Results for 'Ahmed Nait-Sidi-Moh'

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  1. Meaningful electronic signatures based on an automatic indexing method.Maxime Wack, Ahmed Nait-Sidi-Moh, Sid Lamrous & Nathanael Cottin - 2006 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 14 (3):161-175.
    Legal information certification and secured storage combined with documents electronic signature are of great interest when digital documents security and conservation are in concern. Therefore, these new and evolving technologies offer powerful abilities, such as identification, authentication and certification. The latter contribute to increase the global security of legal digital archives conservation and access. However, currently used cryptographic and hash coding concepts cannot intrinsically enclose cognitive information about both the signer and the signed content. Indeed, an evolution of these technologies (...)
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    Analyse collective et consciousness-raising.Daniel Loick, Lea Gekle & Salima Naït Ahmed - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie 86 (1):189-202.
    Dans le contexte des révoltes de Mai 68, certains groupes politiques ont développé des techniques collectives de transformation de soi. On en explore ici deux versions : « l’analyse de groupe », inspirée par la psychanalyse et pratiquée dans le mouvement étudiant ouest-allemand, et le consciousness-raising, utilisé par les féministes radicales étasuniennes. En comparant ces pratiques, on montre que le problème qu’elles posent a concerné un mauvais choix de méthode et non la discussion collective des affects individuels, désormais incriminée par (...)
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  3. Multiple Personality, by B. Sidis and S.P. Goodhart.Boris Sidis & Simon Philip Goodhart - 1905
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    Feeling happy and (over)confident: the role of positive affect in metacognitive processes.Yael Sidi, Rakefet Ackerman & Amir Erez - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (4):876-884.
    The relationship between affect and metacognitive processes has been largely overlooked in both the affect and the metacognition literatures. While at the core of many affect-cognition theories is the notion that positive affective states lead people to be more confident, few studies systematically investigated how positive affect influences confidence and strategic behaviour. In two experiments, when participants were free to control answer interval to general knowledge questions, participants induced with positive affect outperformed participants in a neutral affect condition. However, in (...)
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  5. The Promise of Happiness.Sara Ahmed - 2010 - Durham [NC]: Duke University Press.
    _The Promise of Happiness_ is a provocative cultural critique of the imperative to be happy. It asks what follows when we make our desires and even our own happiness conditional on the happiness of others: “I just want you to be happy”; “I’m happy if you’re happy.” Combining philosophy and feminist cultural studies, Sara Ahmed reveals the affective and moral work performed by the “happiness duty,” the expectation that we will be made happy by taking part in that which (...)
  6.  20
    What's the use?: on the uses of use.Sara Ahmed - 2019 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In What's the Use? Sara Ahmed continues the work she began in The Promise of Happiness and Willful Subjects by taking up a single word--in this case, use--and following it around. She shows how use became associated with life and strength in nineteenth century biological and social thought and considers how utilitarianism offered a set of educational techniques for shaping individuals by directing them toward useful ends. Ahmed also explores how spaces become restricted to some uses and users (...)
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    ‘Standing up’ Maḥallu al-Qiyām as cultural expression in Indonesia: A historical approach.Moh Ashif Fuadi, Andi Arif Rifa’I., Supriyanto Supriyanto, Yunika Triana, Rustam Ibrahim & Moh Mahbub - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):10.
    This study aims to discuss the historiography of standing up Maḥallu al-Qiyām in the cultural expression in Indonesia. This research is classified as qualitative research with a historical approach method reinforced with documentation, interview and observation. To deepen the meaning of Maḥallu al-Qiyām using analysis using the symbolic interpretive theory of Clifford Geertz. Interestingly, the tradition of Maḥallu al-Qiyām becomes a symbolic meaning of the expression of homage to the Prophet Muhammad and has the content of Maḥabbah teachings to the (...)
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    Manajemen madrasah dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan Islam.Moh Arif - 2014 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 8 (2).
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  9. Experience and Structure. On the Construction of Psychoanalytical Knowledge.Sidi Askofare - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (3):61 - +.
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    Izkustvo in struktura. O konstrukciji psihoanalitičhe vednosti.Sidi Askofaré - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (3).
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    Membangun bersama rakyat berprinsip maqâshid al-syarî'ah di era kepemimpinan Joko Widodo.Moh Dahlan - 2018 - Bekasi: Serpico.
    Islamic view of Joko Widodo's leadership, the 7th President of Indonesia.
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    Islamic thought and the public sphere: A synthesis.Moh’D. Khair Eiedat - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (4-5):503-513.
    For the purpose of clarity I offer an operational definition of Islamic thought which is Sunni-based. The public sphere is placed in the context of deliberative politics as an ethical frame in which the following elements are assumed: freedom, equality, reciprocity, reasoning, choice, fraternity and solidarity. Three Islamic models are identified: model, the Sufi/individualist model; model, shariah-legal-religious nationalism; and model, the ethical model. Model is taken to be the most relevant to the notion of deliberative politics. The implications of model (...)
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  13. Islam dihadapkan kepada ilmu, seni [dan] filsafat.Sidi Gazalba - 1965 - Djakarta,: Tintamas.
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    Maut, batas kebudajaan dan agama.Sidi Gazalba - 1967 - Djakarta,: Tintamas.
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    Sistematika filsafat.Sidi Gazalba - 1973 - Jakarta,: Bulan Bintang.
    buku l. Pengantar kepada dunia filsafat.--buku 2. Pengantar kepada teori pengetahuan.--buku 3. Pengantar kepada metafisika.--buku 4. Pengantar kepada teori nilai.
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    Why Is 10 Past 10 the Default Setting for Clocks and Watches in Advertisements? A Psychological Experiment.Ahmed A. Karim, Britta Lützenkirchen, Eman Khedr & Radwa Khalil - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:255159.
    Have you ever noticed that in watch advertisements the time is usually set at 10:10? The reasons and psychological effects of this default time setting are elusive. In Experiment 1, we hypothesized that watches showing a time setting resembling a smiling face (10:10) would enhance emotional valence and intention to buy compared to a neutral time setting (11:30), whereas a time setting resembling a sad face (8:20) would have the opposite effect. Moreover, we investigated a possible interaction effect with the (...)
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    A Bioeconomic Model of a Multi-site Fishery with Nonlinear Demand Function: Number of Sites Optimizing the Total Catch.Sidy Ly, Pierre Auger & Moussa Balde - 2014 - Acta Biotheoretica 62 (3):371-384.
    We present a mathematical model of a fishery on several sites with a variable price. The model takes into account the evolution during the time of the resource, fish and boat movement between the different sites, fishing effort and price that varies with respect to supply and demand. We suppose that the movements of the boats and resource as well as the variation of the price go on at a fast time scale. We use methods of aggregation of variables in (...)
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    Processing multiple recognition probes in short- and long-term memory.Richard C. Mohs & Keith T. Wescourt - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (4):319-322.
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    Recognition time for words in short-term, long-term or both memory stores.Richard C. Mohs & Richard C. Atkinson - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (5):830.
  20.  15
    Constraint propagation as information maximization.A. Nait Abdallah & M. H. van Emden - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 197 (C):25-38.
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    Humanism Reconsidered: Post-colonial Humanistic Proposals.Sidi M. Omar - 2012 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 12 (12):143-161.
    El artículo tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre el ‘humanismo’ y presentar propuestas humanistas desde una perspectiva post-colonial. Comienza por examinar los supuestos que subyacen en la ciencia moderna e ilustrada para poner al descubierto su complicidad en la práctica colonial. A continuación, se analiza el humanismo para mostrar cómo se ha utilizado una noción altamente politizada del humanismo para justificar las prácticas y estructuras deshumanizantes del colonialismo. Este ejercicio crítico se complementa con la discusión de dos propuestas humanistas que tratan (...)
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  22. La interculturalidad y la paz.Sidi M. Omar - 2010 - In Irene Comins Mingol & Sonia París Albert, Investigación para la paz: estudios filosóficos. Barcelona: Icaria Editorial. pp. 171--184.
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  23. A Study of the Mob.B. Sidis - 1897 - Philosophical Review 6:198.
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    The Foundations of Normal and Abnormal Psychology.Boris Sidis - 2015 - Sagwan Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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  25. Ahlâk-ı ahmedı̂.Osmanzâde Ahmed Tâ'ib - 2023 - İstanbul: Büyüyenay Yayınları. Edited by Ömer Faruk Kızkın, Fakirullah Yıldız & Mehmet Asağ.
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    A Gender Inequality in Mosque.Moh Rosyid & Lina Kushidayati - 2023 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 18 (1):77-92.
    The mosque is a center of worship and a learning medium for Muslims. As a place of worship, according to the _syariah_ there is no specific classification that mosques can only be dominated by one gender only. However, male dominance over the mosque as a religious public sphere occurred in the Baitussalam Kauman Mosque, Jekulo, Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia from 1923 until now. Therefore, this article seeks to analyze the factors of discrimination against females in using the mosque as a (...)
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    Examining the Boundaries of Ethical Leadership: The Harmful Effect of Co-worker Social Undermining on Disengagement and Employee Attitudes.Ahmed Mohammed Sayed Mostafa, Sam Farley & Monica Zaharie - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (2):355-368.
    In recent years, scholars have sought to investigate the impact that ethical leaders can have within organisations. Yet, only a few theoretical perspectives have been adopted to explain how ethical leaders influence subordinate outcomes. This study therefore draws on social rules theory (SRT) to extend our understanding of the mechanisms linking ethical leadership to employee attitudes. We argue that ethical leaders reduce disengagement, which in turn promotes higher levels of job satisfaction and organisational commitment, as well as lower turnover intentions. (...)
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    Islamic sharia reform of Ahmadiyah sect in Indonesia.Moh Dahlan - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4).
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    La enunciación homérica y la práctica de invocación a la Musa.Sidy Diop - 2011 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 15 (1):30-42.
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  30. Socrate narrateur et dialecticien (4): le cadre narratif de l'Euthydème de Platon.Sidy Diop - 2004 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 9:123-135.
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    Pitutur Jawa.Moh Jumadi - 2022 - Jakarta: Kosa Kata Kita.
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    Confronting The Threat of Relativism : Views from Islamic Philosophy.Moh Nasrin Nasir - 2011 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 1 (2):163.
    Today the issue of ethics and most importantly moral values are being seen as merely based upon opinions and emotions. This has led towards a relativisation of moral values and thus towards the erosion of values amongst societies. This paper would analyze and suggest ways of preserving values for the structuring of developmental ideas for thinkers in developing countries. Coming from an Islamic standpoint the ideas of virtues have to be rooted within the transcendent or the Absolute. Such defense of (...)
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  33. (2 other versions)An Inquiry into the Nature of Hallucinations.Boris Sidis - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13:475.
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    (1 other version)Nature and Causation of the Galvanic Phenomenon.Boris Sidis & Louis Nelson - 1910 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 7 (15):416-417.
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    Philistine and Genius.Boris Sidis - 2018 - Franklin Classics.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  36. Energy Efficiency Prediction using Artificial Neural Network.Ahmed J. Khalil, Alaa M. Barhoom, Bassem S. Abu-Nasser, Musleh M. Musleh & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (9):1-7.
    Buildings energy consumption is growing gradually and put away around 40% of total energy use. Predicting heating and cooling loads of a building in the initial phase of the design to find out optimal solutions amongst different designs is very important, as ell as in the operating phase after the building has been finished for efficient energy. In this study, an artificial neural network model was designed and developed for predicting heating and cooling loads of a building based on a (...)
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    Islamic devotion in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand as a deterrent against religious extremism.Moh Erfan Soebahar, Kurnia Muhajarah, S. Salahudin Suyurno, Rahimah B. Embong & Abdulroya Panaemalae - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):6.
    This research explores the concept of religious universalism and its potential impact on expressions of Islamic devotion within Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. The study aims to investigate how Islamic practices and beliefs can serve as a deterrent against the proliferation of religious extremism. By examining various dimensions of Islamic religiosity in these countries, this research seeks to uncover the ways in which a broad and inclusive interpretation of religion can contribute to countering the influence of radical ideologies. Through an analysis (...)
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    The contemporary islamic law paradigm in indonesia.Moh Dahlan - 2019 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 13 (2):313-338.
    This paper by using the ijtihad paradigm of maqâshid al-syarî’ah of JasserAudah and the descriptive-analytical approach, would like to emphasize that the role of religion and economic welfare are two things that cannot be separated. Although in practice these two things often face obstacles, especially in the matter of diversity in religious life because of the superficial ijtihad paradigm of Islamic law. Based on the contemporary paradigm that seeks to provide new criteria in the conception of qath’i al-dlilalah and dlanni (...)
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    Rejection of Good Manuscripts: Possible Reasons, Consequences and Solutions.Ahmed Ibrahim Fathelrahman - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 6 (1).
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  40. Bārṭryāṇḍa Rāsela. Mafiz, Uddin Ahmed & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1973
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    San Francisco, California, January 6–7, 1995.Ia Nait - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (3).
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    Trainable watershed-based model for cornea endothelial cell segmentation.Ahmed Saifullah Sami & Mohd Shafry Mohd Rahim - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):370-392.
    Segmentation of the medical image plays a significant role when it comes to diagnosis using computer aided system. This article focuses on the human corneal endothelium’s health, which is one of the filed research interests, especially in the human cornea. Various pathological environments fasten the extermination of the endothelial cells, which in turn decreases the cell density in an abnormal manner. Dead cells worsen the hexagonal design. The mutilated endothelial cells can no longer revive back and that gives room for (...)
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    Independence Results in Algebraic Logic.Tarek Sayed-Ahmed - 2006 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 14 (1):87-96.
    We formulate several statements in Algebraic Logic that turn out to be independent of ZFC. We relate such statements to Martin's axiom, omitting types for variants of first order logic and topological properties of Baire spaces.
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  44. Weakly representable atom structures that are not strongly representable, with an application to first order logic.Tarek Sayed-Ahmed - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (3):294-306.
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    An Experimental Study of Sleep.Boris Sidis - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (16):442-443.
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    A study of galvanometric deflections due to psycho-physiological process.Boris Sidis & H. T. Kalmus - 1908 - Psychological Review 15 (6):391-396.
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    Studies in Psychopathology.Boris Sidis - 1907 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 4 (23):633-639.
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  48. De la philosophie politique et sociale de l'Islam.Ahmed Sékou Touré - 1982 - [S.l.: [S.N.].
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    Willful Subjects.Sara Ahmed - 2014 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Willful Subjects_ Sara Ahmed explores willfulness as a charge often made by some against others. One history of will is a history of attempts to eliminate willfulness from the will. Delving into philosophical and literary texts, Ahmed examines the relation between will and willfulness, ill will and good will, and the particular will and general will. Her reflections shed light on how will is embedded in a political and cultural landscape, how it is embodied, and how will (...)
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    Evidence, Decision and Causality.Arif Ahmed - 2014 - United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Most philosophers agree that causal knowledge is essential to decision-making: agents should choose from the available options those that probably cause the outcomes that they want. This book argues against this theory and in favour of evidential or Bayesian decision theory, which emphasises the symptomatic value of options over their causal role. It examines a variety of settings, including economic theory, quantum mechanics and philosophical thought-experiments, where causal knowledge seems to make a practical difference. The arguments make novel use of (...)
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