Results for 'Alejandro Bayer'

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  1.  8
    LLOYD, GENEVIEVE, Being in Time. Selves and narrators in philosophy and literature, Routledge, Ideas Series, London, 1993, 192 págs. [REVIEW]Alejandro Bayer - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico:867-868.
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    Commentary: “Whiteness and Colourblindness”.Gerd Bayer - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (1):1-5.
    This commentary argues that, in discussing the racial and cultural identities of cinematic representations of humanoid AI robots, nuances and differentiations are beneficial. It suggests that the essay on which the present text comments does not sufficiently acknowledge the range of identities found in AI films, in particular in Alex Garland's Ex Machina.
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  3. New Boundary Lines.Alejandro Pérez Carballo - manuscript
    Intellectual progress involves forming a more accurate picture of the world. But it also figuring out which concepts to use for theorizing about the world. Bayesian epistemology has had much to say about the former aspect of our cognitive lives, but little if at all about the latter. I outline a framework for formulating questions about conceptual change in a broadly Bayesian framework. By enriching the resources of Epistemic Utility Theory with a more expansive conception of epistemic value, I offer (...)
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    Guidelines for Confidentiality in Research on AIDS.Ronald Bayer, Carol Levine & Thomas H. Murray - 1984 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 6 (6):1.
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  5. Cartesian Dualism and the Intermediate State: A Reply to Turner Jr.Alejandro Pérez - 2019 - Forum: Supplement to Acta Philosophica 5 (1):269-281.
    In this paper, I propose to analyse two objections raised by Turner Jr in his paper “On Two Reasons Christian Theologians Should Reject The Intermediate State” in order to show that the intermediate state is an incoherent theory. As we shall see, the two untoward consequences that he mentions do not imply a metaphysical or logical contradiction. Consequently, I shall defend an Intermediate State and I shall propose briefly one metaphysical conception of the human being able to reply to Turner (...)
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  6. Behavioral strategies for reducing corruption: from regulation to choice architecture.Alejandro Hortal - 2024 - Behavioral Public Policy:1-18.
  7. William L. McBride, From Yugoslav Praxis to Global Pathos: Anti-Hegemonic Post-Post-Marxist Essays Reviewed by.William Alejandro Martin - 2003 - Philosophy in Review 23 (2):124-126.
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  8. " Vida y organización": Dos conceptos centrales en la biología de Lamarck. Propuestas para un nuevo lamarckismo.Julio Alejandro Castro Moreno - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (35):49-71.
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  9. How Not to Refute Quine: Evaluating Kim's Alternatives to Naturalized Epistemology.Benjamin Bayer - 2007 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 45 (4):473-495.
    This paper offers an interpretation of Quine's naturalized epistemology through the lens of Jaegwon Kim's influential critique of the same. Kim argues that Quine forces a false choice between traditional deductivist foundationalism and naturalized epistemology and contends that there are viable alternative epistemological projects. However it is suggested that Quine would reject these alternatives by reference to the same fundamental principles (underdetermination, indeterminacy of translation, extensionalism) that led him to reject traditional epistemology and propose naturalism as an alternative. Given this (...)
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  10. Tao Te Ching.Alejandro Bárcenas - 2019 - New York, NY, USA: Knopf / Vintage Español.
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  11. Thriving by Design: Can Behavioral Economics and Public Policy Shape Virtuous Lives?Alejandro Hortal - 2024 - Behanomics 2:106-128.
    Drawing on behavioral economics, nudges (policy interventions based on choice architecture) have the capacity to strategically shape policymaking, subtly guiding individual behavior by adjusting their decision environment. Applied to enhance vaccinations, boost retirement savings, or promote healthy habits, these interventions align with consensus-defined well-being. As governments adopt nudges, scholars have explored their role in fostering virtues. This paper argues that nudges have the potential to efficiently contribute to virtuous development by instilling and sustaining habits, respecting individual choice, and ensuring deliberation. (...)
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    Gays and the Stigma of Bad Blood.Ronald Bayer - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (2):5-7.
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  13. La Bible, l’homosexualité et les sciences cognitives: Vers une approche interdisciplinaire de l’homosexualité.Alejandro Pérez - 2020 - Theologica Xaveriana 70.
    Le titre de cette étude suggère de traiter trois termes, à premier vue, sans aucun lien. En effet, quel peut être le lien entre l’homosexualité et la Bible? Ou celui entre l’homosexualité et les sciences cognitives? Et finalement, quel lien peut-il y avoir entre ces trois termes à première vue juxtaposés? Il y a une réponse à chacune de ces trois questions et nous proposons d’explorer ces réponses dans le cadre de cette étude. Notre thèse consiste à défendre que les (...)
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    A Comparative Reading Essay in Terms of Rhetoric: An Example of Verses in Surah al-Baqarah in which the Word Rizq is Used.İsmail Bayer & Esra Hacimüftüoğlu - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):559-575.
    Religion, environment, tradition, needs, and character determine the framework of people's eating habits. In this context, a special area is reserved for nutrition in the Qur'an. One of the prominent words in the relevant field is “rizq,” referring to things that Allah gives to all creatures for their own benefit. Broadly, children, spouse, action, knowledge, and wisdom can also be evaluated in this context. This study aims to reach detailed data on the subject by examining the verses where the word (...)
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  15. Regionalidad y Populismo: categorías para un nuevo orden post-neoliberal.Alejandro Auat - 2019 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 15.
    El texto pretende aportar una reflexión en torno a dos categorías teórico-prácticas –regionalidad, populismo–, que pueden contribuir a la proyección abierta, nunca acabada, de un nuevo orden post-neoliberal, en tanto modos de resistencia y crítica de los modos de subjetivación y de mercantilización que identificamos como propios del neoliberalismo en tanto racionalidad, pero también posibilitadoras de un pensar situado, propositivo, comprometido políticamente con el lugar desde donde se entiende y se proyecta un nuevo orden de convivencia.
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    Arte, folklore e identidad.Melgar Vásquez & Max Alejandro - 2008 - San Borja, Lima: Ediciones Altazor.
    El autor discurre sobre la historia y esencia del arte, y su relación con las demás manifestaciones del saber humano.
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    Authority and Critique.Oswald Bayer - 2022 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 64 (4):400-408.
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    Aids and liberalism: A response to Patricia Illingworth.Ronald Bayer - 1992 - Bioethics 6 (1):23–27.
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    Über Das Schicksal / de Fato: Lateinisch - Deutsch.Karl Bayer (ed.) - 2011 - Akademie Verlag.
    Ist das menschliche Handeln vorbestimmt oder kann der Einzelne frei entscheiden? In Auseinandersetzung mit den Positionen von Chrysipp, Epikur und Karneades gelangt Cicero zur Auffassung, dass es für den menschlichen Willen keine von außen wirkenden und vorausgehenden Ursachen gebe, die diesen Entscheidungsprozess bestimmen. Die Mitte 44 v.Chr. begonnene und unvollendet gebliebene Schrift schließt sich unmittelbar an "De divinatione" und "De natura deorum" an.
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    Carl Heinz Ratschow.Oswald Bayer - 1991 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 33 (2):97-98.
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    Die innere Dialektik des Lebens.Oswald Bayer - 2003 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 45 (2):131-136.
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    Die Idee der Freiheit und der Begriff des Gedankens.K. Bayer - 1989 - In Kleinere Schriften I. De Gruyter Akademie Forschung. pp. 137-148.
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    Das Letzte Gericht als religionsphilosophisches Problem.Oswald Bayer - 1991 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 33 (2):199-210.
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    Ernst Cassirer. Ausgewählter wissenschaftlicher briefwechsel (review).Thora Ilin Bayer - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (3):403-404.
    This volume is part of the multi-volume edition of Cassirer's Nachlass, the first volume of which, Zur Metaphysik der Symbolichen Formen, appeared in 1995 (English tr.: The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, vol. 4, The Metaphysics of Symbolic Forms, ed. J. M. Krois and D. P. Verene [Yale University Press, 1996]). This volume of Cassirer's correspondence contains 186 letters to and from Cassirer spanning the length of his career, beginning with a letter of 1893 prior to his arrival in Marburg in (...)
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    Entmythologisierung? Christliche Theologie zwischen Metaphysik und Mythologie im Blick auf Rudolf Bultmann.Oswald Bayer - 1992 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 34 (2):109-124.
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    Erzählung und Erklärung. Eine Bestimmung des Verhältnisses von Theologie und Naturwissenschaften.Oswald Bayer - 1997 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 39 (1):1-14.
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    »Geschmack an Zeichen« Zweifel und Gewissheit im Briefgespräch zwischen Lavater und Hamann.Oswald Bayer - 2011 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 53 (1):1-15.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGHamanns »Geschmack an Zeichen« ist identisch mit seinem Glauben an die christologisch-eschatologisch bestimmte Anrede Gottes des Schöpfers und konstituiert durch die Textwelt der Bibel. Das Hauptcharakteristikum seines Zeichenbegriffs liegt in dessen eigentümlicher Zeitlichkeit: darin, dass das Ausstehen des »Vollkommenen« die konkrete, sinnliche Gegenwart seiner Fülle nicht ausschließt. Damit verbindet sich eine trotz der Skepsis angesichts der Nichtigkeit aller Dinge zugemutete elementare Lebensbejahung. Sie ist durch die eigentümliche Zeitansage dessen bestimmt, der, weil er die Gegenwart des kommenden Gottesreiches glaubte und im (...)
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  28.  40
    George Grant: A Guide to His Thought.Roberta Bayer - 2008 - International Philosophical Quarterly 48 (4):542-544.
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    History As Symbolic Form.Thora Ilin Bayer - 2004 - Idealistic Studies 34 (1):49-65.
    Cassirer counts history as a symbolic form in his list that includes myth, religion, language, art, and science, but his discussion of history is confined to a chapter in An Essay on Man. A more complete understanding requires attention to a year-long seminar he taught at Yale on “The Philosophy of History” in 1941–1942. The partially unpublished texts of this seminar are the most extended exposition of Cassirer’s conception of history as a symbolic form. The key source for Cassirer’s philosophy (...)
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    (1 other version)Historie de l'Esthetique.Raymond Bayer - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (2):296-298.
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    Hegelian rhetoric.Thora Ilin Bayer - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (3):pp. 203-219.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hegelian RhetoricThora Ilin BayerIntroduction: Rhetoric and DialecticAristotle in the famous first line of his Rhetoric defines the relationship between rhetoric and dialectic: "Rhetoric is the counterpart of dialectic" (1354a). Both rhetoric and dialectic belong to no definitive science. They treat those things that come within the purview of all human beings. As an antistrophes to dialectic, rhetoric concerns particular cases and "may be defined as the faculty [dynamis] of (...)
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    Hermeneutische Theologie.Oswald Bayer - 2001 - Philotheos 1:69-82.
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    Invitation.R. Bayer - 1948 - Dialectica 2 (2):304-304.
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    Introduction.Ronald Bayer - 1981 - Hastings Center Report 11 (5):26-26.
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    Mass Testing and Mass Treatment for Epidemic HIV: The Ethics of Medical Research is No Guide.R. Bayer - 2010 - Public Health Ethics 3 (3):301-302.
    In 2009, in a provocative article in the Lancet , Granich et al . proposed a radical public health intervention to address the vast human toll exacted by the HIV epidemic in regions with generalized epidemics where millions are infected. The proposal, based on modeling, suggested that universal screening for HIV and immediate treatment for all found to be infected, regardless of immune status, could ultimately reverse an epidemiological course that has appeared resistant to efforts at prevention.
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    Cualidad y realidad en la tesis de la segunda antinomia.Miguel Alejandro Herszenbaun - 2015 - Studia Kantiana 18:86-111.
    Nos proponemos abordar la tesis de la segunda antinomia. Primero, intentaremos demostrar que la tesis y su prueba sólo pueden versar sobre partes simples materiales de cuerpos extensos en el espacio, y no sobre sustancias simples inmateriales. En segundo lugar, intentaremos demostrar que en la tesis y su prueba intervienen una síntesis categorial y una síntesis empírica correspondientes a la categoría de cualidad, lo que conduce a afirmar que la prueba no procede por meros conceptos, sino que introduce cierta referencia (...)
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    Un estudio sobre la premisa mayor del silogismo cosmológico kantiano.Miguel Alejandro Herszenbaun - 2014 - Dianoia 59 (72):49-62.
    La relación entre máxima lógica y principio sintético de la razón pura ocupa un lugar fundamental en la "Dialéctica trascendental". Esto se nota en la formulación de los problemas que la Dialéctica se propone abordar, pues hace una referencia explícita al pasaje de la máxima al principio mencionado ; sin embargo, Kant no explica cómo se haría tal pasaje. Aquí se propone una explicación de dicho pasaje a través de un estudio pormenorizado de la premisa mayor del silogismo cosmológico, donde (...)
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    The Dual Epidemics of Tuberculosis and AIDS.Ronald Bayer, Nancy Neveloff Dubler & Lawrence O. Gostin - 1993 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 21 (3-4):277-278.
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  39. Definition through Demonstration: The Two Types of Syllogisms in Posterior Analytics II.8.Greg Bayer - 1995 - Phronesis 40 (3):241-264.
    This paper highlights an important distinction underlying the possibility of inquiry, between first _identifying the subject of inquiry and ultimately _explaining it: that the former can be achieved before and without the latter is a presupposition of inquiry. I believe Aristotle is keenly aware of this in _Posterior Analytics, II.8, where he shows how a scientific demonstration can "manifest" a definition. I argue that such a demonstration consists of two sorts of syllogisms, one identifying the definiendum, the other explaining it. (...)
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    A Liberal Approach to Reducing Corruption with Behavioral Public Policy From Regulations to Choice Architecture.Alejandro Hortal & Armenio Pérez Martínez - manuscript
    Traditionally, corruption is seen as a rational pursuit of profit, focusing on personal gain. However, this view overlooks behavioral, social, and systemic influences. This paper focuses on the behavioral aspects of corruption, providing a deeper understanding of its complexities by addressing the factors overlooked by conventional approaches. Reviewing some of the literature, we highlight how researchers have approached the study of corruption from the perspective of behavioral sciences. Additionally, we examine how the emerging discipline of Behavioral Public Policy (BPP) employs (...)
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    Dos problemas de prosodia Del griego antiguo. Primera parte: Sílabas cerradas con acento agudo.Alejandro Abritta - 2020 - Argos 1 (39):49-67.
    El presente artículo es la primera parte de un estudio sobre dos problemas de la prosodia del griego antiguo vinculados a la relación entre el acento tonal del lenguaje y la estructura silábica de las palabras. Luego de un resumen de algunos conceptos básicos de prosodia del griego que son utilizados a lo largo del trabajo, se analiza el problema de las palabras con sílabas cerradas con acento agudo. La principal novedad del análisis es que el corpus de estudio es (...)
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    Rodrigo González Fernández, Experimentos mentales y filosofías de sillón, Santiago, Bravo y Allende Editores, 2017.Alejandro Ramírez Figueroa - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 75:85-88.
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    De la imagen-transparente a la imagen-opaca. Hacia una taxonomía de la imagen fotográfica a partir de la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze.Alejandro León - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 14:188-204.
    Deleuze’s work is certainly heterogeneous. Throughout his life he managed to deal with an amazing variety of subjects: history of philosophy, psychoanalysis, politics, literature, painting, cinema, among others. However, the author of A Thousand Plateaus did not address a particularly relevant area for the twentieth century configuration –photography. This absence is unsettling not only because of the cultural importance of photography, but also because his reflections concerning the concept of image are a recurrent theme throughout his work. This research will (...)
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    Categorías y experiencia antepredicativa en el entorno de Sein und Zeit.Alejandro G. Vigo - 2012 - Studia Heideggeriana 2:71-128.
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    La teoría de la percepción de Tomás de Aquino: fuentes y doctrina.Jorg Alejandro Tellkamp - 1995 - Universitas Philosophica 25:45-68.
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    Filosofía moral y visiones del hombre.Alejandro Tomasini Bassols - 2012 - Madrid: Devenir.
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    Criminalidad – Empresa - Estado. El motor pendular del conflicto armado colombiano.Héctor Alejandro Zuluaga-Cometa & Alfonso Insuasty-Rodríguez - 2020 - Ratio Juris 15 (30).
    Se ha planteado la inseparable relación entre desarrollo y el crecimiento paramilitar, configurando así, un modelo paraestatal que articula Criminalidad-Empresa-Estado, cuyo objetivo es imponer un modelo de desarrollo hegemónico en los territorios. Es importante profundizar el análisis de dicho modelo a partir de referencias históricas y la inclusión en el análisis del territorio antioqueño como laboratorio de la estrategia paraestatal de desarrollo, en la que se ubicaran génesis y transformaciones de este.
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    Incontinencia, carácter y razón según Aristóteles.Alejandro Gustavo Vigo - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (63):59-106.
    The aim of this paper is to provide a reconstruction of Aristotle's discussion of incontinence, which stresses the relevant aspects from the point of view of a virtue ethics, focusing as a such not primarily on particular actions but on habitual dispositions of character. The paper emphasizes also the connection between Aristotle's account of incontinence and his conception of practical rationality, especially the issue concerning the temporal dimension of practical reason.
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  49. (1 other version)Investigar y Deliberar en la filosofía aristotélica.Alejandro Farieta - 1897 - Ideas Y Valores 57 (137):75-92.
    En los escritos de Aristóteles está frecuentemente relacionada la investigación (zethesis) con la deliberación (boulé). En el presente texto se hará una revisión de dicha relación, y se tratará de rechazar una relación meramente analógica entre investigar y deliberar, que, como se intentará mostrar, se basa fundamentalmente en una fuerte distinción entre razón teórica y razón práctica. Se tratará de probar una relación mucho más fuerte entre investigación y deliberación, mostrando que no es ni su objeto ni las habilidades racionales (...)
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    Síntesis categorial y síntesis empírica en la formación de las ideas cosmológicas y la Antinomia de la razón pura.Miguel Alejandro Herszenbaun - 2014 - Studia Kantiana 16:38-51.
    El presente trabajo propone una interpretación sobre la formación de las ideas cosmológicas y la Antinomia de la razón pura. Ambas estarían basadas sobre el silogismo cosmológico de la “sección séptima”. Sostendremos como tesis que la formación de las ideas depende de síntesis categoriales implicadas y supuestas en la premisa mayor del silogismo cosmológico, mientras que la formación de la Antinomia depende de la intervención de síntesis empíricas que les dan una referencia temporal y espacial a las ideas cosmológicas. Por (...)
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