Results for 'Alberto Bonnet'

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  1.  60
    ¡Qué se vayan todos!: Discussing the Argentine Crisis and Insurrection.Alberto Bonnet - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (1):157-184.
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    El concepto de sociedad y el intercambio de mercancías en Adorno.Alberto Bonnet - 2024 - Aisthesis 76:129-151.
    Este artículo presenta sintéticamente la manera en la que Adorno fundamenta su concepto de sociedad en una socialización mediada por el intercambio de mercancías (en el primer apartado) y propone (en el segundo apartado) tres aspectos de su argumentación que merecen discutirse y/o desarrollarse. Estos tres aspectos son: (1) el escaso desarrollo de su noción clave de “principio del intercambio”; (2) la influencia de la concepción del “capitalismo de Estado” en su pensamiento, que resulta incompatible con su concepción de una (...)
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    A propósito de Alberto Bonnet y Adrián Piva (eds.), Estado y capital, Madrid, Dado Ediciones, 2020, 683 pp. [REVIEW]César Ruiz Sanjuán - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (2):331-335.
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    Reverse mathematics and initial intervals.Emanuele Frittaion & Alberto Marcone - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (3):858-879.
    In this paper we study the reverse mathematics of two theorems by Bonnet about partial orders. These results concern the structure and cardinality of the collection of initial intervals. The first theorem states that a partial order has no infinite antichains if and only if its initial intervals are finite unions of ideals. The second one asserts that a countable partial order is scattered and does not contain infinite antichains if and only if it has countably many initial intervals. (...)
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    Para un derivacionismo de la forma-sujeto capitalista.Emiliano Exposto & Gabriel Rodríguez Varela - 2021 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 2 (53):331-340.
    La hipótesis de este texto es que la forma-sujeto históricamente específica de la modernidad capitalista es derivable lógicamente, en tanto forma simple y abstracta de constitución del individuo social, de la forma-mercancía. La forma-sujeto funciona como el límite impersonal en inmanencia al cual se organiza la experiencia concreta y compleja de los actores particulares y agentes colectivos en las relaciones sociales capitalistas. En el marco de los lineamientos metodológicos que atraviesan el programa derivacionista del Estado compilado en el libro Estado (...)
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    Did the Greeks believe in their myths?Alberto Voltolini - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    In this paper, against a new imagination-based account defended by Anna Ichino in some recent works, I defend the intuitive and traditional idea that so-called religious beliefs are indeed those doxastic attitudes that they are traditionally taken to be, i.e., bona fide beliefs. Yet I take that the objects of such beliefs amount to be different from what religious believers consciously take them to be; namely, they are mythological characters, a species of fictional characters – namely, fictional characters not consciously (...)
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    Expertise, disagreement, and trust in vaccine science and policy. The importance of transparency in a world of experts.Alberto Giubilini, Rachel Gur-Arie & Euzebiusz Jamrozik - 2022 - Diametros:1-21.
    We discuss the relationship between expertise, expert authority, and trust in the case of vaccine research and policy, with a particular focus on COVID-19 vaccines. We argue that expert authority is not merely an epistemic notion, but entails being trusted by the relevant public and is valuable if it is accompanied by expert trustworthiness. Trustworthiness requires, among other things, being transparent, acknowledging uncertainty and expert disagreement (e.g., around vaccines’ effectiveness and safety), being willing to revise views in response to new (...)
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  8. Il problema della scienza.Alberto William & Siciari - 1969 - Padova,: Liviana. Edited by Alberto Siclari.
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    Kandinsky and the science of art.Alberto Wirth - 1979 - British Journal of Aesthetics 19 (4):361-365.
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    Seis lecciones en torno al hombre.Alberto Díaz Tejera - 1976 - [Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla.
    Humanismo básico. Humanismo e historicidad. Humanismo y libertad. Humanismo y díalogo. Lenguaje y verdad. Existencia, fermento de lo trágico.
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  11. El mosaico o la cualidad plana del cine en general. Hollywood digital y la poética del entretenimiento I.Alberto Jl Carrillo Canán & May Zindel - 2008 - A Parte Rei 58:14.
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  12. Nietzsche y Kafka: la culpa extraña y el santo deber.Alberto Constante - 2006 - A Parte Rei 44:4.
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    Historia del interés anglosajón por la geología de España. Estanislao Ribera i Faig.Alberto Elena - 1990 - Isis 81 (2):320-321.
  14. El círculo hermenéutico de la idea de cultura.Alberto Buela Lamas - 2005 - Revista Agustiniana 46 (140):431-434.
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    Structures Mères: Semantics, Mathematics, and Cognitive Science.Silvano Zipoli Caiani & Alberto Peruzzi (eds.) - 2020 - Springer.
    This book reports on cutting-edge concepts related to Bourbaki’s notion of structures mères. It merges perspectives from logic, philosophy, linguistics and cognitive science, suggesting how they can be combined with Bourbaki’s mathematical structuralism in order to solve foundational, ontological and epistemological problems using a novel category-theoretic approach. By offering a comprehensive account of Bourbaki’s structuralism and answers to several important questions that have arisen in connection with it, the book provides readers with a unique source of information and inspiration for (...)
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  16. Inaugurazione Ciclo di Conferenze Pensare il Presente 2009: Firenze, March 17, 2009.Alberto Binazzi - 2009 - Humana Mente 3 (9).
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  17. Emmanuel Lévinas : la moral como absoluto en tiempos de barbarie.Alberto Sucasas - 2014 - In Julia Urabayen Pérez & Sergio Sánchez-Migallón Granados (eds.), Reflection on morality in contemporary philosophy: performing and ongoing phenomenology. Hildesheim: G. Olms.
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    Tra essere e inconscio: appunti per una interpretazione differenziale dell'essere.Alberto Papafava - 2005 - Padova: Il poligrafo.
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  19. La crisis del" Hermano Oscuro".Alberto Díaz Rueda - forthcoming - Krisis.
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    nueva historia de la singularidad europea contada por el sefardí tornadizo Fernando Pérez Herranz.Alberto Hidalgo Tuñón - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 120:7-69.
    El autor pasa revista a la concepción de la historia como disciplina que exhibe el filósofo Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz. El motivo de este concienzudo análisis es la publicación en marcha del magno proyecto Más allá de imperios y naciones (4 vols.) iniciado en 2023 y que ya cuenta con dos tomos en el mercado: Rutas, fronteras y complejidad y Singularidad imperial: del Mediterráneo al Atlántico. Esta concepción del estatuto gnoseológico de la historia tiene en Lindos y tornadizos (2016) y (...)
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  21.  41
    The Detour of Abstraction.Alberto Toscano - 2015 - Diacritics 43 (2):68-90.
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    A political life.Alberto Papuzzi - 2002 - Malden, MA: Blackwell. Edited by Alberto Papuzzi & Allan Cameron.
    A Political Life is the compelling autobiography of Norberto Bobbio, one of the foremost political thinkers in postwar Italy. In dramatic and lively prose, Bobbio guides us through some of the most significant events of the twentieth century, charting their influence on his life and work. Born in 1909, Norberto Bobbio's early life was marked by the experience of growing up in Mussolini's Italy - an experience that helped to shape his passionate commitment to the anti-fascist cause. As a result (...)
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    The Efficiency of Question‐Asking Strategies in a Real‐World Visual Search Task.Alberto Testoni, Raffaella Bernardi & Azzurra Ruggeri - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (12):e13396.
    In recent years, a multitude of datasets of human–human conversations has been released for the main purpose of training conversational agents based on data‐hungry artificial neural networks. In this paper, we argue that datasets of this sort represent a useful and underexplored source to validate, complement, and enhance cognitive studies on human behavior and language use. We present a method that leverages the recent development of powerful computational models to obtain the fine‐grained annotation required to apply metrics and techniques from (...)
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  24.  14
    Tempo e significato.Alberto Giovanni Biuso - 2011 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 2 (1):56-65.
    Molte ossessioni individuali, arcaismi culturali, nichilismi teoretici hanno in comune il tentativo di negare il tempo. E invece dal tempo non è possibile uscire se non cessando di vivere. Vita significa esattamente tempo vissuto, tempo consapevole di sé, tempo che scorre nel corpo, che è il corpo. Ego, vita e mondo costituiscono una radicale unità ontologica intessuta di tempo, il quale non è dunque un concetto, tanto meno è una forma logica o una metafora. Il tempo è il corpo stesso (...)
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    Sulle soglie dell’apparente: l’ultimo Heidegger (1950 – 1976) lettore di Goethe.Alberto Merzari - 2023 - Heidegger Studies 39 (1):9-38.
    On the Threshold of Appearance: The Late Heidegger (1950 – 1976) as a Reader of Goethe The relevance of J.W. Goethe to Heidegger’s thinking still needs to be fully assessed: this is particularly true for the phase of Heidegger’s Denkweg following 1950, when by his own admission he started to re-valuate Goethe. The aim of this paper is to reconsider the late Heidegger’s (1950 – 1976) reading of Goethe in light of two recently published witnesses: 1) a brief comment on (...)
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    Ontología, historia y epistemología en la teoría de los ensamblajes.Alberto Villalobos Manjarrez - forthcoming - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia).
    Dentro del marco de la teoría de los ensamblajes formulada por Manuel De Landa, en este artículo se desarrollan los siguientes puntos: el esclarecimiento del concepto de ensamblaje, la explicación de su carácter histórico y la problematización de esta teoría a partir de su relación con la epistemología, la ética y la ontología. En la conclusión, se clarifica el concepto de materia presupuesto en esta filosofía. Además, se muestra brevemente cómo esta ontología plana se vincula con la filosofía política y, (...)
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    As concepções de liberdade em Locke e Sidney.Alberto Ribeiro Gonçalves de Barros - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (1):57-78.
    Resumo O objetivo deste texto é cotejar as concepções de liberdade natural e de liberdade civil de John Locke e de Algernon Sidney. Se ambos escreveram seus tratados em resposta ao panfleto de Robert Filmer, Patriarcha, or the naturall power of kings defended against the unnatural liberty of the people, com críticas muito parecidas, as concepções de liberdade apresentadas, apesar das semelhanças, revelam nuanças significativas, com relevantes implicações em alguns casos, como na possibilidade de o governo deter a prerrogativa de (...)
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  28. La escritura y la estructura de la percepción.Alberto Jl Carrillo Canán - 2004 - A Parte Rei 33:5.
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    Introduction.Alberto Frigo - 2023 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 306 (4):5-16.
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    Iranian–Turkish Relations in a Changing Middle East.Alberto Gasparetto - 2018 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 21 (1):83-98.
    After the outbreak of the Arab Spring and, above all, the intensification of the Syrian crisis with Ankara starting to engage in a political confrontation with Assad’s Syria, Tehran tried to exploit its historic strategic alliance with Damascus in a search for projecting its influence abroad. As Turkey has been facing more and more hardships and experiencing political isolation, Iran seemed to be more comfortable with its external environment, benefiting from a convergence of interests with Russia. However, the advent of (...)
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  31. De la connaissance à l'action.Alberto Mochi - 1928 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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  32. Tra accettazione e approvazione: dimensioni normative del riconoscimento.Alberto Pirni - 2017 - Post-Filosofie 5:77--91.
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  33. La fede e il risanamento della ragione come ragione.Alberto Strumia - 2005 - Divus Thomas 108 (1):155-178.
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  34. EvocaciÓn de un tramo de vida, con guiÓn de Tomás de Aquino.Alberto Escallada Tijero - 2005 - Ciencia Tomista 132 (1):23.
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  35. Por un estilo de vida, Tomás de Aquino genial e insólito.Alberto Escallada Tijero - 2006 - Ciencia Tomista 133 (431):447.
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    Materialismo filosófico.Alberto Hidalgo Tuñón - 2006 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 2.
    Posición filosófica crítica, que considera a la materia como principio, origen y causa de todo lo existente. El término fue utilizado por primera vez en 1647 por Robert Boyle y fue adoptado por los philosophes de la Ilustración en el siglo XVIII para designar su posición naturalista en física y fisiología, su crítica radical a la religión, su moral hedonista y su oposición a las convenciones educativas y morales del Antiguo Régimen. El materialismo filosófico clásico sufrió los efectos del criticismo (...)
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  37. Modalities in Temporal Logic of Agency.Alberto Zanardo - 2009 - Humana. Mente 8:1-15.
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    Il sogno di una cosa: per Marx.Alberto Burgio - 2018 - Roma: DeriveApprodi.
  39. Placides et Timéo, ou, Li secrés as philosophes.Claude Aleandrre Thomasset & Jehan Bonnet (eds.) - 1980 - Paris: Droz.
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    Indistinguishability, Choices, and Logics of Agency.Alberto Zanardo - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (6):1215-1236.
    This paper deals with structures ${\langle{\bf T}, I\rangle}$ in which T is a tree and I is a function assigning each moment a partition of the set of histories passing through it. The function I is called indistinguishability and generalizes the notion of undividedness. Belnap’s choices are particular indistinguishability functions. Structures ${\langle{\bf T}, I\rangle}$ provide a semantics for a language ${\mathcal{L}}$ with tense and modal operators. The first part of the paper investigates the set-theoretical properties of the set of indistinguishability (...)
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    Orfeo y Eleusis.Alberto Bernabé - 2008 - Synthesis (la Plata) 15:13-36.
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    Mario Bunge’s Scientific Realism.Alberto Cordero - 2012 - Science & Education 21 (10):1419-1435.
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  43. Razón, lógica y argumentación.Alberto Moretti - 1999 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 6 (8):69-78.
    Se distingue entre principios racionales sustantivos y metódicos, y entre criterios de aceptabilidad y criterios de cosntrucción de argumentos. Sobre esta base se mantiene que la lógica y semántica formales son componentes necesarios de la teoría de la argumentación. Tmbién se consideran dos objeciones típicas : la retendida inaplicabilidad en genral de esas técnicas debido a su radical insuficiencia, y la presunta inutilidad de la lógica formal.
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    Puritan Democracy of Thomas Hill Green.Alberto De Sanctis - 2005 - Imprint Academic.
    The central concern of this book is to demonstrate how Puritanism was a theme which ran through all Green's biography and political philosophy. It thereby reveals how Green’s connections with Evangelicalism and his known affinities with religious dissent came from his way of conceiving Puritanism. In Green’s eyes, its anti-formalist viewpoint made Puritanism the most suitable tool for avoiding the drawbacks of democracy. The key objective of the book is to illustrate how the philosophy elaborated by Green aimed to encapsulate (...)
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    Rawls on Overlapping Disagreement and the Problem of Reconciliation.Alberto L. Siani - 2018 - In Manuel Knoll, Stephen Snyder & Nurdane Şimşek (eds.), New Perspectives on Distributive Justice: Deep Disagreements, Pluralism, and the Problem of Consensus. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 207-224.
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    I problemi dell'intenzionalita'.Alberto Voltolini & Clotilde Calabi - 2009 - Einaudi.
  47. Giulio Preti: una scomoda eredità.Alberto Peruzzi - 2003 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 21 (4):47-64.
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    El Derecho Internacional contemporáneo y los problemas globales ambientales: hacia una ciudadanía ambiental global.Alberto César Moreira - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (55).
    Desde la perspectiva de las ciencias jurídicas y, en particular, del derecho internacional ambiental, la presente intervención aborda la emergencia de un Derecho internacional contemporáneo y acude a las ideas del cosmopolitismo blando y la vertiente normativa del constitucionalismo global, como debates filosóficos-jurídicos que podrían cimentar un terreno fértil, un sustrato material, para incidir en las fuentes formales de creación de normas internacionales para enfrentar los problemas globales ambientales. En ese sentido, hace mención a la emergencia y reconocimiento del derecho (...)
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  49. Il problema della creazione e le cosmologie scientifiche.Alberto Strumia - 1992 - Divus Thomas 95 (3):82-94.
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  50. Elarbor scientiae Y la vigencia de la filosofía viqulana.Alberto M. Damiani - 1994 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 4:169.
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