Results for 'Arnim Wiek'

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  1.  54
    Sustainable Engineering Science for Resolving Wicked Problems.Thomas Seager, Evan Selinger & Arnim Wiek - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (4):467-484.
    Because wicked problems are beyond the scope of normal, industrial-age engineering science, sustainability problems will require reform of current engineering science and technology practices. We assert that, while pluralism concerning use of the term sustainability is likely to persist, universities should continue to cultivate research and education programs specifically devoted to sustainable engineering science, an enterprise that is formally demarcated from business-as-usual and systems optimization approaches. Advancing sustainable engineering science requires a shift in orientation away from reductionism and intellectual specialization (...)
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    Nanotechnology Development as if People and Places Matter.Rider Foley, Arnim Wiek & Braden Kay - 2017 - NanoEthics 11 (3):243-257.
    Technological innovation in general, and nanotechnology development in particular, happens often disconnected from people and places where these technologies eventually play out. Over the last decade, a diversity of approaches have been proposed and developed to engage people in the innovation process of nanotechnology much earlier than in their conventional role as consumers. Such “upstream” engagements are conducted at stages when nanotechnology products and services are still amenable to reframing and modification. These engagement efforts have enhanced technological literacy among stakeholders (...)
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  3. Leben und Werke des Dio von Prusa.Hans Friedrich August von Arnim - 1898 - Berlin,: Weidmann.
  4. Zur normativen Politikwissenschaft: Versuch einer Rehabilitierung.Hans-Herbert von Arnim - 1986 - Speyer: Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften.
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    Ethics support for ethics support: the development of the Confidentiality Compass for dealing with moral challenges concerning (breaching) confidentiality in moral case deliberation.Wieke Ligtenberg, Margreet Stolper & Bert Molewijk - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-15.
    Background Confidentiality is one of the central preconditions for clinical ethics support (CES). CES cases which generate moral questions for CES staff concerning (breaching) confidentiality of what has been discussed during CES can cause moral challenges. Currently, there seems to be no clear policy or guidance regarding how CES staff can or should deal with these moral challenges related to (not) breaching confidentiality within CES. Moral case deliberation is a specific kind of CES. Method Based on experiences and research into (...)
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    Stoicorum veterum fragmenta: Volume IV: Indices.Hans von Arnim (ed.) - 1993 - De Gruyter.
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    Chronik der philosophischen Werke: von der Erfindung des Buchdrucks bis ins 20. Jahrhundert.Arnim Regenbogen - 2012 - Hamburg: Meiner.
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    Stoicorum veterum fragmenta: Volume III: Chrysippi fragmenta moralia.Hans von Arnim (ed.) - 2004 - De Gruyter.
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    Stoicorum veterum fragmenta: Volume II: Chrysippi fragmenta logica et physica.Hans von Arnim (ed.) - 2004 - De Gruyter.
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  10. (1 other version)Die Überwindung des Utilarismus in der Biologie der Gegenwart.Arnim Müller - 1933 - Kant Studien 38:384.
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    Platos Jugenddialoge und die Entstehungszeit des Phaidros.Hans Friedrich August von Arnim - 1914 - New York: Arno Press.
  12. Quellenstudien zu Philo von Alexandria.Hans von Arnim - 1888 - In Hans Willms, Philo of Alexandria: four studies. New York: Garland.
  13. De re belief generalized.Maxwell J. Cresswell & Arnim Stechow - 1982 - Linguistics and Philosophy 5 (4):503 - 535.
  14.  14
    A role for transcriptional repression during light control of plant development.Albrecht von Arnim & Xing-Wang Deng - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (11):905-910.
    Light mediates plant development partly by orchestrating changes in gene expression, a process which involves a complex combination of positive and negative signaling cascades. Genetic investigations using the small crucifer Arabidopsis thaliana have demonstrated a fundamental role for the down‐regulation of light‐inducible genes in response to darkness, thus offering a suitable model system for investigating how plants repress gene expression in a developmental context. Rapid progress in eukaryotic gene repression mechanisms in general, and light control of plant gene expression in (...)
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    Wörterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe.Arnim Regenbogen & Uwe Meyer - 2013 - Meiner, F.
    Das Wörterbuch schlüsselt die zentralen philosophischen Begriffe von der Antike über das Mittelalter bis hin zum deutschen Idealismus auf, erweitert um die Grund begriffe der Philosophie der Gegenwart. Dieses im Laufe der Zeit zum Klassiker avancierte Wörterbuch schlüsselt die philosophischen Begriffe von der Antike über das Mittelalter bis hin zum deutschen Idealismus auf, erweitert um die Grundbegriffe der Philosophie der Gegenwart und unter Verzicht auf allgemeine philosophiegeschichtliche Exkurse. Auf knappem Raum und in verständlicher Form werden die Bedeutung und Funktion, die (...)
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  16.  40
    Syntax - An international handbook of contemporary research.Joachim Jacobs, Arnim von Stechow, Wolfgang Sternefeld & Theo Vennemann (eds.) - 1993 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Die Syntax als die Disziplin der Linguistik, die den Satzbau zum Gegenstand hat, ist heute in eine Vielfalt einzelner Schulen zerfallen, die sich oft radikal in ihren Zielen und Methoden unterscheiden. Diese Schulenvielfalt ist z.T. darauf zurückzuführen, daß traditionelle, strukturalistische und dependenzgrammatische Ansätze den in den sechziger Jahren einsetzenden Siegeszug der Generativen Grammatik überlebt haben, unter anderem, weil sie sich bei der Erstellung von nicht rein theoretisch orientierten Sprachbeschreibungen als handlicher erwiesen. Aber auch die interne Entwicklung der Generativen Grammatik trug (...)
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    Constructing future scenarios as a tool to foster responsible research and innovation among future synthetic biologists.Afke Wieke Betten, Virgil Rerimassie, Jacqueline E. W. Broerse, Dirk Stemerding & Frank Kupper - 2018 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 14 (1):1-20.
    The emerging field of synthetic biology, the designing and construction of biological parts, devices and systems for useful purposes, may simultaneously resolve some issues and raise others. In order to develop applications robustly and in the public interest, it is important to organize reflexive strategies of assessment and engagement in early stages of development. Against this backdrop, initiatives related to the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation have also appeared. This paper describes such an initiative: the construction of future scenarios (...)
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    Pluractional adverbials.Beck Sigrid & Von Stechow Arnim - 2007 - Journal of Semantics 24 (3):215-254.
    This paper investigates the semantics of adverbials like ‘page by page’ and ‘stone upon stone’. An analysis is developed in which sentences containing such adverbials have a pluractional semantics; that is, pluralization affects simultaneously the event- and the individual-argument slot of a predicate. Sternefeld's system of plural operators is used and extended for this purpose. The adverbial constrains the relation that is pluralized and makes visible a higher plural operator. In the case of ‘page by page’-type adverbials, this is a (...)
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  19.  6
    Die politischen Theorien des Altertums.Hans Friedrich August von Arnim - 1910 - Hildesheim: Gerstenberg.
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  20. Todos los perros de mi vida.Elizabeth Von Arnim - 2008 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 16:90.
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  21.  19
    Stoicorum veterum fragmenta: Volume I: Zeno et Zenonis discipuli.Hans von Arnim (ed.) - 1978 - De Gruyter.
    Diese 1896 begründete Reihe erfasst seltene griechische und lateinische Texte mit Übersetzungen und Kommentaren sowie ausführliche Einleitungen und macht sie einem weiteren wissenschaftlichen Publikum zugänglich. Als Schwerpunkt der Reihe gilt seit 2000 Homers Ilias. Gesamtkommentar; hier wird Homers Ilias im Text (von M. L. West) mit Übersetzung (von J. Latacz) und mit Kommentar in deutscher Sprache geboten.
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    Monitoring reading behaviour: examining eye metrics during processing of information with different levels of relevance.Charlotte Clarijs, Wieke Oldenhof & Anne-Marie Brouwer - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  23. Zu Werner Jaegers Grundlegung der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Aristoteles.Hans Friedrich August von Arnim - 1969 - Darmstadt,: Wissenschaftliche Buchges..
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  24.  14
    Karl Vorländer: Geschichte der Philosophie. Band III, 1. Teilband, Hamburg 1975, 262 pp. [REVIEW]Arnim Baltzer - 1976 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 28 (4):368-370.
  25.  6
    Wahrheiten Und Geschichten, Philosophie Nach '45.Hans Heinz Holz, Arnim Regenbogen & Hans-Jörg Sandkühler - 1986
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    Die philosophie des Rechts, 1830-1837.Friedrich Julius Stahl & Henning Von Arnim - 1926 - Tübingen,: Mohr. Edited by Henning von Arnim.
    The Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926, brings together foreign, comparative, and international titles in a single resource. Its International Law component features works of some of the great legal theorists, including Gentili, Grotius, Selden, Zouche, Pufendorf, Bijnkershoek, Wolff, Vattel, Martens, Mackintosh, Wheaton, among others. The materials in this archive are drawn from three world-class American law libraries: the Yale Law Library, the George Washington University Law Library, and the Columbia Law Library.Now for the first time, (...)
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  27. Compositional treatment of de re attitudes.Arnim von Stechow & Thomas Ede Zimmermann - 2005 - In Greg N. Carlson & Francis Jeffry Pelletier, Reference and Quantification: The Partee Effect. CSLI Publications. pp. 207.
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  28. Handbuch Semantik.Arnim von Stechow & Dieter Wunderlich (eds.) - 1991 - De Gruyter.
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  29. Binding by verbs: Tense, person and mood under attitudes.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    .................................................................................................... ..................... 2 2 LF-Binding and Feature Deletion......................................................................................... 3..
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  30. (1 other version)Dog After Dog Revisited.Sigrid Beck & Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    The topic of this paper is the semantic analysis of the sentences in (1). (1a,b) contain the adverbial modifiers 'one after the other' and 'dog after dog', respectively, which add to the simple (1') information on how the overall event of the dogs entering the room is to be divided into subevents based on a division of the group of dogs into individual dogs. We call these adverbials pluractional adverbials, following e.g. Lasersohn's (1995) use of the term pluractionality for the (...)
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  31. Against LF Pied-Piping.Arnim von Stechow - 1996 - Natural Language Semantics 4 (1):57-110.
    The arguments for LF Pied-Piping given by Nishigauchi and others are represented. It is shown that Nishigauchi's semantics for pied-piped phrases gives the wrong meaning for interrogatives. We argue that none of the arguments for LF Pied-Piping is tenable and most of the arguments against the traditional approach (unbounded wh-movement at LF) do not stand up to scrutiny. However, some data turn out to be problematic for the traditional account. The alternative considered here involves pied-piping at an intermediate level between (...)
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  32. And the Visibility Parameter for D-Adverbs.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    The proponents of strong lexicalism hold the view that “words” are formed in the lexicon and are opaque for the syntax ((Dowty 1979), (DiSciullo and Williams 1987), (Jackendoff 1990) and many others). Modular morphology, on the other hand, offers the possibility that at least some words are partially formed in the syntax ((Baker 1988), (Borer 1988), (Hale and Keyser 1994), (Chomsky 1995) and many others). In (Stechow 1995) and (Stechow 1996) it has been argued that facts observed with German wieder (...)
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  33. On the Present Perfect Puzzle.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    In English, the present perfect, unlike future, past, and non-finite perfects, cannot be modified by so-called ‘positional’ adverbials (Comrie 1976, McCoard 1978, a.o.). This phenomenon is known as the present perfect puzzle (Klein 1992).
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  34. On the proper treatment of tense.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    This paper is mainly concerned with tense in embedded constructions. I believe that recent research – notably the work by Ogihara (1989) and Abusch (1993) – has contributed much to our better understanding of its semantics. The proposals made by the two authors are, however, still too simplistic in some regards. Among other things, they neglect the interplay of tense with temporal adverbs of quantification and with frame-setters. To get this composition right is a touchstone for every theory of tense (...)
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  35. Eine Erweiterte Extended Now-Theorie FÜR Perfekt Und Futur.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    Ich verteidige in diesem Aufsatz die These, daß die Kernbedeutung des deutschen Perfekts ein Extended Now im Sinne von McCoard (1978) ist. Es handelt sich dabei um ein Intervall, das die Referenzzeit r als rechte Grenze hat und in eine kontextuell oder lexikalisch begrenzte Vergangenheit reicht. r selbst gehört mit zum Intervall. Ich nenne dieses Intervall XNP(r). Für das Futur ist ein analoges Intervall anzunehmen, welches die Referenzzeit als linke Grenze hat, in die Zukunft reicht und das XNF(r) genannt wird. (...)
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    Guiding Orientation Processes as Possibility to Give Direction for System Innovations—the Use of Resilience and Sustainability in the Energy Transition.Urte Brand & Arnim von Gleich - 2017 - NanoEthics 11 (1):31-45.
    Challenges like finite fossil fuels, impacts of climate change, and risks of nuclear energy require a transformation of energy systems which implies risks itself, e.g. technical or socio-economic risks or still unknown and unexpected surprises. Nevertheless, in order to follow the direction desired by the transformation, the question arises how the direction of the transformation processes of socio-technical energy systems can be influenced. Guiding orientation processes could represent such a possibility to give direction where desired directions are taken up with (...)
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  37. Introduction: The modules of perfect constructions.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    This volume presents a collection of papers dealing with the semantics, syntax and morphology of perfect constructions in several languages (e.g. Arabic, English, Bulgarian, German, Greek, Italian, and Russian). The volume has its origin in two workshops, one on the Perfect organized by the University of Thessaloniki in May 2000, and one on Participles organized by the University of Tübingen in April 2001. However, the book is independently structured and features a different set of contributors than did those events.
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    Review article.Arnim von Stechow - 1985 - Journal of Semantics 4 (2):165-191.
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  39. Tempus-aspekt-aktionsarten-architektur aus typologischer sicht.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    Es ist üblich in der Slawistik, das slawische Tempus/Aspekt/Aktionsarten-System (T/A/A- System) als etwas ganz Eigenartiges, von dem in anderen Sprachen in mehrerer Hinsicht Abweichendes zu betrachten. Das Ziel dieses Aufsatzes ist, am Beispiel von T/A/A-System des Ukrainischen und Russischen slawische Sprachen mit anderen europäischen Sprachen zu vergleichen und durch diesen Vergleich das Ukrainische/Russische in eine allgemeine Tempus/Aspekt/Aktionsarten-Typologie einzuordnen. Das Ergebnis wird folgendes sein. Das Ukrainische/Russische unterscheidet morphologisch zwar zwischen zwei Klassen von Verben..
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  40. Future Vs. Present in Russian and English Adjunct Clauses.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    In this work, we treat the interpretation of tense in adjunct clauses in English and Russian (relative clauses, before/after/when-clauses) with a future matrix verb. The main findings of our paper are the following: 1. English has a simultaneous reading in Present adjuncts embedded under will. Russian Present adjuncts under budet or the synthetic perfective future can only have a deictic interpretation. This follows from our SOT parameter. 2. The syntax of Russian temporal adjunct clauses (do/posle togo kak…) shows overt parts (...)
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  41. Temporally opaque arguments in verbs of creation.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    Summary Verbs of creation (create, make, paint) are not transparent. The object created does not exist during the event time but only thereafter. We may call this type of opacity temporal opacity. I is to be distinguished from modal opacity, which is found in verbs like owe or seek. (Dowty, 1979) offers two analyses of creation verbs. One analysis predicts that no object of the sort created exists before the time of the creation. The other analysis says that the object (...)
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  42. Syntax and semantics: an overview.Arnim von Stechow - 2011 - In Klaus von Heusinger, Claudia Maienborn & Paul Portner, Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. De Gruyter Mouton.
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  43. Tenses in compositional semantics.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
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  44. The different readings of wieder 'again': a structural account.Arnim von Stechow - 1996 - Journal of Semantics 13 (2):87-138.
    I will defend a purely structural account of the different readings arising from the German adverb wieder ÒagainÓ. We will be concerned with the so-called repetitive/restitutive ambiguity. The claim is that the ambiguity can be resolved entirely in terms of syntactic scope. The theory assumes a rather abstract syntax. In particular, abundant use is made of KratzerÕs (1994) voice phrase, which plays a central role for the derivation of repetitive readings. One of the leading ideas of the analysis is that (...)
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  45. Anankastic conditionals again.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    The object of our investigation is expressing necessary conditions in natural language, particularly in a certain kind of conditional sentences, the so-called Anankastic Conditionals 2, a topic brought into the linguistic discussion by the seminal papers and. A typical AC is the following sentence, Sæbø’s standard example: If you want to go to Harlem, you have to take the A train. Sæbø analyses the sentence by means of the modal theory in, according to which a modal has two contextual parameters, (...)
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  46. Some remarks on choice functions and lf-movement.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    It is well known that indefinite phrases are more liberal in taking scope than other quantifying phrases. In general, the scope of indefinites is not limited by the finite clause in which they occur, although the scope of universal quantifiers is. Wh-phrases behave very much like indefinites: in languages with wh in situ, their scope need not be restricted by anything like clause boundedness.
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  47. Structured propositions.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    0. SOME THESES .................................................................................................... ...............................................3..
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  48. Partial wh-movement and logical form an introduction.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    On Friday the 1st and Saturday the 2nd of December 1995, the Sonderforschungsbereich 340 held a workshop entitled Syntax and Semantics of Partial Wh-Movement. This volume contains most of the papers presented there.1 One of the leading ideas underlying the workshop was that detailed investigation of the partial wh-movement construction provides an excellent test ground for checking assumptions about the syntax/semantics interface.
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  49. The Temporal Degree Adjectives FrÜH(Er)/ SpÄT(Er).Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    There is a rich literature about the temporal conjunctions before/after, but at the time I gave the talk that underlies this paper I was not aware of any analysis of the temporal comparatives früher/später ‘earlier/later’, which may be used to express similar states of affairs, but are constructed differently.2 Recently I became acquainted with del Prete’s thesis about It. prima/dopo, which analyses prima as a comparative and dopo as a preposition.3 This is the only paper known to me that goes (...)
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  50. Patient participation in Dutch ethics support: practice, ideals, challenges and recommendations—a national survey.Marleen Eijkholt, Janine de Snoo-Trimp, Wieke Ligtenberg & Bert Molewijk - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-14.
    Background: Patient participation in clinical ethics support services has been marked as an important issue. There seems to be a wide variety of practices globally, but extensive theoretical or empirical studies on the matter are missing. Scarce publications indicate that, in Europe, patient participation in CESS varies from region to region, and per type of support. Practices vary from being non-existent, to patients being a full conversation partner. This contrasts with North America, where PP seems more or less standard. While (...)
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