Results for 'Aloys Wenzel'

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  1.  13
    Vocational guidance and vocational counsellors.Aloys Fischer - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (3):450-466.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 56, Issue 3, Page 450-466, June 2022.
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  2. Free Will and Zhuangzi: An Introduction.Christian Wenzel - 2021 - In John Perry, Michael Bratman & John Martin Fischer (eds.), Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings. Oxford University Press. pp. 460-473.
    In this piece, Wenzel explores how the ancient Chinese philosopher, Zhuangzi, approaches issues of freedom and moral responsibility. Zhuangzi’s writings are very different in form from traditional Western philosophy, but there is significant overlap in the treatment of freedom and moral responsibility. Distinctive of Zhuangzi’s approach is the method of “fasting of the mind,” where one is less focused on extensive practical deliberations and is more attuned to the environment and task at hand. In this way, acting and deciding (...)
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  3. Elementary Patrology.Aloys Dirksen - 1959
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  4. Selbstmord und Erziehung.Aloys Greither - 1941 - Philosophical Review 50:342.
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    Glaube und Mythos.Aloys Klein - 1973 - München,: F. Schöningh.
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  6. Imagination et dialectique.Aloys de Marignac - 1950 - Paris,: Société d'édition "Les Belles Lettres,".
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  7. (1 other version)Antwort auf die vorstehende Entgegnung.Aloys Müller - 1930 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 35:411.
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    Wahrheit Und Wirklichkeit: Untersuchungen Zum Realistischen Wahrheitsproblem.Aloys Müller - 1913 - De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Wahrheit und Wirklichkeit" verfügbar.
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  9. Corporate Social Responsibility . Cui bono?Aloys Prinz - 2017 - In Josef Wieland (ed.), Creating Shared Value – Concepts, Experience, Criticism. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Artes und Repräsentation: Zur doppelten Lesbarkeit volkssprachlicher Lehrdichtung im Spannungsverhältnis von Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit.Horst Wenzel - 1998 - Das Mittelalter 3 (1).
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    Erich Becher: In Memoriam.Aloys Wenzl - 1929 - The Monist 39 (4):481-500.
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    (1 other version)Eberhard Schockenhoff (Hg.), Liebe, Sexualität und Partnerschaft: Die Lebensformen der Intimität im Wandel.Eugen Wenzel - 2021 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 128 (1):212-216.
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  13. Gesang und Freiheit.Bettina Wenzel - 2019 - In Bettina Hesse (ed.), Die Philosophie des Singens. [Hamburg]: Mairisch Verlag.
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    Hans Driesch.Aloys Wenzl & Margarete Reifferscheidt Driesch - 1951 - Basel,: E. Reinhardt. Edited by Margarete Driesch.
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    Immanuel Kants Bleibende Bedeutung Vortrag, Gehalten in der Reihe der Öffentlichen Vorträge der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Am 24. Februar 1954.Aloys Wenzl - 1954 - M. Hueber.
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  16. Sustainable corporate finance.Aloy Soppe - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (1-2):213-224.
    This paper presents and illustrates the concept of sustainable corporate finance. Sustainability is a well-established concept in the disciplines of environmental economics and business ethics. The paper uses a broader definition of what is called the firm to pinpoint sustainability to the finance literature. The concept of sustainable finance is compared to traditional and behavioral finance. Four criteria are used to systematically analyze the basic differences. First on the order is the theory of the firm: the definition of the firm (...)
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  17. Kant finds nothing ugly?Christian Wenzel - 1999 - British Journal of Aesthetics 39 (4):416-422.
  18. Christ in Christian Tradition: From the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon (451).Aloys Grillmeier & J. S. Bowden - 1965
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    Beauty in Kant and confucius: A first step.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2006 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 33 (1):95–107.
  20. An Introduction to Kant's Aesthetics: Core Concepts and Problems.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2005 - New York (USA), Oxford (UK): Wiley-Blackwell.
    In _An Introduction to Kant’s Aesthetics_, Christian Wenzel discusses and demystifies Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment, guiding the reader each step of the way and placing key points of discussion in the context of Kant’s other work. Explains difficult concepts in plain language, using numerous examples and a helpful glossary. Proceeds in the same order as Kant’s text for ease of reference and comprehension. Includes an illuminating foreword by Henry E. Allison. Offers twenty-six further-reading sections, commenting briefly (...)
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  21. Spielen nach Kant die Kategorien schon bei der Wahrnehmung eine Rolle? Peter Rohs und John McDowell (Do the Categories According to Kant Play a Role Already in Perception? Peter Rohs and John McDowell).Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2005 - Kant Studien 96 (4):407-426.
    Ob die Kategorien schon bei der Wahrnehmung eine Rolle spielen, wird von Kant-Interpreten unterschiedlich gesehen. Peter Rohs etwa argumentiert für eine Unabhängigkeit und Selbständigkeit der Wahrnehmung gegenüber dem Verstand. Die intuitive Synthesis der Einbildungskraft müsse auf eigenen Füßen stehen können und Bilder und „singuläre Sinne“ der Anwendung der Begriffe vorausgehen. McDowell hingegen spricht sich gegen eine solche Selbständigkeit der Wahrnehmung aus. Setzte man sie voraus, käme der Verstand immer zu spät . Die Argumente beider Seiten sollen am Text Kants untersucht (...)
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  22. Transcendental Philosophy and Mind-Body Reductionism.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2008 - Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 16:390-392.
    The notion of “representation” is central to Kant’s transcendental philosophy. But naturalism and mind-body reductionism tend to reduce talk of (first-person) representation to stories of (third-person) causality and evolution. How does Kant fare in this context?
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    A round peg in a square hole: strategy-situation fit of intra- and interpersonal emotion regulation strategies and controllability.Mario Wenzel, Zarah Rowland, Hannelore Weber & Thomas Kubiak - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (5):1003-1009.
    ABSTRACTAlthough the importance of contextual factors is often recognised, research on emotion regulation strategies has mainly focused so far on the effectiveness of ERS across situations. I...
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    Ueber Nachahmung und Nachfolge.Aloys Fischer - 1914 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 1 (1):68-116.
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    Grundzüge der historischen Methode.Aloys Meister - 1923 - Berlin,: B.G. Teubner. Edited by Otto Braun.
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    Über den Gegenstandscharakter der Zahlen.Aloys Müller - 1924 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 4 (1):485-492.
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  27. (1 other version)Das Problem des Wettlaufs zrvischen Achill und der Schildkröte.Aloys Müller - 1948 - Archiv für Philosophie 2:106.
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    (1 other version)Strukturwissenschaft und Kulturwissenschaft.Aloys Müller - 1922 - Kant Studien 27 (1-2):59-85.
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    Welt und Mensch in ihrem irrealen Aufbau: E. Einf. in d. Philosophie.Aloys Müller - 1947 - Brill Archive.
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    Differential sensitivity in olfaction.Bernice M. Wenzel - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (2):129.
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    Der Wanderer und sein Schatten: Von der Einsamkeit und der Zweisamkeit im Dichten und Denken Friedrich Nietzsches.Eugen Wenzel - 2018 - Nietzscheforschung 25 (1):211-220.
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    Evolution und Logik.Günter Wenzel - 1987 - Köln: Pahl-Rugenstein.
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    Einleitung.Uwe Justus Wenzel - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2022 (1).
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    Grundsätzliches zur Philosophie der Geschichte.Aloys Wenzl - 1949 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 4 (4):550 - 555.
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    Ontologische Probleme von heute.Aloys Wenzl - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 3:64-67.
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  36. Moraliteit programmeren? Financiële ethiek en fintech.Aloy Soppe, Henrietta Joosten & Koos Wagensveld - 2021 - Maandblad Voor Accountancy En Bedrijfseconomie 95 (9/10):321-327.
    Financiële technologische ontwikkeling, de zogeheten fintech, is hot en happening. De ontwikkelingen gaan snel maar leiden geregeld tot moreel kwetsbare praktijken. Een geautomatiseerd systeem de schuld geven van economische uitbuiting, uitsluiting en privacyschending is onzinnig. De auteurs gaan in op de vraag wat de rol van financiële ethiek (nog) is als de besluitvorming en gedragssturing bij en in het ontwerp van allerlei systemen (grotendeels) vooraf bepaald wordt. -/- Dit artikel is relevant voor financieel professionals die fintech vormgeven en/of gebruiken. Helaas (...)
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  37.  63
    Beauty, Genius, and Mathematics: Why Did Kant Change His Mind?Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2001 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 18 (4):415 - 432.
  38.  69
    Can thoughts be read from the brain? Neuroscience Contra Wittgenstein.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-19.
    Wittgenstein wrote: “No supposition seems to me more natural than that there is no process in the brain correlated with associating or with thinking; so that it would be impossible to read off thought-processes from brain processes.” In general, he rejects what he calls “psycho-physical parallelism.” In Sect. 1, I explain Wittgenstein’s position on this topic and how his followers defend it. In Sect. 2, I argue against Wittgenstein, contending that there is “thought” in a wider sense and that it (...)
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    Robert Grosseteste's Treatise on Confession, "Deus Est".Siegfried Wenzel - 1970 - Franciscan Studies 30 (1):218-293.
  40. Chinese Perspectives on Free Will.Christian Helmut Wenzel & Marchal Kai - 2016 - In Kevin Timpe, Meghan Griffith & Neil Levy (eds.), Routledge Companion to Free Will. New York: Routledge. pp. 374-388.
    The problem of free will as it is know in Western philosophical traditions is hardly known in China. Considering how central the problem is in the West, this is a remarkable fact. We try to explain this, and we offer insights into discussions within Chinese traditions that we think are related, not historically but regarding the issues discussed. Thus we introduce four central Chinese concepts, namely: (1) xīn 心 (heart, heart-mind), (2) xìng 性 (human nature, characteristic tendencies, inborn capacity), (3) (...)
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  41. Mathematics and Aesthetics in Kantian Perspectives.Wenzel Christian Helmut - 2016 - In Cassaza Peter, Krantz Steven G. & Ruden Randi R. (eds.), I, Mathematician II. Further Introspections on the Mathematical Life. The Consortium of Mathematics and its Applications. pp. 93-106.
    This essay will inform the reader about Kant’s views on mathematics and aesthetics. It will also critically discuss these views and offer further suggestions and personal opinions from the author’s side. Kant (1724-1804) was not a mathematician, nor was he an artist. One must even admit that he had little understanding of higher mathematics and that he did not have much of a theory that could be called a “philosophy of mathematics” either. But he formulated a very influential aesthetic theory (...)
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  42. Perspectiva corporum regularium.Wenzel Jamnitzer - 2015 - In Rudolf Finsterwalder, Kristin Feireiss & Frei Otto (eds.), Form follows nature: eine Geschichte der Natur als Modell für Formfindung in Ingenieurbau, Architektur und Kunst = a history of nature as model for design in engineering, architecture and art. Basel: Birkhäuser.
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    Die theologische Bedeutung der Tugendlehre 0. F. Bollnows.Wenzel Lohff - 1958 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 2 (1):334-346.
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    Gustav Menschings Religionswissenschaft Des Verstehens.Wenzel Lohff - 1949 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 2 (1-4):75-81.
  45. Die Bedeutung der Intuition für die Ethik.Aloys Schmitz - 1933 - Bonn: J. Duckwitz.
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  46. Ästhetik des Heiligen : Poetik des Glaubens : Theologische Rekonstruktion der Religionsästhetik.Knut Wenzel - 2017 - In Wolfgang Gantke, Thomas Schreijäck & Vladislav Serikov (eds.), Das Heilige interkulturell: Perspektiven in religionswissenschaftlichen, theologischen und philosophischen Kontexten. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
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    A mediaeval mystery cult in bosnia and herzegovina.Marian Wenzel - 1961 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 24 (1/2):89-107.
  48. Beziehung ohne Beziehung: Bemerkungen zur Gesellschafts-und Gemeinschaftskritik von Emmanuel Lévinas.U. J. Wenzel - 1994 - Studia Philosophica 53:177-199.
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    Bioethics, Rent-Seeking, and Death: Examining the Opposition to Kidney Markets.Nikolai G. Wenzel & Bertrand Lemennicier - 2021 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 27 (1):51-74.
    The market for kidneys offers a case study of Baptists and Bootleggers. In almost every country, sales are currently illegal and donated organs are allocated by a central planner. Thousands of people die every year, because of the shortage caused by the absence of markets. This paper starts by examining the free-market alternative, and shows that a market would solve the shortage. It then uses gains-from-trade analysis to explain why current vested interests oppose a move to a market, despite the (...)
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  50.  57
    Contemporary German Psychology.Aloys Wenzl - 1928 - The Monist 38 (1):120-157.
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