  1. Empire and politics in the Eastern and Western civilizations: searching for a Respublica Romanosinica.Andrea Balbo, Jaewon Ahn & Kihoon Kim (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The volume includes the proceedings of the 2nd Roma Sinica project conference held in Seoul in September 2019 and aims to compare some features of the ancient political thought in the Western classical tradition and in the Eastern ancient thought. The contributors, coming from Korea, Europe, USA, China, Japan, propose new patterns of interpretation of the mutual interactions and proximities between these two cultural worlds and offer also a perspective of continuity between contemporary and ancient political thought. Therefore, this book (...)
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    Old Delivery and Modern Demagogy.Andrea Balbo - 2019 - Informal Logic 39 (4):329-345.
    My paper aims to find potential elements of comparison between ancient oratoria popularis and modern populist oratory. I will consider case studies drawn from Gracchan speech style and from the oratory of Donald Trump.
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    Allen, Michael JB, trans., and James Hankins, ed. Marsilio Ficino: Platonic Theology. Vol. 4: Books XII–XIV. With William Bowen. I Tatti Renaissance Library 13. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2004. viii+ 371 pp. Cloth, $29.95. [REVIEW]Jean Andreau, Jérôme France, Sylvie Pittia, Andrea Balbo, Claude Calame & Roger Chartier - 2004 - American Journal of Philology 125:627-631.
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