Results for 'Aris Stouraitis'

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  1.  44
    Arie L. Molendijk: Au Fond. The Phenomenology of Gerardus van der Leeuw.Arie L. Molendijk - 2018 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 25 (1-2):52-69.
    This article explores Gerardus van der Leeuw’s view of phenomenology of religion. The phenomenological method he defended is basically a hermeneutical approach in which an observer relates personally and even existentially to the “phenomena” (s)he studies in order to determine their essence (Wesensschau). In his anthropology (that reflects on the basic structure of human beings) a similar way of relating to the world is discussed: the “primitive mentality” that is characterized by the “need to participate” (besoin de participation). Both phenomenology (...)
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    Roman identity in Byzantium: a critical approach.Ioannis Stouraitis - 2014 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 107 (1):175-220.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 107 Heft: 1 Seiten: 175-220.
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    Identities and ideologies in the medieval East Roman world.Yannis Stouraitis (ed.) - 2022 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This book offers an interdisciplinary approach - historical, literary, art-historical and archaeological - to the topics of ideology and identity in the medieval East Roman world. The individual chapters explore ideological discourses and practices in various contexts. In particular, they focus on the content of ideas and their role in shaping different kinds of group attachments and identifications within the imperial social order. Moreover, they explore the various visions of community which different collective identity discourses projected within and beyond the (...)
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    Curve Fitting, the Reliability of Inductive Inference, and the Error‐Statistical Approach.Aris Spanos - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (5):1046-1066.
    The main aim of this paper is to revisit the curve fitting problem using the reliability of inductive inference as a primary criterion for the ‘fittest' curve. Viewed from this perspective, it is argued that a crucial concern with the current framework for addressing the curve fitting problem is, on the one hand, the undue influence of the mathematical approximation perspective, and on the other, the insufficient attention paid to the statistical modeling aspects of the problem. Using goodness-of-fit as the (...)
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    Constructions of Intersubjectivity: Discourse, Syntax, and Cognition.Arie Verhagen - 2005 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Constructions of Intersubjectivity shows that the meaning of grammatical constructions often has more to do with the human cognitive capacity for taking other peoples' points of view than with describing the world. Treating pragmatics, semantics, and syntax in parallel and integrating insights from linguistics, psychology, and animal communication, Arie Verhagen develops a new understanding of linguistic communication. In doing so he shows the continuity between language and animal communication and reveals the nature of human linguistic specialization. Professor Verhagen uses Dutch (...)
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    Whereto speculative bioethics? Technological visions and future simulations in a science fictional culture.Ari Schick - 2016 - Medical Humanities 42 (4):225-231.
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    Withholding or Necessary Filtering of Information?Ari Z. Zivotofsky & Naomi T. S. Zivotofsky - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (12):70-72.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 12, Page 70-72, December 2011.
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    Just a theory: exploring the nature of science.M. Ben-Ari - 2005 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Some people claim that evolution is "just a theory". Do you know what a scientific theory really is? Just a theory is an overview of the modern concepts of science. A clear understanding of the nature of science will enable you to distinguish science from pseudoscience (which illegitimately wraps itself in the mantle of science), and real social issues in science from the caricatures portrayed in postmodernist critiques. Prof. Ben-Ari's style is light (even humorous) and easy to read, bringing the (...)
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    Intuitive and deliberate judgments are based on common principles.Arie W. Kruglanski & Gerd Gigerenzer - 2011 - Psychological Review 118 (1):97-109.
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    Western attitudes toward death: from the Middle Ages to the present.Philippe Ariès - 1974 - Baltimore,: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Ariès traces Western man's attitudes toward mortality from the early medieval conception of death as the familiar collective destiny of the human race to the modern tendency, so pronounced in industrial societies, to hide death as if it were an embarrassing family secret.
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    What Counts as “Success” in Speculative and Anticipatory Ethics? Lessons from the Advent of Germline Gene Editing.Ari Schick - 2019 - NanoEthics 13 (3):261-267.
    This discussion note offers a preliminary analysis of what recent developments in human germline gene editing tell us about the effectiveness of speculative and anticipatory modes of techno-ethics. It argues that the benefits of speculative discussions are difficult to detect thus far, and that pushing the focal point of ethical discourse well ahead of the current state of technology may prematurely undermine existing norms long before a broad consensus would justify moving beyond them.
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  12. Donation after cardiocirculatory death: a call for a moratorium pending full public disclosure and fully informed consent.Ari R. Joffe, Joe Carcillo, Natalie Anton, Allan deCaen, Yong Y. Han, Michael J. Bell, Frank A. Maffei, John Sullivan, James Thomas & Gonzalo Garcia-Guerra - 2011 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 6:17.
    Many believe that the ethical problems of donation after cardiocirculatory death (DCD) have been "worked out" and that it is unclear why DCD should be resisted. In this paper we will argue that DCD donors may not yet be dead, and therefore that organ donation during DCD may violate the dead donor rule. We first present a description of the process of DCD and the standard ethical rationale for the practice. We then present our concerns with DCD, including the following: (...)
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  13. Who Should Be Afraid of the Jeffreys-Lindley Paradox?Aris Spanos - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (1):73-93.
    The article revisits the large n problem as it relates to the Jeffreys-Lindley paradox to compare the frequentist, Bayesian, and likelihoodist approaches to inference and evidence. It is argued that what is fallacious is to interpret a rejection of as providing the same evidence for a particular alternative, irrespective of n; this is an example of the fallacy of rejection. Moreover, the Bayesian and likelihoodist approaches are shown to be susceptible to the fallacy of acceptance. The key difference is that (...)
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  14.  26
    A microscopic approach to Souslin-tree construction, Part II.Ari Meir Brodsky & Assaf Rinot - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (5):102904.
    In Part I of this series, we presented the microscopic approach to Souslin-tree constructions, and argued that all known ⋄-based constructions of Souslin trees with various additional properties may be rendered as applications of our approach. In this paper, we show that constructions following the same approach may be carried out even in the absence of ⋄. In particular, we obtain a new weak sufficient condition for the existence of Souslin trees at the level of a strongly inaccessible cardinal. We (...)
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    “Intuitive and deliberate judgments are based on common principles”: Correction to Kruglanski and Gigerenzer (2011).Arie W. Kruglanski & Gerd Gigerenzer - 2011 - Psychological Review 118 (3):522-522.
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    Cycle‐regulated genes and cell cycle regulation.Richard D'Ari - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (7):563-565.
    The transcriptional profile of the entire Caulobacter crescentus genome over a synchronous cell cycle was recently described.(1) The analysis reveals a stunning 553 cell-cycle-regulated genes or orfs, nearly 19% of the genome, including putative functions in virtually all biological activities. Over a quarter of these genes/orfs respond to the Caulobacter master regulator, CtrA, most of them apparently indirectly. The analysis confirms and extends earlier observations showing that many proteins involved in cell cycle functions are expressed at the cell age when (...)
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    Isaiah Berlin: the journey of a Jewish liberal.Arie Dubnov - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This study offers a fresh reappraisal of the philosopher, political thinker, and historian of ideas Sir Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997) from childhood to the height of his intellectual career. It provides the first historically contextualized study of Berlin's formative years and identifies different stages in his intellectual development, allowing a reappraisal of his theory of liberalism. Applying a 'double perspective' that examines Berlin both as an East European Jewish émigré; as well as a British Liberal intellectual, author Arie Dubnov stresses the (...)
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  18.  33
    DCDD Donors Are Not Dead.Ari Joffe - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S4):29-32.
    According to international scientific medical consensus, death is a biological, unidirectional, ontological state of an organism, the event that separates the process of dying from the process of disintegration. Death is not merely a social contrivance or a normative concept; it is a scientific reality. Using this paradigm, the international consensus is that, regardless of context, death is operationally defined as “the permanent loss of the capacity for consciousness and all brainstem function. This may result from permanent cessation of circulation (...)
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  19. Error statistical modeling and inference: Where methodology meets ontology.Aris Spanos & Deborah G. Mayo - 2015 - Synthese 192 (11):3533-3555.
    In empirical modeling, an important desiderata for deeming theoretical entities and processes as real is that they can be reproducible in a statistical sense. Current day crises regarding replicability in science intertwines with the question of how statistical methods link data to statistical and substantive theories and models. Different answers to this question have important methodological consequences for inference, which are intertwined with a contrast between the ontological commitments of the two types of models. The key to untangling them is (...)
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    A microscopic approach to Souslin-tree constructions, Part I.Ari Meir Brodsky & Assaf Rinot - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (11):1949-2007.
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    “Big” Sounds Bigger in More Widely Spoken Languages.Shiri Lev-Ari, Ivet Kancheva, Louise Marston, Hannah Morris, Teah Swingler & Madina Zaynudinova - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (11):e13059.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2021.
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    The Apnea Test: Requiring Consent for a Test That is a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Not Fit for Purpose, and Always Confounded?Ari R. Joffe - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (6):42-44.
    Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2020, Page 42-44.
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  23.  14
    The NOMA of Yishayahu Leibowitz.Mordechai Ben-Ari - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (7):719-723.
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    The "Colonization of the Lifeworld" and the Disappearance of Politics — Arendt and Habermas.Arie Brand - 1986 - Thesis Eleven 13 (1):39-53.
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    Prenatal Diagnosis and Abortion Are Not in Conflict in Israel.Ari Z. Zivotofsky & Alan Jotkowitz - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (8):58-60.
    Ballantyne and colleagues (2009) cogently present the conflict that arises in jurisdictions in which prenatal diagnosis (PND) is available and abortions are prohibited. They primarily focus on two...
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    Social network size can influence linguistic malleability and the propagation of linguistic change.Shiri Lev-Ari - 2018 - Cognition 176 (C):31-39.
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    Paying Human Subjects in Research: Where are We, How Did We Get Here, and Now What?Ari VanderWalde & Seth Kurzban - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (3):543-558.
    On November 14, 1996, an in-depth report on the recruiting and testing practices of Lilly Pharmaceuticals appeared in the Wall Street Journal. Laurie Cohen reported that most pharmaceutical companies had difficulty recruiting healthy subjects to participate in testing of “untried and potentially dangerous” drugs. These companies often had to pay subjects up to $250 a day to ensure adequate enrollment, and some even gave referral bonuses to doctors who sent potential subjects their way. Cohen then exposed how Lilly was able (...)
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  28. Theory testing in economics and the error-statistical perspective.Aris Spanos - 2009 - In Deborah G. Mayo & Aris Spanos, Error and Inference: Recent Exchanges on Experimental Reasoning, Reliability, and the Objectivity and Rationality of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-419.
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    The hour of our death.Philippe Ariès - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This remarkable book--the fruit of almost two decades of study--traces in compelling fashion the changes in Western attitudes toward death and dying from the earliest Christian times to the present day. A truly landmark study, The Hour of Our Death reveals a pattern of gradually developing evolutionary stages in our perceptions of life in relation to death, each stage representing a virtual redefinition of human nature. Starting at the very foundations of Western culture, the eminent historian Phillipe Aries shows how, (...)
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  30. Are recent defences of the brain death concept adequate?Ari Joffe - 2009 - Bioethics 24 (2):47-53.
    Brain death is accepted in most countries as death. The rationales to explain why brain death is death are surprisingly problematic. The standard rationale that in brain death there has been loss of integrative unity of the organism has been shown to be false, and a better rationale has not been clearly articulated. Recent expert defences of the brain death concept are examined in this paper, and are suggested to be inadequate. I argue that, ironically, these defences demonstrate the lack (...)
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  31. Philosophy with Children, the Poverty Line, and Socio-philosophic Sensitivity.Arie Kizel - 2015 - Childhood and Philosophy 11 (21):139-162.
    A philosophy with children community of inquiry encourage children to develop a philosophical sensitivity that entails awareness of abstract questions related to human existence. When it operates, it can allow insight into significant philosophical aspects of various situations and their analysis. This article seeks to contribute to the discussion of philosophical sensitivity by adducing an additional dimension—namely, the development of a socio-philosophical sensitivity by means of a philosophical community of inquiry focused on texts linked to these themes and an analysis (...)
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    Fractal variability versus pathologic periodicity: complexity loss and stereotypy in disease.Ary L. Goldberger - 1996 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 40 (4):543-561.
  33.  59
    (1 other version)Comprehending non-native speakers: theory and evidence for adjustment in manner of processing.Shiri Lev-Ari - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  34. The facilitator as self-liberator and enabler: ethical responsibility in communities of philosophical inquiry.Arie Kizel - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:1-20.
    From its inception, philosophy for/with children (P4wC) has sought to promote philosophical discussion with children based on the latter’s own questions and a pedagogic method designed to encourage critical, creative, and caring thinking. Communities of inquiry can be plagued by power struggles prompted by diverse identities, however. These not always being highlighted in the literature or P4wC discourse, this article proposes a two-stage model for facilitators as part of their ethical responsibility. In the first phase, they should free themselves from (...)
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  35. Technology as prospective ontology.Arie Rip - 2009 - Synthese 168 (3):405 - 422.
    Starting from common-sense notions of ‘furniture of the world’ a process ontology is developed in which prospective is an integral part. Technology as configurations that work (precariously) embodies expectations which structure further development. Examples (a cloned puppy, hotel keys, DC airplanes, stem cells, and overpasses on Long Island) are used to develop the notion of material narratives that are “written”, not just by engineers and designers/producers, but also by users: “reading” implies some further “writing”. In contrast to prevailing notions of (...)
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    The energetics of motivated cognition: A force-field analysis.Arie W. Kruglanski, Jocelyn J. Bélanger, Xiaoyan Chen, Catalina Köpetz, Antonio Pierro & Lucia Mannetti - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (1):1-20.
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    Labor as Action: the Human Condition in the Anthropocene.Ari-Elmeri Hyvönen - 2020 - Research in Phenomenology 50 (2):240-260.
    The Anthropocene has become an umbrella term for the disastrous transgression of ecological safety boundaries by human societies. The impact of this new reality is yet to be fully registered by political theorists. In an attempt to recalibrate the categories of political thought, this article brings Hannah Arendt’s framework of The Human Condition into the gravitational pull of the Anthropocene and current knowledge about the Earth System. It elaborates the historical emergence of our capacity to “act in the mode of (...)
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    How the Size of Our Social Network Influences Our Semantic Skills.Shiri Lev-Ari - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (8):2050-2064.
    People differ in the size of their social network, and thus in the properties of the linguistic input they receive. This article examines whether differences in social network size influence individuals’ linguistic skills in their native language, focusing on global comprehension of evaluative language. Study 1 exploits the natural variation in social network size and shows that individuals with larger social networks are better at understanding the valence of restaurant reviews. Study 2 manipulated social network size by randomly assigning participants (...)
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    In pursuit of the postsecular.Arie L. Molendijk - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 76 (2):100-115.
    This article explores the various uses or – according to some authors, such as the sociologist James Beckford – misuses of the term ‘postsecular’. The variations in its use are indeed so broad that the question is justified whether the terminology as such has much analytical value. The prominence of the ‘postsecular’ in present-day debates in my view primarily indicates the inability among scholars, intellectuals and religious interest groups to come to grips with what – for some at least – (...)
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  40. Is frequentist testing vulnerable to the base-rate fallacy?Aris Spanos - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (4):565-583.
    This article calls into question the charge that frequentist testing is susceptible to the base-rate fallacy. It is argued that the apparent similarity between examples like the Harvard Medical School test and frequentist testing is highly misleading. A closer scrutiny reveals that such examples have none of the basic features of a proper frequentist test, such as legitimate data, hypotheses, test statistics, and sampling distributions. Indeed, the relevant error probabilities are replaced with the false positive/negative rates that constitute deductive calculations (...)
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    Sequent-based logical argumentation.Ofer Arieli & Christian Straßer - 2015 - Argument and Computation 6 (1):73-99.
    We introduce a general approach for representing and reasoning with argumentation-based systems. In our framework arguments are represented by Gentzen-style sequents, attacks between arguments are represented by sequent elimination rules, and deductions are made according to Dung-style skeptical or credulous semantics. This framework accommodates different languages and logics in which arguments may be represented, allows for a flexible and simple way of expressing and identifying arguments, supports a variety of attack relations, and is faithful to standard methods of drawing conclusions (...)
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  42.  17
    Lowering Red Meat and Processed Meat Consumption With Environmental, Animal Welfare, and Health Arguments in Italy: An Online Experiment.Arie Dijkstra & Valentina Rotelli - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionIn addition to being a source of valuable nutrients, meat consumption has several negative consequences; for the environment, for animal welfare, and for human health. To persuade people to lower their meat consumption, it is assumed that the personal relevance of the topic of lowering meat consumption is important as it determines how people perceive the quality of the arguments.MethodIn an experimental exploratory field study, participants recruited from the general Italian population were randomized to one of the four conditions with (...)
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  43.  11
    The Culture of Political Despair: Meditation on Seyla Benhabib’s Weimar Syndrome and the Pitfalls of Exile Plaudit.Arie M. Dubnov - 2021 - Arendt Studies 5:53-69.
    Reflections on Seyla Benhabib’s a. Exile, Statelessness, and Migration: Playing Chess with History from Hannah Arendt to Isaiah Berlin. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018.
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    New Heart, New Spirit: Biblical Humanism for Modern Israel.Arie L. Eliav - 1986 - Jewish Publication Society.
    In the words of the author,` this book represents an attempt to raise anew the banner of human values sanctified in the Book of Books and it is a call to rally ...
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    Futures of Science and Technology in Society.Arie Rip - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Longer-term developments shape the present and endogenous futures of institutions and practices of science and technology in society and their governance. Understanding the patterns allows diagnosis and soft intervention, often linked to scenario exercises. The book collects six articles offering key examples of this perspective, addressing ongoing issues in the governance of science and technology, including nanotechnology and responsible research and innovation. And adds two more articles that address background philosophical issues.
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    More Notions of Forcing Add a Souslin Tree.Ari Meir Brodsky & Assaf Rinot - 2019 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (3):437-455.
    An ℵ1-Souslin tree is a complicated combinatorial object whose existence cannot be decided on the grounds of ZFC alone. But fifteen years after Tennenbaum and Jech independently devised notions of forcing for introducing such a tree, Shelah proved that already the simplest forcing notion—Cohen forcing—adds an ℵ1-Souslin tree. In this article, we identify a rather large class of notions of forcing that, assuming a GCH-type hypothesis, add a λ+-Souslin tree. This class includes Prikry, Magidor, and Radin forcing.
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    Agustín de Hipona en la obra arendtiana temprana.Ari Angelina Costamagna Fernández - 2021 - Perspectivas 6 (2):95-117.
    Resumo. Hannah Arendt. Educação inicial. Agostinho de Hipona. Este artigo faz parte de uma investigação em andamento, na qual exploramos a leitura de arendtiana do Agostinho de Hipona, partindo da obra inicial, El concepto de amor en San Agustín (2001). Consideramos que a investigação da dissertação doutoral, obra tão pouco explorada pelos seus mais relevantes interpretes, pode brindarmos novas chaves de leitura da teoria política de Hannah Arendt, tornando mais complexo nossa abordagem na sua leitura heterodoxa da tradição do pensamento (...)
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  48. Sefer Halikhot ha-Shulḥan ʻarukh ha-ḥamishi.Ari Abraham Smadja - 2015 - Yerushalaim: Hotsaʼah la-or Tsuf.
    [1] Seder rishon. Yesode halikhot ha-Shulḥan ʻarukh ha-hamishi. Sefer rishon - ha-kolel: Petiḥah maḳifah le-khol shemonat sidre halikhot ha-Shulḥan ʻarukh ha-ḥamishi ... Ḥeleḳ 1. Torat ha-hanhagut derekh erets u-musar ... Ḥeleḳ 2. Meḳorot halikhot ha-Shulḥan ʻarukh ha-ḥamishi ... Ḥeleḳ 3. Ḥashivut limud halikhot ha-Shulḥan ʻarukh ha-ḥamishi ... Nispaḥim -- 2. Seder sheni. Halikhot adam le-ḥavero.
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    Bernoulli’s golden theorem in retrospect: error probabilities and trustworthy evidence.Aris Spanos - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):13949-13976.
    Bernoulli’s 1713 golden theorem is viewed retrospectively in the context of modern model-based frequentist inference that revolves around the concept of a prespecified statistical model Mθx\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathcal{M}}_{{{\varvec{\uptheta}}}} \left( {\mathbf{x}} \right)$$\end{document}, defining the inductive premises of inference. It is argued that several widely-accepted claims relating to the golden theorem and frequentist inference are either misleading or erroneous: (a) Bernoulli solved the problem of inference ‘from probability to frequency’, and thus (b) the golden theorem (...)
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  50. Foundational Issues in Statistical Modeling : Statistical Model Specification.Aris Spanos - 2011 - Rationality, Markets and Morals 2:146-178.
    Statistical model specification and validation raise crucial foundational problems whose pertinent resolution holds the key to learning from data by securing the reliability of frequentist inference. The paper questions the judiciousness of several current practices, including the theory-driven approach, and the Akaike-type model selection procedures, arguing that they often lead to unreliable inferences. This is primarily due to the fact that goodness-of-fit/prediction measures and other substantive and pragmatic criteria are of questionable value when the estimated model is statistically misspecified. Foisting (...)
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