Results for 'Alfonso Picó'

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  1.  20
    How Our Gaze Reacts to Another Person’s Tears? Experimental Insights Into Eye Tracking Technology.Alfonso Picó, Raul Espert & Marien Gadea - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:535006.
    Crying is an ubiquitous human behavior through which an emotion is expressed on the face together with visible tears and constitutes a slippery riddle for researchers. To provide an answer to the question “How our gaze reacts to another person’s tears?,” we made use of eye tracking technology to study a series of visual stimuli. By presenting an illustrative example through an experimental setting specifically designed to study the “tearing effect,” the present work aims to offer methodological insight on how (...)
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    Science as a Vaccine.Angelo Fasce & Alfonso Picó - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (1-2):109-125.
    In this study, we explore the relation between scientific literacy and unwarranted beliefs. The results show heterogeneous interactions between six constructs: conspiracy theories poorly interact with scientific literacy; there are major differences between attitudinal and practical dimensions of critical thinking; paranormal and pseudoscientific beliefs show similar associations ; and, only scientific knowledge interacts with other predictor of unwarranted beliefs, such as ontological confusions. These results reveal a limited impact: science educators must take into account the complex interactions between the dimensions (...)
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    El discurso de los saberes en la Europa del Renacimiento y del Barroco.Fuertes Herreros & José Luis - 2012 - Salamanca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca.
    El tema que trata este libro persigue dos objetivos principales. Por una parte, estudiar los saberes en el Renacimiento y en el Barroco, acercándose, entre otros autores, a Werner Rolewinck, Alfonso de la Torre, Pico de la Mirándola, Tomás Moro, Francisco de Vitoria y la escolástica, el Brocense, Montaigne, Descartes-San Agustín, Sebastián Izquierdo, Hobbes, hasta llegar a Leibniz. Y, por otra, elaborar una teoría de los saberes, esto es, considerarlos como modelos de significación y de ordenación del mundo, que (...)
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  4. Formación de la juventud en la sociedad actual.Alfonso López Quintás - 1990 - Lima: VE.
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    Psychology and philosophy of teaching, according to traditional philosophy and modern trends.S. Alfonso Vargas - 1944 - Washington, D.C.,: The Catholic university of America press.
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  6. The phylogeography debate and the epistemology of model-based evolutionary biology.Alfonso Arroyo-Santos, Mark E. Olson & Francisco Vergara-Silva - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (6):833-850.
    Phylogeography, a relatively new subdicipline of evolutionary biology that attempts to unify the fields of phylogenetics and population biology in an explicit geographical context, has hosted in recent years a highly polarized debate related to the purported benefits and limitations that qualitative versus quantitative methods might contribute or impose on inferential processes in evolutionary biology. Here we present a friendly, non-technical introduction to the conflicting methods underlying the controversy, and exemplify it with a balanced selection of quotes from the primary (...)
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  7. The Ergon Inference.Alfonso Gomez-Lobo - 1989 - Phronesis 34 (1):170-184.
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    Agent planning programs.Giuseppe De Giacomo, Alfonso Emilio Gerevini, Fabio Patrizi, Alessandro Saetti & Sebastian Sardina - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 231 (C):64-106.
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    (1 other version)La ética de Sócrátes.Alfonso Gómez-Lobo - 1989 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 39:173-174.
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  10. That seems wrong: pedagogically defusing moral relativism and moral skepticism.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2023 - International Journal of Ethics Education 8 (2):335-349.
    Students sometimes profess moral relativism or skepticism with retorts like ‘how can we know?’ or ‘it’s all relative!’ Here I defend a pedagogical method to defuse moral relativism and moral skepticism using phenomenal conservatism: if it seems to S that p, S has defeasible justification to believe that p; e.g., moral seemings, like perceptual ones, are defeasibly justified. The purpose of defusing moral skepticism and relativism is to prevent these metaethical views from acting as stumbling blocks to insightful ethical inquiry (...)
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    Leibniz y la innecesariedad mundanal de Dios.Alfonso Pérez de Laborda - 1985 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 12:45-66.
  12.  28
    La recta razón en Aristóteles ¿Principio o proposición particular?Alfonso Gómez-Lobo - 2001 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 14:48-65.
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    Vida y pensamiento del Dr. Agustín Basave: edición homenaje.Alfonso Rangel Guerra, Alma Silvia Rodríguez & Cuauhtémoc Cantú García (eds.) - 2007 - [Monterrey, Mexico]: Centro de Estudios Humanísticos, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
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    THE Earth Charter as a New Worldview in a Post-Neoliberal World: Chaos Theory and Morphic Fields as Explanatory Contexts.Alfonso Fernández-Herrería & Francisco Miguel Martínez-Rodríguez - 2019 - World Futures 75 (8):591-608.
    In order to create a post-neoliberal society we need to change the way we look at the world. This article begins by considering the lesson learned in the case of “Mont Pèlerin,” where ideas that th...
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  15. Las vías de Parménides.Alfonso Gómez-Lobo - 1977 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 3 (3):269.
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    Conscience: writings from "Moral Theology" by Saint Alphonsus.Alfonso Maria de' Liguori - 2019 - Liguori, MO: Liguori Publications. Edited by Raphael Gallagher.
    a doubtful law does not bind -- Second corollary : uncertain law cannot impose certain obligation -- Commentary on the Treatise on conscience.
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    The construction of the Arab-Islamic issue in foreign news: Spanish newspaper coverage of the Egyptian revolution.Leen D’Haenens & Alfonso Corral - 2020 - Communications 45 (s1):765-787.
    The aim of this article is to analyze how the Spanish newspapers covered an international event such as the Egyptian spring from 2011 to 2013. From the perspective of the representation of Arab-Islamic issues, this study carries out a quantitative content analysis on the four reference newspapers in Spain (ABC, El Mundo, El País, and La Vanguardia) to find out whether there was an Islamophobic or Islamophilic treatment during the Egyptian revolution. The results of the 3,045 articles analyzed show that (...)
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    Douglas Husak, Overcriminalization. The Limits of the Criminal Law: Oxford University Press, New York, 2008, 248 pp., Hardback ISBN 978-0-19-532871-4, £28.99, Paperback ISBN 978-0-19-539901-1, £13.99.Alfonso Donoso M. - 2010 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 4 (1):99-104.
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    De fines y elecciones pirrónicos. Un análisis comparativo de DL 9.107-8 y M 9.141-67.Alfonso Correa Motta - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (159):227-258.
    El artículo presenta un análisis comparativo de los últimos parágrafos de la Vida de Pirrón de Diógenes Laercio (9.107-8) y de un capítulo del Adversus ethicos de Sexto Empírico ( _M_ 11.[5].141-67). Los resultados de este análisis harán plausible la hipótesis de una fuente común, reproducida parcialmente en DL, pero elaborada y refinada en Sexto. En ambos textos son centrales las nociones de fin y de elección. Se presentan las diferencias entre ambos textos entorno a la primera, y las tensiones (...)
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  20.  39
    Why the Heck Would You Do Philosophy?Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2023 - Logos and Episteme 14 (2):163-177.
    Philosophy plausibly aims at knowledge; it would thus be tempting to hold that much of the value of doing philosophy turns on securing knowledge. Enter the agnostic challenge: suppose that a philosophical agnostic (named 'Betsy‘) wants to discover only fundamental philosophical truths. However, the intractable disagreement among philosophical experts gives her pause. After reflecting on expert disagreement, she decides that doing philosophy, for her truth-seeking error-avoiding purposes, is irrational. In this paper, I argue that the agnostic challenge isn‘t easily overcome. (...)
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    Genetics and genomics in wildlife studies: Implications for ecology, evolution, and conservation biology.Fernando Cruz, Adrian C. Brennan, Alejandro Gonzalez-Voyer, Violeta Muñoz-Fuentes, Muthukrishnan Eaaswarkhanth, Séverine Roques & F. Xavier Picó - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (3):245-246.
  22.  11
    Los Axiomas de la Etica Socratica.Alfonso Gomez-Lobo - 1990 - Méthexis 3 (1):1-13.
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    Persistence Narrativism and the Determinacy of Personal Identity.Alfonso Muñoz-Corcuera - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (2):723-739.
    We have a strong intuition that personal identity is a determinate relationship. Parfit famously challenged this intuition. In this paper I explain how narrative identity theories can face that challenge and defend that personal identity is determinate thanks to what I call the social narrativity thesis. This move will raise some concerns regarding the also strong intuition that personal identity is what matters when we care about our future existence. I address this concern to show that narrative identity theories can (...)
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  24. Visión sistémica del problema del agua en el mundo.José Alfonso Delgado Gutiérrez - 2003 - Critica 53 (910):18-21.
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    El conflicto moral y la intencionalidad colectiva: Un análisis desde la cooperación.Rodrigo Alfonso González Fernández - 2023 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 80:89-107.
    En este artículo argumento que la cooperación, que explica la realidad social, no cesa necesariamente con la ofensa y el conflicto moral gianniniano. En la primera sección, introduzco el problema. En la segunda, caracterizo qué son la ofensa y el conflicto moral para Giannini. En la tercera, explicito cómo la intencionalidad colectiva serleana se fundamenta en la cooperación y en los pactos solemnes. En la cuarta, analizo cómo la ofensa y el conflicto moral no necesariamente impiden la existencia de cooperación (...)
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    Metacognitive Monitoring of Text Comprehension: An Investigation on Postdictive Judgments in Typically Developing Children and Children With Reading Comprehension Difficulties.Chiara Mirandola, Alfonso Ciriello, Martina Gigli & Cesare Cornoldi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Investigación y servicios de información en Colombia.Alfonso Monsalve Solórzano - 1997 - Arbor 157 (617-618):133-146.
    En primer lugar, presentaré brevemente un panorama del lugar que ocupa la investigación científica en Colombia. Luego, expondré las características del Sistema Nacional Ciencia y Tecnología y las políticas gubernamentales actuales sobre investigación científica, y allí enfatizaré el papel del sistema nacional de información. Después, resaltaré algunas acciones en el campo internacional y finalmente haré una apreciación sobre el potencial que pueden ofertar las bibliotecas especializadas (universitarias y de centros de investigación) para establecer programas coordinados que generen cauces de cooperación, (...)
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    Vico: unidad y principio del saber.Alfonso García Marqués - 1995 - Valencia: Nau Llibres.
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  29.  13
    Life of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola.Pico Della Mirandola & Giovanni Francesco - 2022 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, Brian P. Copenhaver & Michael J. B. Allen.
    This volume contains Gianfrancesco Pico's Life of his uncle Giovanni Pico and also Giovanni's Oration. Gianfrancesco's Life opens a collection that omits Giovanni's Conclusions but includes the speech that we - unlike Pico - know as an Oration on the Dignity of Man. He wrote the Oration to introduce the Conclusions, but his nephew's editorial decision cut the theses off from the speech that their author had connected with them. Several times in the Oration, the orator mentioned "theorems" to be (...)
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    Apologia: l'autodifesa di Pico di fronte al tribunale dell'Inquisizione.Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola - 2010 - Firenze: SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo. Edited by Paolo Edoardo Fornaciari.
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    Alfonso Reyes y la educación.Alfonso Reyes - 1907 - México, D.F.: Ediciones El Caballito. Edited by Claudia Reyes Trigos.
  32.  14
    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola: mito, magia, qabbalah.Giulio Busi, Raphael Ebgi & Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola (eds.) - 2014 - Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore.
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  33. The Case for Inertia as a Vacuum Effect: A Reply to Woodward and Mahood. [REVIEW]York Dobyns, Alfonso Rueda & Bernard Haisch - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (1):59-80.
    The possibility of an extrinsic origin for inertial reaction forces has recently seen increased attention in the physical literature. Among theories of extrinsic inertia, the two considered by the current work are (1) the hypothesis that inertia is a result of gravitational interactions and (2) the hypothesis that inertial reaction forces arise from the interaction of material particles with local fluctuations of the quantum vacuum. A recent article supporting the former and criticizing the latter is shown to contain substantial errors.
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  34. John Finnis: Natural Law and Natural Rights. [REVIEW]Alfonso Gómez-Lobo - 1982 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 8 (3):282.
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    Gregory VIastos, Socrates, Ironist and Moral Philosopher, Ithaka N. Y. (Cornell University Press, 1991, 334 páginas, publicado también en Inglaterra por Cambridge University Press, 1991). [REVIEW]Alfonso Gómez-Lobo - 1992 - Méthexis 5 (2):163-166.
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    Studied as an oration: Readers of pico's letters, ancient and modern.Pico Ficino - 2011 - In Stephen Clucas, Peter J. Forshaw & Valery Rees (eds.), Laus Platonici philosophi: Marsilio Ficino and his influence. Boston: Brill. pp. 198--151.
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    Shahid Rahman, Tony Street, Hassan Tahiri (eds): The Unity of Science in the Arabic Tradition, Dordrecht: Springer 2008, 390 pp. [REVIEW]José Alfonso Ganem - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 42 (1):239.
    Shahid Rahman, Tony Street, Hassan Tahiri : The Unity of Science in the Arabic Tradition, Dordrecht: Springer 2008, 390 pp.
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    Ethics with Aristotle. [REVIEW]Alfonso Gómez-Lobo - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (3):728-731.
    The author’s declared goal in this book is to convey “what has registered with [her] as crucial for the understanding of Aristotle’s ethics”. There is no lack of direct philosophical argumentation in this valuable work, but if we had to classify it by its contents, we would be well advised to place it on our shelves among the commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics.
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    Review of Thomas C. Brickhouse, Nicholas D. Smith, Socratic Moral Psychology[REVIEW]Alfonso Gómez-Lobo - 2011 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2011 (1).
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    Über das Seiende und das Eine =.Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola - 2006 - Hamburg: Meiner. Edited by Paul Richard Blum.
    Ziel dieser kleinen, 1492 abgefaßten und für das Verständnis der Renaissancephilosophie bedeutsamen Schrift ist der Nachweis der Vereinbarkeit der Grundlehren der platonischen und der aristotelischen Metaphysik, also die Herbeiführung der Entscheidung in einer zwischen den Neuplatonikern seiner Zeit und den Peripatetikern ausgetragenen Kontroverse, mit denen Pico in engem Kontakt stand. Der Traktat basiert auf der späteren kritischen Auseinandersetzung Picos mit seinem ehemaligen Lehrer Ficino und einer 1490 geführten, sehr intensiven Diskussion mit den beiden anderen.
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  41. A framework for teaching business ethics.Alfonso R. Oddo - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (3):293-297.
    What ethical framework should be used as a basis for teaching business ethics? Should business ethics be taught by ethicists in a separate course, by business faculty in business courses, or perhaps by both? These are some of the issues this paper will address. The paper begins with a review of the literature concerning approaches to teaching business ethics. Next, some ethical frameworks for teaching business ethics are considered. Finally, the paper proposes that students should apply their own personal values (...)
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    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Acerca do Ente e do Uno (De Ente et Uno).Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos & Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola - 2022 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (1):91-133.
    We propose here the first translation into Portuguese of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s small treatise De Ente et Uno (1491). The translation is preceded by a brief presentation in which the work is contextualized within the scope of the thought of its young author and in the Florentine philosophical environment of the end of the Quattrocento. In the aftermath of the controversies between defenders of Plato and defenders of Aristotle, a quarrel brought by Greek and Byzantine intellectuals into Italy, who (...)
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    Dignità dell'uomo. De hominis dignitate.Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola - 1943 - Firenze,: Le Monnier. Edited by Bruno Cicognani.
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  44. Partida Segunda de Alfonso X el Sabio.X. Alfonso - forthcoming - Manuscrito:101-102.
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    La filosofía helenística.Alfonso Reyes - 1978 - México,: Fondo de Cultura Economica.
    La filosofía helenística es producto de un curso impartido en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM por Alfonso Reyes, quien a su gran formación filosófica unía extraordinaria sapiencia del mundo griego. El libro se divide en tres partes que comprenden desde la filosofía alejandrina hasta el periodo ético y religioso de los griegos, con lo que se completa el cuadro de la filosofía helenística.
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Design and execution of a sensor to measure air quality in work environments.Angélica Nohemy Rangel Pico, Erika Patricia Ramírez Oliveros & Óscar Javier Zambrano Valdivieso - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):1-22.
    Retraction note: Rangel Pico, A. N., Ramírez Oliveros, E. P. & Zambrano Valdivieso, Ó. J. (2023). Design and execution of a sensor to measure air quality in work environments. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 19(2), 1–22. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of (...)
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  47.  15
    On the Dignity of Man.Pico Della Mirandola - 1965 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company. Edited by Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola.
    Reflecting the broad range of interests of a major Renaissance philosopher and his distinctive brand of syncretism, this anthology offers in their entirety three central works of Pico's. _On the Dignity of Man,_ the quintessential expression of Renaissance humanism, appears in the context of two lesser known but equally representative mature works: _On Being and the One_, a treatise defending what Pico held to be the agreement between Aristotle and Plato on the relation between unity and being, and _Heptaplus_, an (...)
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    Alfonso López Quintás, Assen Davidow, François Bonsack.Alfonso López Quintás, Assen Davidow & François Bonsack - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:609-609.
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    Oration on the dignity of man.Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola - 1956 - Chicago: Gateway Editions ; distributed by Regnery Co..
    An ardent treatise for the Dignity of Man, which elevates Humanism to a truly Christian level, making this writing as pertinent today as it was in the Fifteenth Century.
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  50. Complexity and Transdisciplinarity: Reflections on Theory and Practice.Alfonso Montuori - 2013 - World Futures 69 (4-6):200 - 230.
    (2013). Complexity and Transdisciplinarity: Reflections on Theory and Practice. World Futures: Vol. 69, The Complexity of Life and Lives of Complexity, pp. 200-230.
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