Results for 'Arno Schirokauer'

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  1. (1 other version)Four notions of biological function.Arno G. Wouters - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (4):633-668.
    I argue that there are at least four different ways in which the term ‘function’ is used in connection with the study of living organisms, namely: function as activity, function as biological role, function as biological advantage, and function as selected effect. Notion refers to what an item does by itself; refers to the contribution of an item or activity to a complex activity or capacity of an organism; refers to the value for the organism of an item having a (...)
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  2. The function debate in philosophy.Arno Wouters - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (2):123-151.
    This paper reviews the debate on the notion of biological function and on functional explanation as this takes place in philosophy. It describes the different perspectives, issues, intuitions, theories and arguments that have emerged. The author shows that the debate has been too heavily influenced by the concerns of a naturalistic philosophy of mind and argues that in order to improve our understanding of biology the attention should be shifted from the study of intuitions to the study of the actual (...)
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  3. Judging machines: philosophical aspects of deep learning.Arno Schubbach - 2019 - Synthese 198 (2):1807-1827.
    Although machine learning has been successful in recent years and is increasingly being deployed in the sciences, enterprises or administrations, it has rarely been discussed in philosophy beyond the philosophy of mathematics and machine learning. The present contribution addresses the resulting lack of conceptual tools for an epistemological discussion of machine learning by conceiving of deep learning networks as ‘judging machines’ and using the Kantian analysis of judgments for specifying the type of judgment they are capable of. At the center (...)
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    Objektkonstitution und elementare Sprachhandlungsbegriffe.Arno Ros - 1979 - Königstein/Ts.: Hain.
  5. Functional explanation in biology.Arno Wouters - 2005 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 84 (1):269-293.
    This paper evaluates Kuipers' account of functional explanation in biology in view of an example of such an explanation taken from real biology. The example is the explanation of why electric fishes swim backwards (Lannoo and Lannoo 1993). Kuipers' account depicts the answer to a request for functional explanation as consisting only of statements that articulate a certain kind of consequence. It is argued that such an account fails to do justice to the main insight provided by the example explanation, (...)
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    To Acquire Wisdom: The Way of Wang Yang-ming.Conrad Schirokauer & Julia Ching - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):485.
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    A one-sided boundary: On the limits of knowing organisational closure.Arno Goudsmit - 1992 - In G. van der Vijve (ed.), New Perspectives on Cybernetics. pp. 175--205.
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    Chu Hsi’s Political Thought.Conrad Schirokauer - 1978 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 5 (2):127-148.
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    The Time of Drama in Nietzsche and Deleuze: A Life as Performative Interaction.Arno Böhler - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (1):70-82.
    Nietzsche's model of eternal return triggers a drama of affirmation, the overcoming of a simple miming of our ancestors in favour of an active participation in the counter-actualisation of hidden potentials in recurrent events. Based on a close study of Zarathustra's struggle to free himself from a suffocating nihilism, the paper focuses on the revelatory caesura that ushers in what Deleuze calls the third synthesis of time, a time of ‘doing’ rather than reflection.
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  10. Philosophy as an Art-Based-Research. Philosophy on Stage.Arno Boehler - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (5):426-440.
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    (1 other version)Retionale Biologie und ihre Kritik.Arno Carl Coutinho - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48:446.
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  12. International organizations and conferences: Notes of an observer.Arno G. Huth - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Thomas F. Gordon, the pleadings game – an artificial intelligence model of procedural justice.Arno R. Lodder - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 8 (2-3):255-264.
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    Philosophie des Alltags.Arno Plack - 1979 - Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt.
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    Je ne sais plus ce que je lis: la traduction, le texte, la relation.Arno Renken - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 22.
    The term “translation” has three meanings: the practice of the translator, the textual outcome of this practice, and the relationship it creates between texts and languages. In this article, I would like to draw attention to this third aspect, translation as a relation. To do so, I will first propose a historical overview of the first two meanings, as well as of the normative or descriptive aims associated to them. Secondly, I identify three motives for thinking about translation that are (...)
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  16. Unmittelbares Selbstbewusstsein: Woraus es besteht und wie es sich entwickelt haben kann.Arno Ros - 2009 - E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 13.
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    Balazs on ChinaChinese Civilization and Bureaucracy.Conrad Schirokauer, Etienne Balazs, H. M. Wright & Arthur F. Wright - 1965 - Journal of the History of Ideas 26 (4):593.
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    Chu Hsi and the Ta-hsüeh: Neo-Confucian Reflections on the Confucian CanonChu Hsi and the Ta-hsueh: Neo-Confucian Reflections on the Confucian Canon.Conrad Schirokauer & Daniel K. Gardner - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (4):826.
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    China in World History.Conrad Schirokauer & S. A. M. Adshead - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):125.
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    On the (semi)lattices induced by continuous reducibilities.Arno Pauly - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (5):488-502.
    Continuous reducibilities are a proven tool in Computable Analysis, and have applications in other fields such as Constructive Mathematics or Reverse Mathematics. We study the order-theoretic properties of several variants of the two most important definitions, and especially introduce suprema for them. The suprema are shown to commutate with several characteristic numbers.
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    The Functional Perspective of Organismal Biology.Arno Wouters - 2005 - In Thomas A. C. Reydon & Lia Hemerik (eds.), Current Themes in Theoretical Biology : A Dutch Perspective. Springer. pp. 33--69.
    Following Mayr (1961) evolutionary biologists often maintain that the hallmark of biology is its evolutionary perspective. In this view, biologists distinguish themselves from other natural scientists by their emphasis on why-questions. Why-questions are legitimate in biology but not in other natural sciences because of the selective character of the process by means of which living objects acquire their characteristics. For that reason, why-questions should be answered in terms of natural selection. Functional biology is seen as a reductionist science that applies (...)
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    The Micro-level Foundations and Dynamics of Political Corporate Social Responsibility: Hegemony and Passive Revolution through Civil Society.Arno Kourula & Guillaume Delalieux - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (4):769-785.
    Exploration of the political roles firms play in society is a flourishing stream within corporate social responsibility research. However, few empirical studies have examined multiple levels of political CSR at the same time from a critical perspective. We explore both how the motivations of managers and internal organizational practices affect a company’s choice between competing CSR approaches, and how the different CSR programs of corporate and civil society actors compete with each other. We present a qualitative interpretative case study of (...)
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  23. Design explanation: determining the constraints on what can be alive.Arno G. Wouters - 2007 - Erkenntnis 67 (1):65-80.
    This paper is concerned with reasonings that purport to explain why certain organisms have certain traits by showing that their actual design is better than contrasting designs. Biologists call such reasonings 'functional explanations'. To avoid confusion with other uses of that phrase, I call them 'design explanations'. This paper discusses the structure of design explanations and how they contribute to scientific understanding. Design explanations are contrastive and often compare real organisms to hypothetical organisms that cannot possibly exist. They are not (...)
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    André Tosel, penseur de l'émancipation: un hommage.Arno Münster - 2018 - [Paris]: Lignes.
    "André Tosel (1941-2017) fut par excellence un intellectuel organique au sens donné par Gramsci. Militant pour une part, et pour l'autre, auteur d'une oeuvre singulière et riche, nourrie de ; Spinoza, de Marx et de Gramsci dont il fut l'un des spécialistes français. OEuvre tout entière tournée vers une refondation non-dogmatique de la théorie marxienne de la révolution et vers l'élaboration d'une définition actualisée et rénovée de l'émancipation, maître-mot sans doute de sa pensée. Émancipation juridique (de l'État "pénal" plus que (...)
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    Wesen und Wandlung des Humanismus.Arno Carl Coutinho & Horst Rudiger - 1938 - Journal of Philosophy 35 (13):362.
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    Law, logic, rhetoric: A procedural model of legal argumentation.Arno R. Lodder - 2004 - In S. Rahman (ed.), Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 569--588.
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    Technikrisiken - Zum Beispiel Kernenergie.Arno Anzenbacher & Eilert Herms - 1996 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 40 (1):5-22.
    The use and development of technic always presuposes- as every human interaction does- at least implicitely as set of leading concepts conceming the essense and destiny of human life and the good order of society. This study analyses and explains out of a christian perspective the concepts of technic, technical damages, technical risks, developes principals for the treatment of such risks and finally tries to evaluate the nuclear energy technic.
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  28. Kulturtheorie und Transzendentalphilosophie.authorEmail: Arno SchubbachCorresponding - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (2).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 65 Heft: 2 Seiten: 401-409.
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    Filozofia ako výskům využívajúci umenie filozofia na scéně.Arno Böhler - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (5).
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    Korporale Performanz: zur bedeutungsgenerierenden Dimension des Leibes.Arno Böhler, Christian Herzog & Alice Pechriggl (eds.) - 2013 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Long description: Wie lässt sich die Verbindung zwischen Leiblichkeit und der Konstitution kultureller Bedeutungen denken? Die Beiträge des Bandes reichen von begrifflichen Überlegungen zu den Körpern über die Einbeziehung der Psychosomatik zu jenen Körperpraktiken, welche die akademische Praxis selbst mitbestimmen. Der Vielfalt von Blickwinkeln gemeinsam ist die Aufmerksamkeit für den Körper als Ausgangspunkt und sinnstiftendes Medium wissenschaftlichen Denkens, Vortragens und Schreibens. Künstlerische Formen wie die Lecture-Performance geraten ebenso in den Blick wie die Frage, ob sich die Philosophie in der Perspektive (...)
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    Ich will eine Welt ohne Kriege.Arno Gruen - 2006 - Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
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    As below, so above: A perspective on African Theology.Arno Meiring - 2007 - HTS Theological Studies 63 (2).
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    Wangdao ou La Voi Royale: Recherches sur l'Esprit des Institutions de la Chine Archaique. Tome I: Structures Cultuelles et Structures Familiales.Conrad Schirokauer, Lèon Vandermeersch & Leon Vandermeersch - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (2):431.
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  34. Marx's embryology of society.Arno Wouters - 1993 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 23 (2):149-179.
    This article presents a new interpretation of Marx's dialectical method. Marx conceived dialectics as a method for constructing a model of society. The way this model is developed is analogous to the way organisms develop according to the German embryologist Karl Ernst von Baer, and, indeed, Marx's theory of capitalism hinges on the same concept of Organisation that is found in teleomechanical biology. The strong analogy between pre-Darwinian biology and Marx's structure of argument shows that the analogy often supposed to (...)
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    (1 other version)Nongovernmental Organizations in Business and Society, Management, and International Business Research.Arno Kourula & Salla Laasonen - 2010 - Business and Society 49 (1):35-67.
    This review shows how the relationship between nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and businesses has been examined in business and society, management, and international business (IB) literatures. Altogether 88 relevant studies have been identified through the analysis of article abstracts from 11 leading journals in these fields. The articles have been classified into three categories according to their focus: NGO—business interface, NGO—business— government interface, and NGOs as one of many corporate stakeholders. Six main themes are identified: (a) Activism and NGO influence, (b) (...)
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  36. Entwicklung von Erkenntnissen und Entwicklung von Erkenntnisfähigkeiten.Arno Ros - 1989 - Philosophia Naturalis 26 (1):66-90.
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    Der junge Horkheimer: Ein Essay zum 50. Todestag des Begründers der Frankfurter Schule.Arno Münster - 2023 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Max Horkheimer, the founder of the critical theory of the ‘Frankfurt School’, died in July 1973. In his essay dedicated to this great thinker, sociologist and philosopher, the author attempts to uncover the theoretical roots of this critical thinking in the philosopher's early work. He analyses Horkheimer's early commitment to the cause of the victims of social, economic and political oppression as well as all systems that trample on the freedom and dignity of the individual and that discriminate against and (...)
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    Handbook of Popular Culture and Biomedicine: Knowledge in the Life Sciences as Cultural Artefact.Arno Görgen, German Alfonso Nunez & Heiner Fangerau (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This handbook explores the ways biomedicine and pop culture interact while simultaneously introducing the reader with the tools and ideas behind this new field of enquiry. From comic books to health professionals, from the arts to genetics, from sci-fi to medical education, from TV series to ethics, it offers different entry points to an exciting and central aspect of contemporary culture: how and what we learn about scientific knowledge and its representation in pop culture. Divided into three sections the handbook (...)
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    Von der Repräsentation zur Intervention: Variationen über John Dewey.Arno Bammé - 2013 - Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag.
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  40. Mensch und Maschine: das Denken sub specie machinae.Arno Baruzzi - 1973 - München: Fink.
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    Was ist praktische Philosophie?Arno Baruzzi - 1976 - München: Vögel.
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    Deutsche Einflüsse auf die englische Sprachwissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert.Arno Beyer - 1981 - Göppingen: Kümmerle.
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    52. Evolution der Lyrik.Arno Holz - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand (ed.), Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 121-122.
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    40. Sozialaristokraten.Arno Holz - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand (ed.), Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 106-106.
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    Christopher W. Tindale, acts of arguing, a rhetorical model of argument.Arno R. Lodder - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 9 (1):73-78.
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    Preface.Arno R. Lodder & John Zeleznikow - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 13 (2):189-192.
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    From Phenomenology to Existentialism – Philosophical Approaches Towards Sport.Arno Müller - 2011 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5 (3):202 - 216.
    The spectrum of methods (cf. Osterhoudt 1974) and the modes of thought that are used to analyse the world of sports are enormous. However, in international contexts, the range of philosophical reflections often seems to be reduced to a dichotomous structure, i.e. the analytical and the phenomenological approach. While the analytical position is linked to Anglo-Saxon countries, the phenomenological tradition is ascribed to continental philosophers. In this paper, firstly, I will address this seeming dichotomy of the continental and the Anglo-Saxon (...)
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    Max Horkheimer entre Marx, Freud et Schopenhauer: essai sur la philosophie sociale du fondateur de l'École de Francfort: "penser est déjà en soi un acte de résistance".Arno Münster - 2021 - Orange: Éditions Le Retrait.
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    (1 other version)Lichtenberg als Philosoph und seine Beziehungen zu Kant.Arno Neumann - 1900 - Kant Studien 4 (1-3):68-93.
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    (1 other version)Luzin’s (n) and randomness reflection.Arno Pauly, Linda Westrick & Liang Yu - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-27.
    We show that a computable function $f:\mathbb R\rightarrow \mathbb R$ has Luzin’s property if and only if it reflects $\Pi ^1_1$ -randomness, if and only if it reflects $\Delta ^1_1$ -randomness, and if and only if it reflects ${\mathcal {O}}$ -Kurtz randomness, but reflecting Martin–Löf randomness or weak-2-randomness does not suffice. Here a function f is said to reflect a randomness notion R if whenever $f$ is R-random, then x is R-random as well. If additionally f is known to have (...)
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