Results for 'Anne-Cécile Druet'

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  1.  43
    Baudrillard and Heidegger: Between Two Deaths.Vanessa Anne-Cecile Freerks - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (6):87-104.
    In this article, I compare the ways in which Baudrillard and Heidegger seek to bring attention to the importance of death for our personal existential situation which has now become repressed in conceptions of existence and society. Heidegger critiques public conceptions of death that serve to cover up its importance. Less well known is that, somewhat in parallel fashion, Baudrillard charts a ‘genealogy’ of the ‘extradition’ of the dead from the centre of the social and he claims that we live (...)
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    (1 other version)Sexualité récréative des hommes handicapés moteurs.Anne-Cécile Mouget - 2016 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 212 (2):59.
    À quoi ressemble la sexualité des hommes handicapés moteurs? Comment gèrent-ils les contraintes imposées par leur corps handicapé? C’est à travers un ensemble de données (entretiens et données documentaires) que l’article décrit ce qu’ils en disent eux-mêmes. Analyser cette sexualité à partir du concept de « scripts sexuels » permet de comprendre comment l’impossibilité de coller aux normes leur permet de s’en détacher pour construire un répertoire personnel de scripts adaptés à leurs possibilités corporelles et à celles de leurs partenaires. (...)
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    Guibert après Barthes : « un refus de tout temps ».Anne-Cécile Guilbard - 2001 - Rue Descartes 34 (4):71-86.
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    Oh, it's you again: Memory interference from irrelevant emotional and neutral faces.Anne-Cécile Treese, Mikael Johansson & Magnus Lindgren - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (5):907-915.
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    African and Western Conceptions of Death and Dying: The Role of Ancestors, the Enduring Past and the Meaning of Life.Vanessa Anne-Cecile Freerks - forthcoming - Philosophia:1-23.
    In his article, Attoe (2023a) claims that the African conception of death presupposes the meaninglessness of life and in the first section of this article, I outline Attoe’s strong pessimistic approach to meaning in light of our mortality. In my second section, I suggest that Frankl’s comments about the permanence of the past offer a different approach to the meaning of life in light of our mortality. In tune with Frankl’s idea that when we die our completed lives endure as (...)
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  6. Psychoanalysis in Franco's Spain (1939-1975) : crónica de una "agonía" anunciada.Anne-Cécile Druet - 2012 - In Joy Damousi & Mariano Ben Plotkin (eds.), Psychoanalysis and politics: histories of psychoanalysis under conditions of restricted political freedom. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Once upon a time: Storytelling as a knowledge translation strategy for qualitative researchers.Anne Bourbonnais & Cécile Michaud - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (4):e12249.
    Qualitative research should strive for knowledge translation toward the goal of closing the gap between knowledge and practice. However, it is often a challenge in nursing to identify knowledge translation strategies able to illustrate the usefulness of qualitative results in any given context. This article defines storytelling and uses pragmatism to examine storytelling as a strategy to promote the knowledge translation of qualitative results. Pragmatism posits that usefulness is defined by the people affected by the problem and that usefulness is (...)
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    Inside and Outside Race Inside Medical Research Articles as a Reflection of the Larger Culture.Cecile Ann Lawrence - 2005 - International Studies in Philosophy 37 (1):37-50.
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    Information du patient par le pharmacien en officine.Cécile Manaouil, Anne-Sophie Lemaire-Hurtel, Antoine Sénéchal & Olivier Jardé - 2016 - Médecine et Droit 2016 (138):70-81.
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    Les « prémas » ne seraient-ils pas des vrais bébés?Cécile Bréhat & Anne Thévenot - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 221 (3):127-140.
    Cet article repose sur une recherche en psychopathologie clinique étudiant la construction du maternel dans les situations de grande prématurité. Les chercheurs, psychologues cliniciennes référées à la psychanalyse, ont effectué une analyse discursive et thématique d’entretiens de recherche réalisés auprès de cinq femmes vivant en couple ayant accouché de leur premier enfant entre 27 et 29 semaines d’aménorrhées. Les résultats indiquent que certaines mères ont un vécu traumatique de la naissance qui empêche la poursuite des rêveries maternelles et entrave l’investissement (...)
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    New Racisms.Cecile Ann Lawrence - 2002 - International Studies in Philosophy 34 (1):69-79.
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    Examining Methods to Assess Core Knowledge Competencies: A Canadian Perspective.Barbara Secker, Cécile Bensimon, Cheryl Cline, Dianne Godkin, Ann Heesters & Kevin Reel - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (1):30-33.
    We agree with White, Jankowski, and Shelton (2014) that professionalization of health care ethics practice requires serious consideration of a written examination to assess core knowledge competenc...
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    « Docteur, pourrais-je avoir une copie du certificat? » Étude pluricentrique concernant l’application des décrets du 31 mars 2021 et du 23 novembre 2021. [REVIEW]Amélie-Anne Reuche, Elisabeth Martin, Cécile Zagdoun, Coralie Lelièvre, Bernard Bouverot & Cécile Manaouil - 2022 - Médecine et Droit 2022 (176):77-82.
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    Anne-Marie SOHN et Françoise THELAMON (dir.), L'Histoire sans les femmes est-elle possible?, Paris, Perrin, 1998.Cécile Dauphin - 2004 - Clio 19:260-262.
    Aucun historien sérieux ne pourrait prétendre le contraire, une histoire sans les femmes n'est plus possible. Et pourtant la question, certes provocatrice, ne semblait pas incongrue en 1997, lorsqu'elle fut retenue pour intituler le colloque qui s'est tenu à Rouen, ainsi que l'ouvrage paru l'année suivante. Très tôt, l'histoire des femmes a dû s'exercer à dresser des bilans. Portée par l'engagement et la quête identitaire, il lui fallut périodiquement tenir un discours de justificatio...
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    Continued Confinement of Those Most Vulnerable to COVID-19.Samia Hurst, Eva Maria Belser, Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Pascal Mahon, Cornelia Hummel, Settimio Monteverde, Tanja Krones, Stéphanie Dagron, Cécile Bensimon, Bianca Schaffert, Alexander Trechsel, Luca Chiapperino, Laure Kloetzer, Tania Zittoun, Ralf Jox, Marion Fischer, Anne Dalle Ave, Peter G. Kirchschlaeger & Suerie Moon - 2020 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 30 (3):401-418.
    Continued confinement of those most vulnerable to COVID-19—e.g., the elderly, those with chronic diseases and other risk factors—is presented as an uncontroversial measure when planning exit strategies from lockdown measures. Policies for deconfinement assume that these persons will remain confined even when others will not. This, however, could last quite a long time, and for some this could mean that they will remain in confinement for the rest of their lives.In a policy brief on ethical, legal, and social issues of (...)
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  16. Procrastination and Academic Burnout Among Grade 12 Students in a Public School A Correlational Study.MaTeresa Madel Logenio, Jerry Lou Godin, Ancristilyn Paguio, Rexie Anne Germar, Joy Cecille Dablo, Miguel Antonio Francisco & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 11 (2):601-607.
    At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, stringent lockdowns and sudden adjustments were enacted, both of which had a devastating effect on the economy of the Philippines and the method of education that was in place at the time. This resulted in shifts and serious challenges for everyone, particularly pupils from marginalized homes. Hence, this study employed a correlational design to determine if there is a significant relationship between academic burnout and academic procrastination among 150 grade 12 senior high school (...)
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    Étude et prospection.Petrika Lera, Gilles Touchais, Rozalia Christidou, Stéphane Desruelles, Eric Fouache, Anne-Marie Lezine, Michel Magny, Cécile Oberweiler & Sandra Prévost-Dermarkar - 2008 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 132 (2):875-903.
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    François-Xavier Druet, Langage, images et visages de la mort chez Jean Chrysostome.Anne-Marie Guillaume - 1992 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 90 (85):102-104.
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    Cécile Duvignacq-Croisé, L’école de banlieue. L’enseignement féminin dans l’est parisien. 1880-1960.Marie-Anne Thivend - 2014 - Clio 39.
    Relire l’histoire de l’école des filles à l’aune des dynamiques suburbaines du xxe siècle, tel est le projet novateur poursuivi par l’auteure de cet ouvrage, issu d’une thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2011 et récompensée par le prix de thèse de l’université Paris-Est. Ce croisement entre l’histoire de l’enseignement féminin, l’histoire urbaine et l’histoire du genre vient alimenter une historiographie de l’école des filles au xxe siècle encore bien fragmentaire. L’étude offre en effet une persp...
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    Sartre et l'URSS: le joueur et les survivants.Cécile Vaissié - 2023 - Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes.
    En Occident, Sartre a été le maître à penser d'une génération où les rapports avec le communisme se trouvaient au coeur des débats intellectuels et politiques. Or, si le philosophe a eu des relations souvent mauvaises avec le PCF, il a revendiqué ses liens avec l'URSS entre 1952 et 1968, malgré une pause provoquée par l'intervention militaire soviétique à Budapest. Sartre s'est même rendu onze fois en URSS, le plus souvent avec Simone de Beauvoir, et ces séjours, qui allaient de (...)
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  21.  13
    Tradition and Innovation in Early Modern Natural Philosophy: Jean Bodin and Jean-Cecile Frey.Ann Blair - 1994 - Perspectives on Science 2 (4):428-454.
    Traditional natural philosophy with its bookish methods and basic indebtedness to Aristotle harbored innovations of many different kinds in the late Renaissance. I compare the modes of innovation and of adherence to tradition in the Universae naturae theatrum of Jean Bodin, who worked outside the university although his work was cited by German professors, and in the university teaching of Jean-Cecile Frey. I argue that authorial self-presentation and ideas about the proper relation of philosophy and religion played crucial roles in (...)
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    The Letters of Lady Anne Bacon.Gemma Allen (ed.) - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    The letters of the learned and indomitable Lady Anne Bacon, mother of the philosopher Francis Bacon, are made accessible for the first time in this edition. Bringing together nearly two hundred letters, scattered in repositories throughout the world, her correspondence sheds fresh light not only on the activities of early modern elite women, but also on well-known Elizabethan figures, including her children, her privy councillor relatives, such as William Cecil, Lord Burghley, and controversial figures, including the Earl of Essex. (...)
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  23. God and Morality.Anne Jeffrey - 2019 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This Element has two aims. The first is to discuss arguments philosophers have made about the difference God's existence might make to questions of general interest in metaethics. The second is to argue that it is a mistake to think we can get very far in answering these questions by assuming a thin conception of God, and to suggest that exploring the implications of thick theisms for metaethics would be more fruitful.
  24. Doxastic divergence and the problem of comparability. Pragmatism defended further.Anne Https://Orcidorg Meylan - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (1):199-216.
    Situations where it is not obvious which of two incompatible actions we ought to perform are commonplace. As has frequently been noted in the contemporary literature, a similar issue seems to arise in the field of beliefs. Cases of doxastic divergence are cases in which the subject seems subject to two divergent oughts to believe: an epistemic and a practical ought to believe. This article supports the moderate pragmatist view according to which subjects ought, all things considered, to hold the (...)
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    Being Responsible: How Managers Aim to Implement Corporate Social Responsibility.Anne Galander, Simon Oertel & Michael Hunoldt - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (7):1441-1482.
    Focusing on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation process, we analyze how institutional complexity that arises from tensions between social and environmental elements and economic and technical concerns is managed by CSR managers. We further question how these micro-level processes interact with organizational-level processes over time. Our research is a 24-month qualitative process study in which we followed CSR managers. The study’s results allow us to distinguish between four strategies that CSR managers use to promote CSR implementation and to cope (...)
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    Values in geography.Anne Buttimer - 1974 - Washington,: Association of American Geographers.
  27. Aesthetics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art.Anne Sheppard - 1990 - Philosophy 65 (251):113-114.
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  28. One or two? A Process View of pregnancy.Anne Sophie Meincke - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (5):1495-1521.
    How many individuals are present where we see a pregnant individual? Within a substance ontological framework, there are exactly two possible answers to this question. The standard answer—two individuals—is typically championed by scholars endorsing the predominant Containment View of pregnancy, according to which the foetus resides in the gestating organism like in a container. The alternative answer—one individual—has recently found support in the Parthood View, according to which the foetus is a part of the gestating organism. Here I propose a (...)
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    Caring or Not Caring for Coworkers? An Empirical Exploration of the Dilemma of Care Allocation in the Workplace.Anne Antoni, Juliane Reinecke & Marianna Fotaki - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (4):447-485.
    ABSTRACTOrganization and management researchers praise the value of care in the workplace. However, they overlook the conflict between caring for work and for coworkers, which resonates with the dilemma of care allocation highlighted by ethicists of care. Through an in-depth qualitative study of two organizations, we examine how this dilemma is confronted in everyday organizational life. We draw on the concept of boundary work to explain how employees negotiate the boundary of their caring responsibilities in ways that grants or denies (...)
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    Heredity, environment, and the question "how?".Anne Anastasi - 1958 - Psychological Review 65 (4):197-208.
  31. Strategies and models of selective attention.Anne M. Treisman - 1969 - Psychological Review 76 (3):282-299.
  32. Vingt ans après les premières unités, un éclairage sur le développement des soins palliatifs en France Le secteur médico-social.Anne Dujin & Bruno Maresca - unknown
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  33. Psycholinguistics in our time.Anne Cutler - 2008 - In Patrick Rabbitt (ed.), Inside Psychology: A Science Over 50 Years. Oxford University Press.
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  34. Education in the 21st Century.Anne Shaw - 2009 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 17 (1):11.
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    The meaning of dignity for older adults: A meta-synthesis.Anne Clancy, Nina Simonsen, Johanne Lind, Anne Liveng & Aud Johannessen - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (6):878-894.
    Dignified care is a central issue in the nursing care of older adults. Nurses are expected to treat older adults with dignity, and older adults wish to be treated in a dignified manner. Researchers have recommended investigating the concept of dignity based on specific contexts and population groups. This meta-synthesis study aims to explore the understandings of dignity from the perspective of older adults in the Nordic countries. Synthesising findings from qualitative studies on older adults’ experiences of dignity has provided (...)
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    Extraction from subjects: Differences in acceptability depend on the discourse function of the construction.Anne Abeillé, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel & Edward Gibson - 2020 - Cognition 204 (C):104293.
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    Family Feuds: Gender, Nationalism and the Family1.Anne McClintock - 1993 - Feminist Review 44 (1):61-80.
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    E-Mail im Internet und Privatheitsrechte.Anne Siegetsleitner - 2001 - Alber.
    Neue Formen der Telekommunikation lassen die Sorge um Privatheit wieder aufkeimen. Zu diesen zählen E-Mails im Internet. Wie können Privatheitsrechte bezüglich E-Mails ethisch begründet werden? Eine differenzierte Formulierung der relevanten Privatheitsrechte ermöglicht die analytische Rechtstheorie von Stig Kanger. Für die Begründung dieser Rechte in unterschiedlichen Beziehungen (z.B. gegenüber Systembetreuer/inne/n, dem Staat oder Arbeitgeber/inne/n) spielen Personsein, persönliche und intime Beziehungen, aber auch politische und soziale Freiheiten eine wesentliche Rolle. Wann verzichten Menschen jedoch auf diese Rechte und von welchen Überlegungen werden sie (...)
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    Plato's Socrates as Narrator: A Philosophical Muse.Anne-Marie Schultz - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores five Platonic dialogues: Lysis, Charmides, Protagoras, Euthydemus, and the Republic. This book uses Socrates’ narrative commentary as its primary interpretive framework. No one has engaged in a sustained attempt to explore the Platonic dialogues from this angle. As a result, it offers a unique contribution to Plato scholarship. The portrait of Socrates that emerges challenges the traditional view of Socrates as an intellectualist and offers a holistic vision of philosophical practice.
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    Self-Tracking: Reflections from the BodyTrack Project.Anne Wright - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (3):999-1021.
    Based on the author’s experiences the practice of self-tracking can empower individuals to explore and address issues in their lives. This work is inspired by examples of people who have reclaimed their wellness through an iterative process of noticing patterns of ups and downs, trying out new ideas and strategies, and observing the results. In some cases, individuals have realized that certain foods, environmental exposures, or practices have unexpected effects for them, and that adopting custom strategies can greatly improve quality (...)
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  41. Thread: Coming Soon: Polyheme, Its Impact On You and Healthcare.Anne Hamilton Dougherty - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):W52.
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    Affecting feminism: Questions of feeling in feminist theory.Anne Whitehead & Carolyn Pedwell - 2012 - Feminist Theory 13 (2):115-129.
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    Democracy and difference.Anne Phillips - 1993 - University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A new emphasis on diversity and difference is displacing older myths of nation or community. A new attention to gender, race, language or religion is disrupting earlier preoccupations with class. But the welcome extended to heterogeneity can bring with it a disturbing fragmentation and closure. Can we develop a vision of democracy through difference: a politics that neither denies group identities nor capitulates to them? In this volume, Anne Phillips develops the feminist challenge to exclusionary versions of democracy, citizenship (...)
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  44. Diotima tells a Story: A Narrative Analysis of Plato's Symposium'.Anne-Marie Bowery - 1996 - In Julie K. Ward (ed.), Feminism and ancient philosophy. New York: Routledge.
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  45. End-of-life policies and practices.Anne L. Botsford & Angela King - 2010 - In Sandra L. Friedman & David T. Helm (eds.), End-of-life care for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Washington, DC: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
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    Learning to Teach Re in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience.Anne-Marie Brandom & Andrew Wright (eds.) - 2000 - Routledge.
    _Learning to Teach Religious Education in the Secondary School_ draws together insights from current educational theory and the best contemporary classroom teaching and learning, and suggests tasks, activities, and further reading designed to enhance the quality of initial school experience for the student teacher. It aims to support teachers in developing levels of religious and theological literacy, both of individual pupils and the society as a whole. Practising teachers and students will appreciate this comprehensive and accessible introduction to the craft (...)
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    Approches culturelles des savoirs juridiques.Anne-Sophie Chambost & Frédéric Audren (eds.) - 2020 - Paris La Défense: LGDJ.
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    God Encountered: A Contemporary Catholic Systematic Theology, Volume 2/4 [Book Review].Anne Hunt - 2004 - The Australasian Catholic Record 81 (1):118.
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    Medicine, power, and the law: exploring a pipeline to injustice.Anne Zimmerman - 2022 - [Cambridge, UK]: Ethics International Press Ltd, UK.
    Medicine, Power, and the Law demonstrates that criminal and civil justice interact with medicine and public health more than is presently understood. The book focuses on the role of healthcare practitioners and an array of other professionals across industries in identifying wrongdoers, reporting behavior, and testifying on behalf of the state or government agencies. It also covers circumstances in which law enforcement relies on medicine for evidence or support in ways that compromise medical ethics. By reporting or testifying as experts, (...)
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    Transforming Fair Decision-Making about Sea-Level Rise in Cities: The Values and Beliefs of Residents in Botany Bay, Australia.Anne Maree Kreller - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (1):7-42.
    Sea-level rise (SLR) is a threat to coastal areas and there is growing interest in how social values, risk perception and fairness can inform adaptation. This study applies these three concepts to an urban community at risk of SLR in Botany Bay, Australia. The study engaged diverse groups of residents via an online survey. Cluster analysis identified four interpretive communities: two groups value work-life balance, are concerned about SLR and would likely engage in collective adaptation. The third group value everything (...)
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