Results for 'Anatoliy Revenko'

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  1.  18
    Міжнародна економічна система: Тенденції і виклики сучасності.Anatoliy Revenko - 2018 - Схід 2 (154):38-47.
    У статті розглянуто основні тенденції і виклики в контексті міжнародної економічної системи на сучасному етапі. Особлива увага приділена аналізу ситуації в міжнародній торговельній сфері, осмисленню викликів, перед якими опинилася міжнародна економічна система, з урахуванням ефекту глобалізації, розкриттю феномену "нового" економічного регіоналізму, а також виокремленню наслідків впливу світової фінансової кризи на міжнародну економічну ситуацію сьогодні.
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    German philosophy in the Ukrainian context (70-80s of the 20th century). Part I.Anatoliy Yermolenko, Vsevolod Khoma, Illia Davidenko & Kseniia Myroshnyk - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (1):141-162.
    Interview of Vsevolod Khoma, Illia Davidenko and Kseniia Myroshnyk with Anatoliy Yermolenko.
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    The practical philosophy of Immanuel Kant and the modern ethics of responsibility.Anatoliy Yermolenko - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:7-29.
    The article deals with the practical philosophy of Immanuel Kant, its transformation in the modern ethics of responsibility and the significance of «risks and threats» for modern society. It is emphasized that in Ukraine, in particular, in the H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a powerful historical-philosophical tradition of research in German classical philosophy has developed, the foundation of which is the philosophy of I. Kant. This trend gained a new development after the (...)
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    Science as an invariable attribute of civilization development.Anatoliy Pavko - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 29 (2):245-254.
    The review is devoted to the analysis of Volodymyr Melnyk’s new monograph “Civilizational Inquiries and the Phenomenon of Science”, devoted to the place of science in modern society. The place of a modern university in the development of science is defined.
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    Automated system for dispatching the movement of unmanned aerial vehicles with a distributed survey of flight tasks.Anatoliy Bogoyavlenskiy, Valeriy Sharov, Victor Rukhlinskiy & Dmitry Gura - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):728-738.
    Over the past decade, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have received increasing attention and are being used in the areas of harvesting, videotaping, and the military industry. In this article, the consideration is focused on areas where video recording is required for ground inspections. This paper describes modern communication technologies and systems that enable interaction and data exchange between UAVs and a ground control station (GCS). This article focuses on different architectures of communication systems, establishing the characteristics of each to identify (...)
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  6.  18
    Introduction to Articles from the 2014 Conference on Social Media & Society.Anatoliy Gruzd - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
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    Conceptual Freedom of the Globalized Mind: Multicultural Experiences Enhance Human Cognition Through the Expansion of Conceptual Categories.Anatoliy Kharkhurin - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (3-4):3-4.
    This work provides a psychological perspective on globalization. It argues that multicultural experience may facilitate a merge of different cultural values, which forms a distinctively new state of mind. Experience with multicultural settings expands conceptual category boundaries, interrupts categorical thinking, and subsequently creates a new frame of thought. Studies identifying the important role of the multicultural experience in cognitive development and enhancement of creative abilities are presented to support this argument. The article questions the validity a of common critique that (...)
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  8. Матеріали звітної наукової вебконференції викладачів, докто-рантів, аспірантів університету за 2021рік ПрикарпатськогонаціональногоуніверситетуіменіВасиляСтефаника,4–5квітня2022р., м. Івано-Франківськ. Електронне видання.Івано-Фран-ківськ : Прик.Anatoliy Kostruba (ed.) - 2022 - Ивано-Франковск, Ивано-Франковская область, Украина, 76000:
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    Екуменічна герменевтика жака варденбурга.Anatoliy Raychinets - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):113-119.
    The article deals with the project ecumenical hermeneutics proposed modern Catholic theologian and philosopher of religion Jacques Waardenburg. We have the prospects of dialogue between Muslims and Christians associated with the development of theology postmodern era, which uses the principles of modern philosophical hermeneutics. At the beginning of the XXI century there has been progress regarding understanding the prophetic ministry of participants in inter-religious dialogue. Seek to identify projects of common understanding of the Word of God, manifested in various sacred (...)
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  10.  33
    Creative Types.Anatoliy Stoletov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:143-147.
    The notion of creativeness is widely used in a number of sciences. The same time meaning of this word is not so obvious as it may seem at first sight. In most cases the notion definitions contain only one of it's meaning features unchangeable: creativeness is a kind of ability to create something new. There are several sometimes absolutely different points of view regarding to the following questions: who is a bearer of this ability, what are the main peculiarities of (...)
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  11.  16
    Philosophy as a factor of spiritual independence of Ukraine.Anatoliy Yermolenko - 2021 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:47-63.
    The article examines the problems of philosophy development in Ukraine during the thirty years of independence; an attempt is made to periodize this development. It is shown that the independence of Ukraine, in addition to the state, political and economic dimensions, also contains a spiritual component associated with religious, cultural, linguistic, and ideological independence. The key here was independence from the Moscow Church and creating an autocephalous Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Nevertheless, since, according to the Constitution of Ukraine, no ideology (...)
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  12.  22
    Karl-Otto Apel’s ethics of discourse as the «first philosophy» of the third paradigm.Anatoliy Yermolenko - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:23-38.
    Based on the concept of the third paradigm of the «first philosophy», the article analyzes the theo- retical and practical philosophy of Karl-Otto Apel. The role of discursive practices as a paradig- matic basis of the philosophy of communication and meta-institutions of all the rest institutions of society is revealed. The author considers the achievements of Ukrainian philosophers in the study of Apel’s heritage, as well as the possibilities of applying Apel’s philosophical theorizing in the study of Ukrainian realities, development (...)
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  13.  20
    Justice and equality as a social ideas in the texts of the New Testament.Anatoliy Koval - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 76:56-67.
    The article of Koval Anatoliy «Justice and equality as a social ideas in the texts of the New Testament» aims to study social ideas in the texts of the New Testament. Selected group of texts are the two major traditions of the New Testament text and reflect, in our opinion, two relatively autonomous interpretation of Christian kerygma. Taken into consideration two social ideas: justice and equality. These concepts are discussed in the context of the intention of the authors of (...)
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  14.  25
    Axiological Determinants of Cognition of Law.Anatoliy E. Shevchenko, Serhiy V. Kudin, Myroslav B. Nikolenko, Borys V. Malyshev & Iryna S. Kunenko - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (2):579-598.
    The need for the axiological determinants of cognition of law to be theoretically justified as a constituent of legal progress that includes the humanization of law makes the problem under the study relevant. The purpose of this article is to distinguish the value determinants of cognition of law. The main methodological approaches used in the study are axiological and anthropological approaches, which allow us to consider law as a valuable constituent of human life, inextricably linked with the human personality. The (...)
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  15. The essence of globalization in the spiritual dimension.Anatoliy G. Kossichenko - 2022 - In Alexander N. Chumakov, Alyssa DeBlasio & Ilya V. Ilyin, Philosophical Aspects of Globalization: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry. Boston: BRILL.
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    Сучасний екуменізм та формування християнського соціального ідеалу.Anatoliy Kysliy - 2020 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (1):121-136.
    У статі визначено актуальність та тенденції вивчення проблем сучасного екуменізму. Інтерес до цього питання викликаний соціальними та духовними інтенціями нинішнього світу та необхідністю переосмислення нової соціальної реальності в контексті напрацювання теоретичних ідей досконалого суспільного устрою. З’ясовано, що основою всієї історії екуменізму як християнського руху, спрямованого на об’єднання церков, є пошук плодоносних шляхів формування християнської єдності у сфері соціальних питань. Взаємозв’язки і діалог між новими та традиційними християнськими церквами та організаціями є важливими для сталого розвитку соціальної домінанти. Багатовікова історія християнських універсальних (...)
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  17.  22
    The practical philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda in the light of our experience.Anatoliy Yermolenko - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:7-26.
    The article deals with the practical philosophy of Hryhorii Savych Skovoroda from the point of view of the leading trends of modern philosophical thought: the «rehabilitation of practical philo- sophy» and the communicative turn in philosophy, the components of which are the neo-Socratic dialogue, the philosophy of communication, and the ethics of discourse. The interpretation of Skovoroda’s philosophy is carried out not only in accordance with the principle «know yourself» as a method of knowledge, but primarily in the dimension of (...)
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  18. Legal aspects of transnational scale corporations’ activity in terms of sustainable development.Anatoliy Kostruba - 2021 - Rivista di Studi Sulla Sostenibilità 2 (2):49-63.
    This paper discusses the legal aspects of the activities of transnational corporations. The relevance of the subject matter is determined by the significant impact exerted by transnational corporations on the world economy in general and on the economic situation of the country in which such corporations are registered as a subject of legal form of ownership in particular. Quality functioning of transnational corporations is an effective factor for the formation of sustainable development. This study reveals and determines the relationship between (...)
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  19. ALTER-КОРПОРАТИВНІ ЮРИДИЧНІ ВІДНОСИН: ПИТАННЯ ТЕОРЕТИЧНОЇ ДИФЕРЕНЦІАЦІЇ.Anatoliy Kostruba - 2022 - In Матеріали звітної наукової вебконференції викладачів, докто-рантів, аспірантів університету за 2021рік ПрикарпатськогонаціональногоуніверситетуіменіВасиляСтефаника,4–5квітня2022р., м. Івано-Франківськ. Електронне видання.Івано-Фран-ківськ : Прик. Ивано-Франковск, Ивано-Франковская область, Украина, 76000: pp. 238-240.
    Вичерпання інтересу засновника юридичної особи фактом її створення не припиняє існування такої юридичної особи, проте змінює конфігурацію відносин між ними. Такі юридичні відносини мають іншу, відміну від корпоративних юридичних відносин основу для свого розвитку. Юридична особа виступає донором суспільного інтересу при відсутності зустрічного живлення доцільності її існування з боку реципієнтів її діяльності. Тобто відносини юридичної особи та споживачів її суспільної активності позбавлені корпоративності. Такі відносини не мають характеру закритої групи. В їх структурі переважає необмежене коло учасників, які взаємодіють безпосередньо з (...)
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  20.  49
    (1 other version)Logical modelling of conflict phenomenon.Anatoliy Ishmurarov - 1999 - Theoria 14 (1):95-107.
    The paper seeks to schematize some fundamental characteristics of the conflict situations by means of modal (intensional) logic. Conflict is considered a deviant interaction as well as an intersubjective process of delegitimizing an activity on realization of interests. Interpreting a normal interaction as a symmetry of certain type, the author constructs a special model of a symmetric situation and applies it tothe analysis of a conflict. The paper examines theoretic schemes for legitimization of deviations as well as for legitimization of (...)
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  21.  74
    Quest schemes in analytical models of discourse.Anatoliy Ishmuratov - 1994 - Synthese 100 (1):29-38.
    In this article a discourse is regarded as a verbalization of some interactive cognitive process which may be represented in form of a logical-cognitive scheme as a model of this discourse. Such model is elaborated on the ground of logical-cognitive theory of practical reasoning by using the definitions of analytical rules for construing model sets. The discourse 's formal language is defined and takes into account the significance of quest schemes which are included in different kinds of intensional contexts of (...)
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  22.  24
    The Conflict of Russian Theosophical Society and International Roerich Centre for "non-canonical" books of "Agni Yoga" and Meaning of this conflict for Roerich Movement.Anatoliy Leschynskyy - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 68:96-108.
    Today, the doctrine of the Living Ethics and its media institution - the Roerich movement - is relatively little studied by academic religious studies. Such a situation is characteristic of both foreign and domestic religious studies. Meanwhile, the Roerich movement and its doctrine, which was actively promoted in the broad masses two decades ago, remains the subject of international religious life. The cells of this movement are also available in Ukraine. The specificity of their present state is that they have (...)
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  23.  16
    Adventism in Ukraine: Attitude to national and cultural traditions, phenomena of the present.Anatoliy Moskovchuk - 1997 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 6:33-36.
    Ukraine is the motherland of not only Ukrainians but also of many national minorities with different cultures and traditions. Ukraine is a Christian country in general, with non-Christian and non-Christian religions and confessional currents, along with traditional churches - Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant - rooted and actively developing non-traditional Ukrainian culture and spirituality. In Ukraine there is a complex process of spiritual revival, especially in the intellectual environment. Many are written and talk about the preservation of cultural heritage. Everywhere, monuments of (...)
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  24.  25
    Interiorization of intersubjectivity in the “I”-concept and co-responsibility in transcendental pragmatics.Anatoliy Yermolenko - 2021 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 6:6-15.
    The article discusses the concepts of communicative practical philosophy as a component of hermeneutic-linguistic-pragmatic-semiotic turn in philosophy, associated with the transition from the paradigm of subjectivity to the paradigm of intersubjectivity. In particular, the concept of “I” is considered as a factor in the internalization of intersubjectivity, because it is from the very beginning woven into the context of speech practice with the pronoun “I”, which is marked by the reflective “I am I”. The transcendental “I” is the internalization of (...)
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  25.  24
    Socratic dialogue in Lesia Ukrainka's poetic and practical philosophy.Anatoliy Yermolenko - 2021 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:20-36.
    The article is about the poetic-practical philosophy of dialog of Lesia Ukrainka, which is manifested in the dramatic creativity of the prominent poetess, her translation activity and the concept of “person-nature relations”. In the text it is shown that Lesia Ukrainka created a new genre of contemporary drama on the basis of application of “Socratic dialog”, which started an important direction in contemporary literature and coincides with a leading trend of world philosophy associated with the paradigmatic turning point from the (...)
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  26.  28
    German philosophy in the Ukrainian context (70–80s of the 20th century). Part III.Anatoliy Yermolenko, Vsevolod Khoma, Illia Davidenko & Kseniia Myroshnyk - 2023 - Sententiae 42 (2):186-207.
    Interview of Vsevolod Khoma, Illia Davidenko and Kseniia Myroshnyk with Anatoliy Yermolenko.
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    Going viral: How a single tweet spawned a COVID-19 conspiracy theory on Twitter.Philip Mai & Anatoliy Gruzd - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    In late March of 2020, a new hashtag, #FilmYourHospital, made its first appearance on social media. The hashtag encouraged people to visit local hospitals to take pictures and videos of empty hospitals to help “prove” that the COVID-19 pandemic is an elaborate hoax. Using techniques from Social Network Analysis, this case study examines how this conspiracy theory propagated on Twitter and whether the hashtag virality was aided by the use of automation or coordination among Twitter users. We found that while (...)
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  28.  33
    German philosophy in the Ukrainian context (70-80s of the 20th century). Part IІ.Anatoliy Yermolenko, Vsevolod Khoma, Illia Davidenko & Kseniia Myroshnyk - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (2):181-191.
    Interview of Vsevolod Khoma, Illia Davidenko and Kseniia Myroshnyk with Anatoliy Yermolenko.
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  29.  34
    Normative coherence of philosophical discourse.Anatoliy Yermolenko - 2019 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 5:21-28.
    The author of the article assumes that any human activity is normative. In the case of philosophical discourse, the normative ground is its indispensable condition, which makes it possible to compare the foundations of philosophy and other scientific disciplines. The norm (law) has, on the one hand, descriptive content related to the description of the noumenal world, and, on the other, prescriptive content related to the counterfactuality of what ought to be. The author emphasizes that the functional aspect of a (...)
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  30.  22
    Особливості релігійного світогляду періоду Київської Русі.Anatoliy Yakovenko - 2015 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:127-135.
    У статті обгрунтовується думка про те, що проблема релігійного світогляду періоду Київської Русі, характеризуючи стан релігійної свідомості в контексті екзистенціальної діалектики міфологічної і релігійної свідомості, постає як цілісний системний комплекс питань, аналіз релігійного розуміння і вплив якого на українське суспільство є актуальним. Зміст статті – експлікація сукупності істотних і відмінних якостей системи релігійного світогляду періоду Київської Русі в цілому з перспективою подальших досліджень і розробки методично обгрунтованих підходів зі зміцнення духовності українського суспільства.
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    Impact of the Legal Doctrine on Lawmaking and Judicial Practice in Russia.Aleksey Anisimov, Anatoliy Ryzhenkov & Liudmila Sokolskaya - 2019 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 105 (4):453-470.
    The article develops the modern significance of the legal doctrine in the post-Soviet legal system, describes its impact on lawmaking and on judicial practice. The authors argue in favor of the conclusion that the legal doctrine is an independent and important component of the Russian legal system, as it influences structuring and functioning of the legal system, and, being in demand in practice, is implemented in different components of the country’s legal system. In order to strengthen the role and significance (...)
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    The Analysis of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Properties of the Classical Relativistic Electrodynamics Models and Their Quantization.Nikolai N. Bogolubov & Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (5):469-493.
    The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian properties of classical electrodynamics models and their associated Dirac quantizations are studied. Using the vacuum field theory approach developed in (Prykarpatsky et al. Theor. Math. Phys. 160(2): 1079–1095, 2009 and The field structure of a vacuum, Maxwell equations and relativity theory aspects. Preprint ICTP) consistent canonical Hamiltonian reformulations of some alternative classical electrodynamics models are devised, and these formulations include the Lorentz condition in a natural way. The Dirac quantization procedure corresponding to the Hamiltonian formulations is (...)
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    Enterpreneship Transformation in the Context of the Digitization of Business Processes.Lyubov Lytvyn, Anatoliy Hryhoruk, Liudmyla Verbivska, Oleksandr Poprotskyy, Tetiana Medynska & Oksana Pelekh - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):396-408.
    This article examines the transformation of enterprises activity in terms of digitalization of business processes. The rapid and global spread of information and communication technologies contributes to the development of the digital economy and causes changes in the economic environment, which leads to the transformation of business activities, methods of transactions and the level of connections between economic entities. Globalization and digitalization of the economy transform the key characteristics and objectives of enterprises, the directions of their development and business management (...)
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    Monograph by A. Kolodnyi "Religious Life of Ukraine in the Persons of Its Persons and Researchers".Maryna Tkachuk, Anatoliy Yermolenko, Pavlo Movchan & Petro Yarotskiy - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 84:146-154.
    Monograph by A. Kolodnyi "Religious Life of Ukraine in the Persons of Its Persons and Researchers" - assessments of its reviewers M. Tkachuk, P.Movchan, A.Yermolenko and P.Yarotsky.
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    Socio-psychological principles of supporting personality’s subjective well-being in contemporary society.Vadym Zavatskyi, Anatoliy Tkach & Andrii Fedorov - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 17 (3):37-40.
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    Cybervetting job applicants on social media: the new normal?Jenna Jacobson & Anatoliy Gruzd - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (2):175-195.
    With the introduction of new information communication technologies, employers are increasingly engaging in social media screening, also known as cybervetting, as part of their hiring process. Our research, using an online survey with 482 participants, investigates young people’s concerns with their publicly available social media data being used in the context of job hiring. Grounded in stakeholder theory, we analyze the relationship between young people’s concerns with social media screening and their gender, job seeking status, privacy concerns, and social media (...)
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    Studying the COVID-19 infodemic at scale.Sylvie Briand, Pier Luigi Sacco, Manlio De Domenico & Anatoliy Gruzd - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    This special theme issue of Big Data & Society presents leading-edge, interdisciplinary research that focuses on examining how health-related information is circulating on social media. In particular, we are focusing on how computational and Big Data approaches can help to provide a better understanding of the ongoing COVID-19 infodemic and to develop effective strategies to combat it.
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    The Main Factors Influencing the Socialization of Students in PostPandemic Period.Yaroslav Haleta, Oksana Filonenko, Olexander Ratsul, Anatoliy Ratsul & Tetiana Babenko - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):245-256.
    Successful reform of the higher education system in the context of COVID-19, both in a single country and in the world in the context of its development toward democratization, requires updated approaches to assessing the results of socialization of various categories of young people, and especially students. Since student age is a period of active formation of the inner need of a person to correlate his own aspirations with the interests of society, it is sensitive for the assimilation of social (...)
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    The Problem of the Totalitarian Nature of the Information Society in the Context of its Influence on Social Institutions.Vladislav Sheleketa, Vasilij Ivakhnov, Irina Dmitrieva & Natalia Revenko - 2021 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 30 (1):32-41.
    The article discusses the features of the process of transformation of human consciousness and educational culture in the conditions of the modern information society in the context of digitalization. By using such concepts, the theory of postmodernism and existentialism, the authors prove the legitimacy of the explication of these theories on the processes of transformation of human consciousness and radical changes in educational culture. At the same time, the necessity of critical reflection on the processes and phenomena from the perspective (...)
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    Structure and peculiarities of nanodeformation in Ti–Zr–Ni quasi-crystals.Vladimir Azhazha, Sergey Dub, Georgiy Khadzhay, Boris Merisov, Sergey Malykhin & Anatoliy Pugachov - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (10):983-990.
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    Review of the individual monograph of Anatoliy Kolodnyi "The phenomenon of religious studies". [REVIEW]Pavlo Pavlenko - forthcoming - Ukrainian Religious Studies.
    PhD in Religious Studies Pavlo Pavlenko draws attention of the readership to the next individual monograph of prof. Anatoliy Kolodnyi named “The Phenomenon of Religious Studies”. Below we published his review of this book.
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    Німецька філософія в українському контексті (70–80-ті роки хх ст.). Частина іі.Анатолій Єрмоленко, Всеволод Хома, Ілля Давіденко & Ксенія Мирошник - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (2):181-181.
    Interview of Vsevolod Khoma, Illia Davidenko and Kseniia Myroshnyk with Anatoliy Yermolenko.
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    Diskursverantwortung in Krisen- und Kriegszeiten: Bad Kissinger Symposion des Hans Jonas-Zentrums.Bernadette Herrmann, Harald Asel & Dietrich Böhler (eds.) - 2023 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    „On 23rd February 2022, when the editors had worked out topical issues of dispute relating to politics, ethics, technology and religion for a Hans Jonas Centre conference on responsibility for the future and discourse ethics, it was suddenly foreseeable that Russia would invade the core area of Ukraine the next night. We immediately informed our Ukrainian colleagues that we would allow them asylum, if desired, and invite them to the conference in Bad Kissingen as keynote speakers. In no time at (...)
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    Evald Ilyenkov’s legacy in Ukraine.Serhii Alushkin & Vasyl Pikhorovich - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (3):351-362.
    This article is dedicated to the philosophical legacy of Evald Ilyenkov in Soviet and post-Soviet Ukraine. The authors use the example of Ilyenkov and his legacy to show how drastically different the philosophical situation was in Soviet Ukraine in order to present a holistic viewpoint on Soviet philosophy. The authors highlight the differences between the political and philosophical circumstances in Russia and Ukraine from the 1950s to the 2010s. The Ukrainian philosophical tradition is characterized by its focus on pedagogics, aesthetics, (...)
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