Results for 'Ana Reiger Schmidt'

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  1.  17
    A solução de Geraldo Odon ao paradoxo do mentiroso.Ana Rieger Schmidt - 2016 - Universitas Philosophica 33 (67):303-319.
    The article aims to introduce the Franciscan theologian Geraldus Odonis into the medieval historiographical debate about the different solutions offered to the famous liar paradox. In the first part the author presents briefly and in a schematic way the main kinds of solution to the sophism to then analyze Odon’s text, answering the question of its originality.
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    Vozes femininas na Filosofia.Ana Rieger Schmidt, Gisele Dalva Secco & Inara Zanuzzi (eds.) - 2018 - Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS.
    Este livro apresenta-se como o resultado da contribuição de professores e pesquisadores de diversos campos da filosofia e de diferentes universidades brasileiras durante a ocasião do I Encontro "Vozes femininas na Filosofia", ocorrido em junho de 2017, na UFRGS, em Porto Alegre, RS. Nossa motivação parte da constatação que a área de filosofia nas universidades brasileiras sofre uma evidente crise de representatividade: tanto nos cursos de graduação como nos programas de pós-graduação em filosofia, nos quais menos de 30% são mulheres, (...)
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  3. Anatomy of news consumption on Facebook.Ana Schmidt, Fabiana Zollo, Michela Del Vicario, Alessandro Bessi, Antonio Scala, Guido Caldarelli, Eugene Stanley & Walter Quattrociocchi - 2017 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (12):3035–9.
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    Christine de Pizan e o humanismo francês: elementos para contextualização histórica.Ana Rieger Schmidt - 2021 - Dois Pontos 18 (1).
    O presente artigo busca oferecer elementos suficientes para localizar a filósofa e poetisa Christine de Pizan no contexto intelectual do humanismo francês no início do XV. Esse objetivo responde a uma dificuldade que acompanha o estudo da atividade filosófica do período medieval em meio laico. Enquanto mulher, Pizan é necessariamente laica, e sua produção literária se deu fora dos limites normalmente delineados como objeto de estudo dos historiadores da filosofia medieval, qual seja, a produção tipicamente escolástica.
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    O 'Livro da Transformação de Fortuna' de Christine de Pizan.Ana Rieger Schmidt - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (2):578-600.
    Trata-se de uma tradução parcial da primeira parte do Livre de la mutacion de Fortune (1403) de Christine de Pizan, feito a partir do francês médio para o português.
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    Attention deficits in Brazilian health care workers with chronic pain.Sergio L. Schmidt, Ingrid M. Araguez, Vithória V. Neves, Eelco van Duinkerken, Guilherme J. Schmidt, Julio C. Tolentino & Ana Lúcia T. Gjorup - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The impact of COVID-19 on chronic pain in non-infected vulnerable South American subjects is unknown. Healthcare workers are at increased risk for CP. During the pandemic, many HCWs with CP kept working. Knowing how cognition is affected by CP in these subjects is an important subject for work safety. The attention domain has a pivotal role in cognition. Previously, the Continuous Visual Attention Test was applied to detect specific attention deficits in fibromyalgia patients. The present investigation described CP prevalence in (...)
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  7.  24
    Did the medieval philosophers admit the identity principle as prior to the principle of non-contradiction?Ana Rieger Schmidt - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (3):976-997.
    The present article deals with the not very common opinion among medieval philosophers according to which the identity principle is the true first principle, undermining the primacy of the principle of non-contradiction. Following a refutation of this position in the logical work of the Franciscan Geraldus Odonis, we intend to investigate its target as well as other cases of the same dispute in 14th century authors: Antoine Andre, John of Buridan, John of Baconthorpe and Nicolas of Autrecourt. We defend that (...)
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    O ens tertio adiacens de gerardo Odon E o realismo proposicional.Ana Rieger Schmidt - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (131):57-74.
    O artigo aborda o tratado lógico de Geraldo Odon "De duobos communissimis principiis scientiarum" focando na noção de ens tertio adiacens: o ente significado pela totalidade da proposição e seu verificador. Odon o identifica ao sujeito dos princípios de não-contradição e terceiro excluído. O ens tertio adiacens também corresponde ao primeiro objeto adequado do intelecto e ao sujeito da lógica, a qual é entendida como a primeira ciência. Na segunda parte do artigo, localizamos Odon no debate historiográfico do realismo proposicional, (...)
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    The Power to Nudge.Andreas T. Schmidt - 2017 - American Political Science Review 111 (2):404-417.
    Nudging policies rely on behavioral science to improve people's decisions through small changes in the environments within which people make choices. This article first seeks to rebut a prominent objection to this approach: furnishing governments with the power to nudge leads to relations of alien control, that is, relations in which some people can impose their will on others—a concern which resonates with republican, Kantian, and Rousseauvian theories of freedom and relational theories of autonomy. I respond that alien control can (...)
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  10.  40
    Neither Physics nor Chemistry: A History of Quantum Chemistry.Kostas Gavroglu & Ana Simoes (eds.) - 2011 - MIT Press.
    In Neither Physics Nor Chemistry, Kostas Gavroglu and Ana Simoes examine the evolution of quantum chemistry into an autonomous discipline, tracing its development from the publication of early papers in the 1920s to the dramatic changes ...
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    Not All Words Are Equally Acquired: Transitional Probabilities and Instructions Affect the Electrophysiological Correlates of Statistical Learning.Ana Paula Soares, Francisco-Javier Gutiérrez-Domínguez, Margarida Vasconcelos, Helena M. Oliveira, David Tomé & Luis Jiménez - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  12.  24
    Defining personal reflexivity: A critical reading of Archer’s approach.Ana Caetano - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (1):60-75.
    Margaret Archer plays a leading role in the sociological analysis of the relation between structure and agency, and particularly in the study of reflexivity. The main aim of this article is to discuss her approach, focusing on the main contributions and limitations of Archer’s theory of reflexivity. It is argued that even though her research is a pioneering one, proposing an operationalization of the concept of reflexivity in view of its empirical implementation, it also minimizes crucial social factors and the (...)
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  13.  22
    Women and the Workplace. Collaborative Networks of Women Geneticists in Mexico in the 1960s and early 1970s.Ana Barahona - 2020 - Perspectives on Science 28 (2):201-222.
    This paper will address the collaborative networks and the gendered organization of the scientific work at the first Unit on Human Genetics of the Mexican Institute for Social Security. There, women and men had different tasks, duties and authority according to their gender and individual and professional skills. I will focus on physician Susana Kofman, who specialized in cytogenetics with Jérôme Lejeune and Jean de Grouchy in France, and physician Leonor Buentello, who graduated in virus genetics in Germany. This narrative (...)
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    Meditation - Neuroscientific Approaches and Philosophical Implications.Stefan Schmidt & Harald Walach (eds.) - 2013 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume features a collection of essays on consciousness, which has become one of the hot topics at the crossroads between neuroscience, philosophy, and religious studies. Is consciousness something the brain produces? How can we study it? Is there just one type of consciousness or are there different states that can be discriminated? Are so called "higher states of consciousness" that some people report during meditation pointing towards a new understanding of consciousness? Meditation research is a new discipline that shows (...)
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  15.  9
    Man as the Measure of All Things: Pragmatic Humanism and Its Pitfalls.Ana Honnacker - 2018 - In Anthony B. Pinn (ed.), Humanism and the Challenge of Difference. Springer Verlag. pp. 135-164.
    Philosophical pragmatism takes human experience as the touchstone of any theorizing. Authors like William James and F.C.S. Schiller suggested to transform philosophy into a critical and emancipatory project, turning the quest for truth into a project of creative and responsible world-making. Their basic insight that man is the measure of all things demands for being actively engaged in building a better world. As pragmatism denies objective criteria for critique, listening to a plurality of voices and their experiences becomes crucial. This (...)
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  16.  93
    The Influence of Self-Regulation Behaviors on University Students’ Intentions of Persistance.Ana Bernardo, María Esteban, Antonio Cervero, Rebeca Cerezo & Francisco Javier Herrero - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  17.  22
    Prošireno jastvo i identitet kroz vrijeme.Ana Grgić & Marina Novina - 2022 - Disputatio Philosophica 23 (1):65-76.
    U ovom članku raspravljamo o hipotezi proširenog jastva Andyja Clarka i Davida Chalmersa, a osobito o prigovoru prema kojemu proširenom jastvu nedostaje stabilnost i kontinuitet koji su potrebni da bismo ga smatrali identičnim kroz vrijeme. Pokušavamo pokazati da je taj prigovor neodrživ. Raspravljamo i o gledištu prema kojemu se drugi tip jastva, to jest narativno jastvo, također može shvatiti kao prošireno, i tvrdimo da stabilnost i kontinuitet toga tipa jastva također nisu ugroženi ako ga proširimo izvan granica čovjekova tijela. Stoga, (...)
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  18.  6
    Bem comum: público e/ou privado?João Pato, Luísa Schmidt & Maria Eduarda Gonçalves (eds.) - 2013 - Lisboa, Portugal: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
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    On Hume.Elizabeth Schmidt Radcliffe - 2000 - Wadsworth.
    This brief text assists students in understanding Hume's philosophy and thinking so that they can more fully engage in useful, intelligent class dialogue and improve their understanding of course content. Part of the "Wadsworth Philosophers Series,", ON HUME is written by a philosopher deeply versed in the philosophy of this key thinker. Like other books in the series, this concise book offers sufficient insight into the thinking of a notable philosopher better enabling students to engage in the reading and to (...)
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  20. Philosophy of the Social Sciences: Five Questions.D. Rios & C. Schmidt-Petri (eds.) - 2008 - Automatic Press.
  21.  17
    Leadership challenges in Christian non-governmental organisations.Ana Maria Cabodevila - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2).
    This article refers to selected issues elaborated from my interdisciplinary doctoral thesis accomplished at the University of South Africa in 2019. I investigated the ethical-theoretical frameworks as well as practices of Christian humanitarian non-governmental organisations in Germany by combining a theoretical part and an empirical part. The empirical part was accomplished by interviewing 11 NGOs from the humanitarian field. The findings of theory and practice showed that many Christian NGOs typically conform to the secular mindset and regulations in order to (...)
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  22.  25
    Neuroinflammation, Pain and Depression: An Overview of the Main Findings.Ana Carolina Pinheiro Campos, Geiza Fernanda Antunes, Marcio Matsumoto, Rosana Lima Pagano & Raquel Chacon Ruiz Martinez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:538553.
    Chronic pain is a serious public health problem with a strong affective-motivational component that makes it difficult to treat. Most patients with chronic pain suffer from severe depression; hence, both conditions coexist and exacerbate one another. Brain inflammatory mediators are critical for maintaining depression-pain syndrome and could be substrates for it. The goal of our paper was to review clinical and preclinical findings to identify the neuroinflammatory profile associated with the cooccurrence of pain and depression. In addition, we aimed to (...)
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  23.  13
    Vergonha e ideias de si: abordagem genética e perspetivas éticas.Ana Cristina Falcato - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (2).
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  24. O cuidado em Heidegger como aprofundamento da intencionalidade husserliana.Ana Carla de Abreu Siqueira - 2020 - Sofia 8 (2):158-175.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a intencionalidade e sua modificação na filosofia de Martin Heidegger em relação ao pensamento de Edmund Husserl. Realizamos uma pesquisa que inicia na teoria husserliana da intencionalidade como um elemento fundamental da consciência. Em seguida, apresentamos como a fenomenologia heideggeriana se transformou com o apoio da hermenêutica e como ela se distanciou das teses fenomenológicas de seu professor. Por último, mostramos qual a definição que Heidegger atribui à intencionalidade e como a estrutura ontológica (...)
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    Is Redshirting Beneficial for Reading Acquisition Success?Ana Sucena, Cátia Marques, Ana Filipa Silva, Cristina Garrido & Rui Pimenta - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Farsightedness and Cautiousness in Coalition Formation Games with Positive Spillovers.Ana Mauleon & Vincent Vannetelbosch - 2004 - Theory and Decision 56 (3):291-324.
    We adopt the largest consistent set defined by Chwe (1994; J. Econ. Theory 63: 299–325) to predict which coalition structures are possibly stable when players are farsighted. We also introduce a refinement, the largest cautious consistent set, based on the assumption that players are cautious. For games with positive spillovers, many coalition structures may belong to the largest consistent set. The grand coalition, which is the efficient coalition structure, always belongs to the largest consistent set and is the unique one (...)
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  27.  13
    Die philosophie der gegenwart in selbstdarstellungen.Raymund Schmidt (ed.) - 1922 - Leipzig,: F. Meiner.
    Excerpt from Die Philosophie der Gegenwart in Selbstdarstellungen Der Titel der Sammlung musste naturlich eine Verallgemeinerung im Sinne dieses erweiterten Programmes erfahren. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such (...)
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  28.  15
    Division of labor in the context of complexity.J. H. Fewell, Shana K. Schmidt & Thomas Taylor - 2009 - In Jürgen Gadau & Jennifer Fewell (eds.), Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity. Harvard.
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  29. Das Nachsprechen von Sätzen in seiner Beziehung zur Begabung.E. Gassmann & E. Schmidt - 1914 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 78:217-218.
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    Desire's Curiosity.Ana Haber - 2015 - Radical Philosophy Review 18 (2):223-244.
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  31. Nowo odnaleziony list Hegla z 22 marca 1826 roku.Burkhard Mojsisch & Klaus J. Schmidt - 2011 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:191-198.
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  32. Sigiriya rock: global heritage commodified, local heritage forgotten, and who is listening?Jagath Weerasinghe & Peter R. Schmidt - 2019 - In Peter Ridgway Schmidt & Alice Beck Kehoe (eds.), Archaeologies of listening. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
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    Reducing Enterprise Product Line Architecture Deployment and Testing Costs via Model-Driven Deployment, Configuration, and Testing.Jules White & Douglas C. Schmidt - unknown
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  34. Estimulación lingúistica a través de un programa educativo no formal.María Olivia Herrera, Ana María Pandolfi & María Elena Mathiesen - 1993 - Paideia 18:81-99.
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    An emotional Stroop task with faces and words. A comparison of young and older adults.Ana I. Agustí, Encarnación Satorres, Alfonso Pitarque & Juan C. Meléndez - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 53:99-104.
  36.  42
    Why are Events, Facts, and States of Affairs Different?Ana Clara Polakof - 2017 - Disputatio 9 (44):99-122.
    This article claims that events, facts and states of affairs need to be differentiated. It takes as a starting point Chisholm’s claim that only his ontology of states of affairs explains effectively thirteen sentences related to propositions and events. He does this by reducing propositions and events to states of affairs. We argue that our ontology also solves those problems. We defend a hierarchized Platonist ontology that has concrete entities and abstract entities. The distinctions we propose allow us to explain (...)
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  37.  31
    An Analysis of the Associations among Cognitive Impulsiveness, Reasoning Process, and Rational Decision Making.Ana P. G. Jelihovschi, Ricardo L. Cardoso & Alexandre Linhares - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  38. Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik und ihre Kritik durch Adolf Trendelenburg.J. Schmidt & L. B. Puntel - 1980 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 42 (3):616-616.
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  39. Nietzsches Drossbach-Lektüre. Bemerkungen zum Ursprung des literarischen Projekts Der Wille zur Macht.R. W. Schmidt - 1988 - Nietzsche Studien 17:465-477.
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  40.  13
    A crítica ao direito nos “assim chamados” Cadernos Etnológicos de Karl Marx: os comentários a Henry Sumner Maine.Ana Carolina Marra de Andrade - 2024 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 29 (1):465-492.
    Pretendemos analisar a crítica ao direito marxiana exposta nos comentários à obra Lectures on the early history of institutions, do jurista inglês Henry Sumner Maine, presentes nos "assim chamados" Cadernos Etnológicos. Para tal, passaremos pela crítica de Karl Marx à teoria do direito de Maine, passando também por considerações sobre os juristas analíticos John Austin e Jeremy Bentham, nos quais o autor das Lectures se baseia fortemente. Em seguida, trataremos das críticas à concepção de Maine sobre a origem do Estado (...)
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  41.  15
    Violence: comoditización corporal y resistencia en la novela de Festus Iyayi.Ana Victoria Mazza - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 32:244-269.
    Publicada en 1979, Violence se desarrolla en la ciudad nigeriana de Benín, durante el boom petrolífero de la década de 1970. La narrativa se centra en dos matrimonios que representan ambos extremos del espectro social, cuyos caminos se cruzan mientras sortean diversos obstáculos. La novela de Iyayi constituye una crítica marxista de la violencia ejercida por la pobreza y la desigualdad extrema. Violence muestra cómo ciertos cuerpos humanos se cosifican y explotan de manera sistemática, a la vez que aquellos que (...)
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  42.  36
    Zoroaster. The Prophet of Ancient Iran.Nathaniel Schmidt - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8 (4):438-441.
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    Freshmen Program Withdrawal: Types and Recommendations.Ana Bernardo, Antonio Cervero, María Esteban, Ellian Tuero, Joana R. Casanova & Leandro S. Almeida - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:274165.
    University program dropout is a problem that has important consequences not only for the student that leaves but also for the institution in which the withdrawal occurs. Therefore, higher education institutions must study the problem in greater depth to establish appropriate prevention measures in the future. However, most research papers currently focus primarily on the characteristics of students who leave university, rather than on those who choose to pursue alternative courses of study and therefore fail to take into account the (...)
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  44.  21
    Ver a otros a través de fotolibros: Monsanto®, fotografía y evidencia.Ana Laguna Martínez - 2023 - Arbor 199 (808):a702.
    Este artículo analiza el fotolibro Monsanto®: a Photographic Investigation del fotógrafo documental Mathieu Asselin. En primer lugar, se abordan los fotolibros desde una perspectiva semiótica, especialmente empleando las funciones de Roman Jakobson, y después, en este caso, se entiende parcialmente la diferencia entre fotolibros y fotoperiodismo como una cuestión de tiempo, ya que los fotolibros suelen informar sobre hechos que no están de actualidad. Después, se considera Monsanto® en relación con la tradición de los fotolibros bélicos, especialmente Agent Orange: «Collateral (...)
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    Women’s Complicity.Ana Maskalan - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 42 (1):165-187.
    This paper is about women’s complicity or women’s involvement in actions that directly or indirectly lead to the restriction of other women’s freedoms and rights. Among the first to mention women’s complicity was Simone de Beauvoir, who in her book The Second Sex described the phenomenon of women’s participation in unjust patriarchal practices, suggesting the existence of passive and active complicity. Using Christopher Kutz’s theory of collective complicity and its extension by Brian Lawson, the validity of the notion of female (...)
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    Friedrich Schleiermacher zwischen Reform und Restauration: Politische Konstellationen, theoretische Zugänge und das Berliner Stadtleben.Elisabeth Blumrich, Simon Gerber & Sarah Schmidt (eds.) - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Friedrich Schleiermacher war eine zentrale Figur des geistigen Lebens in Berlin im ersten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts und ein wichtiger Protagonist im preußischen Reformprozess. Der Band widmet sich insbesondere dem zweiten Jahrzehnt zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. Er untersucht Schleiermachers Denken und Wirken in den entscheidenden Jahren während und nach den Befreiungskriegen und konturiert seine Position während des Umbruchs von der Reform zur Restauration in einzelnen Schlaglichtern. Die interdisziplinären Beiträge geben eine historische Analyse des politischen Kontextes, beleuchten das Berliner Stadtleben (...)
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  47.  8
    Immanuel Kant's Vorlesungen über die Metaphysik: Zum Drucke befördert von dem Herausgeber der Kantischen Vorlesungen über die philosophische Religionslehre. Nebst einer Einleitung, welche eine Kurze Übersicht der wichtigsten Veränderungen der Metaphysik seit Kant enthält.Immanuel Kant & K. H. Schmidt - 1821 - Pflugbeil.
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    Microsoft, refusal to license intellectual property rights, and the incentives balance test of the EU commission.Wolfgang Kerber & Claudia Schmidt - unknown
    This article contributes to the analysis of refusal to license cases as abuse of a dominant position pursuant Article 82 EC from an economic perspective. In the Microsoft case, the European Commission introduced an "Incentives Balance Test" to assess whether the refusal to give access to interface information can be justified by arguing that this information is protected by Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs): The Commission argued that if the overall innovative effects evoked by a compulsory license are significantly higher than (...)
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    Semiotic Trees and Classifications for Inductive Learning Systems.Ana Marostica - 1998 - Semiotics:114-127.
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    The Semiotic and the Semantic Conception of Truth.Ana Marostica - 1994 - In Georg Meggle & Ulla Wessels (eds.), Analyōmen 1 =. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 474-480.
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