Results for 'Alicia Agurto Calderón'

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  1.  20
    Las inteligencias múltiples en la educación para sordos.Alicia Agurto Calderón - 2007 - Polis 17.
    En este nuevo contexto social, cultural, político y económico, sin lugar a dudas la educación ha logrado avances en el tema de la reforma educacional y en específico en los cambios de la educación especial. Sin embargo, pese a ello se vuelve trascendental a estas alturas un cambio a nivel paradigmático, respecto a como el sistema educativo concibe el tema de la discapacidad y en específico de la discapacidad auditiva. En especial cuando vemos en un contexto más global que en (...)
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    The causal axioms of algebraic quantum field theory: A diagnostic.Francisco Calderón - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 104 (C):98-108.
    Algebraic quantum field theory (AQFT) puts forward three ``causal axioms'' that aim to characterize the theory as one that implements relativistic causation: the spectrum condition, microcausality, and primitive causality. In this paper, I aim to show, in a minimally technical way, that none of them fully explains the notion of causation appropriate for AQFT because they only capture some of the desiderata for relativistic causation I state or because it is often unclear how each axiom implements its respective desideratum. After (...)
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    ERPLAB: an open-source toolbox for the analysis of event-related potentials.Javier Lopez-Calderon & Steven J. Luck - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Uncovering Settler Grammars in Curriculum.Dolores Calderon - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (4):313-338.
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    Addenda et corrigenda a Ruiz Calderón, 1," Reseña de Flood, O., El hinduismo.Javier Ruiz Calderón - 2000 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 5:281.
  6.  11
    Young children experience both regret and relief in a gain-or-loss context.Alicia K. Jones, Shalini Gautam & Jonathan Redshaw - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (1):163-170.
    Recent research has provided compelling evidence that children experience the negative counterfactual emotion of regret, by manipulating the presence of a counterfactual action that would have led to participants receiving a better outcome. However, it remains unclear if children similarly experience regret’s positive counterpart, relief. The current study examined children’s negative and positive counterfactual emotions in a novel gain-or-loss context. Four- to 9-year-old children (N = 136) were presented with two opaque boxes concealing information that would lead to a gain (...)
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    El giro ético y el problema de la vida buena en la última generación de la teoría crítica.Camilo G. Correa Agurto - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (40):260-293.
    En este artículo se examinan las teorías inscritas en el denominado giro ético de la teoría crítica, iniciado por Honneth con su teoría del reconocimiento y continuado por Rosa y Jaeggi con sus respectivas concepciones de una sociología de la vida buena en la forma de la resonancia y una concepción dialéctico-pragmática de los procesos de emancipación de las formas de vida. El propósito principal es distinguir el lugar de la dimensión ético-afectiva de la vida buena, respecto de las tradiciones (...)
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    Can compliance restart integrity? Toward a harmonized approach. The example of the audit committee.Reyes Calderón, Ricardo Piñero & Dulce M. Redín - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (2):195-206.
    The compliance-based approach and the integrity approach have been the mainstream responses to corporate scandals. This paper proposes that, despite each approach comprising necessary elements, neither offers a comprehensive solution. Compliance and integrity, far from being mutually exclusive, reinforce each other. Working together, in a correct relationship, they build a harmonized system that yields positive synergies and which also advocates prudence. It enables the generation of a culture of compliance that tends to minimize the technical and ethical errors in decision (...)
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    Rethinking the Moral Authority of Experience: Critical Insights and Reflections from Black Women Scholars.Alicia Best, Folasade C. Lapite & Faith E. Fletcher - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (1):27-30.
    The field of bioethics is calling for a new generation of scholars equipped with the normative, empirical, and practical knowledge and expertise to prioritize equity concerns largely underrepresent...
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  10. Kant as precursor of liberationist hermeneutics.Alicia Ramos González - 1993 - Filosofia Oggi 16 (62):317-328.
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    Making good choices: toward a theory of well-being in medicine.Alicia Hall - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (5):383-400.
    The principle of beneficence directs healthcare practitioners to promote patients’ well-being, ensuring that the patients’ best interests guide treatment decisions. Because there are a number of distinct theories of well-being that could lead to different conclusions about the patient’s good, a careful consideration of which account is best suited for use in the medical context is needed. While there has been some discussion of the differences between subjective and objective theories of well-being within the bioethics literature, less attention has been (...)
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  12. Review of Alicia Juarrero: Dynamics in Action: Intentional Behavior as a Complex System[REVIEW]Alicia Juarrero & Frederick Adams - 2001 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 52 (3):635-640.
  13.  41
    Daoism in Management.Alicia Hennig - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (2):161-182.
    The paper concentrates on the Chinese philosophical strand of Daoism and analyses in how far this philosophy can contribute to new directions in management theory. Daoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy, which can only be traced back roughly to about 200 or 100 BC when during Han dynasty the writers Laozi and Zhuangzi were identified as “Daoists”. However, during Han dynasty Daoism and prevalent Confucianism intermingled. Generally, it is rather difficult today to clearly discern Daoist thought from other philosophical strands (...)
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  14.  21
    The night is normal: a guide through spiritual pain.Alicia Britt Chole - 2023 - Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers.
    It's unnerving, isn't it? When our faith feels ungrounded, untethered... unreal. When our certainty is adrift, as though an undercurrent has pulled us away from shore into the deep, into the darkness. This is disillusionment. This is spiritual pain. And if this is you, please know that you are not alone. (And you are not as far away from safety as you may feel or fear.) Though faith shines best in full sun, it grows depth in the dark. The night (...)
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    The Author Replies.Alicia Hall - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (6):4-4.
    Reply to a commentary by Joseph J. Fins on “Financial Side Effects: Why Patients Should Be Informed of Costs.”.
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    Language Competence and Tradition-constituted Rationality.Alicia Juarrero Roque - 1991 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 51 (3):611-617.
  17. Fatalism.Alicia Finch & Ted A. Warfield - 1999 - Faith and Philosophy 16 (2):233-238.
    The logical fatalist holds that the past truth of future tense propositions is incompatible with libertarian freedom. The theological fatalist holds that the combination of God’s past beliefs with His essential omniscience is incompatible with libertarian freedom. There is an ongoing dispute over the relation between these two kinds of fatalism: some philosophers believe that the problems are equivalent while others believe that the theological problem is more difficult. We offer a diagnosis of this dispute showing that one’s view of (...)
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  18. The mind argument and libertarianism.Alicia Finch & Ted A. Warfield - 1998 - Mind 107 (427):515-28.
    Many critics of libertarian freedom have charged that freedom is incompatible with indeterminism. We show that the strongest argument that has been provided for this claim is invalid. The invalidity of the argument in question, however, implies the invalidity of the standard Consequence argument for the incompatibility of freedom and determinism. We show how to repair the Consequence argument and argue that no similar improvement will revive the worry about the compatibility of indeterminism and freedom.
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    Financial Side Effects: Why Patients Should Be Informed of Costs.Alicia Hall - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (3):41-47.
    The U.S. health care system is ostensibly market based and therefore at least partially reliant on competition and consumer demand to regulate costs. Yet information about an essential feature of market transactions—costs—is typically obscure to patients until long after treatment. When discussing what must be disclosed for informed consent, the same list of required information is often mentioned regardless of the health care system in question, and information about costs rarely merits a place within this list. However, our assumptions about (...)
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  20.  29
    Anti‐Black Racism and Power: Centering Black Scholars to Achieve Health Equity.Alicia L. Best - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S1):39-41.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue S1, Page S39-S41, March‐April 2022.
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    Mary Ann Doane (2021) Bigger Than Life: The Close-up and Scale in the Cinema.Alicia Byrnes - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (3):587-591.
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  22.  18
    Arendt: totalitarismo e ideología.Jacinto H. Calderón González - 2021 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 42 (124).
    En torno al libro de Hannah Arendt Los orígenes del totalitarismo se buscan explicaciones a la lógica del Estado totalitario, es decir, su modo de operar y sus consecuencias en el ámbito de la libertad, del reconocimiento y del modo de vida que los sujetos pueden esperar en tal Estado. Se encuentra que el terror que se impone logra una deshumanización de los sujetos que, al haber perdido todo lo racional, se encuentran en el territorio de lo inconcebible.
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    Edwidge Danticat, Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at Work.Alicia E. Ellis - 2011 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 19 (2):200-208.
    A review of Edwidge Danticat, Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at Work. The Toni Morrison Lecture Series (Princeton/Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2010).
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    Seifert, J.: "Conocimiento de Dios por las vías de la razón y del amor".Alicia Rodrigo Fernández - 2014 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 47:355-359.
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  25. Transfondo filosófico de la semiótica.Alicia Ramos González - 1981 - Anuario Filosófico 14 (2):197-202.
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    Moral Schemas and Business Practices: The Ethics of Guangzhou Migrant Marketers.Alicia S. M. Leung, Xiangyang Liu & Shanshi Liu - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S1):11 - 23.
    This article explores the ethics of migrant marketers in Guangzhou. Data were collected from 357 migrant marketers who lived in Guangzhou. A model of Ethical Action has been developed to test the antecedents and outcomes of the ethical decision-making process. It measured moral intention using four ethical scenarios. The results show that the egoistic schema had a positive effect on their intention to act unethically, while the legislative schema exerted a negative effect. The results confirm that moral intention was a (...)
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  27.  25
    The Buddhist philosophy of assimilation.Alicia Matsunaga - 1969 - Rutland, Vermont,: C. E. Tuttle Co..
  28. Obsesiones coloniales y reticencias africanistas (O por qué no triunfan las perspectivas postcoloniales entre los estudiosos de África Subsahariana).Alicia Campos Serrano - 2024 - Arbor 200 (812):2737.
    Las perspectivas poscoloniales han generado una diversidad de reacciones por parte de especialistas en África al sur del Sáhara. Han existido esfuerzos, fundamentalmente en el ámbito de los estudios culturales, por reivindicar e incorporar a africanos y africanas entre los referentes fundamentales de la corriente. Pero también se han expresado rechazos, y formulado abiertas críticas a la misma en torno a su ahistoricidad, su apoliticismo o sus excesos discursivos. Este texto recoge los intentos de los primeros y sistematiza los argumentos (...)
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    The propaganda value of imperial patronage: ecclesiastical foundations and charitable establishments in the late twelfth century.Alicia Simpson - 2015 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 108 (1):179-206.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 108 Heft: 1 Seiten: 179-206.
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    Juego e imaginación en Vilém Flusser.Andrea Soto Calderón - 2012 - Flusser Studies 13.
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  31. Poder, sufrimiento y los tribunales. Reflexiones acerca de la promoción de los derechos de la salud por la vía de la judicialización.Alicia Ely Yamin - 2013 - In Alicia Ely Yamin, Siri Gloppen & Elena Odriozola (eds.), La lucha por los derechos de la salud: ¿puede la justicia ser una herramienta de cambio? México, D.F.: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.
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    Workplace Bullying in a Sample of Italian and Spanish Employees and Its Relationship with Job Satisfaction, and Psychological Well-Being.Alicia Arenas, Gabriele Giorgi, Francesco Montani, Serena Mancuso, Javier Fiz Perez, Nicola Mucci & Giulio Arcangeli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  33. Power, suffering, and courts : reflections on promoting health rights through judicialization.Alicia Ely Yamin - 2011 - In Alicia Ely Yamin & Siri Gloppen (eds.), Litigating health rights: can courts bring more justice to health? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
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  34. Against libertarianism.Alicia Finch - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 166 (3):475-493.
    The so-called Mind argument aims at the conclusion that agents act freely only if determinism is true. The soundness of this argument entails the falsity of libertarianism, the two-part thesis that agents act freely, and free action and determinism are incompatible. In this paper, I offer a new formulation of the Mind argument. I argue that it is true by definition that if an agent acts freely, either (i) nothing nomologically grounds an agent’s acting freely, or (ii) the consequence argument (...)
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  35. On behalf of the consequence argument: time, modality, and the nature of free action.Alicia Finch - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 163 (1):151-170.
    The consequence argument for the incompatibility of free action and determinism has long been under attack, but two important objections have only recently emerged: Warfield’s modal fallacy objection and Campbell’s no past objection. In this paper, I explain the significance of these objections and defend the consequence argument against them. First, I present a novel formulation of the argument that withstands their force. Next, I argue for the one controversial claim on which this formulation relies: the trans-temporality thesis. This thesis (...)
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    The meaning in empathy: Distinguishing conceptual encoding from facial mimicry, trait empathy, and attention to emotion.Alicia J. Hofelich & Stephanie D. Preston - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (1):119-128.
  37.  37
    Queering the Social Studies: Lessons to be Learned from Canadian Secondary School Gay-Straight Alliances.Alicia A. Lapointe - 2016 - Journal of Social Studies Research 40 (3):205-215.
    This study examines what Social Studies teachers can learn from Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA) in terms of the content that club members examine and the queer pedagogical approaches they employ. Findings reveal how educators can borrow students’ queer teaching and learning practices, and integrate their insights within Social Studies classrooms to disrupt (hetero/cis)normativity. Data derived from semi-structured interviews with five Canadian high school GSA members were analyzed using the queer theoretical and pedagogical insights of Britzman (1995. Educational Theory, 45(2), 151–165 ; (...)
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    Ateísmo y espiritualidad.Alicia Ramos González - 2016 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 21:165-183.
    In this article we present an approach to the new spirituality. In contemporary world we find atheistic and spiritual people. How is this possible? We try to analyze. First we make an approach to the concept of religion. We present a historical perspective of the concept. An atheistic religion is possible depending on the definition of religion we use. Also we analyze, as an example of the context of the twentieth century, Sigmund Freud forecast around the end of religions and (...)
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    La disputatio scholastica reconstruida de acuerdo con fuentes filosóficas manuscritas e impresas que circularon en la Nueva Granada.Juan Felipe González-Calderón - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 73 (184):57-80.
    Este artículo se propone reconstruir histórica y metodológicamente la disputatio scholastica y acercarse a la manera como era ejercitado este tipo de juego dialéctico en los colegios jesuitas de la América Hispánica. Examinando fuentes manuscritas e impresas, se enumeran y discuten las reglas que los participantes de los certámenes filosóficos de la escolástica barroca obedecían. La estructura lógica y dialéctica de la disputatio es examinada a la luz del método de discusión abstraído y sistematizado por Aristóteles en los Tópicos. Se (...)
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    Is ruthlessness the enemy? On Joshua Cherniss’ Liberalism in Dark Times.Alicia Steinmetz - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (3):543-545.
    Histories of liberalism often begin with the observation that, prior to the French Revolution, the term ‘liberal’ originally referred to a state of mind. In England, it had been used ‘to denote ass...
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  41.  24
    Las procesiones de difuntos en tradiciones y leyendas mexicanas de los siglos XIX-XX.Javier Ayala Calderón - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (148):119.
    Las procesiones de difuntos fueron un tema muy favorecido en la literatura mexicana de los siglos XIX y XX. Estas historias tienen sus orígenes en los relatos sobre una aparición de ultratumba que dentro del imaginario sobrenatural de Galicia es conocida como la Santa Compaña, la cual llegó a tierras novohispanas en el siglo XVI, como parte de las crónicas de las órdenes religiosas. No obstante, con el paso del tiempo la creencia se secularizó y adquirió tintes cada vez más (...)
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    Perspectivas ecofeministas de la ciencia y el conocimiento La crítica al sesgo andro-antropocéntrico.Alicia Helda Puleo - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:41.
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    Matching Ethical Work Climate to In-role and Extra-role Behaviors in a Collectivist Work Setting.Alicia S. M. Leung - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):43-55.
    This paper studies the relationship between organizational ethical climate and the forms of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), including in-role and extra-role behaviors, and examines the mediating effect of employee loyalty. A sample of employees from a traditional Hong Kong-based company was used as a study group. The purpose of this study was to examine the causes and implications of how various ethical work climates affect employee performance. Based on a model proposed by Victor and Cullen, ethical climate is arranged from (...)
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  44.  43
    Power, Status and Expectations: How Narcissism Manifests Among Women CEOs.Alicia R. Ingersoll, Christy Glass, Alison Cook & Kari Joseph Olsen - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):893-907.
    Firms face mounting pressure to appoint ethical leaders who will avoid unnecessary risk, scandal and crisis. Alongside mounting evidence that narcissistic leaders place organizations at risk, there is a growing consensus that women are more ethical, transparent and risk-averse than men. We seek to interrogate these claims by analyzing whether narcissism is as prevalent among women CEOs as it is among men CEOs. We further analyze whether narcissistic women CEOs take the same types of risk as narcissistic men CEOs. Drawing (...)
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    “Ethics Hotlines” in Transnational Companies: A Comparative Study.Reyes Calderón-Cuadrado, José Luis Álvarez-Arce, Isabel Rodríguez-Tejedo & Stella Salvatierra - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (1):199-210.
    This empirical study explores the characteristics and degree of implementation of so-called ethics hotlines in transnational companies (TNCs), which allow employees to present allegations of wrongdoing and ethical dilemmas, as well as to report concerns. Ethics hotlines have not received much attention in literature; therefore, this paper aims to fill that gap. Through the analysis of conduct/ethics codes and the compliance programs of the top 150 transnational companies ranked by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) ( 2007 (...)
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    Towards a theory of proprioception as a bodily basis for consciousness in music.Alicia Peñalba Acitores - 2011 - In David Clarke & Eric Clarke (eds.), Music and consciousness: philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press.
  47. La danza como expresión básica= The dance as a basic expression.Alicia Alonso, Alkis Raftis, Julio Bocca & Tamara Rojo - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:49-51.
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  48. Proxémica servil: comportamientos no verbales de la servidumbre en la Odisea.Alicia María Atienza - 2004 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 9:33-54.
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  49. Dialectical inferences in the ontogenesis of social representations.Alicia Barreiro & José Antonio Castorina - 2023 - In José Antonio Castorina & Alicia Barreiro (eds.), The development of social knowledge: towards a cultural-individual dialectic. Charlotte, NC: IAP, Information Age Publishing.
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  50. Nothingness as the dark side of social representations.Alicia Barreiro & Jose Antonio Castorina - 2016 - In Jytte Bang & Ditte Winther-Lindqvist (eds.), Nothingness: philosophical insights into psychology. New Brunswick (U.S.A.): Transaction Publishers.
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