Results for 'Aesthetics, African'

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  1. Kariamu Welsh-Asante.African Aesthetics - 1993 - In Kariamu Welsh-Asante, The African aesthetic: keeper of the traditions. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 153--249.
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    African and diaspora aesthetics.Sarah Nuttall (ed.) - 2006 - The Hague: Prince Claus Fund Library.
    In Cameroon, a monumental "statue of liberty" is made from scrap metal. In Congo, a thriving popular music incorporates piercing screams and carnal dances. When these and other instantiations of the aesthetics of Africa and its diasporas are taken into account, how are ideas of beauty reconfigured? Scholars and artists take up that question in this invigorating, lavishly illustrated collection, which includes more than one hundred color images. Exploring sculpture, music, fiction, food, photography, fashion, and urban design, the contributors engage (...)
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  3. The African aesthetic: keeper of the traditions.Kariamu Welsh-Asante (ed.) - 1993 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    While the field of aesthetics has long been dominated by European philosophy, recent inquiries have expanded the arena to accommodate different cultures as well as different definitions. In this volume, scholars and teachers in the fields of African and African American studies advance the debate over the nature of African aesthetics, approaching the subject from a broad range of disciplines. Dance, music, art, theatre, and literature are examined in order to appreciate and delineate the specific qualities and (...)
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    Abstractionist aesthetics: artistic form and social critique in African American culture.Phillip Brian Harper - 2015 - New York: New York University Press.
    An artistic discussion on the critical potential of African American expressive culture In a major reassessment of African American culture, Phillip Brian Harper intervenes in the ongoing debate about the “proper” depiction of black people. He advocates for African American aesthetic abstractionism—a representational mode whereby an artwork, rather than striving for realist verisimilitude, vigorously asserts its essentially artificial character. Maintaining that realist representation reaffirms the very social facts that it might have been understood to challenge, Harper contends (...)
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    Beautiful/Ugly: African and Diaspora Aesthetics.Sarah Nuttall (ed.) - 2006 - The Hague: Duke University Press.
    In Cameroon, a monumental “statue of liberty” is made from scrap metal. In Congo, a thriving popular music incorporates piercing screams and carnal dances. When these and other instantiations of the aesthetics of Africa and its diasporas are taken into account, how are ideas of beauty reconfigured? Scholars and artists take up that question in this invigorating, lavishly illustrated collection, which includes more than one hundred color images. Exploring sculpture, music, fiction, food, photography, fashion, and urban design, the contributors engage (...)
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  6. Vitalogical Aesthetics. The Idea of Beauty in African Culture, Art and Philosophy.Martin Nkafu Nkemnkia - 2007 - Analecta Husserliana 93:431-442.
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    Racial identity, aesthetic surgery and Yorùbá African Values.Ademola K. Fayemi - 2017 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (3):250-257.
    The question of racial identity in the process and outcome of aesthetic surgery is gaining increasing attention in bioethical discourse. This paper attempts an ethical examination of the racial identity issues involved in aesthetic surgery. Dominant moral values in Western culture are explored in the evaluation of aesthetic surgery. The paper argues that African values are yet to receive the universal attention they arguably deserve especially in the rethinking of values underlying aesthetic surgery as racial transformation. Through a consideration (...)
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  8. African american dance - philosophy, aesthetics, and 'beauty'.Thomas F. DeFrantz - 2004 - Topoi 24 (1):93-102.
    This essay considers the recuperation of beauty as a productive critical strategy in discussions of African American dance. I argue that black performance in general, and African American concert dance in particular, seeks to create aesthetic sites that allow black Americans to participate in discourses of recognition and appreciation to include concepts of beauty. In this, I suggest that beauty may indeed produce social change for its attendant audiences. I also propose that interrogating the notion of beauty may (...)
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  9. Vitalogical Aesthetics. The Idea of Beauty in African Culture, Art and Philosophy.M. N. Nkemnkia - 2005 - Analecta Husserliana 93:431.
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    African Aesthetics.Rowland Abiodun - 2001 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 35 (4):15.
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    (1 other version)Traditional African Aesthetics.Innocent C. Onyewuenyi - 1984 - International Philosophical Quarterly 24 (3):237-244.
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  12. An Aesthetics for Adornment in Some African Cultures.Kwame Anthony Appiah - 1984 - In Beauty by Design: The Aesthetics of African Adornment. African-American Institute. pp. 15-19.
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  13. African art and the aesthetics of hiding and revealing.Ajume H. Wingo - 1998 - British Journal of Aesthetics 38 (3):251-264.
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    The intellectual imagination: knowledge and aesthetics in North Atlantic and African philosophy.Omedi Ochieng - 2018 - Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Groundwork for the intellectual life: ontology, imagination, and praxis -- Radical knowledge: toward a critical contextual ontology of intellectual practice -- Embodied knowledge: intellectual practices as ways of life -- Radical world-building: notes toward a critical contextual aesthetic -- Geographies of the imagination: figurations of the aesthetic at the intersection of African and global arts -- Theses on the intellectual imagination.
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    The African Aesthetic Experience: Current Situation and Philosophical View.Issiaka Prosper L. Lalèyê - 2012 - Diogenes 59 (3-4):25-29.
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    An african aesthetic.Daniel J. Crowley - 1966 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 24 (4):519-524.
  17. African-Negro Aesthetics.Léopold Sédar Senghor & Elaine P. Halperin - 1956 - Diogenes 4 (16):23-38.
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    The Many‐Layered Aesthetics of African Art.Ajume H. Wingo - 2004 - In Kwasi Wiredu, A Companion to African Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 425–432.
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    African Art in Deep Time: De‐race‐ing Aesthetics and De‐racializing Visual Art.Nkiru Nzegwu - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (4):367-378.
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    Intelligent design: and the African ontological epistemological aesthetics.Isaac Christopher Lubogo - 2021 - Kampala, Uganda: Jescho Publishing House.
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    An essay on the nature of the aesthetic in the African musical arts.Nissio Fiagbedzi - 2005 - [Accra: [S.N.].
    In the tradition of African musicologists who have pioneered serious scholarly study of African music, notably J.H. Kwabena Nketia, this extended essay considers the subject of aesthetic value in African music, in particular, in the Ewe and Akan (Ghanaian) traditions. It examines African - as compared with Western - ideas about musical experience and its appeal; and music in relation to values, morality and human emotion.
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  22. Jazz Literature and the African American Aesthetic.George L. Starks Jr - 1993 - In Kariamu Welsh-Asante, The African aesthetic: keeper of the traditions. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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    Mohamed A. Abusabib, African Art: An Aesthetic Inquiry.H. Gene Blocker - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (4):433-434.
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    Outlines of African Aesthetics.G. O. Ozumba - 2008 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 9 (2).
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    What makes that Black?: the African-American aesthetic in American expressive culture. Luana - 2018 - [United States]: Luana Luana.
    What Makes That Black? The African American Aesthetic in American Expressive Culture delineates the African-American aesthetic in both the African-American culture and the artistic cultural formation of the United States. It presents a definition of the African-American aesthetic using a typology of seventy-four tenets-markers that expand the aesthetic's definition to include its artistic structure, cultural function, and consciousness.¿The book is both anecdotal and scholarly, creating an accessible dialogue in a research area sometimes burdened by excessive scholarly (...)
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    African Somaesthetics: Cultures, Feminisms, Politics.Catherine F. Botha (ed.) - 2020 - Boston: BRILL.
    In _African Somaesthetics: Cultures, Feminisms, Politics_, Catherine F. Botha brings together original research on the body in African cultures, interrogating the possible contribution of a somaesthetic approach in the context of colonization, decolonization, and globalization in Africa.
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  27. Learning from Intercultural Philosophy: Towards Aesthetics of Liberation in Critical African Filmmaking.Yonas B. Abebe & Birgit K. Boogaard - 2022 - Filosofie En Praktijk 43 (3/4):166-178.
    Cinema is neither neutral nor a universal medium. Particularly in African contexts, cinema contributes to European exceptionalism, imposes European values as the norm, and acts as an instrument of cultural and psychological control. It seems that African cinema is ontologically, politically, and aesthetically Eurocentric. By introducing an intercultural philosophical approach to the realm of cinema, we aim to move away from Eurocentrism in African cinema towards a more intercultural and dialogical orientation as an input for the liberation (...)
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  28. Globalization: An African Aesthetic View.John Murungi - 2007 - Pensares y Quehaceres 5.
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  29. Good and Beautiful: A Moral-Aesthetic View of Personhood in African Communal Traditions.Polycarp Ikuenobe - 2016 - Essays in Philosophy 17 (1):125-163.
    I articulate an African view of personhood that combines beauty and goodness–aesthetic and moral features. I discuss the idea of communalism, which provides the social and moral values and belief system that give meaning to this view of personhood. I use ideas from some African ethnic traditions, or some people’s account of these traditions, as examples to illustrate this view. The similarities in these examples from different ethnic traditions indicate that it is reasonable to characterize this view as (...)
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    Cultural Sites of Critical Insight: Philosophy, Aesthetics, and African American and Native American Women’s Writings.Angela L. Cotten & Christa Davis Acampora (eds.) - 2012 - SUNY Press.
    Explores the interplay between artistic values and social, political, and moral concerns in writings by African American and Native American women.
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    African philosophy in the global village: theistic panpsychic rationality, axiology and science.Maduabuchi F. Dukor - 2021 - Lagos, Nigeria: Malthouse Press.
    In this book, Maduabuchi Dukor presents a comprehensive interpretation of African Philosophy that is informed by the idea that everything in the universe includes a 'spiritual' dimension, what he calls theistic humanism. Imperceptible agents such as God, lesser divinities, and ancestors, as well as forces such as witchcraft and magic, play prominent roles in Dukor's accounts of not just metaphysics, but also ethics, aesthetic, and epistemics. By highlighting the diversity in intellectual world currents philosophy stimulates intercultural dialogue, African (...)
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    Beautiful/Ugly: African and Diaspora Aesthetics edited by nuttall, sarah.Dan Vaillancourt - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 67 (2):256-258.
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    African Philosophy: The Analytic Approach.Barry Hallen - 2006 - Africa World Press.
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    Ashé: ritual poetics in African diasporic expression.Paul Carter Harrison, Michael D. Harris & Pellom McDaniels (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    ASHÉ: Ritual Poetics in African Diasporic is a collection of interdisciplinary essays contributed by international scholars and practitioners. Having distinguished themselves across such disciplines as Anthropology, Art, Music, Literature, Dance, Philosophy, Religion, and Theology and conjoined to construct a defining approach to the study of Aesthetics throughout the African Diaspora with the Humanities at the core, this collection of essays will break new ground in the study of Black Aesthetics. This book will be of great interest to scholars, (...)
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    (1 other version)Beauty in African Thought: Critical Perspectives on the Western Idea of Development.Bolaji Bateye, Mahmoud Masaeli, Louise F. Müller & Angela Roothaan (eds.) - 2023 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    'Beauty in African Thought: A Critique of the Western Idea of Development' won the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title of the Year 2023 as mentioned on the Rowman and Littlefield webpage. The book investigates how the concept of beauty in African philosophy and related qualitative social sciences may contribute to a richer intercultural exchange on the idea of development. While working within frameworks created in post-colonial and arguably neo-colonial times, African thinkers have reacted against the mainstream view that (...)
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    African Americans and the Mississippi River: Race, history and the environment.Dorothy Zeisler-Vralsted - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 150 (1):81-101.
    Long touted in literary and historical works, the Mississippi River remains an iconic presence in the American landscape. Whether referred to as ‘Old Man River’ or the ‘Big Muddy,’ the Mississippi River represents imageries ranging from pastoral and Acadian to turbulent and unpredictable. But these imageries – revealed through the cultural production of artists, writers and even filmmakers – did not adequately reflect the experiences of everyone living and working along the river. The African-American community and its relationship to (...)
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  37. Beauty by Design: The Aesthetics of African Adornment.Kwame Anthony Appiah - 1984 - African-American Institute.
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    Irreverence Rules: The Politics of Authenticity and the Carnivalesque Aesthetic in Black South African Women's Stand‐Up Comedy.Jessyka Finley - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (4):437-450.
    ABSTRACT This article argues that the aesthetic practices of black women stand-ups in South Africa take up the concrete ways black people all over the world use performances, within theatrical or everyday practices, to create, shape, and transform their worlds. Reading stand-up as a genre of diaspora culture meant to contend with issues of antiblack racism, economic and social marginalization, and the legacy of colonialism, this article examines the ways humor and comedy manifest transnational intimacies and affinities via the circulation (...)
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  39. On the distinction between modern and traditional African aesthetics.Gene Blocker - 2003 - In P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux, Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings 2nd Edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
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    The emphatic wood sculptures at the University of Benin – their cultural and philosophical contributions to Nigerian art space: an articulation of African aesthetics.Franklyn Egwali & George Ukagba - 2016 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 28 (2):246-258.
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    Selective Affinities: Connoisseurship, Culture, and Aesthetic Choice in a Contemporary African Community.Harry R. Silver - 1983 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 11 (1‐2):87-126.
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    Aesthetic Inquiry and the Music of Africa.Kofi Agawu - 2004 - In Kwasi Wiredu, A Companion to African Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 404–414.
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  43. Kariamu Welsh-as Ante is an associate professor in the department of african american studies at Temple university. She is the co-editor of african culture: The rhythms of unity (greenwood, 1985), author of two volumes of poetry, and many articles on the african aesthetic and dance in journal of Black studies, journal of western Black studies, the griot, critical.Molefi Kete - 1993 - In Kariamu Welsh-Asante, The African aesthetic: keeper of the traditions. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 153--261.
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    African Philosophical Currents.John Murungi - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    The history of the human world has reached a stage where no philosophical community can any longer philosophize in isolation from other philosophical communities. The African philosophical community is not an exception and neither is any other philosophical community. There is a widespread notion in the West that philosophy originated in Greece and found its way throughout Europe, from where it migrated to Africa. This book argues that Philosophy did not migrate to African from anywhere but that it (...)
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  45. A Companion to African-American Philosophy.Tommy Lee Lott & John P. Pittman (eds.) - 2003 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Part I Philosophic Traditions Introduction to Part I 3 1 Philosophy and the Afro-American Experience 7 CORNEL WEST 2 African-American Existential Philosophy 33 LEWIS R. GORDON 3 African-American Philosophy: A Caribbean Perspective 48 PAGET HENRY 4 Modernisms in Black 67 FRANK M. KIRKLAND 5 The Crisis of the Black Intellectual 87 HORTENSE J. SPILLERS Part II The Moral and Political Legacy of Slavery Introduction to Part II 107 6 Kant and Knowledge of Disappearing Expression 110 RONALD A. T. (...)
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    Rethinking the Tasks of African Philosophy in the 21st Century.Oladele Abiodun Balogun - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 28:45-54.
    The flurry of debate that trailed the existence of African philosophy in the 1960s and 70s and the consequent demise of the controversies in the late 1990s have occasioned a periodiszation shift from traditional African philosophy to contemporary African philosophy. While the scope and nature of predominant issues inthese periods differ considerably, what ought to constitute the basis and shape the direction of discourse in contemporary African philosophy remain controversial. In this regard, this paper argues that (...)
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    African Philosophy: Selected Readings.Albert G. Mosley (ed.) - 1995 - Prentice-Hall.
    A collection of historical and contemporary writings that chronicle the development of the African critical response to attempts to ascribe a peculiar nature to the African character, and the debate in contemporary African philosophy on issues such as magic, witchcraft, aesthetics, and morality. Other topics include contemporary thought in French speaking Africa, and African traditional thought and Western science. Each selection is preceded by a synopsis. No index. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Review: African Art and the Transformational Role of Museums. [REVIEW]Gabriel O. Apata - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (7-8):359-366.
    There was a time when Africa was thought to have no history, no philosophy, no civilizational culture and no artistic creativity or aesthetic sensibilities. This new book, African Art Reframed: Reflections and Dialogues on Museum Cultures by Bennetta Jules-Rosette and J.R. Osborn, re-evaluates this perception and argues that African art has come a long way in the last few decades, taking the reader through the transformational process that African art has undergone in that period, including the role (...)
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    A homiletic reflection on the theological aesthetics involved in picturing God in a fragmented South African society.Ben J. De Klerk, Friedrich W. De Wet & Rantoa S. Letšosa - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (2).
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  50. Her latest book is titled, Daughters of The Goddess, Daughters of Imperialism: African Women, Culture, Power and Democracy (London: Zed Books, 2000). Sibylle Benninghojf-Liihl, visiting Professor at the Institute of German Literature at Humboldt-University of Berlin. Research and teaching in Nigeria and Brazil. DFG-scholarship on" The Aesthetics of the Wild. People-Shows in Germany. [REVIEW]Ulrike Bergermann - 2002 - In Insa Härtel & Sigrid Schade, Body and representation. Opladen: Leske + Budrich. pp. 6--223.
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