Results for 'Annette Pedersen'

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  1.  85
    Back to WHAT? The role of research ethics in pandemic times.Jan Helge Solbakk, Heidi Beate Bentzen, Søren Holm, Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Bjørn Hofmann, Annette Robertsen, Anne Hambro Alnæs, Shereen Cox, Reidar Pedersen & Rose Bernabe - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):3-20.
    The Covid-19 pandemic creates an unprecedented threatening situation worldwide with an urgent need for critical reflection and new knowledge production, but also a need for imminent action despite prevailing knowledge gaps and multilevel uncertainty. With regard to the role of research ethics in these pandemic times some argue in favor of exceptionalism, others, including the authors of this paper, emphasize the urgent need to remain committed to core ethical principles and fundamental human rights obligations all reflected in research regulations and (...)
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    Emergenz: zur Analyse und Erklärung komplexer Strukturen.Jens Greve & Annette Schnabel (eds.) - 2011 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
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    Constraints on representational change: Evidence from children's drawing.Annette Karmiloff-Smith - 1990 - Cognition 34 (1):57-83.
  4.  24
    Education, anthropocentrism, and interspecies sustainability: confronting institutional anxieties in omnicidal times.Helena Pedersen - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (2):164-177.
    Deborah Britzman’s remarkable question, ‘What holds education back?’, appears more urgent than ever in a world of accelerating environmental crises, climate change, and what has been described as omnicide – the annihilation of everything. What, then, holds education back from initiating radical change under these urgent conditions? This paper introduces the notion of ‘institutional anxiety’ as a consolidating force and explores how it may condition possibilities for resistance. Bringing examples from ethnographic fieldwork and experiences of course development in conversation with (...)
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  5. Epistemic Peer Disagreement.Filippo Ferrari & Nikolaj J. L. L. Pedersen - 2019 - In Miranda Fricker, Peter Graham, David Henderson & Nikolaj Jang Pedersen (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York, USA: Routledge.
    We offer a critical survey of the most discussed accounts of epistemic peer disagreement that are found in the recent literature. We also sketch an alternative approach in line with a pluralist understanding of epistemic rationality.
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  6. Evaluation of case consultations in clinical ethics committees.Reidun Førde & Reidar Pedersen - 2012 - Clinical Ethics 7 (1):45-50.
    If ethics consultation services influence medical decisions it is important to evaluate how ethical dilemmas are dealt with by clinical ethics committees (CECs). Such evaluation is rare. This study presents a feasible and practical method of evaluating case discussions in CECs and the results emerging from the use of this method. A written presentation of an end-of-life dilemma was sent to all Norwegian ethics committees. The committees were asked to deal with the case as they would do if it was (...)
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  7.  33
    Genetic disorders and developmental interactions across cognitive domains.Gaia Scerif & Annette Karmiloff-Smith - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (3):126-135.
  8.  57
    Distanciation in Ricoeur's theory of interpretation: narrations in a study of life experiences of living with chronic illness and home mechanical ventilation.Pia Sander Dreyer & Birthe D. Pedersen - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (1):64-73.
    Within the caring science paradigm, variations of a method of interpretation inspired by the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur's theory of interpretation are used. This method consists of several levels of interpretation: a naïve reading, a structural analysis, and a critical analysis and discussion. Within this paradigm, the aim of this article is to present and discuss a means of creating distance in the interpretation and the text structure by using narration in a poetic language linked to the meaning of the (...)
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    If metacognition exists in other species, how does it develop?Ruth Campos & Annette Karmiloff-Smith - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (3):342-342.
    In this commentary, we raise two issues. First, we argue that in any species, the comparative study of metacognitive abilities must be approached from a developmental perspective and not solely from the adult end state. This makes it possible to explore the trajectories by which different species reach their phenotypic outcome and whether different cognitive systems interact over developmental time. Second, using our research comparing different genetic disorders in humans, we challenge the authors' claim that it is unparsimonious to interpret (...)
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    Possibilities for critical social theory and Foucault’s work: a toolbox approach.Elizabeth Manias & Annette Street - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (1):50-60.
    Possibilities for critical social theory and Foucault’s work: a toolbox approach The benefits and constraints of philosophical frameworks using the work of Michel Foucault and critical social theorists, such as Fay, Giroux and McLaren, are examined in the light of their traditions. The reasons nurse researchers adopt these frameworks are explored, as are the tensions between the respective theories. A complementary ‘toolbox’ approach to the research process addresses some of the theoretical and methodological challenges presented by each framework. Such an (...)
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  11.  44
    Developmental changes in the critical information used for facial expression processing.Louise Ewing, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Emily K. Farran & Marie L. Smith - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):56-66.
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  12.  23
    Ethische Reflexion und Entscheidungsfindung im professionellen Pflegehandeln realisieren.Prof Dr Annette Riedel - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (1):1-4.
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    Das Tübinger Modell der „Ethikbeauftragten der Station“: Ein Pilotprojekt zum Aufbau dezentraler Strukturen der Ethikberatung an einem Universitätsklinikum.Robert Ranisch, Annette Riedel, Friedemann Bresch, Hiltrud Mayer, Klaus-Dieter Pape, Gerda Weise & Petra Renz - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (2):257-274.
    Ethik-Komitees gehören zum festen Bestandteil des Ethikmanagements und der Organisationsethik in klinischen Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens. Entsprechende Ethikstrukturen und die damit verbundenen Angebote stoßen hinsichtlich ihrer Wirksamkeit allerdings an ihre Grenzen. Ihre Arbeitsweisen sind häufig reaktiv und eine Verankerung in den entsprechenden Organisationsebenen fehlt. Ausgehend von diesen Limitationen der klinischen Ethikberatung hat sich die multiprofessionelle „Arbeitsgruppe Ethik“ am Universitätsklinikum Tübingen um die Konzeption und Implementierung eines neuen Ansatzes zur nachhaltigen Integration von ethischen Reflexions- und Entscheidungsprozessen auf den Stationen des UKT bemüht. (...)
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  14.  15
    Diaspora, Ethnic Internationalism and Higher Education Internationalisation: The Korean and Jewish Cases as Stateless Nations in the Early 20Th Century.Terri Kim & Annette Bamberger - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (5):513-535.
    Modern universities have largely been portrayed in the literature as an extension of nation building projects, focusing on the state as primary actor. This article challenges such presuppositions by separating ‘nation’ and ‘state’ and with a critical appropriation of diasporic subjectivity and institutions from a comparative historical perspective. The article has four themes: ‘diaspora’, ‘ethnic internationalism’, ‘stateless nations’ and ‘internationalisation’ in higher education (IHE). It illustrates these themes and their interrelationships by considering Koreans in the Japanese colonial period (1910–1945) and (...)
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    Ethics of controlled human infection studies: Past, present and future.Seema K. Shah & Annette Rid - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (8):745-748.
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  16. Ethics and Narrative in the English Novel, 1880-1914. By Jil Larson.J. S. Pedersen - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (2):261-261.
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    Elizabeth C. MacKnight, Aristocratic Families in Republican France.Jean Elisabeth Pedersen - 2014 - Clio 39.
    L’ouvrage d’Elizabeth MacKnight, Aristocratic Families in Republican France, offre une contribution novatrice à l’étude des rôles privés et publics des femmes aux xixe et xxe siècles et à leur importance sociopolitique en analysant les interactions domestiques, la vie émotionnelle, les centres d’intérêt politique et l’influence culturelle des familles nobles sous la Troisième République. Alors que la plupart des travaux historiques sur les femmes françaises de la période 1870-1940 se sont att...
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    Edvard Hoems Bjørnson.Frode Helmich Pedersen - 2013 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 31 (1-2):409-430.
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    Zum Problem des Beginns von Religions- und Geistesgeschichte.Hermann Müller-Karpe & Annette Rink - 2001 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 53 (1):343-355.
  20.  8
    Communicative Understandings of Women's Leadership Development: From Ceilings of Glass to Labyrinth Paths.Elesha L. Ruminski & Annette Holba (eds.) - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    Communicative Understandings of Women's Leadership Development: From Ceilings of Glass to Labyrinth Paths, edited by Elesha L. Ruminski and Annette M. Holba, weaves the disciplines of communication studies, leadership studies, and women's studies to offer theoretical and practical reflection about women's leadership development in academic, organizational, and political contexts. This work claims a space for women's leadership studies and acknowledges the paradigmatic shift from discussing women's leadership using the glass ceiling to what Eagly and Carli identify as the labyrinth (...)
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  21.  25
    Modernity, Postmodernity and Ethics -- An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman.T. Cantell & P. P. Pedersen - 1992 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1992 (93):133-144.
  22. What Does It Mean to Claim that Something Is 'Innate'? Response to Clark, Harris, Lightfoot and Samuels.Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Kim Plunkett, Mark H. Johnson, Jeff L. Elman & Elizabeth A. Bates - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (4):588-597.
  23.  45
    Demokratie und Entscheidung. Beiträge zur Analytischen Politischen Theorie.Karl Marker, Annette Schmitt & Jürgen Sirsch (eds.) - 2018 - Springer.
    Die vorliegenden Beiträge in deutscher und englischer Sprache behandeln begriffliche, normative und empirische Probleme der Demokratie aus Sicht der Analytischen Politischen Theorie. Sie beschäftigen sich mit Themen wie Freiheit und Zwang, Ungleichheit und Ungerechtigkeit, Wahlversprechen und Dirty Hands. Das Motto dieses Sammelbandes ist folglich ‚Einheit in Vielfalt‘: Er gibt einen außergewöhnlichen Einblick in den Facettenreichtum der aktuellen Forschungsdiskussionen im Rahmen der Analytischen Politischen Theorie.
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    Sustainability assessment of short food supply chains (SFSC): developing and testing a rapid assessment tool in one African and three European city regions.Alexandra Doernberg, Annette Piorr, Ingo Zasada, Dirk Wascher & Ulrich Schmutz - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (3):885-904.
    Recent literature demonstrates the contribution of short food supply chains to regional economies and sustainable food systems, and acknowledges their role as drivers for sustainable development. Moreover, different types of SFSC have been supported by urban food policies over the few last years and actors from the food chain became part of new institutional settings for urban food policies. However, evidence from the sustainability impact assessment of these SFSC in urban contexts is limited. Our paper presents an approach for the (...)
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  25.  50
    Insubstantial Voices: Some Observations on the Hymns of Callimachus.M. Annette Harder - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (2):384-394.
    The hymns of Callimachus are generally divided into two groups: the ‘mimetic’ hymns (2, 5 and 6), which seem to be enactments of ritual scenes, and the ‘nonmimetic’ hymns (1,3 and 4), which seem to follow the pattern of the Homeric hymns. Occasionally this distinction has been challenged, for instance by pointing to an' element of mimesis inH. 1, but on the whole the division into two groups has been 1 adhered to rather rigidly. A drawback of this distinction is (...)
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  26.  33
    René Ménil’s Myths of Origin and Labor Activism in the French Antilles.Annette Joseph-Gabriel - 2020 - CLR James Journal 26 (1):133-152.
    Between January and February 2009, the longest general strike in French history took place in Guadeloupe and Martinique. The labor movement had far reaching implications for the relationship between France and its overseas departments. In particular, they brought to the fore France’s colonial history in the Antilles, with attendant questions of race, citizenship and sovereignty that highlighted once again the cracks in the image of Antilleans as full French citizens. René Ménil’s essays provide a unique lens through which to read (...)
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    Deep Ecology as a framework for student eco-philosophical thinking.William Smith & Annette Gough - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 2 (1):38-55.
    Deep ecology is an ecological philosophy that promotes an ecocentric lifestyle to remedy the problems of depleting resources and planetary degradation. An integral part of this ecosophy is the process of forming a metaphysical connection to the earth, referred to as self-realisation; an unfolding of the self out into nature to attain a transcendental, non-egoic state. Findings from our research indicate that secondary school students in environment clubs align with the principles of deep ecology, and show a capacity to become (...)
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  28.  17
    Studies in The Sermon on the Great War: Investigations of a Manichaean-Coptic Text from the Fourth Century.Michel Desjardins & Nils Arne Pedersen - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (4):720.
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  29.  10
    Analyses de tessons de « sigillées pergaméniennes » de Délos (Annexes: Results of archaeometric analysis of twenty pottery fragments from Delos).Henryk Meyza, Annette Peignard, Malgorzata Daszkiewicz & Gerwulf Schneider - 2009 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 133 (1):227-256.
    Report on analysis of ” pergamene sigillata“ from Delos This paper presents the results of the analysis of twenty samples of ” pergamene sigillata” from destruction layers of Delian living quarter, which can be dated to 69 BC. The programme included petrographical and chemical analysis, as well as MGR (Matrix Group by Refiring) method. The results show that the samples belong to several groups, among which some could be identified by comparison with chemical reference groups. Two samples were produced in (...)
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  30.  82
    Pluralism about Truth as Alethic Disjunctivism.Nikolaj Jang Linding Lee Pedersen & Cory Wright - 2012 - In Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Cory Wright (eds.), Truth and Pluralism: Current Debates. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of various forms of alethic pluralism. Along the way we will draw a number of distinctions that, hopefully, will be useful in mapping the pluralist landscape. Finally, we will argue that a commitment to alethic disjunctivism, a certain brand of pluralism, might be difficult to avoid for adherents of the other pluralist views to be discussed. We will proceed as follows: Section 1 introduces alethic monism and alethic pluralism. Section 2 (...)
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  31.  85
    Anthropological Epochés: Phenomenology and the Ontological Turn.Morten Axel Pedersen - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (6):610-646.
    This article has two objectives. In the first part, I present a critical overview of the extensive anthropological literature that may be deemed “phenomenological.” Following this critique, which is built up around a classification into four different varieties of phenomenological anthropology, I discuss the relationship between phenomenological anthropology and the ontological turn (OT). Contrary to received wisdom within the anthropological discipline, I suggest that OT has several things in common with the phenomenological project. For the same reason, I argue, it (...)
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  32. Moral prejudices: essays on ethics.Annette Baier - 1994 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    David Hume's essay Of Moral Prejudices offers a spirited defense of "all the most endearing sentiments of the hearts, all the most useful biases and instincts, ...
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    Truth and Pluralism: Current Debates.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Cory Wright (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    The relative merits and demerits of historically prominent views such as the correspondence theory, coherentism, pragmatism, verificationism, and instrumentalism have been subject to much attention in the truth literature and have fueled the long-lived debate over which of these views is the most plausible one. While diverging in their specific philosophical commitments, adherents of these historically prominent views agree in at least one fundamental respect. They are all alethic monists. They all endorse the thesis that there is only one property (...)
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  34. Dilation, Disintegrations, and Delayed Decisions.Arthur Paul Pedersen & Gregory Wheeler - 2015 - In Thomas Augistin, Serena Dora, Enrique Miranda & Erik Quaeghebeur (eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA 2015). Aracne Editrice. pp. 227–236.
    Both dilation and non-conglomerability have been alleged to conflict with a fundamental principle of Bayesian methodology that we call \textit{Good's Principle}: one should always delay making a terminal decision between alternative courses of action if given the opportunity to first learn, at zero cost, the outcome of an experiment relevant to the decision. In particular, both dilation and non-conglomerability have been alleged to permit or even mandate choosing to make a terminal decision in deliberate ignorance of relevant, cost-free information. Although (...)
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  35. A Conversation between Annette Baier and Anik Waldow about Hume’s Account of Sympathy.Annette C. Baier & Anik Waldow - 2008 - Hume Studies 34 (1):61-87.
    We discuss the variety of sorts of sympathy Hume recognizes, the extent to which he thinks our sympathy with others’ feelings depends on inferences from the other’s expression, and from her perceived situation, and consider also whether he later changed his views about the nature and role of sympathy, in particular its role in morals.
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  36. Natural Virtues, Natural Vices: ANNETTE C. BAIER.Annette C. Baier - 1990 - Social Philosophy and Policy 8 (1):24-34.
    David Hume has been invoked by those who want to found morality on human nature as well as by their critics. He is credited with showing us the fallacy of moving from premises about what is the case to conclusions about what ought to be the case; and yet, just a few pages after the famous is-ought remarks in A Treatise of Human Nature, he embarks on his equally famous derivation of the obligations of justice from facts about the cooperative (...)
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  37. Trust and antitrust.Annette Baier - 1986 - Ethics 96 (2):231-260.
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  38. Reflections on How We Live.Annette Baier - 2010 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    The pioneering moral philosopher Annette Baier presents a series of new and recent essays in ethics, broadly conceived to include both engagements with other philosophers and personal meditations on life. Baier's unique voice and insight illuminate topics ranging from patriotism and future generations to honesty, trust, hope, and friendship.
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    Religious Experience.Kusumita P. Pedersen - 1988 - Philosophy East and West 38 (2):209-212.
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  40. Recent work on alethic pluralism.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen - 2012 - Analysis 72 (3):588-607.
    While historically prominent theories of truth such as the correspondence theory, coherentism, pragmatism, verificationism, and instrumentalism diverge in many ways, they converge in at least one fundamental respect. They are all monist theories of truth. They incorporate the thesis that there is one property—and one property only—in virtue of which propositions can be true. The truth pluralist, on the other hand, rejects this idea. There are several properties in virtue of which propositions can be true. This article offers a survey (...)
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  41.  19
    The Stoic Theory of Oikeiosis: Moral Development and Social Interaction in Early Stoic Philosophy.Troels Engberg-Pedersen - 1990 - Aarhus University Press.
    This second volume in the series "Studies in Hellenistic Civilization", published for the Danish Research Council for the Humanities, offers a comprehensive analysis of the Stoic theory of Oikeiosis.
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    Annette Schlichter: Die Figur der verrückten Frau. Weiblicher Wahnsinn als Kategorie der feministischen Repräsentationskritik.Annette Schlichter - 2003 - Die Philosophin 14 (27):110-112.
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    Respectful Paternalism.Viki Møller Lyngby Pedersen - 2021 - Law and Philosophy 40 (4):419-442.
    A common objection to paternalism concerns its expressive content. Many reject paternalistic policies and actions on the ground that they arguably involve insulting expressions of disrespect toward those subjected to them. The paper challenges this view. It argues that refraining from acting paternalistically can be disrespectful. Specifically, the paper argues that there is a relevant way in which A disregards the moral worth of B if A stands idly by when B is about to act very imprudently. If true, treating (...)
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  44.  31
    The tradition of the topics in the Middle Ages: the commentaries on Aristotle's and Boethius' Topics.Niels Jørgen Green-Pedersen - 1984 - München: Philosophia Verlag.
  45. Seeing Through Self-Deception.Annette Barnes - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    What is it to deceive someone? And how is it possible to deceive oneself? Does self-deception require that people be taken in by a deceitful strategy that they know is deceitful? The literature is divided between those who argue that self-deception is intentional and those who argue that it is non-intentional. In this study, Annette Barnes offers a challenge to both the standard characterisation of other-deception and current characterizations of self-deception, examining the available explanations and exploring such questions as (...)
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    Auta ta isa, Phaedo 74Cl: A Philological Perspective.Annette Teffeteller Dale - 1987 - American Journal of Philology 108 (2).
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    Schleiermacher’s Theology of Sin and Nature: Agency, Value, and Modern Theology.Daniel J. Pedersen - 2019 - Routledge.
    Friedrich Schleiermacher is often considered the Father of Modern Theology, known for his attempt to reconcile traditional Christian doctrines with philosophical criticisms and scientific discoveries. Despite the influence of his work on significant figures like Karl Barth, he has been largely ignored by contemporary theologians. Focussing on Schleiermacher's doctrine of sin, this book demonstrates how Schleiermacher has not only been misinterpreted, but also underestimated, and deserves a critical re-examination. The book approaches Schleiermacher on sin with respect to three themes: one, (...)
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  48.  17
    From Stoicism to Platonism: The Development of Philosophy, 100 Bce–100 Ce.Troels Engberg-Pedersen (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    From Stoicism to Platonism describes the change in philosophy from around 100 BCE, when monistic Stoicism was the strongest dogmatic school in philosophy, to around 100 CE, when dualistic Platonism began to gain the upper hand - with huge consequences for all later Western philosophy and for Christianity. It is distinguished by querying traditional categories like 'eclecticism' and 'harmonization' as means of describing the period. Instead, it highlights different strategies of 'appropriation' of one school's doctrines by philosophers from the other (...)
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  49. Practical Inquiry and Practical Philosophy in Aristotle.T. Engberg-Pedersen - 1985 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 22:57-63.
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    Der oikomorphe Mensch: Wesen im Menschen und das Wesen des Menschen in sumerisch-akkadischer Perspektive.Annette Zgoll - 2012 - In Bernd Janowski (ed.), Der Ganze Mensch: Zur Anthropologie der Antike Und Ihrer Europäischen Nachgeschichte. De Gruyter. pp. 83-106.
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