Results for 'Allison Fizzard'

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  1.  28
    Nicholas Orme, The Church in Devon, 400–1560. Devon, UK: Impress Books, 2013. Pp. 241. £14.99. ISBN: 978-1-9076-0541-3.Allison D. Fizzard - 2014 - Speculum 89 (4):1184-1186.
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    Nicholas Orme, The Minor Clergy of Exeter Cathedral: Biographies, 1250–1548. Exeter, UK: Devon and Cornwall Record Society, 2013. Paper. Pp. x, 332. £20. ISBN: 978-0-901853-54-7. [REVIEW]Allison D. Fizzard - 2015 - Speculum 90 (3):845-846.
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  3. Kant's Theory of Freedom.Henry E. Allison - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In his new book the eminent Kant scholar Henry Allison provides an innovative and comprehensive interpretation of Kant's concept of freedom. The author analyzes the concept and discusses the role it plays in Kant's moral philosophy and psychology. He also considers in full detail the critical literature on the subject from Kant's own time to the present day. In the first part Professor Allison argues that at the centre of the Critique of Pure Reason there is the foundation (...)
  4. Meaning change and changing meaning.Allison Koslow - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-26.
    Is volitional conceptual change feasible? Answering that question requires a theory of semantic change, which is sometimes thought elusive. Fortunately, much is known about semantic change as it occurs in the wild. While usage is chaotic and complex, changes in a word’s use can produce changes in its meaning. There are several under-appreciated empirical constraints on how meanings change that stem from the following observation: word use finely reflects equilibrium between various communicative pressures. Much of the relevant work in linguistics (...)
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  5. Kant’s Theory of Taste: A Reading of the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment.Henry E. Allison - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book constitutes one of the most important contributions to recent Kant scholarship. In it, one of the pre-eminent interpreters of Kant, Henry Allison, offers a comprehensive, systematic, and philosophically astute account of all aspects of Kant's views on aesthetics. The first part of the book analyses Kant's conception of reflective judgment and its connections with both empirical knowledge and judgments of taste. The second and third parts treat two questions that Allison insists must be kept distinct: the (...)
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    Sacrificial logics: feminist theory and the critique of identity.Allison Weir - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    Contemporary feminist theory is at an impasse: the project of reformulating concepts of self and social identity is thwarted by an association between identity and oppression and victimhood. In Sacrificial Logics, Allison Weir proposes a way out of this impasse through a concept of identity which depends on accepting difference. Weir argues that the equation of identity with repression and domination links "relational" feminists like Nancy Chodorow, who equate self-identity with the repression of connection to others, and poststructuralist feminists (...)
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  7.  17
    Sacrificial Logics: Feminist Theory and the Critique of Identity.Allison Weir & Morwenna Griffith - 1996 - Hypatia 14 (1):120-125.
  8. Locke on Essences.Allison Kuklok - 2021 - In Jessica Gordon-Roth & Shelley Weinberg, The Lockean Mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
    When I classify Fluffy as a cat, I appear to do so out of an appreciation of a prior metaphysical fact, namely, that she has a nature or essence common to creatures we classify as cats. Locke turns this picture on its head. Our actual practices of naming and sorting individuals into kinds proceed according to ideas in the mind. As Locke puts it, species (kinds) are ‘the Workmanship of the Understanding,’ not the workmanship of nature, because their essences consist (...)
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  9. Supported Decision-Making: Non-Domination Rather than Mental Prosthesis.Allison M. McCarthy & Dana Howard - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):227-237.
    Recently, bioethicists and the UNCRPD have advocated for supported medical decision-making on behalf of patients with intellectual disabilities. But what does supported decision-making really entail? One compelling framework is Anita Silvers and Leslie Francis’ mental prosthesis account, which envisions supported decision-making as a process in which trustees act as mere appendages for the patient’s will; the trustee provides the cognitive tools the patient requires to realize her conception of her own good. We argue that supported decision-making would be better understood (...)
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    Identities and Freedom: Feminist Theory Between Power and Connection.Allison Weir - 2013 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    How can we think about identities in the wake of feminist critiques of identity and identity politics? Allison Weir rethinks conceptions of individual and collective identities in relation to freedom.
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  11. Dialogue: Paul Guyer and Henry Allison on Allison's Kant's theory of taste.Paul Guyer & Henry E. Allison - 2006 - In Rebecca Kukla, Aesthetics and Cognition in Kant's Critical Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  12. Kant's Transcendental Idealism.Henry E. Allison - 1988 - Yale University Press.
    This landmark book is now reissued in a new edition that has been vastly rewritten and updated to respond to recent Kantian literature.
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    Of Genealogy and Transcendent Critique.Allison Merrick - 2016 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 47 (2):228-237.
    In a well-known passage of the Preface to On the Genealogy of Morals Nietzsche makes audible a “new demand”: namely, that “we need a critique of moral values, the value of these values themselves must be called into question—and for that there is needed a knowledge of the conditions and circumstances in which they grew, under which they changed and evolved”.1 Here Nietzsche is relatively clear. We need an understanding of the historical conditions under which our moral values have changed (...)
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    Christianity and Nonsense.Henry E. Allison - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):432 - 460.
    THE Concluding Unscientific Postscript is generally regarded as the most philosophically significant of Kierkegaard's works. In terms of a subjectivistic orientation it seems to present both an elaborate critique of the pretensions of the Hegelian philosophy and an existential analysis which points to the Christian faith as the only solution to the "human predicament." Furthermore, on the basis of such a straightforward reading of the text, Kierkegaard has been both vilified as an irrationalist and praised as a profound existential thinker (...)
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    Kant's Transcendental Deduction: An Analytic-Historical Commentary.Henry E. Allison - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Henry E. Allison presents an analytical and historical commentary on Kant`s transcendental deduction of the pure concepts of the understanding in the Critique of Pure Reason. He argues that, rather than providing a new solution to an old problem, it addresses a new problem, and he traces the line of thought that led Kant to the recognition of the significance of this problem in his 'pre-critical' period. In addition to the developmental nature of the account of Kant`s views presented (...)
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  16. Reply (Paper 96JB03888)-Source complexity of the October 1, 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake by Allison L. Bent and Donald V. Helmberger. [REVIEW]Allison L. Bent - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 (2).
  17. Disembodied Animals.Allison Krile Thornton - 2019 - American Philosophical Quarterly 56 (2):203-217.
    This paper defends a hylomorphic version of animalism according to which human persons survive as immaterial, bodiless animals after death. According to the hylomorphism under consideration, human persons have souls that survive death, and according to the animalism under consideration, human persons are necessarily animals. One might think this implies that human persons don't survive their deaths since if they were to survive their deaths, they would be immaterial animals after death, but necessarily animals are material. This paper shows that (...)
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    Kant’s Theory of Taste: A Reading of the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment.Henry E. Allison - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 60 (4):353-354.
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  19. Hume’s Philosophical Insouciance: A Reading of Treatise 1.4.7.Henry E. Allison - 2005 - Hume Studies 31 (2):317-346.
    At the end of T 1.4.2, after examining the skeptical arguments against the claims of both reason and sense perception and affirming the futility of the familiar philosophical responses to them, Hume reflects that.
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  20. Kant’s Transcendental Idealism: An Interpretation and Defense.Henry E. Allison - 2004 - Yale University Press.
    This landmark book is now reissued in a new edition that has been vastly rewritten and updated to respond to recent Kantian literature. It includes a new discussion of the Third Analogy, a greatly expanded discussion of Kant’s _Paralogisms, _and entirely new chapters dealing with Kant’s theory of reason, his treatment of theology, and the important Appendix to the Dialectic. _Praise for the earlier edition: _ “Probably the most comprehensive and substantial study of the Critique of Pure Reason written by (...)
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    “Getting Gut-Level”: Punishment, Gender, and Therapeutic Governance.Allison McKim - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (3):303-323.
    Using ethnographic data gathered at a mandated, community-based drug treatment program for women offenders, this article analyzes how gendered notions of the self and of autonomy shape penal governance. This study examines how psychological models of women's deviance, racialized visions of motherhood, and therapeutic techniques of the self come into tension with expectations of responsible, autonomous citizenship. The program prioritized therapeutic ways of governing its clients over those that emphasized economic self-reliance, rational decision making, and normalizing gender. This is because (...)
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    Where Have All the Categories Gone? Reflections on Longuenesse's Reading of Kant's Transcendental Deduction.H. E. Allison - 2000 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):67-80.
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    Concerning the psychological type of the redeemer: Nietzsche on the methods of philosophy.Allison Merrick - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):151-162.
    In section 24 of The Antichrist, Nietzsche notes a problem namely “the origin of Christianity.” He offers two propositions toward its solution: the first is that “Christianity can only be understood on the soil where it grew:” and the second is that “the psychological type of the Galilean is still recognizable, but it had to assume a completely degenerate form (simultaneously mutilated and full of alien features) before it came to be used as a redeemer of humanity” (A 24). Significantly (...)
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  24. “Whatever begins to be must have a cause of existence”: Hume’s Analysis and Kant's Response.Henry E. Allison - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 76 (3):525-546.
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    Crash Course History of Science: Popular Science for General Education?Allison Marsh & Bethany Johnson - 2020 - Isis 111 (3):588-594.
  26.  36
    Le pouvoir de déployer la compétence éthique.Marchildon Allison - 2017 - Éthique Publique. Revue Internationale D’Éthique Sociétale Et Gouvernementale 19 (1).
    Si le déploiement d’une compétence éthique en situation nécessite la capacité et la volonté de la personne à déceler et à résoudre les problèmes de nature éthique qu’il rencontre, je proposerai dans ce texte qu’il nécessite aussi, en raison de la part d’autonomie qu’il requiert, que la personne ait le pouvoir de déployer cette compétence. Or, alors que les deux premières conditions d’exercice dépendent de la personne, cette troisième condition, à laquelle je m’intéresserai plus particulièrement dans ce texte, lui est (...)
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    Construyendo valor cultural: Jimnasia nacional de Manuel manquilef Y la educación intercultural en chile.Allison Ramay & Elisa Loncón - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 42:273-284.
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    À qui le droit de taxer? Être membre d’un État et les enjeux fiscaux qui en découlent.Allison Christians & Nicolas Benoît-Guay - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (1):127-132.
    Christians, Allison, Benoît-Guay, Nicolas.
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  29. Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals: A Commentary.E. Allison Henry - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Henry E. Allison presents a comprehensive commentary on Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals . Allison pays special attention to the structure of the work and its historical and intellectual context. He argues that, despite its relative brevity, the Groundwork is the single most important work in modern moral philosophy.
  30. Strings, Physies and Hogs Bristles: Names, Species and Classification in Locke.Allison Kuklok - 2018 - Locke Studies 18:1-27.
    It is often claimed that classification, on Locke’s view, proceeds by attending to similarities between things, and it is widely argued that nothing about the sensible similarities between things determines how we are to sort them, in which case sorting substances at the phenomenal level must be arbitrary. However, acquaintance with the “internal” or hidden qualities of substances might yet reveal objective boundaries. Citing what I refer to as the Watch passage in Locke’s Essay (henceforth Watches), many commentators claim that (...)
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  31. Social perception from visual cues: role of the STS region.Truett Allison, Aina Puce & Gregory McCarthy - 2000 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 4 (7):267-278.
  32. Varieties of Animalism.Allison Krile Thornton - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (9):515-526.
    Animalism in its basic form is the view that we are animals. Whether it is a thesis about anything else – like what the conditions of our persistence through time are or whether we're wholly material things – depends on the facts about the persistence conditions and ontology of animals. Thus, I will argue, there are different varieties of animalism, differing with respect to which other theses are taken in conjunction with animalism in its basic form. The different varieties of (...)
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    Identities and Freedom.Allison Weir - 2017 - Philosophy Today 61 (2):423-438.
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    Fabricating Citations: The Policies of New Jersey Public Institutions of Higher Education.Allison S. Williams - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-18.
    Higher education academic integrity policies are varied, and similarly, the language regarding the act of fabricating citations can be diverse and subjective. With recent calls to align academic integrity policies with practice, the aim of this paper is to gain a better understanding of how the act of fabricating citations is presented in higher education academic integrity policies by conducting a two-phase content analysis of the web-based, academic conduct policies for undergraduate students at public institutions of higher education in the (...)
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    Essays on Kant.Henry E. Allison - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This volume presents seventeen essays by one of the world's leading scholars on Kant. Henry E. Allison explores the nature of transcendental idealism, freedom of the will, and the concept of the purposiveness of nature. He places Kant's views in their historical context and explores their contemporary relevance to present day philosophers.
  36. Sacred groves as sites of bio-cultural resistance and resilience in Bhutan.Elizabeth Allison - 2022 - In Chris Coggins & Bixia Chen, Sacred forests of Asia: spiritual ecology and the politics of nature conservation. New York: Routledge.
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  37. Speculative enthusiasm: William Blake's Jerusalem and Quentin Meillassoux's Divine ethics.Allison Dushane - 2019 - In Chris Washington & Anne C. McCarthy, Romanticism and speculative realism. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Glauben an Wissen: Über das Problem der Überzeugung in der feministischen Theorie.Allison Weir - 1997 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 45 (1):51-62.
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  39. The counterpromise : Derrida on the instant of Blanchot's death.Allison Weiner - 2007 - In Simon Morgan Wortham & Allison Weiner, Encountering Derrida: legacies and futures of deconstruction. New York: Continuum.
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    Cost-Sharing Reductions, Technocrat Tinkering, and Market-Based Health Policy.Allison K. Hoffman - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (4):873-876.
    The Trump Administration has exposed both the durability and vulnerability of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's insurance reforms. One of the Administration's first strikes at “Obamacare” was to discontinue federal government payment of cost-sharing reductions, which insurers pay to low-income enrollees on the exchanges to reduce their out-of-pocket share of medical spending. The states struck back with a clever solution that could hold insurers and enrollees harmless. This article examines this strategy and why, while impressive, it reaffirms larger (...)
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  41. Decisional Capacity and Consent for Schizophrenia Research.Allison Kaup, Laura Dunn, Elyn Saks, Dilip Jeste & Barton Palmer - 2011 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 33 (4):1-9.
    Despite substantial research on overall decision-making capacity levels in schizophrenia, the factors that cause individuals to make errors when making decisions regarding research participation or treatment are relatively unknown. We examined the responses of 84 individuals, middle-aged or older, with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. We used a structured decision-making capacity measure, the MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Clinical Research, to determine the frequency and apparent cause of participants’ errors. We found that most errors were due to difficulty recalling the disclosed (...)
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  42. Old Age-Related Stereotypes of Preschool Children.Allison Flamion, Pierre Missotten, Lucie Jennotte, Noémie Hody & Stéphane Adam - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:503033.
    Ageist attitudes have been discovered in children as early as 3 years. However, so far very few studies, especially during the last decade, have examined age-related stereotypes in preschool children. Available questionnaires adapted to this population are scarce. Our study was designed to probe old age-related views in 3- to 6-year-old children ( n = 126) using both an open-ended Image-of-Aging question and a new pilot tool, called Young Children’s Views of Older People (YCVOP), based on a visual analog scale (...)
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    Power, Gender, and The Politics of Our Selves.Allison Weir - 2014 - Critical Horizons 15 (1):28-39.
    Amy Allen’s insightful and nuanced feminist critical-theoretical account of the politics of our selves could be strengthened with a more complex and differentiated account of power and of gender, and of the social as a site of multiple conflicting and contesting relations. Such an account would adhere more consistently to Allen’s own project of understanding subjects to be constituted through both relations of power and relations of interdependence and mutuality, care and solidarity. The development of this account, and of a (...)
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  44.  14
    Books of Secrets: Natural Philosophy in England, 1550-1600.Allison Kavey - 2007 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    _How cultural categories shaped--and were shaped by--new ideas about controlling nature_ Ranging from alchemy to necromancy, "books of secrets" offered medieval readers an affordable and accessible collection of knowledge about the natural world. Allison Kavey's study traces the cultural relevance of these books and also charts their influence on the people who read them. Citing the importance of printers in choosing the books' contents, she points out how these books legitimized manipulating nature, thereby expanding cultural categories, such as masculinity, (...)
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  45. Idealism and Freedom: Essays on Kant’s Theoretical and Practical Philosophy.Henry E. Allison - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Henry Allison is one of the foremost interpreters of the philosophy of Kant. This new volume collects all his recent essays on Kant's theoretical and practical philosophy. All the essays postdate Allison's two major books on Kant, and together they constitute an attempt to respond to critics and to clarify, develop and apply some of the central theses of those books. Two are published here for the first time. Special features of the collection are: a detailed defence of (...)
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    Media for Coping During COVID-19 Social Distancing: Stress, Anxiety, and Psychological Well-Being.Allison L. Eden, Benjamin K. Johnson, Leonard Reinecke & Sara M. Grady - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:577639.
    In spring 2020, COVID-19 and the ensuing social distancing and stay-at-home orders instigated abrupt changes to employment and educational infrastructure, leading to uncertainty, concern, and stress among United States college students. The media consumption patterns of this and other social groups across the globe were affected, with early evidence suggesting viewers were seeking both pandemic-themed media and reassuring, familiar content. A general increase in media consumption, and increased consumption of specific types of content, may have been due to media use (...)
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    The Discipline of Virtue.Allison Piñeros Glasscock - 2020 - Ancient Philosophy 40 (1):41-65.
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    The Global Universal Caregiver: Imagining Women's Liberation in the New Millennium.Allison Weir - 2005 - Constellations 12 (3):308-330.
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  49. Transcendental realism, empirical realism and transcendental idealism.Henry E. Allison - 2006 - Kantian Review 11:1-28.
    This essay argues that the key to understanding Kant's transcendental idealism is to understand the transcendental realism with which he contrasts it. It maintains that the latter is not to be identified with a particular metaphysical thesis, but with the assumption that the proper objects of human cognitions are “objects in general” or “as such,” that is, objects considered simply qua objects of some understanding. Since this appears to conflict with Kant's own characterization of transcendental realism as the view that (...)
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  50. Kant.Henry E. Allison - 1995 - In Ted Honderich, The Philosophers: Introducing Great Western Thinkers. New York: Oxford University Press.
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