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Anastasia Medova [3]Anastasia A. Medova [1]
  1.  20
    Auditory Image: Phenomenological Localization of the Problem.Anastasia Medova - 2023 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 12 (2):531-553.
    The article aims to concretize the phenomenological account concerning the problem of an auditory image. The author considers auditory imagery as a scientific object and compares different treatments of the problem to fix the potential and advantages of its phenomenological interpretation. In the first stage of the study, the author distinguishes the key characteristics of the image by means the lexical analysis. This is the perceptual (predominantly visual) nature of an image, integrality, and essentiality (image as an idea). In the (...)
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    Why Phenomenology Could Not Commit the Linguistic Turn?Anastasia Medova - 2022 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 11 (2):558-583.
    Frege and Husserl are traditionally regarded as the precursors of the linguistic turn; however, the importance of their ideas for this event still is not fully comprehended. This article contributes to such comprehension: the principles of the linguistic turn in its analytical interpretation provided by Rorty are applied as an indicator revealing the commonality and difference of Frege’s and Husserl’s positions regarding key issues of their concepts. The connection of the philosophers’ ideas with the linguistic turn is viewed in the (...)
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    Musical Modus: Perspectives for Ontological Interpretation.Anastasia A. Medova - 2021 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (12):26-46.
    The article discusses a methodological position that allows interpreting modes and, fist of all, musical modes as cosmographic and ethical objects without losing the approach to them as musical phenomena proper. The study is based on musical theoretical data relating to the period of Classical antiquity and the Middle Ages, as well as on the author's concept of modal ontology and the interpretation of modus as artistic content, developed by E.V. Nazaikinsky. In order to reveal the ontological prerequisites for the (...)
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    Roman ingarden’s contribution to solving the ontological and methodological problems of phenomenology of music.Anastasia Medova & Anna Kirichenko - 2020 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 9 (2):662-682.
    Phenomenology of music has been a perspective trend of phenomenological aesthetics for more than a hundred years. The topic of the paper is fixation the main problems and vectors of development of phenomenology of music. The authors execute an analysis of Roman Ingarden’s position in the discussions concerning the methodological and ontological problems of phenomenology of music. The paper aims at revealing succession in Roman Ingarden’s solutions to the phenomenology of music problems. The other aim is reflection on the originality (...)
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