Results for 'Aelius Gallus'

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  1.  14
    Index of Proper Names.Aelianus Tacticus, Aelius Gallus, Aelius Theon, I. Alaric, Albrecht Achilles von Brandenburg, Alfonso I. D'Este, Ammianus Marcellinus, Petrus Martyr de Anghiera, Johan Wilhelm von Archenholtz & Ludovico Ariosto - 2010 - In Marco Formisano & Hartmut Böhme (eds.), War in Words: Transformations of War From Antiquity to Clausewitz. de Gruyter. pp. 419.
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    Aelius Theon: Progymnasmata (review). [REVIEW]George Alexander Kennedy - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (3):476-480.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aelius Théon: ProgymnasmataGeorge A. KennedyMichel Patillon, ed., avec l'assistance pour l'Arménien de Giancarlo Bolognesi. Aelius Théon: Progymnasmata. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1997. clvii + 229 pp. ( 1-120 double). Price not stated. (Editions Budé)Progymnasmata, handbooks of preliminary exercises in composition, are important sources for understanding Greek and Roman education and rhetoric and equally important in that the exercises they describe, including narrative, [End Page 476]fable, chria, (...)
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    Four Notes On The Herods.D. Braund - 1983 - Classical Quarterly 33 (01):239-.
    In JRS , Shelagh Jameson discussed the relative chronology of the campaigns of Aelius Gallus and C. Petronius: her discussion has rightly met with broad acceptance. She argued that Petronius began his first Ethiopian campaign in or by autumn 25 B.c., while Gallus began his Arabian campaign in or by August 26 B.C. and ended it in October or November 25 B.c.
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    Enneas tetartē.Aelius Dionysius - 2009 - Athēnai: Kentron Ereunēs tēs Hellēnikēs kai Latinikēs Grammateias. Edited by Paulos Kalligas.
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  5. Index by Name and Subject.Aelius Stilo - 1990 - Apeiron 23 (4):281.
  6.  4
    Naturrechtliche abhandlungen, wesen und aufbau des naturrechtes, naturrecht und positives recht.Gallus M. Manser - 1934 - Basel & Freiburg,: Gebr. J. & F. Hess a.g.. Edited by Anton Rohner.
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    1. Greek Authors.Aelius Theon - 2010 - In Marco Formisano & Hartmut Böhme (eds.), War in Words: Transformations of War From Antiquity to Clausewitz. de Gruyter. pp. 19--417.
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  8.  15
    Der Tod Jesu Christi, Zeit und Ewigkeit.Petr Gallus - 2018 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 60 (4):531-547.
    Zusammenfassung Ausgehend vom klassischen augustinisch-boëthianischen Ewigkeitsbegriff und seiner theologischen Kritik im 20. Jahrhundert versucht dieser Artikel, eine konsequent trinitätstheologische Lösung der Frage nach der Beziehung von Zeitlichkeit und Ewigkeit zu bringen. Das Konzept wird christologisch in der Auferstehung verankert, auf einem dynamischen Gottesbegriff gegründet, der Gott als den sich akkommodierenden Gott auffasst, und trinitarisch ausgeführt. So bleibt der Vater durch den Geist der Herr der Zeitlichkeit, die in Jesus Christus zu seiner eigenen Zeitlichkeit und diese zum Bestandteil des Lebens Gottes (...)
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  9.  21
    Relational incentives theory.Jana Gallus, Joseph Reiff, Emir Kamenica & Alan Page Fiske - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (3):586-602.
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  10.  6
    Das naturrecht in Thomistischer beleuchtung.Gallus M. Manser - 1944 - Freiburg in der Schweig,: Verlag der Paulusdruckerei.
    „Das Naturrecht ist die Wissenschaft, welche aus dem Wesen und der Bestimmung des Menschen und der menschlichen Gesellschaft das oberste Prinzip oder die Idee des Rechts ableitet“. Das Naturrecht gründet in der Überzeugung, „dass es ein von willkürlichen Satzungen unabhängiges, in einer höheren sittlichen Lebensordnung gegründetes Recht gibt, welches als Maßstab zur Beurteilung der bestehenden Verhältnisse und Einrichtungen und als Richtschnur für ihre weitere Ausbildung zu dienen bestimmt ist“. (Heinrich Ahrens).
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    (1 other version)La esencia del tomismo.Gallus Manser & Valentín García Yebra - 1947 - Madrid,: Edited by Valentín García Yebra.
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  12. Subjective Well-Being and Policy.Bruno S. Frey & Jana Gallus - 2013 - Topoi 32 (2):207-212.
    This paper analyses whether the aggregation of individual happiness scores to a National Happiness Index can still be trusted once governments have proclaimed their main objective to be the pursuit—or even maximization—of this National Happiness Index. The answer to this investigation is clear-cut: as soon as the National Happiness Index has become a policy goal, it can no longer be trusted to reflect people’s true happiness. Rather, the Index will be systematically distorted due to the incentive for citizens to answer (...)
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  13.  12
    I. index nominum.Jgj Abbenes, Jl Ackrill, A. Adler, Aelius Aristides, Aelius Stilo, A. Agud, Tw Allen, K. Alpers, Ammonius Alexandrinus & Andronicus Rhodius - 2002 - In Pierre Swiggers & Alfons Wouters (eds.), Grammatical Theory and Philosophy of Language in Antiquity. Peeters. pp. 325.
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  14.  30
    Gallus and The Culex.Duncan F. Kennedy - 1982 - Classical Quarterly 32 (02):371-.
    The Culex remains the most bewildering of poems. The consensus of modern opinion holds that it is a deliberate forgery, post-Ovidian in date, purporting to be a work of the youthful Virgil and thus serving to fill the large biographical vacuum in the career of the poet before the publication of the Eclogues. If this is the case, it must be asked why the forger chose to fill that gap with a poem thematically and stylistically so idiosyncratic which nevertheless managed (...)
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  15.  28
    Gallus and Euphorion.D. E. Keefe - 1982 - Classical Quarterly 32 (01):237-.
    The editors of the new fragment of Gallus draw attention to line 6, ‘fecerunt carmina Musae’. They say ‘“fecerunt” is unusual in such a context, and to a Roman reader would inevitably suggest ; the Muses of Gallus provided craftsmanship as well as inspiration’. It is possible to be more precise: cf. Euphorion fr. 118 Powell.
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  16.  29
    Did Gallus Write 'Pastoral' Elegies?Richard Whitaker - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (02):454-.
    It has long been noticed that Virgil's Eclogue 10, in which Gal I us plays so prominent a rôle, contains a combination of pastoral and elegiac elements. But this prompts the question: who was responsible for this combination? Was the fusion of pastoral and erotic-elegiac detail Virgil's own, or did Gallus himself write love-elegies with a strong pastoral colouring, a type of poetry which Virgil then echoed in Eclogue 10?
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  17.  44
    (1 other version)Gallus and the Fourth Georgic.W. B. Anderson - 1933 - Classical Quarterly 27 (01):36-.
    Everyone knows the statement of Servius that Virgil was compelled by Augustus to alter the second half of the Fourth Georgic after the fall of Gallus, and that he substituted the story of Aristaeus for the laudes Galli. This statement, often doubted by older generations, has had such a remarkable success in recent years that anyone who ventures to impugn it must feel that he is pleading with a halter round his neck before a one-sided jury. It is notable, (...)
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  18.  31
    The 'Gallus papyrus': a new interpretation.Janet Fairweather - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (01):167-.
    The elegiac lines in PQasrlbrim inv. 78–3–11/1 , first edited and ascribed to Gallusby R. D. Anderson, P. J. Parsons and R. G. M. Nisbetin 1979, raise a number of major problems of interpretation yet to be resolved. As is now well known, the papyrus fragment contains nine fairly well-preserved lines: first a pentameter, followed by two quatrains each composed of two elegiac couplets; the two quatrains are carefully marked off from each other and from the lines which preceded and (...)
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  19.  21
    Gallus and Valgius Rufus in Horace Odes 2.9.Leah Kronenberg - 2019 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 112 (2):57-69.
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    Gallus Anonymus und die Hartvik-Legende über den Erwerb der Alleinherrschaft von Boles aw III. bzw. Koloman dem Buchkundigen.Daniel Bagi - 2009 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 43 (1):453-460.
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  21.  23
    Was the Commentary on Vergil by Aelius Donatus Extant in the Ninth Century? A Reappraisal.Vittorio Remo Danovi - 2023 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 167 (1):156-171.
    That the Vergilian commentary by Aelius Donatus – one of the most influential late-antique commentaries that have not survived – was extant in the ninth century and available to some Carolingian scholars is still a widespread belief. The evidence in support of this thesis is said to have been provided by the Harvard Servianist J. J. H. Savage in three articles published between 1925 and 1931. In these articles, Savage claimed that a few marginal notes in one of the (...)
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  22.  10
    Cornelius Gallus auf einer ägyptischen Inschrift. Cr - 1896 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 55 (1-4):122-122.
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  23.  24
    Thomas Gallus et Egide d'Assise. Le traité « De Septem gradibus contemplationis ».Gabriel Théry - 1934 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 36 (41):180-190.
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  24.  10
    Aelius Aristides, eis rwmhn 43 K.C. P. Jones - 1964 - American Journal of Philology 85 (1):65.
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  25.  26
    The New Gallus and the Alternae Voces of Propertius 1.10.10.James J. O'hara - 1989 - Classical Quarterly 39 (02):561-.
    In CQ 34 , 167–74, Janet Fairweather makes the interesting suggestion that the elegiacs by Gallus on the Qasr Ibrim papyrus should be understood as ‘a fragment of an amoebaean song-contest’. This hypothesis, as she notes, might explain why the papyrus' quatrains are set apart by spaces and by an odd type of symbol, and treat ‘separate, indeed discrepant, topics’, yet show ‘unmistakable verbal and thematic connections’. Fairweather's discussion is thorough, but overlooks one small piece of evidence for Gallan (...)
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  26.  15
    The Origin of Cornelius Gallus.Ronald Syme - 1938 - Classical Quarterly 32 (1):39-44.
    C. Cornelius Gallus requires brief introduction or none at all. A poet in his own right, the friend of Virgil and of Pollio, Gallus is enshrined for ever in literature—and in literary legend, for the inept fictions of Servius and his tribe will survive the most damaging of revelations, remembered even when refuted. Not only that—Gallus is a conspicuous figure in the social and political history of the revolutionary age.
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  27.  39
    Aelius Dionysius and Pausanias, The Atticists Aiaioγ ΔionyΣioγ Kai IiayΣanioγ. Onomata Attika. Aelii Dionysii et Pausaniae Atticistarum Fragmenta collegit Ernestus Schwabe. Accedunt Fragmenta Lexicorum Rhetoricorum apud Eustathium laudata. Lipsiae. Sumptibus Dykianis. 1890. pp. vi. 282. Mk. 12. [REVIEW]E. C. Marchant - 1890 - The Classical Review 4 (08):363-367.
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    The position of Gallus in Eclogue 6.A. J. Woodman - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (02):593-.
    Although modern scholars have expressed in various ways the view that the Gallus passage is unusual in its context,1 no editor or commentator during the past quarter of a century has questioned the ordering of the lines in which the Gallus passage occurs.2.
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  29.  22
    The Meeting between Aelius Aristides and Marcus Aurelius in Smyrna.Fernando Gasco - 1989 - American Journal of Philology 110 (3).
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    Galileans or gallus?(Julian's letter to aetius).Kaiser Julian - 2010 - Classical Quarterly 60:607-609.
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  31. The Old Gallus.Peter E. Knox - 1985 - Hermes 113 (4):497.
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  32.  11
    A Pindaric Charioteer: Aelius Aristides and his Divine Literary Editor (Oration 50.45).O. Schröder - 2009 - Classical Quarterly 59:263-269.
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    Aelius Aristides als bron voor de kennis van zijn tijd. [REVIEW]W. L. Lorimer - 1940 - The Classical Review 36 (1):53-53.
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  34.  49
    Sandor Gallus et Tibor Horváth: Un peuple prescythique en Hongrie. Trouvailles archéologiques du premier âge du fer et leurs relations avec ľEurasie. Texte: pp. 165; 10 figures. Planches: 89 plates. (Dissertationes Pannonicae, Ser. II. 9.) Budapest: Institut de Numismatique et ďArchéologie de ľUniversité P. Pazmany, 1939. Paper, P. 40 (bound, 44). [REVIEW]J. L. Myres - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (03):174-.
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  35.  19
    (1 other version)Aelius Aristides. [REVIEW]A. R. R. Sheppard - 1982 - The Classical Review 32 (2):144-146.
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  36.  67
    Aelius Aristides Translated. [REVIEW]A. R. R. Sheppard - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (2):233-234.
  37. Eine Elegie des Gallus.R. Bürger - 1903 - Hermes 38 (1):19-27.
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  38.  24
    Observational learning in Gallus gallus domesticus with and without a conspecific model.Suzanne B. Johnson, Robert J. Hamm & Thomas H. Leahey - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (3):237-239.
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    Galileans or gallus? (Julian's letter to aetius).Pierre-Louis Malosse - 2010 - Classical Quarterly 60 (2):607-609.
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  40.  9
    Épître à Gallus sur la vie, le testament et les écrits d'Aristote. Ptolemy - 2021 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Edited by Marwan Rashed & Ptolemy.
    Voici, pour la premiere fois edite et traduit, un texte grec antique perdu dans la langue originale et conserve en arabe. Il s'agit d'une lettre redigee par un mysterieux Ptolemee, philologue aristotelicien actif a Alexandrie autour de l'an 200 apres J.-C., dans laquelle celui-ci rapporte la Biographie et le Testament d'Aristote, ainsi qu'un Catalogue d'une centaine de titres inconnu par ailleurs. Ce vestige est l'une de nos meilleures sources d'information - et la seule qui soit interne a l'ecole peripateticienne - (...)
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    War and the Sweet Life: The Gallus Fragment and the Text of Tibullus 1.10.11.James O’Hara - 2005 - Classical Quarterly 55 (01):317-319.
    The Gallus Fragment and the Text of Tibullus 1.10.11.
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  42.  6
    Einleitung: Der Gallus Anonymus im Lichte neuerer Forschungsansätze.Gerd Althoff - 2009 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 43 (1):293-296.
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    Spielregeln und Ironie im Gallus Anonymus.Gerd Althoff - 2009 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 43 (1):407-416.
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  44.  19
    The Proposed Election Reforms of Asinius Gallus.Susan Satterfield - 2020 - História 69 (2):237.
    In 16 CE, Asinius Gallus proposed election reforms. Tacitus views these reforms, like many of Gallus' actions, as a hostile move against the emperor. In this paper, I argue that they were not proposed in opposition to Tiberius, but instead were a calculated compromise aimed at meeting the Senate's desire for more praetors to share the duties of legionary command, while also maintaining the limit of twelve praetors per year that Tiberius had established in the elections of 14 (...)
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  45.  14
    L. Aelius Sejanus. Studies on the Reign of Tiberius. [REVIEW]Helga Botermann - 1977 - Philosophy and History 10 (2):204-206.
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  46.  18
    Some Textual Problems in Aelius Donatus’ Commentary on Terence.Carmela Cioffi - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1):263-269.
    In the first act of Terence'sAndria, we find a dialogue between the old man Simo and Sosia, the freedman, with the former explaining why he has decided to arrange a false wedding for his young son Pamphilus. He has, in fact, learned that his son, despite being betrothed, has had a relationship with another girl and that—quite a serious matter—the fiancée's father, Chremes, has heard about the clandestine affair. In verses 144–9 Simo reports on the not-altogether friendly meeting he has (...)
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  47.  7
    17. Das Geburtsjahr des Aelius Aristides.W. Schmid - 1897 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 56 (1):721-722.
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  48. I. Gallus S. J.: Interpretatio mariologica Protoevangelii posttridentina usque ad definitionem dogmaticam Immaculatae Conceptionis 2 Vol. [REVIEW]A. Hoffmann - 1954 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 1 (4):447.
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  49.  38
    The Gallus Monument (F.) Hoffmann, (M.) Minas-Nerpel, (S.) Pfeiffer Die dreisprachige Stele des C. Cornelius Gallus. Übersetzung und Kommentar. (Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete 9.) Pp. x + 225, ills, pls. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. Cased, €69.95, US$98. ISBN: 978-3-11-020120-8. [REVIEW]Robert Maltby - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):605-607.
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  50.  46
    The Rhodian Oration Ascribed to Aelius Aristides.C. P. Jones - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (02):514-.
    Among the works of Aelius Aristides is preserved one entitled the Rhodian It concerns an earthquake which has recently struck the city of Rhodes, and since Keil's edition of 1898 it has usually been considered spurious. The work reproduces a true speech, not something like an open letter: the clearest sign is when the author uses the deictic pronoun τοετ, ‘this here’, of the place in which he is speaking . One question is best discussed at the outset, since (...)
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