Results for 'Alcidamas'

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  1. Isocrates, and Plato on speech, writing, and philosophical rhetoric/M. McCoy.McCoy M. Alcidamas - 2009 - Ancient Philosophy 29 (2):79 - 91.
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    Rhetoric and Psychology in Alcidamas’ work.Julie Tramonte - 2019 - Methodos 19.
    L'importance de l'analyse psychologique dans ce que l'on pourrait appeler, à la suite de George Briscoe Kerferd, « le mouvement sophistique », n'est pas en soi une découverte. De nombreuses études se sont en effet attachées à en souligner la portée, notamment dans ses rapports avec l'art rhétorique et son application pratique dans le cadre de la πόλις athénienne du Ve siècle où la parole — sous forme d'ἀγών, de débat contradictoire à l'assemblée ou au tribunal — prévalait sur tous (...)
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    Alcidamas of Elaea in Plato's Phaedrus.Slobodan Dušanić - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (02):347-357.
    In Bk. 3 of the Institutio oratoria, Quintilian gives a list of the Greek artium scriptores of the classical epoch (1.8ff.). It contains a controversial entry: ‘…et, quem Palameden Plato appellat, Alcidamas Elaites’ (1.10). The historicity of the rhetorician and sophist from Elaea named Alcidamas, Gorgias' pupil, is of course beyond doubt; scholars disagree only as to the ‘quem Palameden Plato appellat’.
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    Alcidamas, Isocrates, and Plato on Speech, Writing, and Philosophical Rhetoric.Marina Berzins McCoy - 2009 - Ancient Philosophy 29 (1):45-66.
  5.  34
    The Alcidamas-Papyrus Again.E. R. Dodds - 1952 - Classical Quarterly 2 (3-4):187-.
    Mr. G. S. Kirk's interesting and illuminating treatment of this curious fragment in CQ,. xliv , pp. 149–57, prompts me to offer some further conjectures on the reading and interpretation of lines 15–23, on the character of the fragment as a whole. I am indebted for valuable help both to Mr. Kirk himself and to Mr. C. H. Roberts.
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    The Michigan Alcidamas-Papyrus; Heraclitus Fr. 56D; The Riddle of the Lice.G. S. Kirk - 1950 - Classical Quarterly 44 (3-4):149-.
    During the excavations of 1924–5 at Karanis a papyrus of the second or early third century A.D. was discovered, and subsequently published by J. G. Winter , which under its single column has a subscribed title which should almost certainly be restored as ‘Alcidamas, On Homer’. The first fourteen lines of the papyrus give most of the story of Homer's death and the riddle that caused it, which is common to all the extant Lives of Homer; the remainder is (...)
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  7. Reflections on Alcidamas of Elaea's discourse against the Sophists.M. Guillen de la Nava - 2000 - Pensamiento 56 (216):469-476.
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    A study in Alcidamas and his relation to contemporary sophistic.Marjorie Josephine Milne - 1924 - Bryn Mawr, Pa.,: [S.N.].
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    The authenticity of [alcidamas] Odysseus: Two new linguistic considerations.Neil O'sullivan - 2008 - Classical Quarterly 58 (2):638-.
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    The Contest of Homer and Hesiod and Alcidamas' Mouseion.N. J. Richardson - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (01):1-.
    Did Alcidamas invent the story of the contest of Homer and Hesiod? Martin West has argued that he did , 433 ff.). I believe that there are a number of reasons for thinking this improbable. The stories of the deaths of Homer and Hesiod were traditional before Alcidamas. Heraclitus knew the legend of the riddle of the lice and Homer's death , and the story of Hesiod's death was well known by Thucydides’ time . The first attempt to (...)
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  11.  59
    Alcidamas On The Sophists. Alkidamas: Über diejenigen, die schriftliche Reden schreiben, oder Über die Sophisten. Eine Sophistenrede aus dem 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. eingeleitet und kommentiert. [REVIEW]David C. Mirhady - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (02):331-.
  12.  65
    N. O'Sullivan: Alcidamas, Aristophanes and the Beginning of Greek Stylistic Theory. (Hermes Einzelschriften Heft 60.) Pp. 168. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1993. Paper. DM 68.3. [REVIEW]S. Usher - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (2):437-437.
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  13. Lieux et temps rhétoriques chez Alcidamas.Alonso Tordesillas - 1989 - Filosofia 19:209-224.
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    The Sophists Pradeau Les Sophistes. Écrits complets. Tome 1. Protagoras, Gorgias, Antiphon, Xéniade, Lycophron, Prodicos, L'Anonyme de Jamblique, Critias. Pp. 562. Paris: Flammarion, 2009. Paper, €11 . ISBN: 978-2-0812-0713-4 . Pradeau Les Sophistes. Écrits complets. Tome 2. Thrasymaque, Hippias, Euthydème et Dionysodore, Alcidamas, Discours doubles. Pp. 308. Paris: Flammarion, 2009. Paper, €10 . ISBN: 978-2-0812-2990-7. [REVIEW]Patrick O'Sullivan - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (2):392-394.
  15.  42
    … τῇ μὲν ἡλικίᾳ πρότερος … τοῖς δ' ἔργοις ὕστερος…: relacja między Anaksagorasem i Empedoklesem według Arystotelesa, kilku zapomnianych komentatorów antycznych i niektórych słynnych uczonych współczesnych.Wojciech Wrotkowski - 2018 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 63:299-326.
    Ze słynnego passusu w Metafizyce Arystotelesa (984 a8-16) wynika jasno, że Anaksagoras urodził się wprawdzie wcześniej niż Empedokles, lecz to myśliciel z Akragas opublikował dzieła swe szybciej. Zaskakuje to, iż niemal jednogłośnie się przyjmuje, że fakt ów decyduje o hierarchii między Anaksagorasem i Empedoklesem: niemal wszyscy badacze zakładają, że starszy myśliciel był mocno zależny od młodszego. W artykule swoim staram się pokazać, iż aby utrzymać taki obraz historii filozofii starożytnej niektórzy słynni uczeni współcześni czynią zły użytek ze świadectw i wyrządzają (...)
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    Aristóteles e o Direito Natural Na Retórica.Tania Schneider da Fonseca - 2013 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 5 (9):167-190.
    Este artigo pretende analisar um dos temas mais discutidos e controversos do pensamento aristotélico, a questão do direito natural. Aristóteles discute o tema nas seguintes obras: Ethica Nicomachea [EN], Magna Moralia [MM], Retórica [Ret] e Política [Pol]. É apenas na Ret que a lei natural é definida como imutável. Nas outras obras ela é apresentada por Aristóteles como uma lei variável. A questão a ser investigada consiste em saber se as passagens presentes na Ret que apresentam exemplos de lei natural (...)
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    Early Greek political thought from Homer to the sophists.Michael Gagarin & Paul Woodruff (eds.) - 1995 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This edition of early Greek writings on social and political issues includes works by more than thirty authors. There is a particular emphasis on the sophists, with the inclusion of all of their significant surviving texts, and the works of Alcidamas, Antisthenes and the 'Old Oligarch' are also represented. In addition there are excerpts from early poets such as Homer, Hesiod and Solon, the three great tragedians Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, the historians Herodotus and Thucydides, medical writers and presocratic (...)
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  18.  7
    Organic Composition or Ut Pictura Poesis? Ζωιον in Aristotle's Poetics.Luis Galván - 2024 - Classical Quarterly 74 (1):85-99.
    This paper discusses Aristotle's references to a ζῷον in his Poetics (1450b34–51a4 and 1459a20) and evaluates their implications. The usual interpretation, ‘living creature’ or ‘animal’, is one-sided, because the word ζῷον is Aristotle's paradigm of homonymy, applying as it does to both the human being and the drawing (Cat. 1a1–6). After an examination of the two passages containing such references and their contexts, other passages by Aristotle and earlier writers (Plato, Alcidamas and Gorgias) that may shed light on the (...)
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  19.  22
    Sophistic views of the epic past from the classical to the imperial age.Paola Bassino & Nicolò Benzi (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This collection of essays sheds new light on the relationship between two of the main drivers of intellectual discourse in ancient Greece: the epic tradition and the Sophists. The contributors show how throughout antiquity the epic tradition proved a flexible instrument to navigate new political, cultural, and philosophical contexts. The Sophists, both in the Classical and the Imperial age, continuously reconfigured the value of epic poetry according to the circumstances: using epic myths allowed the Sophists to present themselves as the (...)
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  20.  42
    De Ware redekunst volgens platoons phaidros.H. Kesters - 1964 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 26 (3):405 - 441.
    En dépit de témoignages explicites d'auteurs anciens, auxquels des historiens modernes ont fait confiance, la date tardive du Phèdre ne fait plus de doute. Ce résultat est dû aux études stylistiques bien plus qu'aux travaux d'exégèse. Quand il s'agit de définir le sens et le but du dialogue ou de démêler les liens qui le rattachent aux autres dialogues ou à des écrits contemporains, on est loin d'aboutir à un accord. Platon veut-il simplement établir le programme d'une rhétorique philosophique pour (...)
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  21.  25
    (1 other version)Miscellanea.T. W. Allen - 1928 - Classical Quarterly 22 (2):73-76.
    Testimony, even in the well-worked parts of antiquity, continues to accrue, some from new papyri, some from texts long known but overlooked. In the result the critic is discomfited, honest men come by their own. οιόνδ' πέβη τόδε πργμα. This document, which consists of two lives of Homer and the Agon inserted between them, has long been derived from the Μουσεîον of Alcidamas. The conjecture was contested and the survival of Alcidamas denied. The publication of twenty-five lines from (...)
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    Poetic Speakers, Sophistic Words.Rachel Ahern Knudsen - 2012 - American Journal of Philology 133 (1):31-60.
    The relationship between poetically mediated myth and the emerging discipline of formal rhetoric in fifth- and fourth-century Athens has received little scholarly treatment, in part because of a paucity of texts that encompass both myth and formal rhetoric. This article sheds light on the relationship by examining four generically hybrid model speeches: Gorgias' Defense of Palamedes, Antisthenes' Ajax and Odysseus, and Alcidamas' Odysseus. I argue that these speeches represent a rare confluence of the Archaic poetic tradition with the inclination (...)
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    The Contest of Homer and Hesiod.M. L. West - 1967 - Classical Quarterly 17 (02):433-.
    The work of many scholars in the last hundred years has helped us to understand the nature and origins of the treatise which we know for short as the Contest of Homer and Hesiod. The present state of knowledge may be summed up as follows. The work in its extant form dates from the Antonine period, but much of it was taken over bodily from an earlier source, thought to be the Movaelov of Alcidamas. Some of the verses exchanged (...)
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