Results for 'Anton Bader'

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  1.  81
    Fluctuations in the Dynamics of Single Quantum Systems.Anton Amann & Harald Atmanspacher - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (2):151-182.
    The traditional formalism of quantum mechanics is mainly used to describe ensembles of identical systems (with a density-operator formalism) or single isolated systems, but is not capable of describing single open quantum objects with many degrees of freedom showing pure-state stochastic dynamical behaviour. In particular, stochastic 'line-migration' as in single-molecule spectroscopy of defect molecules in a molecular matrix is not adequately described. Starting with the Bohr scenario of stochastic quantum jumps (between strict energy eigenstates), we try to incorporate more general (...)
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    Anthony William Amo: sa vie et son oeuvre.Anton Wilhelm Amo - 2016 - Le Plessis-Trévise, France: Teham Éditions. Edited by Yoporeka Somet & Anton Wilhelm Amo.
    De l'apathie de l'âme humaine, ou, L'incapacité de l'âme de se sentir, et l'absence de faculté de sentir en elle, alors que notre oragnisme vivant possède ces qualités -- Sur les idées distinctes des choses qui appartiennent soit à notre âme, soit à notre corps organique vivant -- Traité de l'art de philosopher avec simplicité et précision.
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    Introduction. Phenomenology of Social Impairments: Towards New Research Paths.Valeria Bader Bizzari - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 21:12-18.
    Authentic human life is the open-ended dialogue. Life by its very nature is dialogic. To live means to participate in dialogue: to ask questions, to head, to respond, to agree, and so forth. In this dialogue a person participates wholly and throughout his whole life: with his eyes, lips, hands, soul, spirit, with his whole body and deeds. He invests his entire self in discourse, and this discourse enters into the dialogic fabric of human life, into the world symposium. (Bahktin, (...)
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    Die Selbstbeziehung der Negation in Hegels Logik.Anton Friedrich Koch - 1999 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 53 (1):1 - 29.
    Den Ausgangspunkt des Aufsatzes bildet Dieter Henrichs These, daß die Negation in Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik selbstreferentiell und autonomisiert vorkommt. Sie wird als exegetische These an dem daseinslogischen Sachverhalt des Anderen seiner selbst sowie am Übergang von der Seins- zur Wesenslogik bewährt und wie folgt differenziert: In der Seinslogik erscheint die Selbstbeziehung der Negation als mit Unmittelbarem kontaminiert, erst in der Wesenslogik trifft sie autonomisiert hervor. Mittel der Differenzierung ist der mengentheoretische Begriff der Unfundiertheit, der es ferner erlaubt, die These (...)
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  5. Draining the pond: why Singer’s defense of the duty to aid the world’s poor is self-defeating.Anton Markoč - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (7):1953-1970.
    Peter Singer’s defense of the duty to aid the world’s poor by the pond analogy is self-defeating. It cannot be both true that you ought to save the drowning child from a pond at the expense of ruining your shoes and that you ought to aid the world’s poor if you thereby do not sacrifice anything of comparable moral importance. Taking the latter principle seriously would lead you to let the child in front of you drown whenever you could thereby (...)
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    Moral Idiots and Blameless Brutes in Aristotle’s Ethics.Audrey L. Anton - 2022 - Southwest Philosophy Review 38 (1):245-256.
    Aristotle maintains that vicious people are blameworthy despite their moral ignorance, since becoming vicious was up to them and whatever is up to us we are able to do or not do. However, one’s upbringing shapes one’s moral character. Together, these claims invite an objection I call the horrible childhood challenge. According to this objection, vicious adults who suffered horrible childhoods through which they were taught to adopt bad ends as though they were good should not be held accountable for (...)
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    Problematic Social Situations for Peer-Rejected Students in the First Year of Elementary School.Luis J. Martín-Antón, María Inés Monjas, Francisco J. García Bacete & Irene Jiménez-Lagares - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Part IV.Anton C. Fegis - 1962 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:49-59.
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  9. Between Immortality and Death.Anton C. Pegis - 1974 - The Monist 58 (1):1-15.
    When St. Thomas wrote the Summa Contra Gentiles in the first half of the 1260s, he was contributing to a long-standing Christian effort to receive Aristotle’s writings without accepting his errors. If Aristotle was to be in the Christian world what everybody was proclaiming, namely, the Philosopher, he could not remain an ancient pagan thinker nor could his philosophy remain subject to the errors and, even more, the limitations that historically it contained. Clearly enough, an Aristotle who was merely freed (...)
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  10. Schopenhauers verhältnis zur dichtkunst..[Paul Anton] Erdmann Müller - 1904 - Borna-Leipzig,: Buchdruckerei R. Noske.
  11.  8
    The Foundational Debate: Complexity and Constructivity in Mathematics and Physics.Roland Omnès, Anton Zeilinger, G. Cattaneo, M. L. Dalla Chiara & R. Giuntini - 2010 - Springer.
    Constructibility and complexity play central roles in recent research in computer science, mathematics and physics. For example, scientists are investigating the complexity of computer programs, constructive proofs in mathematics and the randomness of physical processes. But there are different approaches to the explication of these concepts. This volume presents important research on the state of this discussion, especially as it refers to quantum mechanics. This `foundational debate' in computer science, mathematics and physics was already fully developed in 1930 in the (...)
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  12. Der metaphysische Ansatz bei Augustinus.Karl Anton Wohlfarth - 1969 - Meisenheim am Glan,: A. Hain.
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    Ethik der Abtreibung: Ein Überblick.Anton Leist - 1991 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 45 (3):371 - 390.
    The article gives an overview on arguments typically used within discussions on the ethical aspects of abortion. Five types of argument especially are analyzed more closely. Only one type withstands critical scrutiny: so-called interest-arguments, arguments referring to whether or when being killed (as involved in abortion) is against the interest of the fetus. In critical revision of a proposal due to Peter Singer the result is that abortion should be seen as morally neutral up to four months of pregnancy.
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  14.  78
    Four Medieval Ways to God.Anton C. Pegis - 1970 - The Monist 54 (3):317-358.
    I. The following essay aims to compare the proofs for the existence of God in four medieval theologians, namely, St. Anselm of Canterbury, St. Bonaventure, St. Thomas Aquinas and Henry of Ghent, Being theologians, all four men believed in a divine revelation and their personal intellectual activity took place within the world of revelation. Fides quaerens intellectum, which was St. Anselm’s title for the Proslogion before he gave it a name, is a formula that can be applied to all these (...)
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    Reverend John F. McCormick, S. J.: In Memoriam.Anton Pegis - 1943 - New Scholasticism 17 (4):303-306.
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    The Continuity of the Platonic Tradition during the Middle Ages.Anton C. Pegis - 1942 - New Scholasticism 16 (1):78-80.
  17.  14
    The Swedish Prophet: Reflections on the Visionary Philosophy of Emanuel Swedenborg.Jose Antonio Anton-Pacheco - 2012 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    Eighteenth-century scientist-turned-theologian Emanuel Swedenborg had a deep understanding of the nature of reality that resonates both with mystical traditions and with artists and poets. In this volume, philosopher José Antonio Antón-Pacheco explores Swedenborg's views on heaven, angels, primordial language, and the spiritual history of humanity, in the process linking Swedenborg's thought to that of Jorge Luis Borges, Soren Kirkegaard, Henry Corbin, and Ibn 'Arabi, among others.
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  18. O Desperacji. Studium ontologiczne / On Despair. An Ontological Study (in Polish).Anton Marczyński - 2020 - In Mateusz Falkowski, Między historią idei a metafizyką. pp. 115-127.
    On Despair. An Ontological Study (in Polish).
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  19. Nomada wobec całości. (Meta)metafizyczna rozmowa Skargi z Heideggerem. - Przedmowa do "Tercetu metafizycznego" Barbary Skargi.Anton Marczyński - 2020 - In Marcin Pańków, Barbara Skarga, Tercet metafizyczny, II wydanie. pp. 11-27.
    Przedmowa do II wydania "Tercetu metafizycznego" Barbary Skargi / Preface to the 2nd ed. of the Barbara Skarga's "Metaphysical Tercet".
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  20. Między językami: przekład, motyw, ciało. Pytanie o bycie / Between Languages: Translation, Motive, Body. The Question of Being (in Polish).Anton Marczyński - 2020 - In Mateusz Falkowski, Myślenie dziś VII. Barbara Skagra Foundation for Thinking. pp. 61-71.
  21.  25
    Schenker's Interpretive PracticeSchenker's Argument and the Claims of Music Theory.Anton Alterman, Robert Snarrenberg & Leslie David Blasius - 1999 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57 (1):78.
  22.  49
    Do Biosemiotics, But Don’t Forget Semiosis.Anton Markoš - 2009 - Biosemiotics 2 (1):117-119.
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    Intentions and Permissibility: A Confusion of Moral Categories?Anton Markoč - 2017 - Journal of Value Inquiry 51 (3):577-591.
    A common objection to the view that one’s intentions are non-derivatively relevant to the moral permissibility of one’s actions is that it confuses permissibility with other categories of moral evaluation, in particular, with blameworthiness or character assessment. The objection states that a failure to distinguish what one is permitted to do from what kind of a person one is, or from what one can be held blameworthy for, leads one to believe that intentions are relevant to permissibility when in fact (...)
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  24. Otlohs von St. Emmeram Verhältnis zu den freien Künsten, insbesondere zur Dialektik.Joseph Anton Endres - 1904 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 17:44-52.
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    Das Existenzproblem bei J.G. Fichte und S. Kierkegaard.Anton Hochenbleicher-Schwarz - 1984 - Königstein/Ts.: Forum Academicum in der Verlagsgruppe Athenäum, Hain, Hanstein.
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    Anfänge der kunst im tierreich und bei zwergvölkern.Karl Julius Anton Schroeter - 1914 - Leipzig,: R. Voigtländer.
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    Die Philosophie des Christentums.Franz Anton Staudenmaier - 1966 - Frankfurt/M.,:
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  28. Severin Schroeder, ed., Wittgenstein and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind Reviewed by.Anton Alterman - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22 (3):217-219.
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    Chapter Ten.John P. Anton - 1985 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 1 (1):299-325.
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    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy Iv: Aristotle's Ethics.John P. Anton & Anthony Preus (eds.) - 1971 - State University of New York Press.
    Paper edition ($18.95) not seen. The essays in this collection have been selected from a much larger set of papers on Aristotle's ethics, presented before the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy during the past decade.
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  31. Fundamentacion teologica de las Conferencias Episcopales.Angel Anton - 1989 - Gregorianum 70 (2):205-232.
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    “Hasta El Punto de Olvidarme de Todo Lo Que No Era Leer”: Emilia Serrano de Wilson, América Latina y Los ‘Modelos de Mundo’.Beatriz Ferrús Antón - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 15:199-216.
    La obra americana de la baronesa de Wilson es un buen ejemlo para estudiar cómo en el siglo XIX se vive la "batalla" por los "modelos de mundo", fruto del encuentro entre las viejas representaciones de lo americano nacidas de las crónicas y aquellas nuevas producidas por la ideología criolla.Este artículo trabaja las nociones de modelo mundo y modelización de la Crítica como sabotaje (Asensi) ejemplificadas sobre este corpues textual. El modo en que la mujer es representada en este contexto (...)
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    La evidencia en Los prolegómenos Y las investigaciones lógicas. Primeros aportes para Una comprensión modal de la evidencia en Husserl.Ivana Anton Mlinar - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 11:33.
    La determinación husserliana de la evidencia como cumplimiento [Erfüllung] llevó a una tácita identificación de la evidencia con la conciencia plena. Sin embargo, el desarrollo de su fenomenología revela que en todo caso se presenta como una síntesis particular de plenitud y vacío, configuración que resulta modal por tratarse de una conciencia de posibilidad aunque en un sentido material y no cualitativo. Los Prolegómenos aportan un primer elemento en esta línea –que sólo en la fenomenología genética resulta explícita–: la evidencia (...)
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  34. La recepción en la Iglesia y eclesiología.(II).A. Anton - 1996 - Gregorianum 77 (3):437-469.
    Comme le dit le titre, l'objet formel de l'étude est d'approfondir le thème de la réception dans l'Eglise. A cette fin, comme il s'agit d'un phénomène religieux, d'une réalité complexe et de caractère interdisciplinaire à l'intérieur de la théologie, des délimitations ultérieures s'imposent, qui se trouvent indiquées dans le sous-titre. On se propose d'approfondir les fondements théologiques de la réception dans l'Eglise et ses processus vitaux toujours actifs à différents niveaux de la communauté ecclésiale. Une fois délimité le thème, il (...)
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  35.  61
    Marcilio Ficino's Plotinus and the Renaissance.John P. Anton - 2003 - Philosophical Inquiry 25 (1-2):1-8.
  36.  12
    Mamá: salvemos la moral desde las aportaciones históricas de la renovación pedagógica.Estefanía Fernández Antón - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 16 (1):115-130.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar el significado del papel de la madre, en el desarrollo social, para tres iniciativas de la Renovación de la Pedagogía: la Institución Libre de Enseñanza, las Escuelas del Ave María y la Escuela Moderna de Barcelona. Las fuentes primarias, analizadas para alcanzar dicho fin, son publicaciones de revistas con fines socioeducativos, en su gran mayoría. Y nos advierten de un discurso dispar entre los tres proyectos. Determinando como conclusión principal que las propuestas examinadas (...)
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  37. Pecando en el deleite de la meditación: sobre la narrativa de Rosa Chacel.Beatriz Ferrús Antón - 2006 - Arbor 182 (719):377-384.
    El conjunto de la narrativa de Rosa Chacel participa de una misma búsqueda: la del camino que lleva a lo UNO; pero también la del vínculo entre conocimiento y desdicha, como expresión de una particular mística. El objetivo de este artículo es tratar de presentar esta apuesta, que es la de una filosofía, pero también la de una praxis de escritura, a través del análisis de dos novelas Memorias de Leticia Valle y La sinrazón. Asimismo, se prestará especial atención a (...)
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  38. Principios fundamentales para una teologia del laicado en la eclesiologia del Vaticano II in Les laïcs dans l'Eglise d'aujourd'hui.A. Anton - 1987 - Gregorianum 68 (1-2):103-155.
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    ¿Patrimonio único?Cesar Antón Beltrán - 2005 - Arbor 180 (710):363-369.
    La Comunidad de Castilla y León recibió las transferencias sanitarias en un escenario diferente al que se habían producido con anterioridad. Los elementos que determinaban estas diferencias, sin ánimo de ser exhaustivos eran los siguientes:….
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  40. Promoting the acquisition of chemical knowledge by structuring content and processes in instructing gifted students.Michael A. Anton - 2012 - In Silvija Markic, Ingo Eilks, David Di Fuccia & Bernd Ralle, Issues of heterogeneity and cultural diversity in science education and science education research: a collection of invited papers inspired by the 21st Symposium on Chemical and Science Education held at the University of Dortmund, May 17-19, 2012. Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
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    Rituales mágicos en la religión nórdica precristiana: El seiðr en la Saga de Gísli Súrsson.Teodoro Manrique Antón - 2009 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 14:87-100.
    Con el presente artículo perseguimos un doble objetivo. Por una parte analizaremos las características de la magia seiðr y de sus practicantes desde el punto de vista de su importancia en el entramado social y mitológico de la cultura nórdica antigua. Por otra, y mediante el análisis de algunas escenas de la Saga de Gísli Súrsson, intentaremos demostrar que la inclusión de ciertos motivos mágico-religiosos de origen precristiano en las Sagas de islandeses respondía al triple intento de crear un modelo (...)
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  42.  62
    Some Logical Aspects of the Concept of "Hypostasis" in Plotinus.John P. Anton - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 31 (2):258 - 271.
    RECENT studies on the philosophy of Plotinus have drawn attention to the complex problems interpreters face when discussing the number of hypostases, or what the term means in the case of the One, the Nous, and the Soul. The full exploration of these broad topics, especially in the light of Plotinus’ theory of "production" and his critique of the alternative views other Neoplatonists held, falls outside the scope of this paper. Since Plotinus’ answer to the question "What criteria must X (...)
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  43. Tres errores comunes al hablar de la anticoncepción y la crítica que de ellos ofrece G. Grisez.José Maria Anton - 2003 - Alpha Omega 6 (2):233-252.
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    Democracy as Ambitendent Phenomenon: Problems of National and Social Solidarity.Anton Finko - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:39-55.
    The article’s intellectual core resides in the examination of social phenomena through the lenses of ambivalence and ambitemptiness. Democracy is conceived through the cultivation of the ideal of national solidarity within the framework of the “indivisible and unified nation” and revolution — values which, according to B. Anderson, individuals do not choose of their own volition. Nevertheless, it functions by virtue of structures that are freely chosen by individuals, specifically political parties and civil society organisations, among which trade unions assume (...)
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  45. Ciało/Mistyka. Wstęp do ontologii cielesności (English title: Body / Mysticism. An introduction into corporeal ontology).Anton Marczyński - 2016 - Krakow, Poland: Homini.
    This book presents a phenomenological and hermeneutical research, where the body is taken both as fundamental ontological situation of human, as well as a language phenomenon, appearing in the dialectical tension between two Greeks notions – soma and sarx. The first of them is a becoming, hypostasizing entity, which in Aristotelian terms can be called dynamis (potentiality), while the second one, since it is a hypostasis, can be called energia (actuality). So the difference between them, using Heidegger’s terms, can be (...)
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  46. Nachgelassene Schriften, Aus « Untersuchungen zur Grundlegung der allgemeinen Grammatik und Sprachphilosophie » II, Satz und Wort, eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der üblichen grammatischen Lehre und ihren Begriffsbestimmungen.Anton Marty & Otto Funke - 1950 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 12 (4):763-764.
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  47. Saint Thomas Aquinas and Philosophy.Etienne Gilson & Anton Charles Pegis - 1961 - Saint Joseph College.
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  48. The three faces of truth: Mythos, episteme, philosophia.J. P. Anton - 2001 - In Konstantine Boudouris, Greek Philosophy and Epistemology. International Association for Greek Philosophy. pp. 1--11.
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    Iohannis Buridani Quaestiones Super Libris Quattuor De Caelo Et Mundo. [REVIEW]Anton C. Pegis - 1943 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 18 (3):551-553.
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    Discourse as care: A phenomenological consideration of spatiality and temporality. [REVIEW]Corey Anton - 2002 - Human Studies 25 (2):185-205.
    Scholars increasingly recognize that discourse is not a standing collection of representations for pre-existing thoughts and/or things in a pre-existing world. Still, many obstacles remain, and these seem to be inseparable from contemporary common-sense. When we ask about the nature of discourse, we are, ultimately, asking about the nature of world, the nature of the body, and also, there must be, if only tacitly, an account of space and time. Discourse, I would suggest, is a mode of evaluative praxis, a (...)
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