Results for 'Antun Gustav Matoš'

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  1.  16
    Higher Physical Activity Levels May Help Buffer the Negative Psychological Consequences of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic.Raul Antunes, Ricardo Rebelo-Gonçalves, Nuno Amaro, Rogério Salvador, Rui Matos, Pedro Morouço & Roberta Frontini - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study explored the associations between physical activity anxiety levels, and the perception of satisfaction of basic psychological needs, during Coronavirus Disease 2019 lockdown. Thus, 1,404 participants ranging from 18 to 89 years old completed a questionnaire in the period between 1st and 15th April 2021. The survey included sociodemographic data and the following validated instruments: the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, the Basic Need General Satisfaction Scale and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. The Kruskal-Wallis test was performed to examine variation in (...)
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    The Relationship Between Anxiety Levels, Sleep, and Physical Activity During COVID-19 Lockdown: An Exploratory Study.Roberta Frontini, Ricardo Rebelo-Gonçalves, Nuno Amaro, Rogério Salvador, Rui Matos, Pedro Morouço & Raul Antunes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Nowadays and worldwide, the attention is focused on coronavirus disease, and its consequences on mental health are yet to be fully understood. It is important to capture differences in anxiety levels among populations, groups, and the gender-related variation. Therefore, the present study had two main purposes: to characterize the levels of state anxiety and trait anxiety by examining gender-related, sleep-related, and physical activity-related variations in a nonrepresentative sample of the Portuguese population during the first weeks of lockdown; and to explore (...)
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  3. Imaginário religioso: o simbolismo do herói à luz de Joseph Campbell e Carl Gustav Jung. 2011.Solange Missagia Matos - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (29):409-411.
    DISSERTAÇÃO DE MESTRADO MATTOS, Solange Missagia. Imaginário religioso: o simbolismo do herói à luz de Joseph Campbell e Carl Gustav Jung. 2011. 115 folhas. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Horizonte.
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    Apresentação.Felipe de Matos Müller & Kátia Martins Etcheverry - 2016 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 61 (3):437-439.
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    Psychological Types, Or the Psychology of Individuation.Carl Gustav Jung - 2023 - Pantheon Books.
    In the 21st century, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) remains one of the key figures in the field of analytical psychology - and Psychological Types, or The Psychology of Individuation, published in 1921, is one of his most influential works. It was written during the decade after the publication of Psychology of the Unconscious (1912), which effectively ended his friendship and collaboration with Sigmund Freud. Whereas the earlier work had clearly marked Jung's psychoanalytical divergence from Freud it is the Psychology (...)
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  6. Statutory lawlessness and supra-statutory law (1946).Radbruch Gustav - 2006 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 26 (1):1-11.
  7. Ineffability, ontology, and method.Gustav Bergmann - 1960 - Philosophical Review 69 (1):18-40.
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    Russell on particulars.Gustav Bergmann - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56 (1):59-72.
  9. Strawson's ontology.Gustav Bergmann - 1960 - Journal of Philosophy 57 (19):601-622.
  10. A positivistic metaphysics of consciousness.Gustav Bergmann - 1945 - Mind 54 (July):193-226.
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    (1 other version)Intentionality.Gustav Bergmann - 1955 - Archivio Di Filosofia 3 (3):177-216.
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    (1 other version)Pure semantics, sentences, and propositions.Gustav Bergmann - 1944 - Mind 53 (211):238-257.
  13. On non-perceptual intuition.Gustav Bergmann - 1949 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (2):263-264.
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  14. Elementarism.Gustav Bergmann - 1957 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18 (1):107-114.
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    Medizin und Gesellschaft: ethische Verantwortung und ärztliches Handeln.Friedrich Deinhardt & Gustav Adolf Martini (eds.) - 1982 - Frankfurt [Main]: Umwelt & Medizin.
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  16. Holism, historicism, and emergence.Gustav Bergmann - 1944 - Philosophy of Science 11 (March):209-21.
    In a recent article P. Henle gave an analysis of the notion of emergence. His inquiry deals with what he calls, quite appropriately, the emergence of characteristics. Such emergence, that is, the emergence of qualities and relations is undoubtedly the primary connotation of the term, and I feel that Henle has been very successful in clarifying it. The purpose of the present paper is to discuss in some detail one special aspect of Henle's analysis. This is done because the precise (...)
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    Frequencies, probabilities, and positivism.Gustav Bergmann - 1945 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 6 (1):26-44.
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    Notes on ontology.Gustav Bergmann - 1981 - Noûs 15 (2):131-154.
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    Physics and ontology.Gustav Bergmann - 1961 - Philosophy of Science 28 (1):1-14.
    The recent philosophy of physics is confronted with the new ontology, as it emerges after philosophy proper has fully articulated the linguistic turn. The classical ontologists asserted or denied, controversially, that certain entities "existed." Rather than adding to these controversies, the new ontology uncovers their dialectics. The ontologically problematic entities of physics are of two kinds, represented by forces and particles, respectively. The dialectics has been dominated by eight patterns. Two of these, independence and realism, belong to philosophy proper. The (...)
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    (1 other version)Two cornerstones of empiricism.Gustav Bergmann - 1949 - Synthese 8 (1):435 - 452.
  21. The revolt against logical atomism--I.Gustav Bergmann - 1957 - Philosophical Quarterly 7 (29):323-339.
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    Selected philosophical essays.Carl Gustav Hempel - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Richard C. Jeffrey.
    Carl Gustav Hempel (1905-1997) was one of the preeminent figures in the philosophical movement of logical empiricism. He was a member of both the Berlin and Vienna circles, fled Germany in 1934 and finally settled in the US where he taught for many years in New York, Princeton, and Pittsburgh. The essays in this collection come from the early and late periods of Hempel's career and chart his intellectual odyssey from a rigorous commitment to logical positivism in the 1930s (...)
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  23. Five minutes of legal philosophy (1945).Radbruch Gustav - 2006 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 26 (1):13-15.
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    A note on ontology.Gustav Bergmann - 1950 - Philosophical Studies 1 (6):89-92.
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    (1 other version)Remarks on realism.Gustav Bergmann - 1946 - Philosophy of Science 13 (4):261-273.
    Positivists and phenomenalists of all sorts maintain, and long have maintained, some variant of the following thesis concerning the existence of physical objects: Such statements as ‘There is now a wall behind my back’ are synonymous with a class of statements of which the following is representative ‘If I shall turn my head, then I shall also have the visual experience called ‘seeing a wall'.’ This amounts to proposing what many of us call a philosophical analysis of ‘exist’ or, more (...)
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  26. The philosophical significance modal logic.Gustav Bergmann - 1960 - Mind 69 (276):466-485.
  27. Ideology.Gustav Bergmann - 1950 - Ethics 61 (3):205-218.
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    Styles of Leadership, Fears of Compassion, and Competing to Avoid Inferiority.Jaskaran Basran, Claudia Pires, Marcela Matos, Kirsten McEwan & Paul Gilbert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  29. Frege's hidden nominalism.Gustav Bergmann - 1958 - Philosophical Review 67 (4):437-459.
  30.  7
    Die wirkliche und die scheinbare Welt: neue Grundlegung der Metaphysik.Gustav Teichmüller - 2014 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag. Edited by Heiner Schwenke.
    Das erste systematische Hauptwerk Gustav Teichmüllers, Die wirkliche und die scheinbare Welt. Neue Grundlegung der Metaphysik aus dem Jahr 1882, ist einer der bedeutenden philosophischen Entwürfe seiner Zeit und zugleich eine Gründungsschrift des philosophischen Personalismus. Teichmüller kritisiert darin die Selbstvergessenheit der philosophischen Systeme, die nur die sinnlichen und abstrakten Inhalte des Bewusstseins beachteten, diese durch Projektion externalisierten und zur Realität erklärten und darüber das Ich vergässen, das diese Inhalte denkt und zum Gegenstand seiner Gefühle und Handlungen macht. Er versucht (...)
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  31. Duration and the specious present.Gustav Bergmann - 1960 - Philosophy of Science 27 (January):39-47.
    The problem I shall discuss is specific, even minute. Yet, being philosophical, it arises and can be profitably discussed only in a context anything but minute, namely, that of a conception of philosophy and its proper method. I could not possibly unfold my conception once more for the sake of a minute problem. Nor do I believe that as things now stand this is necessary. I shall merely recall two propositions which are crucial in the context, and, in stating them, (...)
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    Philosophical and psychological pragmatics.Gustav Bergmann - 1947 - Philosophy of Science 14 (3):271-273.
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    Sketch of an Ontological Inventory.Gustav Bergmann - 1979 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 10 (1):3-8.
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  34. Dispositional properties and dispositions.Gustav Bergmann - 1955 - Philosophical Studies 6 (5):77-80.
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    Individuals.Gustav Bergmann - 1958 - Philosophical Studies 9 (5-6):78 - 85.
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    Justificação testemunhal: o caso dos boatos. In Proceedings of the Brazilian Research Group on Epistemology: 2018.Felipe de Matos Müller (ed.) - 2018 - Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil: Editora Fi.
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    A ditadura militar brasileira à Luz da filosofia política de Giorgio Agamben.Talita Marques de Matos Morais - 2017 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 8 (15):59-73.
    O presente artigo busca analisar o acontecimento ditatorial civil militar brasileiro, que ocorreu de 1964 a 1988, sob a ótica da filosofia política de Giorgio Agamben, através de uma investigação dos conceitos chave estudados por este filósofo italiano, como: estado de exceção, _homo sacer_, vida nua e campo. Assim, por meio destes conceitos que serão nossos instrumentos de pesquisa, será iluminado, a partir da reflexão filosófica-política, este fato histórico transcorrido durante vinte e quatro anos e quais reflexos ele gerou para (...)
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    (1 other version)The ambivalence of the marxist concept of ideology.Gustav A. Wetter - 1969 - Studies in East European Thought 9 (3):177-183.
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    Two criteria for an ideal language.Gustav Bergmann - 1949 - Philosophy of Science 16 (1):71-74.
    The lucidity of Mr. Copilowish's argument makes the task of the reviewer very pleasant, even if he disagrees as completely as I do with the conclusion, which is the main thesis Mr. Copilowish attempts to prove. Only at one minor point does his exposition not quite suit my taste. He chose to preface his argument with a string of quotations supposedly supporting the position he wishes to defend. It seems to me that with the proper historical precautions these passages allow (...)
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  40. Inductive inconsistencies.Carl Gustav Hempel - 1960 - Synthese 12 (4):439-69.
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    Unravelling Uncertainty Inception: When We Really Know That We Don't Know?Lara Daniela Matos Cunha, Filipa Ventura, Márcia Pestana-Santos, Lurdes Lomba & Margarida Reis Santos - 2025 - Nursing Philosophy 26 (1):e70004.
    Through technical rationality, healthcare professionals address instrumental problems by applying the theory and technique arising from scientific knowledge. Nevertheless, the divergent situations of practice characterised by uncertainty, instability, and uniqueness place nurses in a positivist epistemological dilemma. Decision‐making under uncertainty is a challenge that nurses face in clinical practice daily. Nurses anticipate critical events based on the interaction between (un)known factors of clinical reasoning, putting uncertainty tolerance into perspective. With undeniable epistemological relevance, few nursing researchers have addressed this issue. Based (...)
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    Geheimnisvoll am lichten tag, von der seele des menschen und der welt.Carl Gustav Carus - 1944 - Leipzig: P. Reclam jun.. Edited by Hans Kerns.
    Diese Hardcover-Ausgabe ist Teil der TREDITION CLASSICS. Der Verlag tredition aus Hamburg veroffentlicht in der Buchreihe TREDITION CLASSICS Werke aus mehr als zwei Jahrtausenden. Diese waren zu einem Grossteil vergriffen oder nur noch antiquarisch erhaltlich. Mit TREDITION CLASSICS verfolgt tredition das Ziel, tausende Klassiker der Weltliteratur verschiedener Sprachen wieder als gedruckte Bucher zu verlegen - und das weltweit! Die Buchreihe dient zur Bewahrung der Literatur und Forderung der Kultur. Sie tragt so dazu bei, dass viele tausend Werke nicht in Vergessenheit (...)
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    Natur und Idee: oder, das Werdende und sein Gesetz: e. philos. Grundlage für d. specielle Naturwiss.Carl Gustav Carus - 1861 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Fechner und die Folgen ausserhalb der Naturwissenschaften: interdisziplinäres Kolloquium zum 200. Geburtstag Gustav Theodor Fechners.Ulla Fix, Irene Altmann & Gustav Theodor Fechner (eds.) - 2003 - Tübingen: Niemeyer.
    Gustav Theodor Fechners (1801-1887) philosophische, ethische und ästhetische Überlegungen, die anders als seine naturwissenschaftlichen Arbeiten der Öffentlichkeit weniger bewußt sind, werden in diesem Band, Ergebnis eines zu seinem 200. Geburtstag an der Universität Leipzig veranstalteten interdisziplinären Kolloquiums, in ihren Wirkungen auf die Geisteswissenschaften des 20. Jahrhunderts aus philosophischer, theologischer, linguistischer, kultur- und literaturwissenschaftlicher sowie wissenschaftshistorischer Sicht erörtert - mit Blick auf seine interdisziplinäre Leistung und unter Einbeziehung biographischer Aspekte.
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    Leo Graf Tolstoi: ein russischer Reformator ; ein Beitrag zur Religionsphilosophie.Gustav Glogau - 1998
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    The World as Spectacle.Isabel Creed Hungerland & Gustav E. Mueller - 1946 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 4 (4):251.
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  47. El desarrollo de la dialéctica en la filosofía postkantiana.Gustav E. MÜller - 1950 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 3 (6):19.
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    Dialektische Philosophie: eine Einführung in das Wesen der Gegensätze.Gustav Emil Müller - 1974 - München: Francke.
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    Education limited.Gustav Emil Müller - 1949 - Norman,: University of Oklahoma Press.
  50. Sinister savior.Gustav Emil Müller - 1941 - Norman, Okla.,: Cooperative Books.
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