Results for 'Aleksandra Zięba'

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  1.  29
    Countering Radicalisation of Muslim Community Opinions on the EU Level.Damian Szlachter & Aleksandra Zięba - 2015 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 17 (1):119-144.
    The paper explores selected factors influencing the process of radicalisation leading to the use of political violence and terror by the Muslim minorities living in the European Union member states. Internal and external catalysts conditioning this process and methods of their analysis have been presented. The second section examines various counter-radicalisation and de-radicalisation efforts of the EU. The authors analysed the multidimensional European Union policy in the area of counteracting radicalisation for empowering the population and member states in preventing the (...)
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  2. The epistemic import of phenomenal consciousness.Paweł Jakub Zięba - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-37.
    This paper controverts the ability of intentionalism about perception to account for unique epistemic significance of phenomenal consciousness. More specifically, the intentionalist cannot explain the latter without denying two well-founded claims: the transparency of experience, and the possibility of unconscious perception. If they are true, intentionality of perception entails that phenomenal consciousness has no special epistemic role to play. Although some intentionalists are ready to bite this bullet, by doing so they effectively undermine one of the standard motivations of their (...)
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  3. The Epistemic Import of Phenomenal Consciousness.Przemysław Zięba - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-37.
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  4. Seeing colours unconsciously.Paweł Jakub Zięba - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-36.
    According to unconscious perception hypothesis (UP), mental states of the same fundamental kind as ordinary conscious seeing can occur unconsciously. The proponents of UP often support it with empirical evidence for a more specific hypothesis, according to which colours can be seen unconsciously (UPC). However, UPC is a general claim that admits of many interpretations. The main aim of this paper is to determine which of them is the most plausible. To this end, I investigate how adopting various conceptions of (...)
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    The Multiplicity of Third Space of Communication in Law.Aleksandra Matulewska & Anne Wagner - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (5):1225-1243.
    Communication in law provides a space for alternatives, a Third Space, wherein boundaries between various systems are strongly anchored to a country’s language, history and societal development. Transfers, modifications, and integrations of such systems into other target languages may result in many effects of distortions and appropriations, reformulations and renewals as well as of misinterpretations in communication. Hence, Third Space is a necessary prerequisite for negotiation, transformation and translation from culture A to culture B, since it operates as a multi-stage (...)
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    Ireneusz Ziemiński, Śmierć, niesmiertelność, sens życia. Egzystencjalny wymiar filozofii Ludwiga Wittgensteina [Death, Immortality, the Meaning of Life. The Existential Dimension of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophy] by Aleksandra Derra.Aleksandra Derra - 2008 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 13 (2):379-385.
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    Addressing Racism in Ethics Consultation: An Expansion of the Four-Box Method.Aleksandra E. Olszewski, Georgina D. Campelia & Holly Vo - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (1):11-26.
    Racism is a pervasive issue in patient care and a key social determinant of health. Clinical ethicists, like others involved in patient care, have a duty to recognize and respond to racism on both individual and systems-wide levels to improve patient care. Doing so can be challenging and, like other skills in ethics consultation, may benefit from specialized training, standardized tools and approaches, and practice. Learning from existing frameworks and tools, as well as building new ones, can help guide clinical (...)
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  8. In Search of the Holy Grail of Epistemology.Paweł J. Zięba - 2014 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 28 (28):55-74.
    Pritchard calls his epistemological disjunctivism ‘the holy grail of epistemology’. What this metaphor means is that the acceptance of this thesis puts the internalism-externalism debate to an end, thanks to satisfaction of intuitions standing behind both competing views. Simultaneously, Pritchard strongly emphasizes that the endorsement of epistemological disjunctivism does not commit one to metaphysical disjunctivism. In this paper I analyze the formulations and motivations of epistemological disjunctivism presented by Pritchard and McDowell. Then I consider the most common argument for the (...)
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  9. Prioritizing Positivity, Styles of Rumination, Coping Strategies, and Posttraumatic Growth: Examining Their Patterns and Correlations in a Prospective Study.Mariusz Zięba, Katarzyna Wiecheć, Natalia E. Wójcik & Michał J. Zięba - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesA growing number of studies indicate that coping with the experience of a crisis event, which causes a breach in the individual’s fundamental beliefs regarding the world and his/her place in it, can result in posttraumatic growth. Positive emotions can have an undoing effect on negative emotional arousal and broaden an individual’s scope of action, and they can foster posttraumatic growth. This study aimed to examine relations between prioritizing positivity, styles of rumination, coping strategies, and posttraumatic growth.MethodsOne hundred and sixty-four (...)
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    Intrinsic Motivation Predicting Performance Satisfaction in Athletes: Further Psychometric Evaluations of the Sport Motivation Scale-6.Aleksandra Luszczynska, Aleksandra Adamiec, Karolina Zarychta, Karolina Horodyska & Jan Blecharz - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (2):309-319.
    The study investigated psychometric properties of the Sport Motivation Scale-6, assessing intrinsic regulation, four extrinsic regulation constructs, and amotivation among athletes competing at a regional and national level. In particular, we tested the factorial structure of SMS-6, its short-term stability, and the associations of SMS-6 constructs with self-efficacy, self-esteem, motivational climate, and satisfaction with sport performance. Participants were 197 athletes, representing team and individual disciplines. The measurement was repeated at the three-week follow-up. Results yielded support for the six first-order factor (...)
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  11. Wpływ późnego Wittgensteina na metody badań nad językiem.Aleksandra Derra - 2010 - Studia Semiotyczne 27:353-373.
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  12. Nazwy puste u Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego.Aleksandra Horecka - 2007 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    The paper deals with the concept of empty name in the theory of Tadeusz Kotarbiński - one of the representatives of Lvov-Warsaw School. The aim of the article is to reconstruct Kotarbinski's definition of empty names, his thesis concerning structure and connotation of empty names, his interpretation of categorical sentence with empty names and to point out problems which arise in consequence of these theories. Only same expressions regarded traditionally as empty names are empty names according to Kotarbinski, e.g. "son (...)
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    The Directival Theory of Meaning and the Use of the Term “True”.Ewa Rosiak-Zięba - 2013 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 25:155-168.
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  14. Co motywuje nas do troski o daleką przyszłość?Włodzimierz ZIĘBA - 2011 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:51-70.
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    Prawda i zastosowania wiedzy.Włodzimierz Zięba - 2022 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 17 (3):73-82.
    In the text, I analyze Grobler᾽s strategy of countering skepticism. It boils down to two arguments, i.e. a performative contradiction and the use of the ceteris paribus clause. Another point is the concept of truth adopted by Grobler. Grobler is leaning towards the adjustment theory and aletic pluralism. I formulate critical remarks about truth as identity, the markup theory, super-conclusiveness, and finally truth as a regulative idea. I am also considering two additional requirements of Grobler, namely that the truth should (...)
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  16. Parmenidejskie wyzwanie.W. Zięba - 2002 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3).
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    Relationships between personality traits, general self-efficacy, self-esteem, subjective well-being, and entrepreneurial activity.Mariusz Zięba, Monika Surawska & Anna Maria Zalewska - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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    Two or Even Three Liberalisms.Maciej Zięba - 1994 - Dialogue and Humanism 4 (5):89-97.
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    The (Un)Holy Grail of Epistemology.Paweł J. Zięba - 2015 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 22 (1):21-33.
    As formulated by Duncan Pritchard and John McDowell, epistemological disjunctivism is the claim that perceptual experience can provide the subject with epistemic justification that is reflectively accessible and externally grounded at the same time. Pritchard calls this thesis ‘the holy grail of epistemology’, since it reconciles two traditionally rival theories of justification, namely epistemic internalism and epistemic externalism. The main objection against epistemological disjunctivism thus understood is that it does not do justice to the well-known internalist intuitions expressed in The (...)
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    Mechanicystyczna koncepcja życia u Jacques’a Monoda.Stanisław Zięba - 1981 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 29 (3):65-83.
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    Iustitia ut caritas sapientis: The Relationship between Love and Justice in G.W. Leibniz’s Philosophy of Right.Aleksandra Horowska - 2017 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 65 (2):185-204.
    The purpose of this paper is an attempt to present and analyse one of the most intriguing and unique elements of Leibniz’s philosophy of right—the relationship between love and justice —mainly based on selected excerpts from the Elementa Iuris Naturalis and the preface to the Codex Iuris Gentium Diplomaticus. The author presents the characteristics of this close connection and she tries to answer the question about the reasons for this relationship referring to the metaphysical assumptions and principles of Leibniz’s philosophy. (...)
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  22.  11
    Archival Heritage of Solovyov V.S. in Russia: Analytical Review.Aleksandra Yu Berdnikova & Бердникова Александра Юрьевна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):818-828.
    The study is devoted to the study of actual state of the archival materials of V.S. Solovyov which are held in different funds of Russia. During the working process was carried out the analysis of Solovyov’s related materials in a number of archives of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the context of this topic, documents from such archive funds as: RGALI, GARF, TsAGM, OR RSL (Moscow), OR RNL, IRLI RAS, RGIA (St. Petersburg) were reviewed. Particular attention was paid to the (...)
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  23. What Is Art Good For? The Socio-Epistemic Value of Art.Aleksandra Sherman & Clair Morrissey - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
    Scientists, humanists, and art lovers alike value art not just for its beauty, but also for its social and epistemic importance; that is, for its communicative nature, its capacity to increase one's self-knowledge and encourage personal growth, and its ability to challenge our schemas and preconceptions. However, empirical research tends to discount the importance of such social and epistemic outcomes of art engagement, instead focusing on individuals' preferences, judgments of beauty, pleasure, or other emotional appraisals as the primary outcomes of (...)
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    Aleksandra Koyrégo analiza paradoksów Zenona z Elei.Aleksandra Schoen-żmijowa - 2002 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 31.
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  25. Naïve realism about unconscious perception.Paweł Jakub Zięba - 2019 - Synthese 196 (5):2045-2073.
    Recently, it has been objected that naïve realism is inconsistent with an empirically well-supported claim that mental states of the same fundamental kind as ordinary conscious seeing can occur unconsciously (SFK). The main aim of this paper is to establish the following conditional claim: if SFK turns out to be true, the naïve realist can and should accommodate it into her theory. Regarding the antecedent of this conditional, I suggest that empirical evidence renders SFK plausible but not obvious. For it (...)
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    Race and Power at the Bedside: Counter Storytelling in Clinical Ethics Consultation.Aleksandra E. Olszewski, Maya Scott, Arika Patneaude, Elliott M. Weiss & Aaron Wightman - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (2):77-79.
    Counter storytelling, used in critical race theory and narrative ethics, is a tool used to contradict and expose the oppression in a dominant narrative, by focusing attention on the stories of the...
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  27.  29
    Legal Languages – A Diachronic Perspective.Aleksandra Matulewska - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 53 (1):195-212.
    The aim of the article is to discuss the legal language transformations from a diachronic perspective taking into account the following factors: (i) spatial and temporal, (ii) linguistic norm changes, (iii) political, (iv) social (customs), and (v) globalization as well as (vi) EU-induced. Spatial and temporal factors include legal relations influenced by climate and the cycles of nature. Linguistic factors include spelling reforms and grammatical changes each language undergoes, for example, as a result of usage. As far as the law (...)
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    How art contributes to scientific knowledge.Aleksandra Sherman & Derek Anderson - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    We argue that although art has no systematic conventions for conveying knowledge in the way science does, the arts often play an important epistemic role in the production and understanding of scientific knowledge. We argue for what we call weak scientific cognitivism, the view that the production and distribution of scientific knowledge can benefit from engagement with art. We present a range of cases that illustrate a variety of epistemic functions of art relevant to scientific practice, and respond to influential (...)
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    Resistance to Change in the Corporate Elite: Female Directors’ Appointments onto Nordic Boards.Aleksandra Gregorič, Lars Oxelheim, Trond Randøy & Steen Thomsen - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (2):267-287.
    In this empirical study, we investigate the variation in firms’ response to institutional pressure for gender-balanced boards, focusing specifically on the preservation of prevailing practices of director selection and its impact on the representation of women on the board of directors. Using 8 years of data from publicly listed Nordic corporations, we show societal pressure to be one of the determinants of female directorship. Moreover, in some corporations, the director selection process may work to maintain “a traditional type of board”. (...)
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  30.  50
    In Quest of Sufficient Equivalence. Polish and English Insolvency Terminology in Translation. a Comparative Study.Aleksandra Matulewska - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 38 (1):167-188.
    The paper deals with the problem of translating selected insolvency terminology from Polish into English and from English into Polish. The re- search corpora encompassed the Insolvency Act 1986 as amended and Ustawa z dnia 28 lutego 2003. Prawo upadłościowe i naprawcze [the Act on Polish Insolvency and Rehabilitation Law of 28th February 2003 as amended]. The research methods included: the comparison of parallel texts, the method of axiomatisation of the legal linguistic reality, the termino- logical analysis of the corpus (...)
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  31. Immediate transfer of synesthesia to a novel inducer.Aleksandra Mroczko, Thomas Metzinger, Wolf Singer & Danko Nikolić - 2009 - Journal of Vision 9 (12):1-8.
    In synesthesia, a certain stimulus (eg grapheme) is associated automatically and consistently with a stable perceptual-like experience (eg color). These associations are acquired in early childhood and remain robust throughout the lifetime. Synesthetic associations can transfer to novel inducers in adulthood as one learns a second language that uses another writing system. However, it is not known how long this transfer takes. We found that grapheme-color associations can transfer to novel graphemes after only a 10-minute writing exercise. Most subjects experienced (...)
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    The rhetoric of oppression.Alex Zieba - 1996 - Journal of Social Philosophy 27 (1):140-155.
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    Epigenetics and Bruxism: from Hyper-Narrative Neural Networks to Hyper-Function.Aleksandra Čalić & Eva Vrtačič - 2020 - Biosemiotics 13 (2):241-259.
    This article develops a biosemiotic ´hyper-narrative model´ for the purposes of investigating emergent motor behaviors. It proposes to understand such behaviors in terms of the following associations: the organization of information acquired from the environment, focusing on narrative; the organizational dynamics of epigenetic mechanisms that underly the neural processes facilitating the processing of information; and the evolution of emergent motor behaviors that enable the informational acquisition. The article describes and explains these associations as part of a multi-ordered and multi-causal generative (...)
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    Impact of Conflict Resolution Strategies on Perception of Agency, Communion and Power Roles Evaluation.Aleksandra Cisłak - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (4):426-433.
    Two experiments probed the role of strategies used in social conflicts on perception of agency and communion. In study 1, persons who revealed prosocial orientation were perceived as less agentic, but more communal than those who revealed competitive orientation. In study 2 these findings were replicated in the context of organizational conflict, those who decided to use confrontational strategies were also perceived as more agentic, although less communal than these who used cooperative strategies. In line with the theory of power (...)
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    Dwa modele zaufania w opiece zdrowotnej.Aleksandra Głos - 2015 - Diametros 45:82-106.
    Trust is a fundament of decent and just health care. In a subtle relation between patient and physician trust not only fuels the process of therapy but also plays a therapeutic role itself. Trust is a precondition of successful cooperation – it lowers its costs, increases efficiency and brings satisfaction to the partners. Only altruistic trust acts as such. Philosophical arguments as well as experiments analysing birth of trust in health care praxis prove the validity of the altruistic model. Distinction (...)
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    Człowiek lokalny: rozważania umiejscowione = Local man: considerations situated in a place.Aleksandra Kunce - 2016 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    Szestowa poszukiwanie pewności wiary.Aleksandra Macintosh - 2006 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11:221-222.
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    In Quest of Genocide Understanding: Multiple Faces of Genocide.Aleksandra Matulewska & Dariusz J. Gwiazdowicz - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1425-1443.
    The paper focuses on genocide and its multidimensional emanations. First, the authors present the definition of genocide and its types as elaborated by Lemkin : physical, political, social, cultural, economic, biological, religious, and finally moral genocide. Next, ten stages of genocide by Stanton are scrutinized with some emphasis placed on the verbal issues enabling polarization and dehumanization. The authors point out that modern means of communication, ubiquitous nowadays, make it possible to dehumanize and discriminate against groups of people on an (...)
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    Future Perspectives of the Implementation of EU Urban Agenda.Aleksandra Olejnik - 2017 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 19 (1):175-188.
    This article is an overview of opinions and recommendations adopted in the European Union vis-à-vis urban policy. The author analyses the Pact of Amsterdam and future perspectives of the implementation of EU Urban Agenda.
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  40. „Naród” francuski w XVIII wieku.Aleksandra Porada - 2006 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 50.
    Il est question dans cet article de l’évolution de l’idée de «nation» en France au cours du XVIIIe siècle. Beaucoup d’historiens pensent qu’on peut identifier les débuts de la conscience nationale française déjà au sein de la population de la France médiévale, alors que pour la plupart des sociologues la nation n’est qu’une construction intelectuelle créée par les intelligentsias européennes pendant les XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Les protagonists de la Révolution prétendirent d’agir au nom de la Nation Française en tant (...)
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    Demystifying Kashmiri Rasa Ideology: Rāmacandra–Guṇacandra’s Theory of Aesthetics in Their Nāṭyadarpaṇa.Aleksandra Restifo - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (1):1-29.
    This paper presents a study of Rāmacandra–Guṇacandra’s theory of aesthetics in light of the Kashmiri rasa ideology and demonstrates that the Jain authors offer a new and original conceptualization of aesthetic experience, in which the spectator remains cognitively active in the course of watching the drama. In their model, the relationship between rasa and pleasure is mediated by a cognitive error, and the feeling of pleasure does not coincide with the savoring of rasa but emerges after the savoring of rasa (...)
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    Terrorism and religious fundamentalism: a reaction to the new world order.Aleksandra Schindler - 2007 - Disputatio Philosophica 9 (1):149-163.
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    Whether you are smart or kind depends on how I feel: The influence of positive and negative mood on agency and communion perception.Aleksandra Szymkow - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (4):434-443.
    Feelings-as-information theory states that feelings inform us about the nature of our current situation and we rely on them to make our judgments. Beyond that, feelings tune our cognitive processes to meet situational requirements. Positive feelings result in relying on pre-existing knowledge structures and default strategies, whereas negative feelings hamper relying on routines and results in adapting systematic processing. Based on this premise, it was hypothesized that positive mood, elicited either by the perceived target or by the independent source, would (...)
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    ELP Teachers as Researchers. On the Benefits of Conducting Needs Analysis.Aleksandra Łuczak - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 53 (1):177-193.
    The fact that students’ target language needs (TLN) analysis is conducted for the benefits of the students is obvious. However, in the tertiary level context the TLN analysis is usually neglected and replaced with the use of the ready-made curricula (e.g. corresponding to the content of the course books used or syllabi of the examinations taken at the end of the course). The question which inspired the research undertaken for this paper was whether, and if so how, the very fact (...)
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  45. Rola metafizyki w kulturze.Włodzimierz Zięba - 2007 - Colloquia Communia 82 (1-2):149-160.
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    Dwie koncepcje powstawania i działania organizmu.Stanisław Zięba - 1977 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 25 (3):171-187.
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    The Default Position: Optimizing Pediatric Participation in Medical Decision Making.Aleksandra E. Olszewski & Sara F. Goldkind - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (3):4-9.
    Inclusion of children in medical decision making, to the extent of their ability and interest in doing so, should be the default position, ensuring that children are routinely given a voice. However, optimizing the involvement of children in their health care decisions remains challenging for clinicians. Missing from the literature is a stepwise approach to assessing when and how a child should be included in medical decision making. We propose a systematic approach for doing so, and we apply this approach (...)
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  48. Unconscious Perception, Action, and the Problem of Attribution.Paweł Jakub Zięba - forthcoming - Acta Analytica:1-22.
    According to Phillips, (1) genuine perception is attributable to the individual (i.e. it’s a personal state/event, as opposed to sub-personal states/events in the individual’s brain); (2) since unconscious perceptual representations are ill-suited to guide action, there’s no good reason to attribute them to the individual; (3) not being attributable to the individual, they don’t instantiate genuine perception, thereby failing to support the hypothesis that genuine perception can occur unconsciously. I argue that this reasoning is flawed and can’t be easily fixed. (...)
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    Automated aerial suspended cargo delivery through reinforcement learning.Aleksandra Faust, Ivana Palunko, Patricio Cruz, Rafael Fierro & Lydia Tapia - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 247:381-398.
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    Pojęcie wartości estetycznej w pracach Władysława Tatarkiewicza.Aleksandra Horecka - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (13).
    Author: Horecka Aleksandra Title: THE CONCEPT OF AESTHETICAL VALUE IN TATARKIEWICZ’S PAPERS (Pojęcie wartości estetycznej w pracach Władysława Tatarkiewicza) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.13/14, number: 2011/2-3, pages: 601-615 Keywords: WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ, AESTHETICAL VALUE, ONTOLOGICAL CATEGORY Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The purpose of this paper is to report and analyse the main theses of Tatarkiewicz’s theory of aesthetic value. We concentrate on ontological problems – what is aesthetical value and (...)
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