Results for 'Aleksander Buczacki'

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  1.  20
    Industrial Engineering for Healthcare Management – Example Lean Management and ICT Tools.Dariusz Timler, Bartłomiej Gładysz & Aleksander Buczacki - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 60 (1):19-32.
    Industrial engineering is a field dealing with optimization of complex processes, systems, or organizations by developing, improving and implementing integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, and materials. Hence, the scope of industrial engineering is wide and includes various fields, from manufacturing, through banking, different types of services, to administration and healthcare. Various industrial engineering tools could be implemented in healthcare settings. The use of such tools is popular in western economies. For example, simulation modelling of services is (...)
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    Kształtowanie elementów państwa.Aleksander Dolski - 1943 - Londyn: F. Mildner & sons.
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    La Visio Dei come forma della conoscenza umana in Alessandro di Hales: una lettura della Glossa in quatuor libros sententiarum e delle Quaestiones disputatae.Aleksander Horowski - 2005 - Roma: Istituto storico dei Cappuccini.
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    Information or logic in modeling conscious systems?Igor Aleksander, David Gamez & Helen Morton - 2009 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 1 (2):185-192.
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    Aristotle's Laptop — Authors' Appreciation of Reviews.Igor Aleksander & Helen B. Morton - 2014 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 6 (1):67-70.
    Igor Aleksander and Helen B. Morton, Int. J. Mach. Conscious. 06, 67 (2014). DOI: 10.1142/S1793843014400113.
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    Proceedings of the 21st IVR World Congress, Lund, Sweden, 12-17 August, 2003.Aleksander Peczenik (ed.) - 2004 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Aleksander Peczenik, Lund Introduction to the Proceedings of the 21st IVR World Congress General Information This volume opens the Proceedings of the 21st ...
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    On Law and Reason.Aleksander Peczenik - 1989 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    a This is an outline of a coherence theory of law. Its basic ideas are: reasonable support and weighing of reasons. All the rest is commentary.a (TM) These words at the beginning of the preface of this book perfectly indicate what On Law and Reason is about. It is a theory about the nature of the law which emphasises the role of reason in the law and which refuses to limit the role of reason to the application of deductive logic. (...)
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  8. Human now versus human over time. When instrumental rationality and utility are not enough.Aleksander Ostapiuk - 2019 - Panoeconomicus 5 (66):633-657.
    The goal of this article is to show that instrumental rationality and utility that have been used in economics for many years does not work well. What is presented in the article is how significant the influence of utilitarianism has been on economics and why the economists get rid of humans’ goals and motivations. It is shown in the article that the human who decides in present is absolutely different from the human who decides over time. Many economists neglected this (...)
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    An ω-categorical structure with amenable automorphism group.Aleksander Ivanov - 2015 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 61 (4-5):307-314.
  10.  32
    Evolution of the Concept of Justice.Aleksander Bobko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:45-54.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze what kind of understanding of justice prevails at the beginning of the 21st century. I will shortly show the evolution of justice, concerning on the ancient and Enlightenment understandings of this concept. I shall attempt to justify the thesis that in the contemporary world the factors that play the most important part in the evaluation of justice are aesthetic ones. The essence of the aesthetic evaluation I will describe by refer to the (...)
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    Metafizyka bez fizyki? [sprawozdanie].Aleksander BOŻEK - 1988 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 10.
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    O wieczności świata [recenzja] Św. Tomasz z Akwinu, Dzieła Wybrane, 1984.Aleksander BOŻEK - 1986 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 8.
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  13. Heidegger a degeneracja i nieautentyczność. O przedmiocie \"dojrzałego, głębokiego rozczarowania\".Aleksander Dworek - 2006 - Fenomenologia 4:143-151.
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    Przestrzeń.Aleksander Aleksandrowicz Friedman - 1987 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 9.
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    (1 other version)The changing role of intellectuals in the revolutionary order.Aleksander Gella - 1985 - Studies in East European Thought 29 (1):1-10.
  16.  28
    (1 other version)The Russian and polish intelligentsias: A sociological perspective.Aleksander Gella - 1979 - Studies in East European Thought 19 (4):307-320.
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    Granica i centrum. Problem struktury pojęć w modelu przestrzeni pojęciowych.Aleksander Gemel - 2020 - Filozofia Nauki 28 (2):25-46.
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  18. Il concetto di «fructus»(spirituali) Nel pensiero di San bonaventura.Aleksander Horowski - 2010 - Miscellanea Francescana 110 (3-4):369-397.
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  19. La theorie du cinema metaphorique et metonymique a la lumiere de la semiologie.Aleksander Jackiewicz - 1970 - In Algirdas Julien Greimas, Sign, language, culture. The Hague,: Mouton.
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    Letter from the president of the republic of Poland.Aleksander Kwaśniewski - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (1):3-3.
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  21. Współczesne radzieckie poszukiwania etyczne i aksjologiczne.Aleksander Madejski - 1987 - Colloquia Communia 32 (3-4):201-218.
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  22. Dynamiczny relacjonizm Karola Mannheima.Aleksander Manterys - 2002 - Colloquia Communia 72 (1):47-54.
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  23. Sefer Le-natseaḥ: maʼamarim yesodiyim u-maḳifim be-ʻinyan ha-ḳedushah ʻim hityaḥasut le-nisyonot dorenu, u-figʻe ha-ṭekhnologyah ha-modernit - ba-halakhah uva-hashḳafah: be-tseruf sipure ḥayim, ʻetsot ṿe-taḥbulot maʻaśiyot le-natseaḥ et ha-yetser ha-raʻ ṿela-ʻamod ba-nisayon!Aleksander Aryeh ben Śimḥah Mandelbom - 2014 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Or Yosef. Edited by Ḥayim Ayziḳ Ṭiḳotsḳi.
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  24. Dramat Saint-Exupery\'ego'.Aleksander Milecki - 1968 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 1 (1):56-78.
  25. Filozofi czne poranki młodych.Aleksander Nalaskowski - 2003 - Colloquia Communia 75 (2):132-139.
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  26. Słońca, cedry i siekiery.Aleksander Ochocki - 2011 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (18).
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    Moral and ontological justification of legal reasoning.Aleksander Peczenik - 1985 - Law and Philosophy 4 (2):289 - 309.
  28. Teoriomnogościowy model ruchu i rozwoju.Aleksander N. Popławski - 1990 - Studia Filozoficzne 290 (1).
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    Człowiek Homerycki.Aleksander Usowicz - 1949 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 2:199-204.
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    The Life of Prayer in a Russian Prison.Aleksander Wat - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (1/2):266-269.
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    Ponowoczesny i jego własność (Zygmunt Bauman, Ponowoczesność jako źródło cierpień).Aleksander Zbrzezny - 2001 - Etyka 34:221-224.
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  32. Bachtin: między marksistowskim dogmatem a formacją prawosławną: nad studiami o Dostojewskim.Aleksander Wo zny - 1993 - Wrocław: Tow. Przyjaciół Polonistyki Wrocławskiej.
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  33. Weakness of will. The limitations of revealed preference theory.Aleksander Ostapiuk - 2022 - Acta Oeconomica 1 (72):1-23.
    The phenomenon of weakness of will – not doing what we perceive as the best action – is not recognized by neoclassical economics due to the axiomatic assumptions of the revealed preference theory (RPT) that people do what is best for them. However, present bias shows that people have different preferences over time. As they cannot be compared by the utility measurements, economists need to normatively decide between selves (short- versus long-term preferences). A problem is that neoclassical economists perceive RPT (...)
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  34. The Problem of Temporality in the Literary Framework of Nicholas of Cusa’s De pace fidei.Jason Aleksander - 2014 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 1 (2):135-145.
    This paper explores Nicholas of Cusa’s framing of the De pace fidei as a dialogue taking place incaelo rationis. On the one hand, this framing allows Nicholas of Cusa to argue that all religious rites presuppose the truth of a single, unified faith and so temporally manifest divine logos in a way accommodated to the historically unique conventions of different political communities. On the other hand, at the end of the De pace fidei, the interlocutors in the heavenly dialogue are (...)
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    Language Research Perspectives Based on the Philosophical Hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer.Aleksander Krzyżanek - 2024 - Analiza I Egzystencja 66:101-121.
    In this paper I accomplish two goals: first, I briefly reconstruct Hans-Georg Gadamer’s views on language, included foremost in Truth and Method. I discuss if and how can we analyse language in the hermeneutic way; what is Gadamer’s view on philosophy of language and linguistics; what is the hermeneutic priority of the question and why choosing the logic of question may lead to a conflict between philosophical hermeneutics and analytic philosophy. Then, on such base I show correlations, which can be (...)
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    Defining Definiteness.Aleksander Domoslawski - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10.
    Epistemicism associates vagueness with ignorance produced by semantic plasticity: the shiftiness of intensions in our language resulting from small changes in usage. The recent literature (Caie 2012; Magidor 2018; Yli-Vakkuri 2016) points to a missing piece in the epistemicist theory of vagueness, namely a clear account of the semantics of the definiteness operator Δ. The fundamentals of the epistemicist theory are well understood. However, the technical work of defining the definiteness operator has proven difficult. There are several desiderata that we (...)
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  37. The Eclipse of Value-Free Economics. The concept of multiple self versus homo economicus.Aleksander Ostapiuk - 2020 - Wrocław, Polska: Publishing House of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business.
    The books’ goal is to answer the question: Do the weaknesses of value-free economics imply the need for a paradigm shift? The author synthesizes criticisms from different perspectives (descriptive and methodological). Special attention is paid to choices over time, because in this area value-free economics has the most problems. In that context, the enriched concept of multiple self is proposed and investigated. However, it is not enough to present the criticisms towards value-free economics. For scientists, a bad paradigm is better (...)
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  38. The omniscient speaker puzzle.Aleksander Domosławski - 2024 - Synthese 203 (65):1-16.
    The epistemicist theory aims to explain ignorance due to vagueness by semantic plasticity: the shiftiness of intensions across close possible worlds resulting from shiftiness in usage. This explanation is challenged by the Omniscient Speaker Puzzle (Sennet in Philos Stud 161(2):273–285, 2012). Suppose that an omniscient speaker, Barney, who knows all the facts about usage and how these facts determine the intensions of expressions, cooks up a scheme to stabilise the intension of a normally semantically plastic term like ‘rich’. It seems (...)
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    A Theory of Legal Doctrine.Aleksander Peczenik - 2001 - Ratio Juris 14 (1):75-105.
    Legal doctrine in Continental European law (scientia iuris) consists of professional legal writings, e.g., handbooks, monographs, etc., whose task is to systematize and interpret valid law. By production of general and defeasible theories, legal doctrine aims to present the law as a coherent net of principles, rules, meta‐rules, and exceptions, at different levels of abstraction, connected by support relations. The argumentation used to achieve coherence involves not only description and logic but also evaluative (normative) steps. However, sceptics criticise juristic doctrine (...)
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  40. Design and the Singularity: The Philosophers Stone of AI?Igor Aleksander - 2012 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 19 (7-8):7-8.
    Much discussion on the singularity is based on the assumption that the design ability of a human can be transferred into an AI system, then rendered autonomous and self-improving. I argue here that this cannot be foreseen from the current state of the art of automatic or evolutionary design. Assuming that this will happen 'some day' is a doubtful step andmay be in the class of 'searching for the Philosopher's Stone'.
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  41. Neural depictions of "world" and "self": Bringing computational understanding into the chinese room.Igor L. Aleksander - 2002 - In John Mark Bishop & John Preston, Views Into the Chinese Room: New Essays on Searle and Artificial Intelligence. London: Oxford University Press.
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    Workspace theories are alive and well.Igor Aleksander - 2011 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 3 (02):309-312.
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    Klasyczna definicja prawdy w epistemologicznych poglądach Désiré Merciera.Aleksander R. Bańka - 2009 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 57 (2):5-23.
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  44. Études d'histoire des sciences et de la philosophie du Moyen Age.Aleksander Birkenmajer - 1970 - Wrocław,: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    (1 other version)A struggle for an intellectually independent institute: The case in Poland.Aleksander Gella - 1989 - Studies in East European Thought 37 (4):307-315.
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    Szkice o ideologiach.Aleksander Hertz - 1967 - Paryż,: Instytut Literacki.
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    Does Sloman criticise Sloman?Igor Aleksander - 2010 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 2 (1):19-22.
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    Podstawowa analiza rzeczywistości.Aleksander Kisiel - 1948 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 1:214-227.
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    Wielkie Zatrzymanie: co się stało z ludźmi?Aleksander Nalaskowski - 2020 - Kraków: Biały Kruk.
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    Dialektyka i historia: człowiek i praca w twórczości Karola Marksa.Aleksander Ochocki - 1980 - Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza.
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