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Angela Knobel [12]Angela McKay Knobel [4]Angela M. Knobel [2]
  1.  12
    Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues.Angela McKay Knobel - 2021 - Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame Press.
    This study locates Aquinas's theory of infused and acquired virtue in his foundational understanding of nature and grace. Aquinas holds that all the virtues are bestowed on humans by God along with the gift of sanctifying grace. Since he also holds, with Aristotle, that we can create virtuous dispositions in ourselves through our own repeated good acts, a question arises: How are we to understand the relationship between the virtues God infuses at the moment of grace and virtues that are (...)
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  2.  39
    Character: New Perspectives in Psychology, Philosophy, and Theology.Christian B. Miller, R. Michael Furr, Angela Knobel & William Fleeson (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book contains new work on character from the perspectives of philosophy, theology, and psychology. From a virtual reality simulation of the Milgram shock experiments, to understanding the virtue of modesty in Muslim societies, to defending soldiers’ moral responsibility for committing war crimes, these chapters break new ground and significantly advance our understanding of character. The main topics covered fall under the heading of our beliefs about character, the existence and nature of character traits, character and ethical theory, virtue epistemology, (...)
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    Rethinking Unplugging.Angela Knobel - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (6):698-711.
    Opponents of abortion have traditionally responded to Judith Thomson’s “A Defense of Abortion” by denying that her example of the unconscious violinist is analogous to a pregnancy that results from rape. In this article, I argue that this strategy does not work. Although there are differences between Thomson’s violinist and pregnancies that result from rape, the differences are not morally relevant. The appropriate strategy for the opponent of abortion, I argue, is to simply bite the bullet: the opponent of abortion (...)
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    Human Rights and Women's Rights.Angela Knobel - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (1):275-285.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Rights and Women's RightsAngela KnobelMainstream feminists insist, with a degree of unanimity that is sometimes surprising, that access to abortion is an essential precondition of female equality. That feminism, which is in other respects so flexible, inclusive, and uncategorizable, should be so unyielding with respect to this particular issue seems surprising to many. It is especially surprising to those who, while sympathetic to other feminist goals, also oppose (...)
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    The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision by Erika Bachiochi (review).Angela Knobel - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (2):742-744.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision by Erika BachiochiAngela KnobelThe Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision by Erika Bachiochi (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2021), 422 pp.Erika Bachiochi's The Rights of Women is animated by a clear vision: a vision of men and women as possessors of the same nature and engaged in the same shared enterprise. Men and women possess the (...)
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  6.  26
    Beyond the Self: Virtue Ethics and the Problem of Culture, edited by Raymond Hain.Angela Knobel - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 20 (5-6):545-547.
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    Introduction to ‘New Developments in the Theology of Character’.Angela Knobel & Christian B. Miller - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (3):260-261.
    This introduction describes the origins and rationale behind the papers that comprise this special issue of Studies in Christian Ethics. These papers represent several recent contributions to scholarship on the theology of character.
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  8. Some Foundational Questions about Character.Christian Miller & Angela Knobel - 2015 - In Christian B. Miller, R. Michael Furr, Angela Knobel & William Fleeson, Character: New Perspectives in Psychology, Philosophy, and Theology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 19-40.
    This chapter for our edited volume (Character: New Directions from Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology) provides background material on what we consider to be several of the fundamental questions about character, such as whether character traits exist, what their makeup is, and how they can be improved.
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    Introductory Remarks: Virtue, Habit and Grace in Thomas Aquinas.David Elliot, Angela Knobel & I. I. I. William Mattison - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (2):227-230.
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  10.  30
    Habits, Triggers and Moral Formation.Angela Knobel - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (2):274-286.
    This article examines moral change, primarily through the lens of Summa Theologiae I-II 49–50. I argue that the specific difference Aquinas asserts between habits and dispositions allows for the possibility that virtuous habits can sometimes exist alongside problematic bodily dispositions. While in the typical case the actions that bring about a habit also bring about appropriate bodily dispositions, it is my contention that the cultivation of a habit need not eliminate all contrary bodily dispositions. This implies that one's past, whether (...)
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  11.  73
    Aquinas and the Pagan Virtues.Angela McKay Knobel - 2011 - International Philosophical Quarterly 51 (3):339-354.
    Although scholars agree that Aquinas believed the pagan could possess “true but imperfect” virtues, there is deep disagreement over the question of how these “true but imperfect” virtues should be understood. Some scholars argue that Aquinas believed the pagan’s imperfect virtues are nonetheless ordered to a genuinely good end (his natural good) and are connected by acquired prudence. Other scholars argue that Aquinas believed that any virtues that the pagan possesses are considerably more limited: they are more akin to dispositions (...)
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  12.  45
    Before Virtue: Assessing Contemporary Virtue Ethics. By Jonathan J. Sanford.Angela Knobel - 2017 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 91 (1):149-152.
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    Can Aquinas’s Infused and Acquired Virtues Coexist in the Christian Life?Angela McKay Knobel - 2010 - Studies in Christian Ethics 23 (4):381-396.
    Although it is well known that Aquinas holds that infused versions of prudence and the other acquired virtues are bestowed on man along with habitual grace, there is no uniform and widely accepted account of how the infused and acquired virtues are related: some scholars interpret Aquinas to mean that the acquired virtues are ‘taken up’ into the infused virtues, while others credit him with the view that the infused and acquired virtues somehow coexist. This paper explores one common way (...)
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  14.  24
    Insight, Experience, and the Notion of “Infused” Virtue in advance.Angela M. Knobel - forthcoming - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly.
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    Insight, Experience, and the Notion of “Infused” Virtue.Angela M. Knobel - 2016 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 90 (4):621-633.
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  16. Profiles of Courage.Angela McKay Knobel - 2015 - Nova et Vetera 13 (2).
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    Presentation of the Aquinas Medal.Angela Knobel - 2020 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 94:23-25.
  18. Relating Aquinas's Infused and Acquired Virtues: Some Problematic Texts for a Common Interpretation.Angela Knobel - 2011 - Nova et Vetera 9:411-431.
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