Results for 'Aktionsart'

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  1. Aspectual class and Aktionsart.Hana Filip - 2011 - In Klaus von Heusinger, Claudia Maienborn & Paul Portner (eds.), Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. De Gruyter Mouton.
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  2. Aspect and aktionsart.Hans-Jürgen Sasse - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 535--538.
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  3. (1 other version)Spanish Imperfecto and Pretérito: Truth Conditions and Aktionsart Effects in a Situation Semantics. [REVIEW]Alicia Cipria & Craige Roberts - 2000 - Natural Language Semantics 8 (4):297-347.
    Spanish verbs display two past-tense forms, the pret´rito and the imperfecto. We offer an account of the semantics of these forms within a situation semantics, addressing a number of theoretically interesting questions about how to realize a semantics for tense and events in that type of framework. We argue that each of these forms is unambiguous, and that the apparent variety of readings attested for them derives from interaction with other factors in the course of interpretation. The meaning of the (...)
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    Geometrical concepts at the interface of formal and cognitive models: Aktionsart, aspect, and the English progressive.Paul Chilton - 2007 - Pragmatics and Cognition 15 (1):91-114.
    The paper has two related aims. One is to outline a proposal for a spatially motivated model of discourse, called Discourse Space Theory. The other is to use this framework to explore, in a relatively formalised way, the spatial basis of the conceptual complexities arising in the uses of the English progressive verb form. The theory utilises an abstract space in three dimensions. Verb stems are associated with Aktionsart schemas; aspectual forms like the progressive are viewed as operations on (...)
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    The multimodal marking of aspect: The case of five periphrastic auxiliary constructions in North American English.Jennifer Hinnell - 2018 - Cognitive Linguistics 29 (4):773-806.
    Journal Name: Cognitive Linguistics Issue: Ahead of print.
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  6. On the necessity of distinguishing between (un)boundedness and (a)telicity.Ilse Depraetere - 1995 - Linguistics and Philosophy 18 (1):1 - 19.
    It is argued that two different types of concept are often intermingled in discussions of Aktionsart. The most common type of classification is one of situation types, relating to the potential actualisation of a situation, although some of the definitions have to do with the actual realization of the situation. This distinction, adequately captured by the notions (a)telicity and (un)boundedness (Declerck 1989), is explored and it is shown how NPs, PPs and tense influence a sentence''s classification as (un)bounded.
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    Durative Achievements and Individual-Level Predicates on Events.Kate Kearns - 2003 - Linguistics and Philosophy 26 (5):595 - 635.
    Ryle (1949, Chapter V) discusses a range of predicates which in different ways exemplify a property I shall call quasi-duality - they appear to report two actions or events in one predicate. Quasi-duality is the key property of predicates Ryle classed as achievements. Ryle's criteria for classification were not temporal or aspectual, and Vendler's subsequent adoption of the term achievement for the aktionsart of momentary events changes the term - Rylean achievements and Vendlerian achievements are in principle different classes. (...)
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  8. A Formal Semantics of Tense, Aspect and Aktionsarten.Werner Saurer - 1981 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    The thesis is an attempt to give a precise formal semantics for various time-referential linguistic categories of English such as tense, perfect, progressive and Aktionsart or "action type", with the ultimate goal of explaining why with a verb phrase such as walk the inference from, for instance, John is walking to John has walked is intuitively valid, while with a verb phrase such as build a house the even weaker inference from John is building a house to John will (...)
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    Pragmatic resolutions of temporal and aspectual mismatches.Louis de Saussure - 2021 - Pragmatics and Cognition 28 (2):228-251.
    This paper proposes a pragmatic solution to utterances where the various indicators of time and aspect (tenses, lexical-conceptual features of Aktionsart, adverb phrases and contextual cues) seem to have divergent temporal reference and aspectual properties. This type of cases is usually treated at the semantic level as ‘mismatches’ and resolved compositionally through logical operations of ‘aspectual coercion’. We suggest on the contrary that no such effect of ‘mismatch resolution’ or ‘coercion’ is at work: these utterances are worked out inferentially (...)
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    Sentence and Discourse.Jacqueline Guéron (ed.) - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    This book looks at the relationship between the structure of the sentence and the organization of discourse. While a sentence obeys specific grammatical rules, the coherence of a discourse is instead dependent on the relations between the sentences it contains. In this volume, leading syntacticians, semanticists, and philosophers examine the nature of these relations, where they come from, and how they apply. Chapters in Part I address points of sentence grammar in different languages, including mood and tense in Spanish, definite (...)
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    Semantics: noun phrases, verb phrases and adjectives.Paul Portner, Klaus von Heusinger & Claudia Maienborn (eds.) - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Gain a deeper understanding of essential research on the semantics of noun phrases and verb phrases. Clear explanations of significant recent research bring complex issues to life, with expert guidance on topics of debate within the field. The book gives readers valuable insights into topics such as definiteness, specificity, genericity aspect, aktionsart and mood. It also discusses directions for future research. Written by a world-class team of authors, these highly cited articles are here in paperback for the first time (...)
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    El morfema -fu Del mapudungun: La codificación gramatical Del antiperfecto.Guillermo Soto & Felipe Hasler - 2015 - Alpha (Osorno) 40:95-112.
    El perfecto es un aspecto de perspectiva retrospectiva que codifica la vigencia en el momento de habla de una eventualidad anterior. El presente trabajo propone la existencia de una categoría semántica y gramatical de antiperfecto que, en contraste con el perfecto, codifica la no vigencia en el momento de habla de una eventualidad pasada. Debido a que, al igual que el perfecto, el antiperfecto es sensible a la vigencia de una eventualidad anterior en el momento de habla, proponemos que se (...)
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    Sorts and operators for temporal semantics.Alex Lascarides - manuscript
    An essential part of natural language understanding, and hence of formal semantics, is the interpretation of temporal expressions. But the very variety of temporal phenomena---such as tense, aspect, aktionsart, temporal adverbials, and the temporal structure of extended text---has tended to result in formal semantic analyses using a wide variety of formal tools, often of a complex nature. It seems important to try and find unifying perspectives on this work, and above all, to try and gain some insight into the (...)
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