Results for 'Aegidius Maserius'

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    Auli Gellii noctium Atticarum libri vndeuiginti.Aulus Gellius, Josse Badius & Aegidius Maserius - 1517 - Væundantur Ipsi Ascensio.
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    The silver world.Aegidius Jahn - 1937 - London,: G. Allen & Unwin.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps, and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely (...)
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    The Silver Worldan Essay on the Ultimate Problems of Philosophy.Aegidius Jahn - 2016 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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  4. The Silver World: An Essay on the Ultimate Problems of Philosophy.Aegidius Jahn - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (47):355-356.
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    Ioannis Duns Scoti doctrina de scientifica theologiae natura.Aegidius Magrini - 1952 - Romae: Pontificium Athenaeum Antonianum.
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  6. A) Index rerum.Nils Aberg, Alfred Adler, Aegidius Romanus, Leon Battista Alberti, Ägidius Albertinus, Alexander von Aphrodisias, Andre Marie Ampere, Apollonios von Perge, Aristachos von Samos & Eugen Askenasy - unknown - Augustinus 157:167.
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    El Aegidius de Giovanni Pontano.Mariano Vilar & Mariana Sverlij - 2022 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 26 (1):149-189.
    We present the first Spanish translation of Giovanni Pontano’s Aegidius.
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  8. Aegidius von Colonna? Aegidius Conigiatus?'.Adolph Dyroff - 1925 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 38:18-25.
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  9. Aegidius of Paris and the Seven Seals: A Prose Prologue to the Gospels in Peter Riga's Aurora.Greti Dinkova-Bruun - 2011 - Mediaeval Studies 73:119-145.
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  10. Aegidius redivivus. Zu den ersten beiden Bänden der Opera Omnia des Aegidius Romanus (Gilles ressuscité. A propos des deux premiers volumes des Oeuvres complètes de Gilles de Rome).R. Imbach - 1988 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 35 (1-2):229-235.
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  11. «aegidius Romanus» And «albertus Magnus» Vs. Thomas Aquinas On The Highest Sort Of Demonstration.John Longeway - 2002 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 13:373-434.
    Examines the controversy of Thomas Aquinas and Giles of Rome respecting the nature of scientific demonstration of the highest kind. Shows that the position of Giles, making the definition of the attribute the middle term in demonnstratio potissima, agrees with that of Albert the Great, but is opposed to Thomas's, which makes the definition of the subject the middle term.
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    Los saberes del humanismo en diálogo: Introducción al Aegidius de Giovanni Pontano.Mariano Vilar - 2022 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 26 (1):135-148.
    The humanist Giovanni Giovano Pontano wrote five dialogues, although only two of them were published during his lifetime. The last one, entitled Aegidius in honor of Giles of Viterbo, represents a conversation held in the context of the “Accademia Pontaniana” between a series of speakers who discuss the role of eloquence, the importance of combining sacred letters with profane ones, astrology, the immortality of the soul and the Aristotelian philosophical lexicon. We present an introduction to the main topics of (...)
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  13. Aegidius Tschudi, Chronicon Helveticum, Bernhard Stettler.(Quellen zur Schweizer Geschichte, Neue Folge, Erste Abteilung, Chroniken 7/9.) Basel: Krebs, for the Allgemeine Geschichtforschende Gesellschaft der Schweiz, 1992. Paper. Pp. 170*, 269. SF 150. [REVIEW]Phillip H. Stump - 1995 - Speculum 70 (1):215-217.
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  14. Individuum und Gemeinschaft bei Aegidius Romanus.Joseph Eichinger - 1935 - Divus Thomas 13:160-166.
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  15. „Spätmittelalter: Thomas von Aquin, Aegidius Romanus, Marsilius von Padua “.Jürgen Miethke - 2008 - In Christoph Horn & Ada Neschke-Hentschke (eds.), Politischer Aristotelismus: die Rezeption der aristotelischen Politik von der Antike bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 77--111.
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  16. Thomistische Streitschriften gegen Aegidius Romanus und ihre Verfasser: Thomas Von Sutton and Robert von Oxford OP.Fr Pelster - 1943 - Gregorianum 24:135-170.
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  17. Aegidius Romanus, Opera omnia, III, 1: Apologia. [REVIEW]A. H. Thomas - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49:504.
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    Aegidius Tschudi, Chronicon Helveticum, 3 ed. Bernhard Stettler. Bern: Selbstverlag der Allgemeinen geschichtsforschenden Gesellschaft der Schweiz, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Bern, 1980. Paper. Pp. 192*, 363. SFr 80. [REVIEW]Steven Rowan - 1982 - Speculum 57 (3):687-688.
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    Ockham and Aegidius of Rome.Ernest A. Moody - 1949 - Franciscan Studies 9 (4):417-442.
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    The “De Differentia Rhetoricae, Ethicae et Politicae” of Aegidius Romanus.Gerardo Bruni - 1932 - New Scholasticism 6 (1):1-18.
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    Mensura im werk de mensura angelorum Des aegidius Romanus.Barbara Faes de Mottoni - 1983 - In Andreas Speer (ed.), Mensura, 1. Halbband: Mass, Zahl, Zahlensymbolik Im Mittelalter. De Gruyter. pp. 86-102.
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  22. Zur Kritik des politischen Platonismus im Mittelalter: Marsilius von Padua gegen Aegidius Romanus.Wilfried KÜHN - 2008 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 55 (1):98-128.
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    4. The Politics of Sin: From Aegidius Romanus, Fitzralph, and Wycliffe to Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, and the Radical Reformers.Francis Oakley - 2015 - In The Watershed of Modern Politics: Law, Virtue, Kingship, and Consent. Yale University Press. pp. 91-127.
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  24. Eine dritte Handschrift des Traktates De Unitate formae des Aegidius von Lessines O. P.Martin Grabmann - 1948 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 26:324-330.
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  25. Die Rechts-, Staats-und Kirchenauffassung des Aegidius Romanus.Friedrich Merzbacher - 1954 - Archiv für Rechts-Und Sozialphilosophie 41 (41):88-97.
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    Ioannis Duns Scoti doctrina de scientifica theologiae natura by Aegidius Magrini, O. F. M.E. M. Buytaert - 1954 - Franciscan Studies 14 (2):215-216.
  27. The anonymous Hebrew translation of Aegidius' De Regimine Principum: an unknown chapter in medieval Jewish political philosophy.Abraham Melamed - 1994 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 5:439-461.
    Viene qui pubblicata l'ed. della più importante e forse unica e completa traduzione ebraica del De regimine di Egidio Romano. La traduzione è molto letterale, raramente si discosta dal testo latino e talvolta assume la forma di una traduzione ebraica italianizzata. Fu probabilmente compiuta dopo la prima ed. pubblicata nel 1473, da un anonimo del quale si conosce solo il nome, Mosè, informazione che l'A. ha reperito in un passo in cui il traduttore si pronuncia personalmente sulla superiorità della lingua (...)
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    Scholastic Sources of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s Treatise Disputatio metaphysica deprincipio individui.Martyna Koszkało - 2017 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 65 (2):23-55.
    The object of this article is the scholastic inspirations found in the metaphysical disputation De principio individui by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. The purpose ofthis study was, on one hand, a reconstruction of Leibniz’s theory concerning the principle of individuation, and on the other hand, a presentation of some texts by medieval scholastic authors (Henry of Ghent, Peter of Falco, Thomas Aquinas, Aegidius of Rome, Robert Kilwardby, William of Ockham) to whose ideas Leibniz refers in the named work, even though (...)
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    Hoccleve's Regement of Princes: The Poetics of Royal Self-Representation.Derek Pearsall - 1994 - Speculum 69 (2):386-410.
    Thomas Hoccleve wrote his Regement of Princes in 1411 and addressed it to the patronage of Henry, Prince of Wales, who was to succeed to the throne as Henry V two years later, on the death of his father, Henry IV. The Regement is a book of the governance of princes, drawn from the De regimine principum of Aegidius Romanus and from other similar works including the Secreta secretorum, which purports to be a compendium of Aristotle's advice on kingship (...)
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    Historical Dictionary of Medieval Philosophy and Theology (review).P. S. Eardley - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (4):636-637.
    Medieval philosophy and theology are complex fields to negotiate even for specialists, not to mention beginners. Crucial texts from important figures of the period have yet to be edited, much less translated into the modern vernacular, and philosophical and theological arguments are often so highly technical and conceptually difficult as to be inscrutable to all but the most experienced scholar. Even referencing original sources can be challenging if one does not know that to find a work by, say, Giles of (...)
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    Parva naturalia.Richard A. H. King - 2011 - In Christof Rapp & Klaus Corcilius (eds.), Aristoteles-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 109-117.
    Parva naturalia ist eine Gruppe kleinerer Schriften, die folgende Einzeltitel umfasst: De sensu et sensato, De memoria et reminiscentia, De somno et vigilia, De insomniis, De divinatione per somnum, De longaevitate et brevitate vitae, De iuventute et senectute. Der Titel Parva naturalia geht auf den mittelalterlichen Philosophen und Aristoteliker Aegidius Romanus zurück. Die Parva naturalia vervollständigen das Projekt von De anima, indem sie die darin entwickelten Definitionen der Seele und ihrer Vermögen für die Erklärung eines weiten Spektrums unterschiedlicher Leistungen (...)
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    Rezeption und Interpretation der aristotelischen Politica im späten Mittelalter.Christoph Flüeler - 1992 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.
    Die Entdeckung der Aristotelischen Politica muss als einschneidendes Ereignis in der Geschichte der politischen Theorien im Mittelalter verstanden werden. Gleich nach dem Erscheinen der ersten vollständigen Übersetzung wurde dieses Werk von der gelehrten Welt des Abendlandes mit grossem Interesse studiert und kommentiert. Die berühmtesten politischen Werke des späten Mittelalters, wie der Bestseller De regimine principum von Aegidius Romanus oder die äusserst kontroversen Bücher wie die Monarchia von Dante oder der Defensor pacis von Marsilius von Padua basieren weitgehend auf der (...)
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    Nicholas of Autrecourt.Mauricio Beuchot - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 458–465.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Critical and skeptical environment Nominalism and skepticism Varieties of nominalism Principles Critique of the principle of causality Anthropology and ethics Conclusion.
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