  1.  7
    Die besondere Atmosphäre: ästhetische Feldforschungen.Andreas Rauh - 2012 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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    Material–Art–Dust. Reflections on Dust Research between Art and Theory.Andreas Rauh - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):29-302.
    Dust is a distinctive material that, in addition to its physical properties, reveals anthropological and cultural dimensions, particularly within aesthetic contexts. In a collaborative project focused on “dust,” a theoretical-systematic approach is combined with an artistic-practical-participatory one. Philosophical reflections and artistic concepts related to the material “dust,” specific artworks involving dust, and the relationship between artwork and theory are interwoven. Thus, the text discusses various types of dust, the role of the artist, different modes of perception, cultural context, forms of (...)
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    Aufmerksamkeit: Neue Humanwissenschaftliche Perspektiven.Jörn Müller, Andreas Nießeler & Andreas Rauh (eds.) - 2016 - Transcript Verlag.
    Aufmerksamkeit - ein Schlüsselkonzept gegenwärtiger humanwissenschaftlicher Forschung - ist als grundlegendes Phänomen menschlicher Intentionalität mit individuellen und sozialen Prozessen der Selektion und der Fokussierung verknüpft: Was weckt bzw. lenkt unsere Aufmerksamkeit, insbesondere unter den Bedingungen der digitalen Mediengesellschaft, und wie wird dadurch unser Bewusstsein geprägt oder sogar gesteuert? Der Band versammelt neuere Forschungsbeiträge aus Philosophie, Psychologie und Erziehungswissenschaften, die diese Fragen unter interdisziplinären Gesichtspunkten näher untersuchen.
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    Bericht zur Tagung „Die innere Logik der Kreativität“, Würzburg, 1.-2. Oktober 2010.Andreas Rauh - 2010 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2010:215-217.
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    Capturing landscape: phenomenological forays through art, atmospheres, and everyday life.Andreas Rauh - 2024 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 23.
    This essay phenomenologically probes into the conceptual terrain encapsulating the notion of ‘landscape’. Drawing upon instances of artistic representations of landscapes, diverse facets of both actual and imaginary landscapes are delineated, encompassing cultural, chromatic, urban, and personal landscapes. It becomes evident that the apprehension of landscapes is intricately linked to the felt-bodily presence experienced within a specific locus. Thus, phenomenological and artistic methods based on the concept of atmosphere will become interesting for researching landscape. This is elucidated through empirical research (...)
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  6.  13
    The Atmospheric Whereby: Reflections on Subject and Object.Andreas Rauh - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):147-159.
    Atmospheres constitute an ordinary perceptual phenomenon that can become a new experience, as the former are more than the sum of single-sensory perceptual factors. Drawing on the terminological pair ‘subject’ and ‘object’ and its interdependencies, the atmospheric phenomenon can be approached in an essayistic fashion (and by means of applying an aesthetic focus in the broadest sense). In so doing, it becomes clear that the atmosphere serves as a condition for the emergence as well as actualization of special perception. Based (...)
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