariant measures in simple and in small theories.Artem Chernikov, Ehud Hrushovski, Alex Kruckman, Krzysztof Krupiński, Slavko Moconja, Anand Pillay & Nicholas Ramsey - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 23 (2).
    We give examples of (i) a simple theory with a formula (with parameters) which does not fork over [Formula: see text] but has [Formula: see text]-measure 0 for every automorphism invariant Keisler measure [Formula: see text] and (ii) a definable group [Formula: see text] in a simple theory such that [Formula: see text] is not definably amenable, i.e. there is no translation invariant Keisler measure on [Formula: see text]. We also discuss paradoxical decompositions both in the setting of discrete groups (...)
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    “Common Denominator” in Solving Multi-Factory Problems by Intelligent Systems.Artem S. Adzhemov & Alla B. Denisova - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):878-887.
    The most important property, a distinctive feature of any intelligent system, is its decision-making ability. In this case, the more complex the problem to be solved, the more and more diverse the initial data, and the more critical it is that the decision to be made was comprehensively considered and evaluated. In many cases, simultaneously arriving various initial data, if considered separately, and decisions based on such consideration lead to completely different results, often contradicting each other. Therefore, in the process (...)
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  20. Filosofii︠a︡ v Peterburgskoĭ akademii nauk XVIII veka.T. V. Artemʹeva - 1999 - Sankt-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskiĭ T︠S︡entr istorii ideĭ.
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  21. Ot slavnogo proshlogo k svetlomu budushchemu: filosofii︠a︡ istorii i utopii︠a︡ v Rossii ėpokhi Prosveshchenii︠a︡.T. V. Artemʹeva - 2005 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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  22. Ocherki po ėtike velikikh russkikh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionnykh demokratov.Artem Akimovich Aznaurov - 1964 - Baku,: Azerbaĭdzhanskoe gos. izd-vo.
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  23. Voprosy filosofii v kurse obshchestvovedenii︠a︡.Artem Akimovich Aznaurov - 1966 - Baku,: Maarif. Edited by Tigran Grigorʹevich Grigorʹi︠a︡n.
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    Moral externalization may precede, not follow, subjective preferences.Artem Kaznatcheev & Thomas R. Shultz - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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  25. Проектно-орієнтоване бюджетування на суднобудівному підприємстві.Artem Pichka - 2014 - Схід 1 (127):94-99.
    У статті на підставі аналізу праць вітчизняних і зарубіжних науковців обґрунтовано та узагальнено рекомендації для методичних положень при побудові ефективного проектно-орієнтовного бюджетування на суднобудівному й судноремонтному підприємстві. Розроблено такі блоки бюджету для підприємств суднобудівної галузі: операційний, фінансовий, доходів і витрат від інвестиційної діяльності, маркетингових витрат, доходів та витрат від іншої діяльності.
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    Correction to: On the distorted structure of Russian guilt.Artem Serebryakov - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (4):593-593.
  27. Noam Chomsky’s Views on Russian Foreign Policy: A Critical Analysis.Artem Patalakh - 2020 - E-International Relations:1-6.
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  28. Russian Democrats’ Stance on the LGBT Community: An Attitudinal Shift.Artem Patalakh - 2020 - E-International Relations:1-4.
    Positive social trends around LGBT in Russia has converted into positive political trends, but support for LGBT policies is necessary for a democratic politician.
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  29. Kazakhstan’s EU Policies: A Critical Review of Underlying Motives and Enabling Factors.Artem Patalakh - 2018 - Asian Journal of German and European Studies 3 (4).
    The article delves into Kazakhstan’s policies vis-à-vis the European Union, focusing on their driving motives and enabling conditions. Drawing upon published papers and, to a lesser degree, primary sources, the author argues that friendship with the EU largely serves the Kazakhstani elite as means of economic modernisation as well regime legitimation, perfectly fitting Kazakhstan’s dominant domestic discourse which portrays the country as Eurasian and its foreign policy—as multi-vector. The study also shows that Astana’s partnership with Brussels is to a large (...)
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    Semi-Equational Theories.Artem Chernikov & Alex Mennen - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-32.
    We introduce and study (weakly) semi-equational theories, generalizing equationality in stable theories (in the sense of Srour) to the NIP context. In particular, we establish a connection to distality via one-sided strong honest definitions; demonstrate that certain trees are semi-equational, while algebraically closed valued fields are not weakly semi-equational; and obtain a general criterion for weak semi-equationality of an expansion of a distal structure by a new predicate.
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    Transitivity, Lowness, and Ranks in Nsop Theories.Artem Chernikov, K. I. M. Byunghan & Nicholas Ramsey - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (3):919-946.
    We develop the theory of Kim-independence in the context of NSOP $_{1}$ theories satisfying the existence axiom. We show that, in such theories, Kim-independence is transitive and that -Morley sequences witness Kim-dividing. As applications, we show that, under the assumption of existence, in a low NSOP $_{1}$ theory, Shelah strong types and Lascar strong types coincide and, additionally, we introduce a notion of rank for NSOP $_{1}$ theories.
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    C2H2 proteins: Evolutionary aspects of domain architecture and diversification.Artem N. Bonchuk & Pavel G. Georgiev - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (8):2400052.
    The largest group of transcription factors in higher eukaryotes are C2H2 proteins, which contain C2H2‐type zinc finger domains that specifically bind to DNA. Few well‐studied C2H2 proteins, however, demonstrate their key role in the control of gene expression and chromosome architecture. Here we review the features of the domain architecture of C2H2 proteins and the likely origin of C2H2 zinc fingers. A comprehensive investigation of proteomes for the presence of proteins with multiple clustered C2H2 domains has revealed a key difference (...)
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  33. Italy as the Kremlin’s ‘Trojan Horse’ in Europe: Some Overlooked Factors.Artem Patalakh - 2020 - E-International Relations:1-6.
    As Russian influence in Italy grows, Putin’s ‘Trojan horse’ in the EU reflects several societal trends, molding perceptions of a foreign policy appropriate for Italy.
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    Preface to the translation of the manifesto of the “New sociology of childhood”.Artem Serebryakov - 2023 - Sociology of Power 35 (4):159-165.
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    The Hero’s Journey and Three Types of Metaphor in Pixar Animation.Artem Prokhorov - 2021 - Metaphor and Symbol 36 (4):229-240.
    Despite the fact that cinema and animation have common features, one of the fundamental differences between them is that animation uses metaphors much more freely. This current study explores this feature of animation and analyzes how the use of metaphors affects the narrative and plot structure of full- and short-length animation. The study is based on the narrative analysis of eight films made by Pixar Animation Studio, as a successful company that produces both full- and short-length animated films. The concept (...)
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    Attentional capture by signals of threat.Lisette J. Schmidt, Artem V. Belopolsky & Jan Theeuwes - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (4):687-694.
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    Limitations of the Dirac formalism as a descriptive framework for cognition.Artem Kaznatcheev & Thomas R. Shultz - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):292 - 293.
    We highlight methodological and theoretical limitations of the authors' Dirac formalism and suggest the von Neumann open systems approach as a resolution. The open systems framework is a generalization of classical probability and we hope it will allow cognitive scientists to extend quantum probability from perception, categorization, memory, decision making, and similarity judgments to phenomena in learning and development.
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    Online Courses in Philosophy: Tactical Victory and Strategic Retreat.Artem A. Krotov & Ekaterina O. Rozova - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (7):151-159.
    The summary is devoted to the meetings of the Presidium of the Russian Federal Educational and Methodological Association held in September 2018 in Astrakhan and in February 2019 in Moscow. The authors review main educational and methodological issues discussed at the meetings. The summary covers the issues of online courses in philosophy. It also touches upon key issues of religious studies, the specifics of its teaching in Russia and foreign countries, current problems facing religious studies in Russia. The article contains (...)
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    Philosophical Premises for Saint-Pierre’s Project of the Perpetual Peace.Artem A. Krotov - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 64 (6):92-108.
    The article analyzes the traditional and innovative worldview components in the political doctrine of Saint-Pierre, developed in his work Project for the Establishment of Perpetual Peace in Europe. Reflecting on the political prospects of mankind, the abbot highlighted the psychological motives that, in his opinion, determine acts of rulers. He proceeded from the idea that human nature does not change, his worldview is characterized by the belief that the final forms of government are already present in his epoch and are (...)
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    On the distorted structure of Russian guilt.Artem Serebryakov - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (4):585-592.
    This commentary offers a concise description of the structure revealed in the discourse about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but that also serves as a condition of the possibility for such events to happen. The points of view that this structure provides are relational, interdependent, and mutually constructed, and they are labeled as the Citizens, the Authorities, and the People. All these positions are structured in such a way that provides their subjects with a source of enjoyment. The positions can be (...)
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    Physical training of referees in hockey: analysis of the degree of development of the problem in the scientific literature.Artem Iskhakovich Zakirov - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):240-243.
    The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical aspects of physical training of judges in various sports, in particular in hockey. The author analyzes dissertation research and scientific publications devoted to various aspects of physical training of judges in various sports, mainly games. Particular attention is paid to the degree of development of the theoretical foundations of physical training of judges in hockey.
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  42. What Makes Autocracies’ Soft Power Strategies Special? Evidence from Russia and China.Artem Patalakh - 2017 - Korean Journal of International Studies 15 (1):41-69.
    The paper problematizes the national soft power strategies of authoritarian states arguing that many of their features stem from those countries’ political regime. In particular, the author focuses on such features as actors involved in soft power policies, the public media’s international and domestic rhetoric, the presence or absence of ideological commitments, strategies’ proactiveness/reactiveness as well as their long- and short-termness. The author presents his argumentation in a fashion similar to what is called theory-building process tracing: first, he shows causal (...)
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    (1 other version)One Surgeon’s Experience During Armed Conflict In Ukraine.Artem Riga - forthcoming - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics.
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    A Child in a World of Agents and Structures: On the Antinomies of Childhood Studies.Artem Serebryakov - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (3):29-49.
    The article analyzes conceptual positions and disagreements among theorists of interdisciplinary childhood studies - a field of knowledge that emerged on the basis of the new sociology of childhood. This movement positioned itself as a paradigm shift in the understanding of childhood, revealing it as a conceptually autonomous area where the active role of children in constructing their own experiences and social relationships should be recognized. The widespread acceptance of the language for talking about childhood proposed by the new paradigm (...)
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    Intellectual Vices as Implicit Attitudes.Artem P. Besedin - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (3):116-133.
    The article analyzes an important concept of contemporary virtue epistemology – the concept of intellectual vice, that is a trait of intellectual character that hinders responsible research. The purpose of this article is to formulate a hypothesis that, today, in the modern culture, a significant part of epistemic vices are implicit attitudes. The first part of the article explores the concept of implicit attitude, examines examples of implicit attitudes that have become widespread in the research literature: implicit sexism and racism. (...)
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  46. Russkai︠a︡ istoriosofii︠a︡ XVIII veka: teoreticheskoe vvedenie, programma spet︠s︡kursa, tekstologicheskie illi︠u︡strat︠s︡ii.T. V. Artemʹeva - 1996 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta.
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    The Structure of Agentive Awareness in Kent Bach’s Representational Theory of Action.Artem S. Yashin - 2023 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 60 (2):133-150.
    This paper analyzes Kent Bach’s representational theory of action, one of the causal theories of action. Bach’s theory sets requirements not only for the cause of an action, but also for how it unfolds in time and transitions into another action. These requirements suggest a sequential emergence of two components of the agent’s action awareness: the representation of the prepared movement and the perception of its sensory consequences. Bach introduces the concepts of “effective representation” (ER) and “receptive representation” (RR) to (...)
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  48. EU Soft Power in the Eastern Neighborhood and the Western Balkans in the Context of Crises.Artem Patalakh - 2017 - Baltic Journal of European Studies 7 (2):148-167.
    The article aims to assess a change in the EU’s soft power in the Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership states in the light of the crises the bloc has undergone in recent years. Generally agreeing with the common argument that the EU’s attractiveness for those countries has decreased, the author challenges the popular wisdom that such a decrease is likely to reverse those states’ pro-EU foreign policy orientations. To prove it, the author applies Joseph Nye’s and Alexander Vuving’s “power currencies” (...)
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  49. Top-down versus bottom-up attentional control: a failed theoretical dichotomy.Edward Awh, Artem V. Belopolsky & Jan Theeuwes - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (8):437.
    Prominent models of attentional control assert a dichotomy between top-down and bottom-up control, with the former determined by current selection goals and the latter determined by physical salience. This theoretical dichotomy, however, fails to explain a growing number of cases in which neither current goals nor physical salience can account for strong selection biases. For example, equally salient stimuli associated with reward can capture attention, even when this contradicts current selection goals. Thus, although 'top-down' sources of bias are sometimes defined (...)
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  50. Angliĭskiĭ ėticheskiĭ intellektualizm XVIII-XIX vv.O. V. Artemʹeva - 2011 - Moskva: Institut filosofii RAN.
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