Results for 'Aileen Ionescu-Somers'

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  1.  51
    Revenue Flow and Human Rights: A Paradox for Shell Nigeria.Aileen Ionescu-Somers & Ulrich Steger - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 5:247-260.
    The case describes Shell’s evolution within the context of sensitive human rights issues related to oil exploration and exploitation in Nigeria. Given that much of the revenue from Nigerian oil resources was being “siphoned” off by corrupt state governors, the case focuses on issues relevant to government transparency and corruption. It describes Shell’s involvement in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and its collaboration with the Nigerian Government to instigate a more transparent reporting on oil revenues. However, since two senior (...)
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    Deleuze's Difference and Repetition: An Edinburgh Philosophical Guide.Henry Somers-Hall - 2012 - Edinburgh University Press.
    When students read Difference and Repetition for the first time, they face two main hurdles: the wide range of sources that Deleuze draws upon and his dense writing style. This Edinburgh Philosophical Guide helps students to negotiate these hurdles, taking them through the text step by step. It situates Deleuze within Continental philosophy more broadly and explains why he develops his philosophy in his unique way. Seasoned Deleuzians will also be interested in Somers-Hall's novel interpretation of Difference and Repetition.
  3. Linking Culture and Ethics: A Comparison of Accountants’ Ethical Belief Systems in the Individualism/Collectivism and Power Distance Contexts.Aileen Smith & Evelyn C. Hume - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (3):209-220.
    This study uses accounting professionals from an international setting to test the individualism and power distance cultural dimensions developed by Hofstede [Culture's Consequences 1980]. Six countries, which appropriately represented high and low values on the Hofstede dimensions, were chosen for the survey of ethical beliefs. Respondents from the six countries were requested to supply their agreement/disagreement with eight questionable behaviors associated with the work environment. Each of these behaviors contained an individualism and/or power distance cultural component for the responding accountants (...)
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    Aileen M. Kelly, Views from the Other Shore. Essays on Herzen, Chekhov, and Bakhtin. [REVIEW]Aileen M. Kelly - 2001 - Studies in East European Thought 53 (4):329-336.
  5.  26
    Photographic art and technology in contemporary India.Aileen Blaney - 2019 - Philosophy of Photography 10 (1):23-40.
    The algorithmic turn in photography raises the question of whether an algorithmically generated image is even a photograph at all. This paradox is abundant on India's urban streets, where the pedestrian or road user is met with giant photo saturated flex hoardings printed with political and community messages and photo-shopped portraits of gods, chief ministers and party workers. In this article, attention to photo-based political posters alongside art practices sharing common elements of digital capture and postproduction contextualizes a reading of (...)
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  6. Narrating and naturalizing civil society and citizenship theory: The place of political culture and the public sphere.Margaret R. Somers - 1995 - Sociological Theory 13 (3):229-274.
    The English translation of Habermas's The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere converges with the revival of the "political culture concept" in the social sciences. Surprisingly, Habermas's account of the Western bourgeois public sphere has much in common with the original political culture concept associated with Parsonian modernization theory in the 1950s and 1960s. In both cases, the concept of political culture is used in a way that is neither political nor cultural. Explaining this peculiarity is the central problem addressed (...)
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    Galen and the Arabic Reception of Plato's Timaeus.Aileen R. Das - 2020 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This first full-length study of the Arabic reception of Plato's Timaeus considers the role of Galen of Pergamum in shaping medieval perceptions of the text as transgressing disciplinary norms. It argues that Galen appealed to the entangled cosmological scheme of the dialogue, where different relations connect the body, soul, and cosmos, to expand the boundaries of medicine in his pursuit for epistemic authority – the right to define and explain natural reality. Aileen Das situates Galen's work on disciplinary boundaries (...)
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    In the Shadow of Speenhamland: Social Policy and the Old Poor Law.Margaret Somers & Fred Block - 2003 - Politics and Society 31 (2):283-323.
    In 1996, the U.S. Congress passed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act that ended the entitlement of poor families to government assistance. The debate leading up to that transformation in welfare policy occurred in the shadow of Speenhamland—an episode in English Poor Law history. This article revisits the Speenhamland episode to unravel its tangled history. Drawing on four decades of recent scholarship, the authors show that Speenhamland policies could not have had the consequences that have been attributed to (...)
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    A Whole-Person Approach to Harm Reduction for Women.Somer Brown - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (1):45-51.
    Women are the fastest-growing population of people who use drugs in the US. As a group, they are more likely than men to experience stigma, poverty, and negative mental health outcomes. This article discusses the unique needs of women drug users in the US and provides suggestions on how to leverage national attention — and federal funding — to make harm reduction services in the US more gender sensitive, and, as a result, more effective in reducing harm for women who (...)
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    Self-help for learned journals: Scientific societies and the commerce of publishing in the 1950s.Aileen Fyfe - 2022 - History of Science 60 (2):255-279.
    In the decades after the Second World War, learned society publishers struggled to cope with the expanding output of scientific research and the increased involvement of commercial publishers in the business of publishing research journals. Could learned society journals survive economically in the postwar world, against this competition? Or was the emergence of a sales-based commercial model of publishing – in contrast to the traditional model of subsidized journal publishing – an opportunity to transform the often-fragile finances of learned societies? (...)
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  11.  30
    Stories from the Operating Room: moral dilemmas for nurses.Aileen R. Killen - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (4):405-415.
    This article explores stories related by perioperative nurses when asked to describe ethical judgements and subsequent actions that affected patient outcomes. A total of 214 patient care situations were analysed for moral actions taken and moral outcomes achieved in the perioperative arena. Content analysis of the patient care situations revealed a wide variety of ethical issues. Concerns about informed consent and quality of care were the most frequently identified issues. Respondents reported that 7% of patients underwent unwanted procedures and that (...)
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  12. Historical diffidence: A new look at an old Russian debate.Aileen Kelly - 2002 - Common Knowledge 8 (3):496-515.
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  13.  16
    The Idea of a Living Constitution.Aileen Kavanagh - 2003 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 16 (1):55-89.
    This article is a jurisprudential analysis of the idea of a ‘living Constitution’, as a common feature of the constitutional practice in democratic countries. The main argument of the article is that constitutional interpretation encompasses, rather than excludes the judicial power to develop and change the content of constitutional guarantees. The metaphor of the ‘living Constitution’ is appropriate to the nature of constitutional adjudication because it suggests gradual, incremental change on a case-by-case basis. While it is stressed that courts can (...)
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  14.  30
    Ethical review and qualitative research competence: Guidance for reviewers and applicants.Julie Mooney-Somers & Anna Olsen - 2017 - Research Ethics 13 (3-4):128-138.
    It is difficult to consider, describe or address the ethical issues particular to qualitative research without experience and understanding of the technicalities of qualitative methodologies. The Australian National Statement on the Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans charges researchers with a responsibility to demonstrate that they have the appropriate experience, qualifications and competence for their proposed research. Ethical review committees have the responsibility to judge claimed research competence. This article provides practical guidance to researchers and review committees on using formal (...)
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    The elusive divide between interpretation and legislation under the human rights act 1998.Kavanagh Aileen - 2004 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 24 (2):259-285.
    In recent case-law under the Human Rights Act 1998, the senior judiciary have reiterated the view that their task under section 3(1) of the Act is one of ‘interpretation rather than legislation’. This article has two main aims. The first is to provide a general, theoretical analysis of the extent to which it is possible (if at all) to distinguish between interpretation and legislation. The second is to examine the judicial understanding of this distinction, as revealed through judgments in the (...)
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    Achieving Informed Consent for Cellular Therapies: A Preclinical Translational Research Perspective on Regulations versus a Dose of Reality.Aileen J. Anderson & Brian J. Cummings - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (3):394-401.
    A central principle of bioethics is “subject autonomy,” the acknowledgement of the primacy of the informed consent of the subject of research. Autonomy requires informed consent — the assurance that the research participant is informed about the possible risks and benefits of the research. In fact, informed consent is difficult when a single drug is being tested, although subjects have a baseline understanding of the testing of a pharmacological agent and the understanding that they can stop taking the drug if (...)
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    All's Fair in Love and War?: Representations of Prison Life in Silent Grace.Aileen Blaney - 2008 - European Journal of Women's Studies 15 (4):393-409.
    This article investigates the textual strategies with which Maeve Murphy's Silent Grace addresses viewers in contemporary Northern Ireland. Borrowing Eric Santner's concept of `narrative fetishism', the analysis examines how the film's representation of the past obscures the historical realities experienced by female political prisoners in Armagh jail in the late 1970s and early 1980s. From this standpoint, its ethical relation to historical `truth' and responsibilities to its local audience are debated.
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  18. Finding tales for our time: writing about Jane Welsh Carlyle's life in the 1840s.Aileen Christianson - 2010 - In Paul E. Kerry (ed.), Thomas Carlyle Resartus: Reappraising Carlyle's Contribution to the Philosophy of History, Political Theory, and Cultural Criticism. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
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  19. What's new about AIDS?Aileen Gray - 1993 - Nexus 11 (1):3.
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    (1 other version)La de [!] notion droit subjectif dans le droit privé.Octavian Ionescu - 1931 - Paris,: Librairie du Recueil Sirey (société anonyme).
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  21. Virginia Woolf, Benevolent Satirist.Aileen D. Lorberg - 1952 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 33 (2):148.
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  22. En-logic.Aileen Michaels & Roman Suszko - 1974 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 3 (1):13.
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    Are ethical responses linked to locus of control?Aileen Smith, J. Dennis Coates & Donald R. Deis - 1998 - Teaching Business Ethics 2 (3):249-260.
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  24. Regulation of Cell and Gene Therapies in Canada.Aileen J. Zhou - 2022 - In William Sietsema & Jocelyn Jennings (eds.), Regulation of regenerative medicines: a global perspective. Rockville: Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society.
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    Undoing suggestive influence on memory: The reversibility of the eyewitness misinformation effect.Aileen Oeberst & Hartmut Blank - 2012 - Cognition 125 (2):141-159.
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    Stepping-up the historiography of peripheral popularisation: F. Papanelopoulou, A. Nieto-Galan and E. Perdiguero : Popularizing science and technology in the European periphery, 1800–2000. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009, xix+284 pp, £60.00 HB.Aileen Fyfe - 2010 - Metascience 20 (2):321-324.
    Stepping-up the historiography of peripheral popularisation Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9454-8 Authors Aileen Fyfe, School of History, University of St Andrews, St Katharine’s Lodge, The Scores, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9AR UK Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Nothing mat(t)ers: a feminist critique of postmodernism.Somer Brodribb - 1992 - North Melbourne, Vic., Australia: Spinifex Press.
    "An eloquent work. Somer Brodribb not only gives us a feminist critique of postmodernism with its masculinist predeterminants in existentialism, its Freudian footholdings and its Sadean values, but in the very form and texture of the critique, she literally creates new discourse in feminist theory. Brodribb has transcended not only postmodernism but its requirement that we speak in its voice even when criticizing it. She creates a language that is at once poetic and powerfully analytical. Her insistent and compelling radical (...)
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  28.  67
    Ethics-related responses to specific situation vignettes: Evidence of gender-based differences and occupational socialization.Aileen Smith & Violet Rogers - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 28 (1):73 - 86.
    This research presents findings from a study of gender-based differences in an ethical decision situation. The study focuses on gender as it relates to situational factors and accounting experience. The primary element of interest is how the gender of the actor (the person described in each vignette) influences the evaluation/assessment of the ethical/unethical decisions. While previous research has provided evidence of ethical differences relating to the gender of the responding subjects, limited evidence has been presented relating to situational issues that (...)
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  29.  57
    “I think therefore I was”: Sartre, Kant, and the self.Henry Somers-Hall - 2025 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-22.
    The aim of this paper is to develop a new reconstruction of Sartre’s arguments against Kant’s account of the unity of experience in the transcendental deduction. In the Transcendence of the Ego, Sartre presents several arguments to show that Kant is unwarranted in moving from the claim that we can attach an ‘I think’ to our representations to the claim that this is made possible by a synthetic unity of apperception. While Sartre’s criticism of Kant’s conception of the ego is (...)
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  30.  26
    A Thousand Plateaus and Philosophy.Henry Somers-Hall, James Williams & Jeffrey Bell (eds.) - 2018 - Edinburgh University Press.
    "This volume brings together a team of international specialists on Deleuze and Guattari to provide in-depth critical studies of each plateau of their major work, A Thousand Plateaus. It combines an overview of the text with deep scholarship and brings a renewed focus on the philosophical significance of their project.'A Thousand Plateaus' represents a whole new way of doing philosophy. This collection supports the critical reception of Deleuze and Guattari's text as one of the most important and influential works of (...)
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  31. Deleuze and Merleau-Ponty.Henry Somers-Hall - 2006 - Symposium 10 (1):213-221.
    The purposes of this paper are, first, to show the importance within Deleuze's aesthetics of the notion of the Gestalt, conceived as a figure against a background, and second to show that recognizing the importance of this notion leads to a sympathy for themes in the work of Merleau-Ponty. After showing the motivations for Merleau-Ponty's adoption of the concept of the Gestalt, and its application within Eye and Mind, I wish to show that despite the similarities in their analyses Merleau-Ponty's (...)
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    Mare Liberum and the Dutch East India Company.J. A. Somers & C. G. Roelofsen - 2003 - Grotia 24 (1):67-76.
  33. What's political or cultural about political culture and the public sphere? Toward an historical sociology of concept formation.Margaret R. Somers - 1995 - Sociological Theory 13 (2):113-144.
    The English translation of Habermas's The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere converges with a recent trend toward the revival of the "political culture concept" in the social sciences. Surprisingly, Habermas's account of the Western bourgeois public sphere has much in common with the original political culture concept associated with Parsonian modernization theory in the 1950s and 1960s. In both cases, the concept of political culture is used in a way that is neither political nor cultural. Explaining this peculiarity is (...)
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    A uniform proof procedure for SCI tautologies.Aileen Michaels - 1974 - Studia Logica 33 (3):299 - 310.
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    Introduction: Editorship and the editing of scientific journals, 1750–1950.Aileen Fyfe & Anna Gielas - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (1):5-20.
    Mainly known for its links to the periodical market and radical politics, this article recontextualizes the editorship of William Nicholson (1753–1815) in terms of its roots in the metropolitan natural philosophical circles of the second half of the 18th century as well as its impact on experimenters and men of science after 1797. The article argues that Nicholson's editorship of the Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts was a means to expand his philosophical significance among natural philosophers at (...)
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  36. Constitutional Review Under the Uk Human Rights Act.Aileen Kavanagh - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Under the Human Rights Act, British courts are for the first time empowered to review primary legislation for compliance with a codified set of fundamental rights. In this book, Aileen Kavanagh argues that the HRA gives judges strong powers of constitutional review, similar to those exercised by the courts under an entrenched Bill of Rights. The aim of the book is to subject the leading case-law under the HRA to critical scrutiny, whilst remaining sensitive to the deeper constitutional, political (...)
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    Litigating the Public Sector Equality Duty: The Story So Far: Table 1.Aileen McColgan - 2015 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 35 (3):453-485.
    This paper considers the development and judicial application of the Public Sector Equality Duty now found in section 149 Equality Act 2010, previously in a variety of forms in the Race Relations Act 1976, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Sex Discrimination Act 1975. It identifies a number of emerging themes in the jurisprudence concerned, in particular, with the relationship between the PSED and Wednesbury review, the extent of the information-gathering obligation it imposes, the delegability of PSED decision-making and (...)
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    The effect of claustrum lesions on human consciousness and recovery of function.Aileen Chau, Andres M. Salazar, Frank Krueger, Irene Cristofori & Jordan Grafman - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:256-264.
  39.  18
    A Textual Note on Paul of Aegina, Pragmateia 6.88.Aileen R. Das - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (2):868-870.
    Paul of Aegina's (fl.c. 630)Pragmateiais the only extant Greek medical text from antiquity that discusses the extraction of arrows and small missiles. In his book on surgery, Paul details how to extract arrows according to their properties and the parts of the body which they have wounded (6.88). He prefaces his instructions by describing how arrows differ in their material, figure, size, number, mode, and power. Paul's account of arrow varieties appears to reflect the environment of his medical practice, seventh-century (...)
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    Maximianus Medicus: Greek Medical Theory and the Greek Girl’s gravior morbus.Aileen R. Das & Ian Fielding - 2016 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 160 (1):151-162.
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    Paul Kraus, Richard Walzer, and Galen's com. Tim.Aileen R. Das - 2021 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 31 (2):225-256.
    RésuméLe « Synopsis du Timée de Platon » de Galien, ouvrage clé pour l’étude du platonisme prémoderne, survit uniquement dans une édition dite « imparfaite » de 1951 qui présente pour la première fois le texte arabe survivant accompagné de sa traduction en latin. Les rédacteurs de la série « Plato Arabus » du Corpus Platonicum, à laquelle l’édition appartient, ont attribué les défauts de cette édition à la mort inopportune de Paul Kraus, qui l'a préparée, aidé par un autre (...)
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    Probable New Fragments and a Testimonium From Galen's Commentary on Plato's Timaevs.Aileen R. Das - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (1):384-401.
    As his writings tend to prioritize the incorporeal over the corporeal, Plato seems an unlikely authority on medicine. He does not appear to have engaged in any systematic investigation of the body through direct examination of animal anatomy, like his pupil Aristotle. Notwithstanding Plato's apparent lack of interest in anatomical research, modern scholars view his dialogues as valuable witnesses for earlier and contemporary theories about the body. Famously, thePhaedrus(270c–e) mentions Hippocrates’ holistic approach to studying the body. Out of all his (...)
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    Jurnal cu și fără Nae Ionescu.Elena-Margareta Ionescu - 2015 - București: Editura Vremea. Edited by Anca Irina Ionescu & Sorin Lavric.
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    The concept of force and the formalization of non-quantum-mechanical theories.Nicholas Ionescu-Pallas & Liviu Sofonea - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (5):589-597.
    The paper deals with the role of the concept of force in different classical mechanical and field theories, pointing out the existence in all cases of a Lorentz-type expression for force. In the case of the classical theory of the gravitational field we obtain the same Lorentz-type expression.
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    Arguing About Law.Aileen Kavanagh & John Oberdiek (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    _Arguing about Law_ introduces philosophy of law in an accessible and engaging way. The reader covers a wide range of topics, from general jurisprudence, law, the state and the individual, to topics in normative legal theory, as well as the theoretical foundations of public and private law. In addition to including many classics, _Arguing About Law_ also includes both non-traditional selections and discussion of timely topical issues like the legal dimension of the war on terror. The editors provide lucid introductions (...)
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    ‘Overpaid’ and ‘inefficient’: print media framings of the public sector in The Irish Times and The Irish Independent during the financial crisis.Aileen Marron - 2019 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (3):282-297.
    ABSTRACTUsing a frame analysis approach this paper examines how The Irish Times and the Irish Independent portrayed public sector workers during Ireland's economic crisis. Using a sample of coverage from 2009 and 2010 it discusses the five media frames identified in this analysis, three of which were hegemonic and two of which were counter hegemonic. In this paper, I argue that coverage of the public sector by each newspaper was imbalanced and inaccurate. This paper also finds that both newspapers were (...)
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    The Return of Wampum Belts.Aileen Runde - 2010 - Journal of Information Ethics 19 (1):33-44.
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    Analytic and Transcendental Empiricism.Henry Somers-Hall - 2007 - Philosophy Today 51 (4):393-400.
  49. Time Out of Joint: Hamlet and the Pure Form of Time.Henry Somers-Hall - 2011 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 5 (Suppl):56-76.
    The aim of this paper is to explore why Deleuze takes up Hamlet's claim that ‘time is out of joint’. In the first part of this paper, I explore this claim by looking at how Deleuze relates it to Plato's Timaeus and its conception of the relationship between movement and time. Once we have seen how time functions when it is ‘in joint’, I explore what it would mean for time to no longer be understood in terms of an underlying (...)
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    A literate scrutiny of a popular science: Ralph O’Connor: The earth on show: Fossils and the poetics of popular science, 1802-1856. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2007, xv+531pp, $45, £23.50 HB.Aileen Fyfe - 2011 - Metascience 21 (3):579-582.
    A literate scrutiny of a popular science Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-4 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9584-7 Authors Aileen Fyfe, School of History, University of St Andrews, St Katharine’s Lodge, The Scores, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9AR Scotland, UK Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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