Results for 'Alessandro Iorio'

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  1.  11
    Das Sein erzählt: Heideggers narratives Denken.Alessandro Iorio - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    Alessandro Iorio untersucht Heideggers "Geschichte des Seins" unter den Voraussetzungen von verschiedenen Narrativitätstheorien. Einschlägige Arbeiten von Genette, Ricœur, Bachtin und Propp werden zum Ausgangspunkt einer narrativitätslogischen Analyse verschiedener Manuskripte gemacht (darunter auch die bisher veröffentlichten "Schwarzen Hefte"). Mit dieser Methode kann Iorio Momente von Heideggers Geschichts-Verständnis verdeutlichen, die in seinen bisherigen Interpretationen ausgespart wurden. Er zeigt ein Denken, das sich seiner erzählerischen Dynamik überlässt, ohne sich für reale historische Geschehnisse zu interessieren. Gerade in der "mytho-logischen" Überbietung real-historischer (...)
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    Review of Das Sein erzählt: Heideggers narratives Denken, by Alessandro Iorio[REVIEW]Christopher D. Merwin - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (3):767-769.
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    Animalidad en la individuación simondoniana.German E. Di Iorio - 2024 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 70:169-192.
    Este escrito explora La individuación a la luz de las nociones de forma y de información de Gilbert Simondon, tomando como hilo conductor la cuestión de la animalidad. Se analiza si en dicho libro hay un corte antropológico que permita separar tajantemente la individuación del hombre de la de los otros animales. La hipótesis inicial es que tal concepción de la antropogénesis, con el excepcionalismo humanista y el especismo que implica, resulta incompatible con el sistema allí desplegado por Simondon. A (...)
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  4. Debating representative democracy.Carlo Invernizzi Accetti, Alessandro Mulieri, Hubertus Buchstein, Dario Castiglione, Lisa Disch, Jason Frank, Yves Sintomer & Nadia Urbinati - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (2):205-242.
  5.  72
    Being one of us. Group identification, joint actions, and collective intentionality.Alessandro Salice & Kengo Miyazono - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (1):42-63.
    Within social psychology, group identification refers to a mental process that leads an individual to conceive of herself as a group member. This phenomenon has recently attracted a great deal of attention in the debate about shared agency. In this debate, group identification is appealing to many because it appears to explain important forms of intentionally shared actions in a cognitively unsophisticated way. This paper argues that, unless important issues about group identification are not illuminated, the heuristic function ascribed to (...)
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  6.  44
    I hate you. On hatred and its paradigmatic forms.Alessandro Salice - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (4):617-633.
    In a recent paper, Thomas Szanto develops an account of hatred, according to which the target of this attitude, paradigmatically, is a representative of a group or a class. On this account, hatred overgeneralises its target, has a blurred affective focus, is co-constituted by an outgroup/ingroup distinction, and is accompanied by a commitment for the subject to stick to the hostile attitude. While this description captures an important form of hatred, this paper claims that it does not do justice to (...)
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    Reprogramming Potentiality: The Co-Production of Stem Cell Policy and Democracy.Alessandro Blasimme, Bettina Schmietow & Giuseppe Testa - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (1):30-32.
  8.  60
    Property evaluation types.Alessandro Giordani & Luca Mari - 2012 - Measurement 45 (3):437-452.
    An appropriate characterization of property types is an important topic for measurement science. On the basis of a set-theoretic model of evaluation and measurement processes, the paper introduces the operative concept of property evaluation type, and discusses how property types are related to, and in fact can be derived from, property evaluation types, by finally analyzing the consequences of these distinctions for the concepts of ‘property’ used in the International Vocabulary of Metrology – Basic and General Concepts and Associated Terms (...)
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    Cross-Cultural Validation of Mood Profile Clusters in a Sport and Exercise Context.Alessandro Quartiroli, Renée L. Parsons-Smith, Gerard J. Fogarty, Garry Kuan & Peter C. Terry - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:408351.
    Mood profiling has a long history in the field of sport and exercise. Several novel mood profile clusters were identified and described in the literature recently ( Parsons-Smith et al., 2017 ). In the present study, we investigated whether the same clusters were evident in an Italian-language, sport and exercise context. The Italian Mood Scale (ITAMS; Quartiroli et al., 2017 ) was administered to 950 Italian-speaking sport participants (659 females, 284 males, 7 unspecified; age range = 16–63 year, M = (...)
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    Envy and us.Alessandro Salice & Alba Montes Sánchez - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):227-242.
    Within emotion theory, envy is generally portrayed as an antisocial emotion because the relation between the envier and the rival is thought to be purely antagonistic. This paper resists this view by arguing that envy presupposes a sense of us. First, we claim that hostile envy is triggered by the envier's sense of impotence combined with her perception that an equality principle has been violated. Second, we introduce the notion of â hetero-induced self-conscious emotionsâ by focusing on the paradigmatic cases (...)
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  11. Joint Commitments and Group Identification in Human-Robot Interaction.John Michael & Alessandro Salice - 2017 - In Raul Hakli & Johanna Seibt (eds.), Sociality and Normativity for Robots. Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality. Cham: Springer.
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    Rethinking ageing: introduction.Alessandro Blasimme, Giovanni Boniolo & Marco J. Nathan - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3):1-8.
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    Collective Intentionality and the Collective Person in Max Scheler.Alessandro Salice - 2014 - In Harald A. Wiltsche & Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl (eds.), Analytic and Continental Philosophy: Methods and Perspectives. Proceedings of the 37th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 277-288.
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    The "What" problem: the emergence of new goals in a robot.Marco Alessandro Villamira - unknown
    - Biological and cognitive systems have the capa- bility of developing new goals during phylogenesis of species or during ontogenesis of single individuals. On the other hand, current artificial cognitive systems focus on how achieving a given fixed set of hard-wired goals. They search an optimal solution of a problem, given a set of goals and a set of optimiza- tion criteria. They look for “how” to achieve a given goal. Natural agents develop new goals in order to cope with (...)
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    Husserl on shared intentionality and normativity.Alessandro Salice - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (3):343-359.
    The paper offers a systematic reconstruction of the relations that, in Husserl’s work, bind together our shared social world (“the spiritual world”) with shared intentionality. It is claimed that, by sharing experiences, persons create social reasons and that these reasons impose a normative structure on the social world. Because there are two ways in which persons can share experiences (depending on whether these experiences rest on mutual communication or on group’s identity), social normativity comes in two kinds. It is either (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty et l'expérience de la création: du paradigme au schème.Alessandro Delcò - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Ce livre aborde une question qu'on ne trouve pas telle quelle, explicitement thématisée, chez Merleau-Ponty lui-même, mais qui travaille en profondeur toute sa pensée, à savoir l'expérience de la création. Il s'efforce de respecter la manière dont elle se profile dans les textes du philosophe, le style indirect selon lequel elle émerge chez lui. L'exploration s'en déploie entre quatre grandes régions : " nature ", " histoire ", " langage ", " art ". Chacun de ces domaines, qui interfère sans (...)
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  17.  44
    Of Boats and Principles.Alessandro Ferrara - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (6):782-791.
  18.  45
    Political liberalism revisited.Alessandro Ferrara - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (7):681-706.
    In this article by way of reply, the author responds to the challenging comments on The Democratic Horizon provided by Michelman, Benhabib, White, Scheuerman and Laden. In response to Michelman, some reflections are propounded (1) on the function of judicial review, in order to alleviate the tension between two understandings of the mandate of the highest interpreter of the constitution as aimed at remedying either an occlusion of democratic authorship or a shortfall of agreement, and (2) on the need to (...)
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  19.  21
    Development and Initial Validation of the Italian Mood Scale (ITAMS) for Use in Sport and Exercise Contexts.Alessandro Quartiroli, Peter C. Terry & Gerard J. Fogarty - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  20.  12
    Else Voigtländer on Social Self-feelings.Alessandro Salice - 2023 - In Íngrid Vendrell Ferran (ed.), Else Voigtländer: Self, Emotion, and Sociality. Springer, Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences. pp. 125-139.
    This article reconstructs and systematically assesses Else’s Voigtländer’s theory of self-feelings. In the first section, I introduce the reader to the basic ideas of this theory by supporting the exegetical claim that the notion of self-feeling encompasses two distinct kinds of experiences: (i) a subject’s long-standing and enduring self-feeling, which is innate and biologically grounded, should be distinguished from (ii) the plurality of episodic self-feelings (or self-conscious emotions) this subject can experience. In the second section, I focus on the particular (...)
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  21.  23
    Constructional associations trump lexical associations in processing valency coercion.Alessandro Lenci, Florent Perek & Lucia Busso - 2021 - Cognitive Linguistics 32 (2):287-318.
    The paper investigates the interaction of lexical and constructional meaning in valency coercion processing, and the effect of (in)compatibility between verb and construction for its successful resolution (Perek, Florent & Martin Hilpert. 2014. Constructional tolerance: Cross-linguistic differences in the acceptability of non-conventional uses of constructions. Constructions and Frames 6(2). 266–304; Yoon, Soyeon. 2019. Coercion and language change: A usage-based approach. Linguistic Research 36(1). 111–139). We present an online experiment on valency coercion (the first one on Italian), by means of a (...)
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  22. A critique of Habermas's consensus theory of truth.Alessandro Ferrara - 1987 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 13 (1):39-67.
  23.  50
    (1 other version)A Critique of Habermas' Diskursethik.Alessandro Ferrara - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (64):45-74.
    With the publication of Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns (1981) and of his essays “A Reply to my Critics” (1982), “Diskursethik — Notizen zu einem Bugründungsprogramm” (1983), “Moralbewusstsein und kommunikatives Handeln” (1983), and “Über Moralität und Sitdichkeit — Was macht eine Lebensform ‘rational’?” (1984), Habermas has considerably developed and systematized his views on ethics. Up to Communication and the Evolution of Society (1979), ethics had been of interest to Habermas mainly insofar as certain concepts related to it — such as the (...)
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  24.  35
    Varieties of Transcendence and Their Consequences for Political Philosophy.Alessandro Ferrara - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (2):109-119.
    In this essay I argue that the notion of religious transcendence was a latecomer in human evolution. It did not appear before the Axial Age, and in its extreme form as a realm of ultimate meanings beyond human reach it had only a locally and temporally bounded existence. Once it appeared, however, the idea of religious transcendence set an evolutionary dynamic in motion, which soon led to various forms of “immanent transcendence,” starting from the “Papal Revolution” and continuing with the (...)
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  25. Socratica III.Fulvia de Luise & Alessandro Stavru (eds.) - 2014 - Academia Verlag.
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    Two Notions of Humanity and the Judgment Argument for Human Rights.Alessandro Ferrara - 2003 - Philosophy Today 31 (3):392-420.
    This essay is about the difficulties connected with grounding human rights philosophically in a multicultural context. These difficulties are argued to derive from the tension between our aspiration to universal validity and our shared belief in the constitutive role of life-forms, traditions, cultures, and vocabularies vis-à-vis our conceptions of justice. Rawls's and Habermas's approaches to the justification of human rights are then briefly reconstructed and assessed. A symmetrical distribution of strong and weak points is argued to obtain. In the light (...)
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  27.  18
    The people and the voters.Alessandro Ferrara - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (1):45-53.
    Cristina Lafont’s Democracy Without Shortcuts enriches the discussion of deliberative democracy with new insights. After discussing her three objections against Waldron’s denunciation of judicial review as antidemocratic, the main flaw of Waldron’s thesis is argued to remain out of focus. The constitution is understood by him as owned by the living citizens, in a pattern of serial sovereignty that raises three problems: (a) the ‘wanton republic’; (b) the under-individuation of the polity; (c) generational inequality. The answer to Lafont’s question ‘Can (...)
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    Hyper-pluralism and the multivariate democratic polity.Alessandro Ferrara - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (4-5):435-444.
    In the global world, momentous migratory tides have produced hyper-pluralism on the domestic scale, bringing citizens with radically different conceptions of life, justice and the good to coexist side by side. Conjectural arguments about the acceptance of pluralism, the next best to public reason when shared premises are too thin, may not succeed in convincing all constituencies. What resources, then, can liberal democracy mobilize? The multivariate democratic polity is the original answer to this question, based on an interpretation of Rawls (...)
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  29.  51
    Authority, legitimacy, and democracy: Narrowing the gap between normativism and realism.Alessandro Ferrara - 2020 - Constellations 27 (4):655-669.
  30.  82
    Reflexive pluralism.Alessandro Ferrara - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (3-4):353-364.
    Reflexive pluralism is here put forward as the conception that is most reasonable for supporters of political liberalism to hold at a period when the reasons justifying acceptance of political and religious pluralism seem inadequate.
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    Indirect Reports and Pragmatics in the World Languages.Alessandro Capone, Manuel García-Carpintero & Alessandra Falzone (eds.) - 2018 - Springer.
    This volume addresses the intriguing issue of indirect reports from an interdisciplinary perspective. The contributors include philosophers, theoretical linguists, socio-pragmaticians, and cognitive scientists. The book is divided into four sections following the provenance of the authors. Combining the voices from leading and emerging authors in the field, it offers a detailed picture of indirect reports in the world’s languages and their significance for theoretical linguistics. Building on the previous book on indirect reports in this series, this volume adds an empirical (...)
  32.  24
    Social freedom and reasonable pluralism: Reflections on Freedom’s Right.Alessandro Ferrara - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (6):635-642.
    In this article, Honneth’s Freedom’s Right is discussed with the intent to assess its potential for offering a view of justice, grounded in social freedom, more adequate than the theories of justic...
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  33.  46
    Actions, Values, and States of Affairs in Hildebrand and Reinach.Alessandro Salice - 2015 - Studia Phaenomenologica 15:259-280.
    The present article discusses Dietrich von Hildebrand’s theory of action as presented in his Die Idee der sittlichen Handlung, and focuses on the moral relevance Hildebrand assigns to diff erent kinds of motivations. The act of will which leads to a moral action, Hildebrand claims, can be “founded” or “motivated” in different ways and, in particular, it can be motivated by an act of cognizing or by an act of value-taking. The act of cognizing grasps the state of aff airs (...)
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    Debating exemplarity: The “communis” in sensus communis.Alessandro Ferrara - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (2):146-158.
    In this paper I respond to Lois McNay’s article “The politics of exemplarity: Ferrara on the disclosure of new political worlds.” After contextualizing her appraisal of my views on exemplarity within the current debate about critical theory and postcolonialism, and after clarifying my interpretation of Kant’s notion of sensus communis, I defend the function that this concept plays within an immanent and experience-near approach to critical theory. Sensus communis is what makes of a subjective grievance a cogent critique. I then (...)
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    Mito e simbolo negli archetipi musicali: lo sguardo del romanticismo verso Oriente.Alessandro Decadi - 2019 - Varazze (SV): PM edizioni.
    Questo testo deriva dalla commistione dello studio della filosofia orientale, di quella occidentale e della storia della musica. L’idea che pervade il testo è la ricerca, spesso difficile e spigolosa di una verità culturale unica, una matrice comune che possa giustificare, unire, amalgamare culture eterogenee e diverse tra loro. Punto di partenza è la creazione, termine particolare che porta in sé diversi significati: religioso, culturale, musicale; per poi addentrarsi nella mitologia antica e nella filosofia romantica: elementi distanti ma quanto mai (...)
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    L'uomo possibile.Alessandro De Bono - 1983 - Palermo: Palumbo.
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  37. (1 other version)Socratica III. Studies on Socrates, the Socratics, and the Ancient Socratic Literature.Fulvia De Luise & Alessandro Stavru (eds.) - 2013
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  38. De Melissi Samii fragmentis.Arnold Pabst & Alessandro Chiappelli - 1891 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 31:213-216.
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  39. ...Riccardo Hooker, contributo alla teoria e alla storia del diritto naturale.Alessandro Passerin D'Entrèves - 1932 - Torino,: Istituto giuridico della R. Università.
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  40. A Testimony Collection in Manchester: Papyrus Rylands Greek 460.Alessandro Falcetta - 2001 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 83 (1):3-19.
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    ‘Political’ Cosmopolitanism and Judgment.Alessandro Ferrara - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (1):53-66.
    This article addresses the issue of future cosmopolitanism, building on a minimal reconstruction of what cosmopolitanism has been in the past. It will elucidate the notion of ‘political’ cosmopolitanism in its relation to a certain methodological option which is designated by the shorthand term ‘judgment’. Cosmopolitanism is not a new idea but a new version of it is constituted by ‘political’ cosmopolitanism, bound up with a judgmentbased, as opposed to principle-based, understanding of normativity.
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  42. Foreword.François Ewald & Alessandro Fontana - 2017 - In Michel Foucault (ed.), Subjectivity and truth: lectures at the Collége de France, 1980-1981. London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Democracies in the plural: A typology of democratic cultures.Alessandro Ferrara - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (4-5):393-402.
    This article aims at exploring one specific facet of pluralism: How can we conceive of a variety of democratic cultures that are not just local adaptations of one basic western-centric understanding of the democratic ethos? Drawing on Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Confucian sources, a convergence among diverse democratic cultures is cursorily highlighted on such elements as the priority of the common good, the acceptance of pluralism, the desirability of collegial deliberation, the equality of citizens, and the value of individuality. (...)
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    Constituent power and democracy ‘across generations’: A reply.Alessandro Ferrara - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (10):1485-1519.
    The paper comprehensively responds to critical comments by F. Michelman, D. Rasmussen, J. van der Walt, S. Winter, P. Niesen, and B. Schupmann on Sovereignty Across Generations. Constituent Power and Political Liberalism. The themes debated include: whether Rawls’s dualist view of democracy, including his idea of legitimation by constitution, intimates or calls for a concretistic view of a subject of constituent power as creator of the constitutional order (Michelman); the relation of the normative to the historical in political liberalism and (...)
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  45. Classes or Individuals? The Paradox of Systematics Revisited.Alessandro Rapini - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (4):675-695.
    The circumscription of taxa and classification of organisms are fundamental tasks in the systematization of biological diversity. Their success depends on a unified idea concerning the species concept, evolution, and taxonomy; paradoxically, however, it requires a complete distinction between taxa and evolutionary units. To justify this view, I discuss these three topics of systematics. Species concepts are examined, and I propose a redefinition for the Taxonomic Species Concept based on nomenclatural properties, in which species are classes conventionally represented by a (...)
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  46. Una giunta a "Giovanni Gentile a Firenze ": i quaderni ritrovati e il carteggio con Luigi De Franco.Felicita Audisio & Alessandro Savorelli - 2003 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 23 (3).
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    The Cambridge Companion to Seneca.Shadi Bartsch & Alessandro Schiesaro (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Roman statesman, philosopher and playwright Lucius Annaeus Seneca dramatically influenced the progression of Western thought. His works have had an unparalleled impact on the development of ethical theory, shaping a code of behavior for dealing with tyranny in his own age that endures today. This Companion thoroughly examines the complete Senecan corpus, with special emphasis on the aspects of his writings that have challenged interpretation. The authors place Seneca in the context of the ancient world and trace his impressive (...)
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  48.  14
    Pragmatics and Law: Practical and Theoretical Perspectives.Francesca Poggi & Alessandro Capone (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume is the second part of a project which hosts an interdisciplinary discussion about the relationship among law and language, legal practice and ordinary conversation, legal philosophy and the linguistics sciences. An international group of authors, from cognitive science, philosophy of language and philosophy of law question about how legal theory and pragmatics can enrich each other. In particular, the first part is devoted to the analysis of how pragmatics can solve problems related to legal theory: What can pragmatics (...)
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  49. Strumenti del Pensiero. Vol. 2.Stefano Velotti & Alessandro Conti (eds.) - 2019 - Laterza.
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    The Ethical Triage Dilemma: Who Should Receive Medical Care First; Is This the Right Question?Alessandro Ferrara - 2023 - Ratio Juris 36 (2):178-190.
    In 2020, with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, academics and scientists began to question the triage criteria for allocating insufficient healthcare resources, trying to ethically justify the answer to the question, Who should receive medical care first? In this article, I will argue that even if we apply triage criteria, we won't be able to avoid the violation of human dignity or of the right to life and to health care. I will then suggest that, maybe, the real ethical (...)
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