Results for 'Alfred Mertins'

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  1.  18
    Machine Learning Based Classification of Resting-State fMRI Features Exemplified by Metabolic State.Arkan Al-Zubaidi, Alfred Mertins, Marcus Heldmann, Kamila Jauch-Chara & Thomas F. Münte - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  2.  17
    Impact of Hunger, Satiety, and Oral Glucose on the Association Between Insulin and Resting-State Human Brain Activity.Arkan Al-Zubaidi, Marcus Heldmann, Alfred Mertins, Georg Brabant, Janis Marc Nolde, Kamila Jauch-Chara & Thomas F. Münte - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  3.  59
    Manipulated Agents: A Window to Moral Responsibility.Alfred R. Mele - 2019 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    In Manipulated Agents, Alfred R. Mele examines the role one's history plays in whether or not one is morally responsible for one's actions. Mele develops a "history-sensitive" theory of moral responsibility through reflection on a wide range of thought experiments which feature agents who have been manipulated or designed in ways that directly affect their actions.
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  4. (1 other version)Free will and luck: Reply to critics.Alfred R. Mele - 2007 - Philosophical Explorations 10 (2):153 – 155.
    Mele's ultimate purpose in this book is to help readers think more clearly about free will. He identifies and makes vivid the most important conceptual obstacles to justified belief in the existence of free will and meets them head on. Mele clarifies the central issues in the philosophical debate about free will and moral responsibility, criticizes various influential contemporary theories about free will, and develops two overlapping conceptions of free will--one for readers who are convinced that free will is incompatible (...)
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  5. Critical Elitism: Deliberation, Democracy, and the Problem of Expertise.Alfred Moore - 2017 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Democracies have a problem with expertise. Expert knowledge both mediates and facilitates public apprehension of problems, yet it also threatens to exclude the public from consequential judgments and decisions located in technical domains. This book asks: how can we have inclusion without collapsing the very concept of expertise? How can public judgment be engaged in expert practices in a way that does not reduce to populism? Drawing on deliberative democratic theory and social studies of science, Critical Elitism argues that expert (...)
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  6. Tarski's system of geometry.Alfred Tarski & Steven Givant - 1999 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (2):175-214.
    This paper is an edited form of a letter written by the two authors (in the name of Tarski) to Wolfram Schwabhäuser around 1978. It contains extended remarks about Tarski's system of foundations for Euclidean geometry, in particular its distinctive features, its historical evolution, the history of specific axioms, the questions of independence of axioms and primitive notions, and versions of the system suitable for the development of 1-dimensional geometry.
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  7. (1 other version)Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics.Alfred Korzybski - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (38):245-247.
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  8. Intentional action, folk judgments, and stories: Sorting things out.Alfred R. Mele & Fiery Cushman - 2007 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 31 (1):184–201.
    How are our actions sorted into those that are intentional and those that are not? The philosophical and psychological literature on this topic is livelier now than ever, and we seek to make a contribution to it here. Our guiding question in this article is easy to state and hard to answer: How do various factors— specifically, features of vignettes—that contribute to majority folk judgments that an action is or is not intentional interact in producing the judgment? In pursuing this (...)
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  9. (1 other version)L'étude expérimentale de l'intelligence.Alfred Binet - 1903 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 11 (5):7-7.
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  10. Human Nature, Potency and the Incarnation.Alfred J. Freddoso - 1986 - Faith and Philosophy 3 (1):27-53.
    According to the Christian doctrine of the Incarnation, the Son of God is truly but only contingently a human being. But is it also the case that Christ’s individual human nature is only contingently united to a divine person? The affirmative answer to this question, explicitly espoused by Duns Scotus and William of Ockham, turns out to be philosophically untenable, while the negative answer, which is arguably implicit in St. Thomas Aquinas, explication of the Incarnation, has some surprising and significant (...)
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  11.  16
    (1 other version)The Concept of Nature: The Tarner Lectures Delivered in Trinity College, November 1919.Alfred North Whitehead - 1920 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
    In addition to his brilliant achievements in theoretical mathematics, Alfred North Whitehead exercised an extensive knowledge of philosophy and literature that informs and elevates all of his works. In this book, he offers undergraduate students and other readers an absorbing exploration of the fundamental problems of substance, space, and time. The Concept of Nature originated with Whitehead's Tarner Lectures of 1919, and its discussions are highlighted by a criticism of Einstein's method of interpreting results, and by the author's alternative (...)
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  12.  79
    Moral Responsibility: Radical Reversals and Original Designs.Alfred R. Mele - 2016 - The Journal of Ethics 20 (1-3):69-82.
    This article identifies and assesses a way of thinking that might help to explain why some compatibilists are attracted to what is variously called an internalist, structuralist, or anti-historicist view of moral responsibility—a view about the bearing of agents’ histories on their moral responsibility. Scenarios of two different kinds are considered. Several scenarios feature heavy-duty manipulation that radically changes an agent’s mature moral personality from admirable to despicable or vice versa. These “radical reversal” scenarios are contrasted with a scenario featuring (...)
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    (1 other version)Nanotechnology.Alfred Nordmann - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 511–516.
  14.  60
    Manipulated Agents: Replies to Fischer, Haji, and McKenna.Alfred R. Mele - 2021 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 15 (2):299-309.
    This article is part of a symposium on Alfred Mele’s Manipulated Agents: A Window to Moral Responsibility. It is Mele’s response to John Fischer, Ishtiyaque Haji, and Michael McKenna. Topics discussed include the bearing of manipulation on moral responsibility, the zygote argument, the importance of scenarios in which manipulators radically reverse an agent’s values, positive versus negative historical requirements for moral responsibility, the scope of moral responsibility, the value of intuitions, bullet-biting, and how we develop from neonates who are (...)
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  15.  80
    Moral responsibility and manipulation: on a novel argument against historicism.Alfred R. Mele - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (10):3143-3154.
    Taylor Cyr offers a novel argument against, as he puts it, “all versions of historicism” about direct moral responsibility. The argument features constitutive luck and a comparison of manipulated agents and young agents performing the first actions for which they are morally responsible. Here it is argued that Cyr’s argument misses its mark. Alfred Mele’s historicism is highlighted.
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  16.  13
    Einführung in die mathematische logik und in die methodologie der mathematik.Alfred Tarski - 1937 - Wien,: J. Springer.
    Der Laie spricht manchmal die Ansicht aus, die Mathematik ware heutzutage schon eine tote Wissenschaft: nachdem sie einen ungemein hohen Grad der Entwicklung erreicht hat, sei sie in ihrer steinernen Vollkommenheit erstarrt. Dies ist ein vollig irriges Bild der Situation: nur wenige Wissenschaftsgebiete befinden sich heute in der Phase einer solch intensiven Entwicklung wie die Mathematik. Diese Entwicklung ist dabei auBerordentlich vie1seitig: die Mathematik erweitert ihre Domane nach allen moglichen Richtungen, sie wachst in die Rohe, in die Weite und in (...)
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  17.  53
    Anonymity, Pseudonymity, and Deliberation: Why Not Everything Should Be Connected.Alfred Moore - 2017 - Journal of Political Philosophy 26 (2):169-192.
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    On snubbing proximal intentions.Alfred R. Mele - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (11):2833-2853.
    In the simplest case, a proximal intention is an intention one has now to do something now. Recently, some philosophers have argued that proximal intentions do much less work than they are sometimes regarded as doing. This article rebuts these arguments, explains why the concept of proximal intentions is important for some scientific work on intentional action, and sketches an empirical approach to identifying proximal intentions. Ordinary usage of “intend” and the place of intention in folk psychology and scientific psychology (...)
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  19. On Pereboom’s Disappearing Agent Argument.Alfred R. Mele - 2017 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 11 (3):561-574.
    This article is a critical discussion of Derk Pereboom’s “disappearing agent objection” to event-causal libertarianism in his Free Will, Agency, and Meaning in Life. This objection is an important plank in Pereboom’s argument for free will skepticism. It is intended to knock event-causal libertarianism, a leading pro-free-will view, out of contention. I explain why readers should not find the objection persuasive.
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  20. Conspiracy and Conspiracy Theories in Democratic Politics.Alfred Moore - 2016 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 28 (1):1-23.
    ABSTRACTWhile conspiracies have always been with us, conspiracy theories are more recent arrivals. The framing of conspiracy theories as rooted in erroneous or delusional belief in conspiracies is characteristic of “positive” approaches to the topic, which focus on identifying the causes and cures of conspiracy theories. “Critical” approaches, by contrast, focus on the historical and cultural construction of the concept of conspiracy theory itself. This issue presents a range of essays that cut across these two broad approaches, and reflect on (...)
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  21. La concepción semántica de la verdad y los fundamentos de la semántica.Alfred Tarski - 1999 - A Parte Rei 6:1.
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  22. Moral Responsibility, Manipulation, and Minutelings.Alfred R. Mele - 2013 - The Journal of Ethics 17 (3):153-166.
    This article explores the significance of agents’ histories for directly free actions and actions for which agents are directly morally responsible. Candidates for relevant compatibilist historical constraints discussed by Michael McKenna and Alfred Mele are assessed, as is the bearing of manipulation on free action and moral responsibility.
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    Acknowledgments.Alfred I. Tauber - 2010 - In Freud, the Reluctant Philosopher. Princeton University Press.
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    Incontinent believing.Alfred R. Mele - 1986 - Philosophical Quarterly 36 (143):212-222.
    In this paper I shall attempt to characterize a central case of incontinent believing and to explain how it is possible. Akrasiais exhibited in a variety of ways in the practical or "actional" sphere; but in the full-blown and seemingly most challenging case the akratic agent performs an intentional, free action which is contrary to a judgment of what is better or best to do that he both consciously holds at the time of action and consciously believes to be at (...)
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  25.  89
    (1 other version)Luck and Free Will.Alfred R. Mele - 2014 - Metaphilosophy 45 (4-5):543-557.
    This essay sketches a problem about luck for typical incompatibilist views of free will posed in Alfred Mele, Free Will and Luck , and examines recent reactions to that problem. Reactions featuring appeals to agent causation receive special attention. Because the problem is focused on decision making, the control that agents have over what they decide is a central topic. Other topics discussed include the nature of lucky action and differences between directly and indirectly free actions.
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  26. Darwinians at war Bateson's place in histories of Darwinism.Alfred Nordmann - 1992 - Synthese 91 (1-2):53 - 72.
    The controversy between Biometricians and Mendelians has been called an inexplicable embarrassment since it revolved around the mistaken identification of Mendelian genetics with non-Darwinian saltationism, a mistake traced back to the non-Darwinian William Bateson, who introduced Mendelian analysis to British science. The following paper beings to unravel this standard account of the controversy by raising a simple question: Given that Bateson embraced evolution by natural selection and that he studied the causes of variation within a broadly Darwinian framework of problems (...)
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    Approaching self-deception: How Robert Audi and I part company.Alfred Mele - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (3):745-750.
    This article explores fundamental differences between Robert Audi’s position on self-deception and mine. Although we both depart from a model of self-deception that is straightforwardly based on stereotypical interpersonal deception, we differ in how we do that. An important difference between us might be partly explained by a difference in how we understand the kind of deceiving that is most relevant to self-deception.
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  28.  53
    Effective reasons and intrinsically motivated actions.Alfred R. Mele - 1988 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 48 (4):723-731.
    In this paper I advance an alternative to Davidson’s conception of reasons that preserves the spirit of Davidson's account of effective reasons while avoiding a problem posed by a familiar species of intentional action - roughly, action done for its own sake, or what I shall call intrinsically motivated action.
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  29.  74
    Autonomy, self-control and weakness of will.Alfred R. Mele - 2001 - In Robert Kane (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Free Will. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article defends a nonstandard position on free will that is based on three topics linked to contemporary debates about free will: autonomy, self-control, and weakness of will. It argues that autonomy, and hence also free will, requires more than self-control, including ideal self-control. It considers the additional conditions required, showing how contemporary discussions of autonomy are intertwined with debates about free will. These additional conditions for genuine autonomy do not require us to choose between compatibilist and incompatibilist accounts of (...)
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  30.  45
    Manipulated Agents: Précis.Alfred R. Mele - 2020 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 15 (2):249-253.
    This précis kicks off an invited symposium on Alfred R. Mele.
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  31. Fischer on epistemic and freedom requirements for moral responsibility.Alfred R. Mele - 2023 - In Taylor W. Cyr, Andrew Law & Neal A. Tognazzini (eds.), Freedom, Responsibility, and Value: Essays in Honor of John Martin Fischer. New York: Routledge.
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    ``Accidental Necessity and Power Over the Past".Alfred J. Freddoso - 1982 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 63 (1):54-68.
    The thesis of this paper is that an agent S has the power to bring it about that a proposition p is or will be true at a moment t only if S has at the same time the power to bring it about that it has always been the case that p would be true at t. The author first constructs a prima facie compelling argument for logical determinism and then argues that whoever accepts an Ockhamistic response to that (...)
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  33.  74
    The completeness of elementary algebra and geometry.Alfred Tarski - 1967 - Paris,: Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Institut Blaise Pascal.
  34.  5
    Herbarts Metaphysik in ihrem Verhältniss zu den thatsachen der Erfahrung..Alfred Hermann Brunn - 1897 - Budapest,: Buchdr. Kahn & Roth.
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    Leibniz.Alfred Brunswig - 1925 - Wien und Leipzig,: K. König.
  36.  33
    X.—Emotionality: A Method of its Unification.Alfred Caldecott - 1911 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 11 (1):206-220.
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    Psychomotor performance as a function of amount of training and stress.Alfred Castaneda & David S. Palermo - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 50 (3):175.
  38. China, tres décadas sin respeto por los derechos humanos.Alfred Cerdán - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 51:135-141.
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    Les Viaducs de la Seine-et-Oise.Alfred Cismaru - 1971 - Renascence 23 (3):145-150.
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    Historical and Philosophical Perspectives concerning Immune Cognition.Alfred I. Tauber - 1997 - Journal of the History of Biology 30 (3):419 - 440.
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    Strength of motivation and being in control - learning from Libet.Alfred R. Mele - 1997 - American Philosophical Quarterly 34 (3):319-32.
    It is sometimes suggested that if, whenever we act intentionally, we do, or try to do, what we are most strongly motivated to do at the time, then we are at the mercy of whatever desire happens to be strongest at the time. I have argued elsewhere that this is false (Mele 1987, ch. 5; 1992, ch. 4; 1995, ch. 3; 1996). This essay provides another route to that conclusion, but that is not my primary aim. The goal of this (...)
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  42.  17
    Some Problems and Results relevant to the Foundations of Set Theory.Alfred Tarski & W. Hanf - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (1):95-96.
  43.  73
    Self-Control in Action.Alfred Mele - 2011 - In Shaun Gallagher (ed.), The Oxford handbook of the self. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This article describes a neo-Aristotelian conception of self-control, a concept that seems essential to what it means to be a mature human person. It discusses the moral condition known as akrasia and the conception of self that underpins it. While Aristotle regarded the human self to be primarily rational where reason is taken in a strong sense, this article suggests a more holistic conception of the self, where to act out of passion may not mean that one is acting without (...)
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  44.  51
    Free Will, Science, and Punishment.Alfred R. Mele - 2013 - In Thomas A. Nadelhoffer (ed.), The Future of Punishment. , US: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 177.
    Scientific arguments for the nonexistence of free will use data to support empirical propositions that are then conjoined with a proposition about the meaning of “free will” to yield the conclusion that free will is an illusion. In Effective Intentions, the chapter argued that various empirical propositions put forward for this purpose are not warranted by the evidence offered to support them. It might be replied that the only empirical proposition needed in this connection is that substance dualism is false, (...)
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  45. (2 other versions)Arrow's Theorem: The Paradox of Social Choice.Alfred F. Mackay - 1981 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 32 (4):425-426.
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  46.  61
    Extended Sympathy and Interpersonal Utility Comparisons.Alfred F. MacKay - 1986 - Journal of Philosophy 83 (6):305.
  47.  27
    The Vindication of St. Thomas: Thomism and Contemporary Anglo-American Philosophy.Alfred J. Freddoso - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (2):565-584.
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  48.  22
    Ordinal Algebras.Alfred Tarski - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (2):156-158.
  49. Action.Alfred R. Mele - 2005 - In Frank Jackson & Michael Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 78-88.
    What are actions? And how are actions to be explained? These two central questions of the philosophy of action call, respectively, for a theory of the nature of action and a theory of the explanation of actions. Many ordinary explanations of actions are offered in terms of such mental states as beliefs, desires, and intentions, and some also appeal to traits of character and emotions. Traditionally, philosophers have used and refined this vocabulary in producing theories of the explanation of intentional (...)
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  50.  71
    Autonomy and akrasia.Alfred Mele - 1992 - Philosophical Explorations 5 (3):207 – 216.
    Strict akratic actions, by definition, are performed freely. However, agents may seem not to be selfgoverned with respect to such actions and therefore not to perform them autonomously. If appearance matches reality here, freedom and autonomy part company in this sphere. Do they? That is this article's guiding question. To make things manageable, it is assumed that there are free actions, including strict akratic actions. Two theses are defended. First, the combination of (i) an intentional action's being uncompelled and (ii) (...)
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