Results for 'Alice Rühle-Gerstel'

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  1.  12
    Hannah Arendt en la teoría feminista contemporánea.Teresa Portas Pérez - 2022 - [Valencia, Spain]: Universitat de València.
    En este libro se explora el diálogo que la teoría feminista ha entablado con Hannah Arendt, una pensadora que se había manifestado explícitamente en contra del movimiento de mujeres de su época y que, en definitiva, no había teorizado la cuestión del género. Tan solo había vertido unas breves reflexiones críticas en una reseña, publicada en el año 1933, de la obra de Alice Rühle Gerstel El problema de la mujer en la actualidad: un balance psicológico, críticas que (...)
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    ... La nueva actitud ante la vida.Alice Rühle-Gerstel - 1941 - México,: El Nacional.
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    The Good It Promises, The Harm It Does: Critical Essays on Effective Altruism.Carol J. Adams, Alice Crary & Lori Gruen (eds.) - 2023 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    Deeply rooted structures of racism, ableism, misogyny, ageism, and transphobia hurt great numbers of people, exposing them to intolerance, economic exclusion, and physical harm around the globe. Billions of land animals suffer and die annually in concentrated feeding operations and slaughterhouses. Our planet and all who live here are in perilous straights as the climate changes. In the face of such grievous problems, people who want to find positive ways to respond often grapple with difficult questions about how to make (...)
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    What corpus-based Cognitive Linguistics can and cannot expect from neurolinguistics.Alice Blumenthal-Dramé - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (4):493-505.
    This paper argues that neurolinguistics has the potential to yield insights that can feed back into corpus-based Cognitive Linguistics. It starts by discussing how far the cognitive realism of probabilistic statements derived from corpus data currently goes. Against this background, it argues that the cognitive realism of usage-based models could be further enhanced through deeper engagement with neurolinguistics, but also highlights a number of common misconceptions about what neurolinguistics can and cannot do for linguistic theorizing.
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  5. How play matters for democracy.Petr Urban & Alice Koubová - 2021 - In Alice Koubová & Petr Urban, Play and Democracy: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  6. Rethinking Symbolism.Dan Sperber & Alice L. Morton - 1977 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 10 (4):281-282.
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    Temporal reasoning as indexical inference.Alice Gb ter Meulen - 2013 - In Kasia M. Jaszczolt & Louis de Saussure, Time: Language, Cognition & Reality. Oxford University Press. pp. 37.
  8. [no title].Alice Pinheiro Walla & Mehmet Ruhi Demiray - unknown
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    A Systemic Functional Perspective on the Controversy surrounding the Two English Translations of Simone de Beauvoir’s Iconic Sentence in Le Deuxième Sexe.Alice Caffarel-Cayron - 2021 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 31 (2):274-296.
    This article presents a systemic functional perspective for understanding the social and philosophical meanings conveyed by Beauvoir’s iconic sentence “on ne naît pas femme: on le devient,” with a view to addressing the controversy surrounding its English translations and complementing current philosophical debates. It analyzes Beauvoir’s linguistic resources in the sentence in question and describes how its meanings are symbolically articulated through her lexicogrammatical selections. This analysis serves as a point of departure for discussing the 1953 and 2009 translators’ choices.
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    THE NEoRo Woman And The Ballot.Alice Dunbar-Nelson - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal, Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press.
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    Aufenthalt - Bewegung, Bewegung - Aufenthalt.Manfred Moser, Alice Pechriggl & Li Baudisch (eds.) - 2008 - Klagenfurt: Drava Verlag.
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    Ökonomien der Zurückhaltung: kulturelles Handeln zwischen Askese und Restriktion.Barbara Gronau & Alice Lagaay (eds.) - 2010 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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    The Gender Wars and Academic Freedom.Judith Suissa & Alice Sullivan - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 95:82-91.
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    The Italian telephone-based Verbal Fluency Battery (t-VFB): standardization and preliminary clinical usability evidence.Edoardo Nicolò Aiello, Alice Naomi Preti, Veronica Pucci, Lorenzo Diana, Alessia Corvaglia, Chiara Barattieri di San Pietro, Teresa Difonzo, Stefano Zago, Ildebrando Appollonio, Sara Mondini & Nadia Bolognini - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThis study aimed at standardizing and providing preliminary evidence on the clinical usability of the Italian telephone-based Verbal Fluency Battery, which includes phonemic, semantic and alternate verbal fluency tasks.MethodsThree-hundred and thirty-five Italian healthy participants and 27 individuals with neurodegenerative or cerebrovascular diseases were administered the t-VFB. Switch number and cluster size were computed via latent semantic analyses. HPs underwent the telephone-based Mental State Examination and Backward Digit Span. Construct validity, factorial structure, internal consistency, test-retest and inter-rater reliability and equivalence with (...)
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    Introduction.Andrea Altobrano & Alice Pugliese - 2013 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 1 (1):1-3.
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  16. God is good.Mary Alice Jones - 1955 - Chicago,: Rand McNally.
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    A Note on Descartes‘ cogito.Morris Lazerowitz & Alice Ambrose - 1986 - Metaphilosophy 17 (1):85–86.
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    Vêtir et dévêtir des hommes : photographier les corps, révéler les masculinités.Véra Léon & Alice Morin - 2021 - Clio 54 (54):223-232.
    Dans le cadre de ce numéro thématique de Clio, nous avons recueilli les propos de Laure Ledoux, artiste et photographe. Née en 1986, elle vit et travaille à Paris. Après avoir étudié à l’école supérieure d’art et céramique de Tarbes, elle est diplômée de l’École européenne supérieure de l’image de Poitiers en 2008 et de l’École nationale supérieure de la photographie d’Arles en 2012. Ses travaux ont été présentés lors d’expositions dans des galeries, musées et centres d’art, mais aussi édité...
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    Platonism: An Atrium to Christianity.Alice von Hilderbrand - 2007 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 10 (2):29-37.
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    Hoping to Fear: The Cathartic Transformation of the Civic Community.Stephanie-Alice Baker - 2010 - In Janette McDonald & Andrea M. Stephenson, The resilience of hope. New York: Rodopi. pp. 68--97.
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  21. Deepening critical theory : French contributions to theories of recognition.Miriam Bankovsky & Alice Le Goff - 2012 - In Miriam Bankovsky & Alice Le Goff, Recognition theory and contemporary French moral and political philosophy: reopening the dialogue. New York: distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan.
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    Recognition theory and contemporary French moral and political philosophy: reopening the dialogue.Miriam Bankovsky & Alice Le Goff (eds.) - 2012 - New York: distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan.
    The revival of recognition theory has brought new energy to critical theory. In general terms, recognition theory aims to critically evaluate social structures against a standard of social freedom identified with norms of interaction which are freely recognized by all parties. Until now, attention has primarily focused on the categories and forms of recognition theory. However, the influence of contemporary French theory upon the development of theories of recognition has not yet received the consideration it merits. The book takes up (...)
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    Vāstusūtra Upaniṣad; The Essence of Form in Sacred ArtVastusutra Upanisad; The Essence of Form in Sacred Art.Frederick M. Asher, Alice Boner, Sadāśiva Rath Śarmā, Bettina Baumer & Sadasiva Rath Sarma - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (3):599.
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    UK clothing retailers squeezing suppliers.Alice G. Lewthwaite-Page - 1998 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 7 (1):17–20.
    As major clothing suppliers are being forced by competition to cut costs, is this inevitably leading their suppliers to cut corners in working conditions, and what ethical considerations are relevant? The author is completing her MBA at London Business School and has a background in the textile industry.
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    The Principle of Subsidiarity and the Ethical Factor in Giuseppe Toniolo’s Thought.Luca Spataro & Alice Martini - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):105-119.
    In this work, we present some traits of the socio-political and economic thought of Giuseppe Toniolo, who lived in Italy at the turn of the XIX and XX century, with special reference to the contribution that the Italian economist and sociologist gave to the definition and implementation of the principle of subsidiarity and to the ethical foundation of economic science. After outlining the definition of the subsidiarity principle in the first paragraph, we sketch the historical background in which Toniolo lived (...)
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  26. Prolégomènes à une édition critique des “Lettres” de Théophylacte de Bulgarie, ou de l'autorité de la “Patrologie grecque” de Migne.Alice Leroy-Molinghen - 1938 - Byzantion 13:253-262.
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    Dietrich von Hildebrand: un caballero para la verdad.Alice von Hildebrand - 1979 - Anuario Filosófico 12 (2):185-198.
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    Dietrich von Hildebrand’s Acquiantance with Early Phenomenology.Alice von Hildebrand - 2012 - Quaestiones Disputatae 3 (1):7-19.
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    The lure for feeling.Mary Alice Wyman - 1960 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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    Johannes Climacus e o pensador subjetivo existente. A categoria trágico-cômica da linguagem indireta.Ana Alice Matiello Coelho - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (2):155-164.
    Este presente artigo visa buscar os pressupostos da dupla reflexão de Climacus para melhor compreender a sua crítica ao pensamento dialético-especulativo. É tendo em mente que a dupla reflexão retoma os conceitos do trágico e do cômico, da seriedade e do gracejo – ainda que sobre uma nova perspectiva– que compreenderemos a importância dessa comunicação para a linguagem indireta, que tem por objetivo comunicar uma contradição absoluta.
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    Japanese Costume and the Makers of Its Elegant Tradition.Alice Everett M'Closkey & Helen Benton Minnich - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (4):428.
  32. Das Problem der individualisierenden Begriffsbildung bei Heinrich Rickert.Alice Miller-Rostowska - 1955 - Winterthur,: P. G. Keller.
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    Dislocations in plastically deformed SrTiO3.W. Sigle, C. Sarbu†, D. Brunner & M. Rühle - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (29-31):4809-4821.
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    (6 other versions)La naissance de l'intelligence.Savilla Alice Elkus - 1909 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 68 (21):91-96.
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    Retention and transfer of morse code reception skill by novices: part-whole training.Deborah M. Clawson, Alice F. Healy, K. Anders Ericsson & Lyle E. Bourne - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 7 (2):129.
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    Mitigating product placement effects induced by repeated exposure: Testing the effects of existing textual disclosures in children’s movies on disclosure awareness.Ines Spielvogel, Alice Binder & Jörg Matthes - forthcoming - Communications.
    In certain cases, children can react strongly in favor of product placements inserted in movies. Scholars therefore argue that existing disclosures might be one strategy in protecting children from any negative effects. However, disclosure research indicates that viewers should both notice disclosures and, in cases of textual cues, read them. We conducted an experiment with 139 children (Mage = 8.46; SD = 1.12; girls = 53.2 %) and tested the influence of textual disclosure format on disclosure awareness as well as (...)
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    Aristotle: The Philosopher.Alice von Hildebrand - 2005 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 8 (3):112-122.
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    G. K. Chesterton on Feminism.Alice von Hildebrand - 1987 - The Chesterton Review 13 (4):443-453.
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    Problematic Self Love.Alice von Hildebrand - 2009 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 12 (3):68-90.
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    The composition of meaning: from Lexeme to discourse.Alice G. B. ter Meulen & Werner Abraham (eds.) - 2004 - Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
    In the modular design of generative theory the syntax-semantics interface has accounted all along for meanings at the level of Logical Form. The syntax-pragmatics interface, on the other hand, is the result of what one may call the 'pragmatic turn' in the linguistic theory, where content is partitioned into given and new information. In other words, the structural division of the clause has been subjected to criteria of information, or discourse structure. Both interfaces require a structurally descriptive inventory whose specific (...)
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  41. Elena P artene et Dimitri E l M urr (dir.), Kant et Platon. Lectures, confrontations, héritages, Paris, Vrin, 2022, 232 p. [REVIEW]Alice de Fornel - 2025 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 124 (4):562-564.
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  42. New books. [REVIEW]H. B. Acton, Alice Ambrose, T. M. Knox, Mario M. Rossi, H. J. Paton, W. H. Walsh, William Kneale, Peter Landsberg, Maurice Cranston, Homer H. Dubs, R. C. Cross & G. J. Whitrow - 1948 - Mind 57 (228):510-543.
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    Constructing complex social categories under uncertainty.Alice Xia, Sarah H. Solomon, Sharon L. Thompson-Schill & Adrianna C. Jenkins - 2023 - Cognition 234 (C):105363.
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  44. Daniel J. Dudek Alice M. LeBlanc and Kenneth Sewall.Alice M. Leblanc - forthcoming - Business, Ethics, and the Environment: The Public Policy Debate.
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  45. Félix Duque: Historia de la Filosofía Moderna. La era de la critica. Madrid: Akal 1998. 977 S.Volker Rühle - 2000 - Hegel-Studien 35:149-153.
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  46. La temporalidad de la experiencia creadora. El acercamiento de Heidegger a la poesía.Volker Rühle - 2008 - In Félix Duque, Heidegger: sendas que vienen. Madrid: Círculo de Bellas Artes. pp. 295--324.
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    Similar failures of consideration arise in human and machine planning.Alice Zhang, Max Langenkamp, Max Kleiman-Weiner, Tuomas Oikarinen & Fiery Cushman - 2025 - Cognition 259 (C):106108.
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    Fathering, Class, and Gender: A Comparison of Physicians and Emergency Medical Technicians.Naomi Gerstel & Carla Shows - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (2):161-187.
    Using a multimethod approach, this article examines the link between class and masculinities by comparing the way two groups—professional men and working-class men —practice fatherhood. First, the authors show that these two groups practice different types of masculinity as they engage in different kinds of fatherhood. Physicians emphasize “public fatherhood,” which entails attendance at public events but little involvement in the daily care of their children. In contrast, EMTs are not only involved in their children's public events but also emphasize (...)
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    Designing Awe in Virtual Reality: An Experimental Study.Alice Chirico, Francesco Ferrise, Lorenzo Cordella & Andrea Gaggioli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  50. Jacobi und Hegel: zum Darstellungs-und Mitteilungsproblem einer Philosophie des Absoluten.Volker Rühle - 1989 - Hegel-Studien 24:159-182.
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