Results for 'Alejandra Iannone'

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  1.  34
    Imagination in Inquiry by A. Pablo Iannone (review).Amy Kind - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (2):354-355.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Imagination in Inquiry by A. Pablo IannoneAmy KindIANNONE, A. Pablo. Imagination in Inquiry. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2022. xxvi + 254 pp. Cloth, $110.00; eBook $45.00Though imagination is often associated with the fanciful and the fictional, over the course of the last decade philosophers have begun to devote considerable attention to more practical uses of imagination. Philosophers of imagination have increasingly focused on ways in which imagination can (...)
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    Imagination in Inquiry: A Philosophical Model and its Applications.A. Pablo Iannone - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Imagination in Inquiry investigates the nature, kinds, component elements, functions, scope, and uses of the imagination that are at work in inquiry. It develops a homeostatic model and discusses its applications in various branches of philosophy, from the philosophy of science and the philosophy of technology to ethics and aesthetics.
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    The Right of Necessity: Moral Cosmopolitanism and Global Poverty.Alejandra Mancilla - 2016 - London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    What does the basic right to subsistence allow its holders to do for themselves when it goes unfulfilled? This book guides the reader through the morality of infringing property rights for subsistence, in a global context.
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  4. Contemporary Moral Controversies in Business.A. Pablo Iannone - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (4):254-294.
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  5. The multidimensionality of empowerment : conceptual and empirical considerations.Jay Drydyk Alejandra Boni, Aurora Lopez-Fogues Alexandre Apsan Frediani & Melanie Walker - 2019 - In Lori Keleher & Stacy J. Kosko (eds.), Agency and Democracy in Development Ethics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  6. El pensamiento feminista.Alejandra Arroyo (ed.) - 2007 - Madrid: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación.
  7. L'isola uomo: un avvincente viaggio alla scoperta delle immense risorse umane.Vincenzo Iannone - 1978 - Napoli: Fiorentino.
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    Open-Ended: A Tale of Dreams About Deferred and Unbending Wills.A. Pablo Iannone - 2016 - Branden Books.
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    Reconsidering Freud.Carol Iannone - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1999 (116):164-168.
    In Lovesick, a 1983 film by Marshall Brickman about a Freudian analyst who comes to regard his work as useless, Dudley Moore falls in love and, in the modest give-and-take struggles of real life, quits his profession and confronts its “committee” of self-serving priestly elders. Sigmund Freud, played by Alec Guinness, is exonerated of any wrongdoing; his shade shows up at intervals to approve of the apostate's new life and to state that psychoanalysis was intended only as an “experiment,” never (...)
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    Roger Scruton: vita, opere e pensiero di un conservatore.Luigi Iannone & Gennaro Malgieri (eds.) - 2021 - Roma: Giubilei Regnani.
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    Seeking Balance: Philosophical Issues in Globalization and Policy Making (Transaction Publishers, 2014).A. Pablo Iannone - 2014 - Piscataway, New Jersey/UK: Transaction/Routledge.
    This book conceives of globalization processes as neither uniform nor merely economic and political, but also technological, scientific, and cultural and, along lines analogous—but not identical—to those of diffusion theory, formulates a catalytic diffusion conception of globalization. In addition, the book provides a taxonomy of globalization processes, investigates the social and personal consequences of a number of them, and formulates a comprehensive approach for dealing with them.
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  12. Social Traps: High-Tech Weapons, Rarefied Theories, and the World of Politics.A. Iannone - 1991 - Epistemologia 14 (2):219-238.
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    The Room with Closets: Tales of a Life Divided.A. Pablo Iannone - 2006 - Vagabond Press.
    Based on the author's experiences of traveling between two unique cultures, and of living under both democratic and totalitarian regimes, this is a fascinating volume of short stories. These tales, all tied together by common threads, travel the literary landscape from grim political reality to joyous flights of fantasy and humor. Join Ignacio Jos‚ Conti, his family, and friends for a deeper understanding of live, love, and human nature.
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    Independent effects of bilingualism and socioeconomic status on language ability and executive functioning.Alejandra Calvo & Ellen Bialystok - 2014 - Cognition 130 (3):278-288.
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    Pregnant Agencies: Movement and Participation in Maternal–Fetal Interactions.Alejandra Martínez Quintero & Hanne De Jaegher - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:516645.
    Pregnancy presents some interesting challenges for the philosophy of embodied cognition. Mother and fetus are generally considered to be passive during pregnancy, both individually and in their relation. In this paper, we use the enactive operational concepts of autonomy, agency, individuation, and participation to examine the relation between mother and fetus in utero. Based on biological, physiological, and phenomenological research, we explore the emergence of agentive capacities in embryo and fetus, as well as how maternal agency changes as pregnancy advances. (...)
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  16.  31
    Greening Global Egalitarianism?Alejandra Mancilla - 2021 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 13 (1):99-114.
    In Justice and Natural Resources: An Egalitarian Theory, Chris Armstrong proposes a version of global egalitarianism that – contra the default renderings of this approach – takes individual attachment to specific resources into account. By doing this, his theory has the potential for greening global egalitarianism both in terms of procedure and scope. In terms of procedure, its broad account of attachment and its focus on individuals rather than groups connects with participatory governance and management and, ultimately, participatory democracy – (...)
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    From Sovereignty to Guardianship in Ecoregions.Alejandra Mancilla - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (4):608-623.
    Recent scientific studies suggest that the destabilisation of the earth's climate and biodiversity loss are not separate, but interdependent phenomena. In this context, some have proposed the creation of a ‘Global Safety Net’ of ecoregions that should be preserved to stop further biodiversity loss, preventing at the same time the growth of CO2 emissions produced by deforestation and allowing natural carbon removal. In this article, I suggest that a first step to achieve this might be to replace permanent sovereignty over (...)
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    Contemporary moral controversies in business.A. Pablo Iannone (ed.) - 1989 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Designed for use in business ethics courses, this text provides a comprehensive selection of essays on various ethical controversies supplemented with excerpts from relevant court cases. Iannone places the readings in the context of moral theory, encouraging students to apply theoretical principles to specific moral controversies. The wide range of controversies covered includes product liability, sexual harassment, whistle-blowing, labor negotiations, insider trading, and mergers. The use of non-technical language and a structure that follows the standard divisions of the business (...)
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    What the Old Right of Necessity Can Do for the Contemporary Global Poor.Alejandra Mancilla - 2017 - Journal of Applied Philosophy:607-620.
    Given the grim global statistics of extreme poverty and socioeconomic inequalities, moral and political philosophers have focused on the duties of justice and assistance that arise therefrom. What the needy are morally permitted to do for themselves in this context has been, however, a mostly overlooked question. Reviving a medieval and early modern account of the right of necessity, I propose that a chronically deprived agent has a right to take, use and/or occupy whatever material resources are required to guarantee (...)
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  20. The Bridge of Benevolence: Hutcheson and Mencius.Alejandra Mancilla - 2013 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 12 (1):57-72.
    The Scottish sentimentalist Francis Hutcheson and the Chinese Confucianist Mencius give benevolence (ren) a key place in their respective moral theories, as the first and foundational virtue. Leaving aside differences in style and method, my purpose in this essay is to underline this similarity by focusing on four common features: first, benevolence springs from compassion, an innate and universal feeling shared by all human beings; second, its objects are not only human beings but also animals; third, it is sensitive to (...)
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    Educating Engineers for the Public Good Through International Internships: Evidence from a Case Study at Universitat Politècnica de València.Alejandra Boni, José Javier Sastre & Carola Calabuig - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (6):1799-1815.
    At Universitat Politècnica de València, Meridies, an internship programme that places engineering students in countries of Latin America, is one of the few opportunities the students have to explore the implications of being a professional in society in a different cultural and social context. This programme was analyzed using the capabilities approach as a frame of reference for examining the effects of the programme on eight student participants. The eight pro-public-good capabilities proposed by Melanie Walker were investigated through semi-structured interviews. (...)
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  22. Dictionary of World Philosophy.A. Pablo Iannone - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    The _Dictionary of World Philosophy_ covers the diverse and challenging terminology, concepts, schools and traditions of the vast field of world philosophy. Providing an extremely comprehensive resource and an essential point of reference in a complex and expanding field of study the _Dictionary_ covers all major subfields of the discipline. Key features: * Cross-references are used to highlight interconnections and the cross-cultural diffusion and adaptation of terms which has taken place over time * The user is led from specific terms (...)
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    Avatar vs Mononoke.Alejandra Mancilla - 2011 - Philosophy Now 85:44-46.
    "Avatar" and "Princess Mononoke" as representative of radically different positions in environmental ethics.
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  24. Necessity Knows No Borders: The Right of Necessity and Illegalized Migration.Alejandra Mancilla - 2020 - In Virpi Mäkinen, Jonathan Robinson, Pamela Slotte & Heikki Haara (eds.), Rights at the margins: historical, legal and philosophical perspectives. Boston: Brill.
    In this paper, I argue that taking basic human rights seriously—and the basic right to subsistence in particular—requires acknowledging that, given certain conditions, people in need have a right of necessity to take, use and/or occupy the property of others in order to get out of their plight. I explore the implications of this for the phenomenon of illegalized migration for subsistence reasons, and suggest that receiving countries ought not to deny entry to these migrants. On the contrary, those seeking (...)
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    Una Reflexión Autoetnográfica Sobre la Práctica de Las Artes Marciales de Contacto: Ser Una (Uno) Entre Todos Ellos.Alejandra Martínez - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 14:290-312.
    Este artículo, escrito en clave autoetnográfica, recupera mi experiencia en la práctica de las artes marciales. Se centra en el sentido que adquiere la masculinidad entre mis compañeros varones, así como en mi propia transformación física y emocional para integrarme a ese mundo estrictamente masculino. El escrito supone un doble desafío: en la dimensión teórica, pretende arrojar luz sobre el sentido de la práctica marcial y su relación con las regulaciones que orientan la masculinidad. En la dimensión metodológica, busca explorar (...)
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  26. Los repertorios lingüísticos estudiantiles en el centro-norte de México: “Todo es lenguaje… Estamos haciendo todos los días lenguaje.”.Alejandra Núñez Asomoza & Alba Lucía Morales Alvarado - 2024 - Voces de la Educación 9 (18):154-175.
    A través de un estudio de caso y bajo el paradigma de investigación cualitativa, este artículo contribuye con evidencia que da cuenta de la conformación de los repertorios lingüísticos de estudiantes universitarios en el centro-norte de México, así como los espacios en donde ejercen prácticas lingüísticas flexibles.
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  27. Feminismo, política y crisis de la modernidad.Alejandra Ciriza - 1994 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 77:41-50.
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    Encontrar un lugar y una voz: marginalidad y poesía femenina en Colombia.Alejandra Toro Murillo - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (37):215-242.
    El presente artículo hace una revisión a la poesía escrita por mujeres en Colombia en el periodo comprendido entre la segunda mitad del siglo xix y la primera mitad del siglo xx, concentrándose en los momentos en los cuales, durante este lapso, se produjo el fenómeno de publicación de sus primeros libros de poemas. Esta pesquisa busca evaluar cómo estas autoras se gestaron un lugar en la poesía. Para esto se revisan, por un lado, los aspectos sociales y pragmáticos de (...)
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  29. What we own Before Property: Hugo Grotius and the Suum.Alejandra Mancilla - 2015 - Grotiana 36 (1):63-77.
    _ Source: _Volume 36, Issue 1, pp 63 - 77 At the basis of modern natural law theories, the concept of the _suum_, i.e. what belongs to the person, has received little scholarly attention despite its importance both in explaining and justifying not only the genealogy of property, but also that of morality and war. In this essay I focus on Grotius’s account of the _suum_ and examine what it is, what things it includes, what rights it gives rise to, (...)
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    Practical Environmental Ethics.A. Pablo Iannone - 2016 - Piscataway, NJ/UK: Transaction Publishers/Routledge.
    This essential volume for professionals and academics proposes a new approach to environmental ethics and to environmental policymaking in particular. All too frequently, policy makers focus only on what ends should ideally be pursued, ignoring whether the means have any negative unintended consequences. Such approaches tend to have a focus on consequentialist, deontological, virtue-centered, or care-based theories which makes them too singularly-minded. They are not suitable for dealing with the complexities of life and, especially, environmental policy making. Practical Environmental Ethics (...)
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    Rethinking Land and Natural Resources, and Rights Over Them.Mancilla Alejandra - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Con su música en otra parte: músicos europeos en la Orquesta Sinfónica de Antioquia, entre 1949 y 1952.Alejandra Isaza Velásquez - 2024 - Escritos 32 (68):1-17.
    En este artículo se presenta un análisis cualitativo preliminar de los contratos laborales firmados entre cuatro músicos de Europa del este y la dirección de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Antioquia en 1949, mientras dichos músicos estaban en los campos de refugiados europeos donde los sobrevivientes de la guerra fueron congregados para su atención y rehabilitación. Con este análisis se pretende problematizar la inserción de estos personajes como agentes de modernización cultural en Medellín, haciendo énfasis en las condiciones políticas y socioculturales (...)
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    Shared Sovereignty over Migratory Natural Resources.Alejandra Mancilla - 2016 - Res Publica 22 (1):21-35.
    With growing vigor, political philosophers have started questioning the Westphalian system of states as the main actors in the international arena and, within it, the doctrine of Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources. In this article I add to these questionings by showing that, when it comes to migratory natural resources, i.e., migratory species, a plausible theory of territorial rights should advocate a regime of shared sovereignty among states. This means that one single entity should represent their interests and maybe also (...)
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  34. Nonhuman Animals in Adam Smith's Moral Theory.Alejandra Mancilla - 2009 - Between the Species 13 (9).
    By giving sympathy a central role, Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) can be regarded as one of the ‘enlightened’ moral theories of the Enlightenment, insofar as it widened the scope of moral consideration beyond the traditionally restricted boundary of human beings. This, although the author himself does not seem to have been aware of this fact. In this paper, I want to focus on two aspects which I think lead to this conclusion. First, by making sentience the requisite (...)
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    Development in times of conflict: ethical pathways towards peace and justice.Alejandra Boni, Melanie Walker & Diana Velasco - 2023 - Journal of Global Ethics 19 (3):359-363.
    Volume 19, Issue 3, December 2023, Page 359-363.
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    Andes imaginarios. El mundo precolombino y Oriente en algunos ensayos del indianismo argentinoImaginary Andes The Pre-Columbian world and the Orient in some essays of the Argentinian Indianism.Alejandra Mailhe - 2021 - Corpus.
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    Teaching Philosophy: Finding a Balance between the Factors that Motivate Philosophy, Students’ Imagination, and their Interests.Abel Pablo Iannone - 2023 - SATS 24 (1):93-110.
    This paper asks: What is philosophy and what are some current challenges and future prospects for pursuing and teaching it? What role can and should students’ imagination, interests, and circumstances play in addressing these challenges and prospects? It argues, first, that there are at least six senses of the term “philosophy”: the personal, social, branch of inquiry, theory, school of thought, and wise sayings senses; second, that a variety of stimuli contribute to motivate philosophy in all of its senses. Third, (...)
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    Occupancy rights: dynamic as well as located.Alejandra Mancilla - 2020 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 23 (6):765-772.
    Anna Stilz’s Territorial Sovereignty (2019) aims to be a revisionist account of territorial rights that puts the value of individual autonomy first, without giving up the value of collective self-determination. In what follows I examine Stilz’s definition of occupancy rights and her emphasis on the moral relevance of what she calls ‘located’ life plans. I suggest that, if it aims at being truly revisionist, her theory should work with a broader definition of occupancy. So long as it doesn’t, these rights (...)
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    Photographic but not line-drawn faces show early perceptual neural sensitivity to eye gaze direction.Alejandra Rossi, Francisco J. Parada, Marianne Latinus & Aina Puce - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:98381.
    Our brains readily decode facial movements and changes in social attention, reflected in earlier and larger N170 event-related potentials (ERPs) to viewing gaze aversions vs. direct gaze in real faces (Puce et al. 2000). In contrast, gaze aversions in line-drawn faces do not produce these N170 differences (Rossi et al., 2014), suggesting that physical stimulus properties or experimental context may drive these effects. Here we investigated the role of stimulus-induced context on neurophysiological responses to dynamic gaze. Sixteen healthy adults viewed (...)
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    Mirando la democracia desde abajo: el movimiento de mujeres en los años de la transición.Alejandra Oberti - 2023 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 14 (27):e176.
    El artículo revisa la experiencia de algunas agrupaciones feministas que, en el momento de la transición, se organizaron para pensar, discutir y activar con el objetivo de dotar a la democracia que estaba por venir de una perspectiva que incluya los derechos de las mujeres de forma sustancial. El texto se detiene en varios aspectos de esa experiencia. Una descripción de esas agrupaciones formadas por militantes de la nueva izquierda de los años 70, mujeres feministas que habían estado silenciadas durante (...)
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    The Moral Limits of Territorial Claims in Antarctica.Alejandra Mancilla - 2018 - Ethics and International Affairs 32 (3):339-360.
    By virtue of the Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1959, the territorial claims to Antarctica of seven of the original signatories were held in abeyance or “frozen.” Considered by many as an exemplar of international law, the Antarctic Treaty System has come to be increasingly questioned, however, in a very much changed global scenario that presents new challenges to the governance of the White Continent. In this context, it is necessary to gain a clearer understanding of the moral weight of those (...)
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  42. Consecuencialismo, por qué no.Alejandra Carrasco Barraza - 1999
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    Higher education and the post-2015 agenda: a contribution from the human development approach.Alejandra Boni, Aurora Lopez-Fogues & Melanie Walker - 2016 - Journal of Global Ethics 12 (1):17-28.
    ABSTRACTSustainable Development Goals will guide the global development agenda for the coming years. Under this premise, this article explores the role which higher education has been assigned in contributing to sustainable human development, and concludes that the vision of HE offered is too narrow and unable to capture the essence and full meaning of sustainable human development. Moving away from problematic indicators and thresholds that understand HE as a producer of human capital, the article proposes placing the concept of human (...)
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    Imaginar las Postrimerías: escrituras chilenas de los confines.Alejandra Bottinelli - 2020 - Aisthesis 68 (68):271-291.
    El ensayo indaga sobre las formas en que algunas escrituras chilenas de la última década han producido la escena liminar del fin de los tiempos, del fin del mundo y sus postri-merías. Interesa preguntar sobre cómo estas ficciones imaginan la crisis actual desde los espacios disruptivos, movedizos y también “excepcionalizados” de los confines, y cómo producen, a través del género apocalíptico “enmascarado, cifrado”, otra ima-ginación del presente, una crítica política que, evidenciando la crisis del presente como crisis de la imaginación (...)
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    Consecuencialismo, por qué no.Alejandra Carrasco - 1999 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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  46. Feminismo y política en dos encrucijadas históricas. II parte. La crisis de la modernidad.Alejandra Ciriza - 1994 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 78:195-204.
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  47. El cuerpo y la memoria como emblemas de participación juvenil.Alejandra Heffes & Tandil-Buenos Aires-Argentina - 2013 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 3 (6).
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  48. Character Traits.Abel Pablo Iannone - 1975 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
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  49. Los negocios y la sociedad global.A. Pablo Iannone - 2007 - Lima, Perú: (Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
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    Philosophy as Diplomacy: Essays in Ethics and Policy Making.A. Pablo Iannone - 1993 - Humanities Press/Humanity Books.
    This study develops the novel conception of philosophy as diplomacy, with two main objectives in view. The first is to help integrate the languages, concepts, and methods of ethics and sociopolitical philosophy with those of political science, sociology and social psychology, technology, institutions, business studies, and the policy-making community in a manner that is reasonably accessible to the general public. The second is to outline an approach for dealing with a wide range of current policy-making problems in a politically sound (...)
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