  1.  72
    Learning About Forest Futures Under Climate Change Through Transdisciplinary Collaboration Across Traditional and Western Knowledge Systems.Erica Smithwick, Christopher Caldwell, Alexander Klippel, Robert M. Scheller, Nancy Tuana, Rebecca Bliege Bird, Klaus Keller, Dennis Vickers, Melissa Lucash, Robert E. Nicholas, Stacey Olson, Kelsey L. Ruckert, Jared Oyler, Casey Helgeson & Jiawei Huang - 2019 - In Stephen G. Perz, Collaboration Across Boundaries for Social-Ecological Systems Science. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 153-184.
    We provide an overview of a transdisciplinary project about sustainable forest management under climate change. Our project is a partnership with members of the Menominee Nation, a Tribal Nation located in northern Wisconsin, United States. We use immersive virtual experiences, translated from ecosystem model outcomes, to elicit human values about future forest conditions under alternative scenarios. Our project combines expertise across the sciences and humanities as well as across cultures and knowledge systems. Our management structure, governance, and leadership behaviors have (...)
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  2.  52
    Spatial symbol systems and spatial cognition: A computer science perspective on perception-based symbol processing.Christian Freksa, Thomas Barkowsky & Alexander Klippel - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):616-617.
    People often solve spatially presented cognitive problems more easily than their nonspatial counterparts. We explain this phenomenon by characterizing space as an inter-modality that provides common structure to different specific perceptual modalities. The usefulness of spatial structure for knowledge processing on different levels of granularity and for interaction between internal and external processes is described. Map representations are discussed as examples in which the usefulness of spatially organized symbols is particularly evident. External representations and processes can enhance internal representations and (...)
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  3.  97
    Movement Choremes: Bridging Cognitive Understanding and Formal Characterizations of Movement Patterns1.Alexander Klippel - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (4):722-740.
    This article discusses an approach to characterizing movement patterns (paths/trajectories) of individual agents that allows for relating aspects of cognitive conceptualization of movement patterns with formal spatial characterizations. To this end, we adopt a perspective of characterizing movement patterns on the basis of perceptual and conceptual invariants that we term movement choremes (MCs). MCs are formally grounded by behaviorally validating qualitative spatio-temporal calculi. Relating perceptual and cognitive aspects of space and formal theories of spatial information has shown promise to foster (...)
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