Results for 'Adrienne L. Zihlman'

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  1.  19
    Gathering Stories for Hunting Human Nature. [REVIEW]Adrienne L. Zihlman - 1985 - Feminist Studies 11 (2):365.
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    The problem of variation.Adrienne Zihlman - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):367-368.
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    Monica Arruda is a candidate for the BSN/MSN in the University of Penn-sylvania School of Nursing and Senior Research Assistant in the Center for Bioethics at Penn. Her previous work has focused on the commercialization of genetic testing.Adrienne Asch, Erika Blacksher, David A. Buehler, Ellen L. Csikai, Francesco Demartis, Joseph J. Fins, Nina Glick Schiller, Mark J. Hanson, H. Eugene Hern Jr & Kenneth V. Iserson - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7:7-8.
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    International practices in the provision of teratology information: a survey of international teratogen information programmes and comparisons with the North American model.Rebecca L. Hancock, Wendy J. Ungar, Adrienne Einarson & Gideon Koren - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (5):957-963.
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    Biodiversity, Big Data and Genome Editing.Calvin W. L. Ho & Adrienne Hunt - 2019 - Asian Bioethics Review 11 (2):129-132.
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    Selective sampling in discrimination learning.David L. La Berge & Adrienne Smith - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (6):423.
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    Does ethics education influence the moral action of practicing nurses and social workers?Christine Grady, Marion Danis, Karen L. Soeken, Patricia O'Donnell, Carol Taylor, Adrienne Farrar & Connie M. Ulrich - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (4):4 – 11.
    Purpose/methods: This study investigated the relationship between ethics education and training, and the use and usefulness of ethics resources, confidence in moral decisions, and moral action/activism through a survey of practicing nurses and social workers from four United States (US) census regions. Findings: The sample (n = 1215) was primarily Caucasian (83%), female (85%), well educated (57% with a master's degree). no ethics education at all was reported by 14% of study participants (8% of social workers had no ethics education, (...)
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  8. À l'écoute de Simone Weil. La transposition de(s) sens.Adrienne Janus - 2019 - In Robert Chenavier & Thomas G. Pavel (eds.), Simone Weil, réception et transposition. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there.Ioan Fazey, Niko Schäpke, Guido Caniglia, Anthony Hodgson, Ian Kendrick, Christopher Lyon, Glenn Page, James Patterson, Chris Riedy, Tim Strasser, Stephan Verveen, David Adams, Bruce Goldstein, Matthias Klaes, Graham Leicester, Alison Linyard, Adrienne McCurdy, Paul Ryan, Bill Sharpe, Giorgia Silvestri, Ali Yansyah Abdurrahim, David Abson, Olufemi Samson Adetunji, Paulina Aldunce, Carlos Alvarez-Pereira, Jennifer Marie Amparo, Helene Amundsen, Lakin Anderson, Lotta Andersson, Michael Asquith, Karoline Augenstein, Jack Barrie, David Bent, Julia Bentz, Arvid Bergsten, Carol Berzonsky, Olivia Bina, Kirsty Blackstock, Joanna Boehnert, Hilary Bradbury, Christine Brand, Jessica Böhme Sangmeister), Marianne Mille Bøjer, Esther Carmen, Lakshmi Charli-Joseph, Sarah Choudhury, Supot Chunhachoti-Ananta, Jessica Cockburn, John Colvin, Irena L. C. Connon, Rosalind Cornforth, Robin S. Cox, Nicholas Cradock-Henry, Laura Cramer, Almendra Cremaschi, Halvor Dannevig, Catherine T. Day & Cathel Hutchison - unknown
    Formalised knowledge systems, including universities and research institutes, are important for contemporary societies. They are, however, also arguably failing humanity when their impact is measured against the level of progress being made in stimulating the societal changes needed to address challenges like climate change. In this research we used a novel futures-oriented and participatory approach that asked what future envisioned knowledge systems might need to look like and how we might get there. Findings suggest that envisioned future systems will need (...)
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    Full Collection of Personal Narratives.Jake Beery, Neethi Pinto, Marcia King, Laura Wachsmuth, Alisha, Katie L. Gholson, T. S. Moran, Calvin R. Gross, Joanne Alfred, Cindy Bitter, Jenna Bennett, Nadia Khan, Clarice Douille, Kristen Carey Rock, Adrienne Feller Novick, Andrea Eisenberg, Japmehr Sandhu, Katherine Bakke, Heer Hendry, Karan K. Mirpuri & Katerina V. Liong - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (2).
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Full Collection of Personal NarrativesJake Beery, Neethi Pinto, Marcia King, Laura Wachsmuth, Alisha, Katie L. Gholson, T.S. Moran, Calvin R. Gross, Joanne Alfred, Cindy Bitter, Jenna Bennett, Nadia Khan, Clarice Douille, Kristen Carey Rock, Adrienne Feller Novick, Andrea Eisenberg, Japmehr Sandhu, Katherine Bakke, Heer Hendry, Karan K. Mirpuri, and Katerina V. Liong• Being the Difference• Grieving One More Time• Echoes of Grief: Tales from an Emergency Medicine and (...)
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  11. Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there.Ioan Fazey, Niko Schäpke, Guido Caniglia, Anthony Hodgson, Ian Kendrick, Christopher Lyon, Glenn Page, James Patterson, Chris Riedy, Tim Strasser, Stephan Verveen, David Adams, Bruce Goldstein, Matthias Klaes, Graham Leicester, Alison Linyard, Adrienne McCurdy, Paul Ryan, Bill Sharpe, Giorgia Silvestri, Ali Yansyah Abdurrahim, David Abson, Olufemi Samson Adetunji, Paulina Aldunce, Carlos Alvarez-Pereira, Jennifer Marie Amparo, Helene Amundsen, Lakin Anderson, Lotta Andersson, Michael Asquith, Karoline Augenstein, Jack Barrie, David Bent, Julia Bentz, Arvid Bergsten, Carol Berzonsky, Olivia Bina, Kirsty Blackstock, Joanna Boehnert, Hilary Bradbury, Christine Brand, Jessica Böhme, Marianne Mille Bøjer, Esther Carmen, Lakshmi Charli-Joseph, Sarah Choudhury, Supot Chunhachoti-Ananta, Jessica Cockburn, John Colvin, Irena L. C. Connon & Rosalind Cornforth - 2020 - Energy Research and Social Science 70.
    Formalised knowledge systems, including universities and research institutes, are important for contemporary societies. They are, however, also arguably failing humanity when their impact is measured against the level of progress being made in stimulating the societal changes needed to address challenges like climate change. In this research we used a novel futures-oriented and participatory approach that asked what future envisioned knowledge systems might need to look like and how we might get there. Findings suggest that envisioned future systems will need (...)
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    Pensées impensables.Adrienne Maree Brown, Emma Bigé & Camille Noûs - 2022 - Multitudes 88 (3):69-76.
    Dans cette réflexion surgie des premières expériences de la pandémie du Covid-19, l’autrice met en écho nos peurs et nos réactions face aux dangers de la maladie et face aux actes de violence. Les condamnations sommaires et instantanées auxquelles les militant·es se livrent sur les réseaux sociaux reproduisent partiellement des dynamiques de lynchage dont il faut apprendre à davantage se méfier. Avec la distance de l’abstentiel, il est parfois plus facile de dénoncer ( call-out ) les mauvais comportements, que d’interpeler (...)
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    Response to Peer Commentary on “Does Ethics Education Influence the Moral Action of Practicing Nurses and Social Workers?”.Christine Grady, Marion Danis, Karen L. Soeken, Patricia O'Donnell, Carol Taylor, Adrienne Farrar & Connie M. Ulrich - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (4):1-2.
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    Getting a `Get' – the Limits of Law's Authority? N. v. N. (Jurisdiction: Pre-Nuptial Agreement) [1999] 2 F.L.R. 745. [REVIEW]Adrienne Barnett - 2000 - Feminist Legal Studies 8 (2):241-254.
    This note examines the decision of the Family Division of the High Court in N. v. N. (Jurisdiction: Pre-Nuptial Agreement) in which, in the context of Jewish divorce proceedings, the Court found that it had no jurisdiction to order a husband, by specific performance of a marriage agreement, to go through the procedure to obtain a ‘get’ (a hand-written bill of divorcement) allowing his wife to remarry. First, discussion of the case is contextualised broadly within the debate on the (de)merits (...)
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    Écrits Philosophiques: L'orientation du rationalisme.Léon Brunschvicg & Adrienne Weill - 1951 - Presses Universitaires de France.
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    Justice, intérêt et judiciarisation : un éclairage liminaire.Gilles Campagnolo & Adrienne Sala - 2024 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 1:13-46.
    Cet article propose une synthèse théorique pour mieux appréhender la problématique du présent numéro de la Revue de Philosophie Économique qui, axé sur « Justice, intérêt et judiciarisation », donne une place de choix au droit. Le texte revisite quelques principes fondamentaux de l’utilitarisme, plusieurs théories de la justice et des libertés en vue d’examiner la « judiciarisation » comme processus exprimant justice et intérêt(s). En repartant de Jeremy Bentham, en passant par les options opposées de John Rawls et de (...)
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  17.  13
    The Routledge Handbook of Love in Philosophy Adrienne M. Martin (editor). New York and London: Routledge, 2019.Patricia L. Grosse Brewer - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (4).
  18. The Impossibility of Motherhood: Feminism, Individualism, and the Problem of Mothering.Patrice Diquinzio, Nancy E. Dowd, Julia E. Hanigsberg, Sara Ruddick, Linda L. Layne & Laurie Lisle - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (2):180-190.
    An adequate analysis of experiences and situations specific to women, especially mothering, requires consideration of women's difference. A focus on women's difference, however, jeopardizes feminism's claims of women's equal individualist subjectivity, and risks recuperating the inequality and oppression of women, especially the view that all women should be mothers, want to be mothers, and are most happy being mothers. This book considers how thinkers including Simone de Beauvoir, Julia Kristeva, Nancy Choderow and Adrienne Rich struggle to negotiate this dilemma (...)
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  19.  18
    Adrienne Mayor, Les Amazones, quand les femmes étaient les égales des hommes (viiie sièc.Adelin* Leménageur - 2018 - Clio 48.
    Une des premières questions du public concernant les Amazones lors de conférences est la suivante : « Mais ces guerrières ont-elles vraiment existé? ». À cette interrogation, j’ai pris l’habitude de répondre qu’il n’y a pas de fumée sans feu, que je ne crois pas (après six années de recherches sur la question) qu’un peuple nommé Amazone, vivant en non-mixité, ait existé en Turquie. Cependant, je suis convaincu.e de l’existence de femmes guerrières peuplant les alentours du monde grec et que...
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    Hans Urs von Balthasar. His Life and Work ed. by David L. Schindler.Christophe Potworowski - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):689-694.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 689 present the spirit of Catholic Christianity to contemporary man in such a way that it [Catholic Christianity, not contemporary man!] appears credible in itself and its historical development..." (emph. mine). Clearly, de Lubac's entire theology is an effort to say the opposite of what the mistranslation regrettably says. Page 46: "his articles, however, which from 1972 [typographical correction: 1942] on prepared for his works on modern (...)
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  21.  30
    Entre effacement et étalement ce que peut Merleau-Ponty pour le partage hétéronormé de l’espace.Marie-Anne Perreault & Myriam Coté - 2022 - Chiasmi International 24:241-255.
    Building on Merleau-Ponty’s recognition of the mutually expressive relation between the body and the space it occupies, I borrow from queer and feminist phenomenologies to reflect on the spatiality of subjects constrained to heterosexuality – a constraint that functions as a common ground, always already present, of the kind that Merleau-Ponty argued was constitutive of subject/world relations. If it is the case, as many feminist theorists after Adrienne Rich argued, that the patriarchal norm orients us early on toward the (...)
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    Hollow.Mia Mingus, Emma Bigé & Harriet de Gouge - 2024 - Multitudes 1:109-118.
    Une nouvelle écrite pour l’anthologie Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements [enfants d’Octavia: des histoires SF tirées des mouvements de justice sociale], éditée par adrienne maree brown et Walidah Imarisha. L’histoire parle d’un futur dans lequel toutes les personnes handicapées (appelées I. P. ou ImParfait·es) ont été envoyées sur une autre planète où, débarrassées des soldats envoyés pour les surveiller, ielles se sont créé une vie faite d’entraide. Cette vie est menacée par les Parfait·es, qui s’apprêtent (...)
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    Arts-based thought experiments for a posthuman Earth: a Touchstones companion.Alexandra J. Cutcher & Amy Cutter-Mackenzie (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    Arts-Based Thought Experiments is a highly visual offering that engages visual arts, photography, poetry, creative non-fiction, memoir and speculative fiction. In this novel book, the authors lean deeply into concepts of the imaginary, and through artful experiments with thought, trouble the tensions between the human, the posthuman and the more than human. In the Anthropocene, with its intractable challenges and cataclysms, engaging posthuman positions when thinking of learning in socioecological terms is paramount to human survival. In this sense, the arts (...)
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    Must Global Politics Constrain Democracy?Alan Gilbert - 1992 - Political Theory 20 (1):8-37.
    The government itself, which is the only mode which the people have chosen to execute their will, is equally liable [with the standing army] to be abused and perverted before the people can act through it. Witness the present Mexican war, the work of comparatively a few individuals using the standing government as their tool; for, in the outset, the people would not have consented to this measure. Henry Thoreau, in “Civil Disobedience” It is easy to say — and often (...)
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    Mass terms and quantification.Jan Tore Lønning - 1987 - Linguistics and Philosophy 10 (1):1 - 52.
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    The patient and clinician experience of informed consent for surgery: a systematic review of the qualitative evidence.L. J. Convie, E. Carson, D. McCusker, R. S. McCain, N. McKinley, W. J. Campbell, S. J. Kirk & M. Clarke - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-17.
    Background Informed consent is an integral component of good medical practice. Many researchers have investigated measures to improve the quality of informed consent, but it is not clear which techniques work best and why. To address this problem, we propose developing a core outcome set to evaluate interventions designed to improve the consent process for surgery in adult patients with capacity. Part of this process involves reviewing existing research that has reported what is important to patients and doctors in the (...)
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    The Road Not Mapped: The Neuroethics Roadmap on Research with Nonhuman Primates.L. Syd M. Johnson - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (3):176-183.
    We have arrived at an inflection point, a moment in history when the sentience, conscious- ness, intelligence, agency, and even the moral agency of many nonhuman animals can no longer be questioned without ignoring centuries of accumulated scientific knowledge. Nowhere is this more true than in our understanding of nonhuman primates (NHPs). A neu- roethics committed to probing the ethical implications of brain research must be able to respond to and anticipate the challenges ahead as brain projects globally prepare to (...)
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  28.  69
    (1 other version)Can the logic of indirect discourse be formalised?L. Jonathan Cohen - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (3):225-232.
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    More about Knowing and Feeling Sure.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1966 - Analysis 27 (1):11 - 16.
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    Compensating Wrongless Historical Emissions of Grennhouse Gases.L. H. Meyer - 2004 - Ethical Perspectives 11 (1):20-35.
    Currently living people cannot be said to be wronged because of the wrongless emissons of greenhouse gases by past people. According to the usual subjunctive-historical understanding of harm, currently living people cannot be said to be harmed by the impact of greenhouse emissions on their well-being. By relying on a subjunctive-threshold notion of harm we can justify conclusions about both the present generation’s duties not to violate the rights of future generations, and the present generation’s duties to compensate currently living (...)
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  31. Embodying Forgiveness: A Theological Analysis.L. Gregory Jones - 1995
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    Dissociation of memory and awareness in young and older adults.L. L. Light, A. Singh & J. L. Capps - 1986 - Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 8:62-74.
  33. Khaṣāʼiṣ madrasat al-Nubūwah: ṣūrah ʻamalīyah tut-arjimu al-nuṣūṣ ilá aʻmāl wa-sulūk, fa-li-nansiju ʻalá minwālihā taḥqīqan li-jawhar al-Islām.Kamāl Muḥammad ʻĪsá - 1982 - Jiddah: Dār al-Shurūq.
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    The paradoxes of confirmation and the nature of natural laws.L. Goddard - 1977 - Philosophical Quarterly 27 (107):97-113.
    It is shown that the paradoxes of confirmation are closely linked to the paradoxes of material implication and that they can be avoided by formulating natural laws in terms of a genuine if-Connective rather than the material conditional. However, Natural laws so expressed are not confirmed by simple conjunctions. The question then is whether the common assumption that simple conjunctions do confirm universal generalizations is correct. The answer given is that it is not. In particular, A confirming proposition of the (...)
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  35. The new tenseless theory of time: A reply to Smith.L. Nathan Oaklander - 1990 - Philosophical Studies 58 (3):287 - 292.
    Quentin Smith has argued (Philosophical Studies, 1987, pp. 371-392) that the token-reflexive and the date versions of the new tenseless theory of time are open to insurmountable difficulties. I argue that Smith's central arguments are irrelevant since they rest upon methodological assumptions accepted by the old tenseless theory, but rejected by the new tenseless theory.
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    Les Bouches inutiles et L’Éden Cinéma: Le Théatre du manque.Teresa L. Myintoo - 1995 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 12 (1):100-105.
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    A Critical Response to Heidi C. Giannini.L. Philip Barnes - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (4):784-792.
    In a recent article in this journal, Heidi Giannini (2017) has argued that the Christian doctrines of love and of hope require Christians to endorse universal, unconditional forgiveness, understood in terms of the renunciation of “negative reactive attitudes.” She also addresses criticisms of this interpretation. It is argued that Giannini has failed to provide a Christian justification for universal, unconditional forgiveness. Part of the problem is that she espouses a definition of forgiveness and an understanding of the nature of forgiveness (...)
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    In Pursuit of Performatives.L. W. Forguson - 1966 - Philosophy 41 (158):341 - 347.
    It sometimes happens that a philosopher will develop a view on some topic and then later come to reject it. J. L. Austin was perhaps unique in that he not only rejected a philosophical view of which he himself was the author, he patiently developed the view and then showed it to be ultimately unsatisfactory within the compass of the same work. And he did this not once but three times, in material intended for publication. I am thinking, of course, (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Essays on J. L. Austin.Isaiah Berlin, L. W. Forguson, D. F. Pears, G. Pitcher, J. R. Searle & P. F. Strawson - 1974 - Philosophy 49 (188):219-220.
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    Abortion and the husband's rights: A reply to Wesley Teo.L. M. Purdy - 1976 - Ethics 86 (3):247-251.
  41. Consciousness, philosophy, and mathematics.L. E. J. Brouwer - 1948 - Proceedings of the 10Th International Congress of Philosophy, Amsterdam:1235–1249.
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    Calculating & Disclosing Bond Yields.L. Benjamin Boyar - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 14:299-306.
    A student considering a career as a financial advisor is confronted by a common industry practice that some consider misleading and unethical. The case fosters financial literacy by allowing students to connect theory to practice through the analysis of a highly realistic brokerage statement using Microsoft Excel. It permits an instructor to seamlessly inject an ethical component into an accounting or finance course while simultaneously sharpening students' understanding of key financial concepts such as bond valuation and yield to maturity.
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    Is There a Difference Between Absolute and Relative space.L. Nathan Oaklander - 2008 - In Guido Bonino & Rosaria Egidi (eds.), Fostering the Ontological Turn: Gustav Bergmann (1906-1987). Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 242-251.
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  44. Time and Tense: Philosophical Aspects.L. Nathan Oaklander - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 554-557.
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    Scientific Inference.L. E. Palmieri & Sir Harold Jeffreys - 1957 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18 (2):269.
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    L'expérience esthétique Africaine.Issiaka-Prosper L. Lalèyê - 2012 - Diogène n° 235-235 (3/4):30-35.
    Résumé Les moyens actuels de communication et d’information offrent la possibilité de créer un espace virtuel appelé à accueillir les efforts d’un dialogue véritable et sincère grâce auquel sans exclusive aucune, les philosophes qu’ils soient africains ou d’origine africaine travaillent à ce pourquoi ils ont été formés et qui n’est autre que de penser librement en respectant la liberté de ses interlocuteurs tout en recherchant non seulement la philosophia africana mais en même temps la philosophie africaine.
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  47. Intuitionistische Zerlegung mathematischer Grundbegriffe.L. E. J. Brouwer - 1923 - Jahresbericht der Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung 33:241–256.
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    Sculptural thinking—2 a reply.L. R. Rogers - 1963 - British Journal of Aesthetics 3 (4):357-362.
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    The Literary Microcosm: Theories of Interpretation of the Later Neoplatonists.L. G. Westerink & James A. Coulter - 1980 - American Journal of Philology 101 (3):371.
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    The importance of listening to medical students' experiences when teaching them medical ethics.L. W. Osborne & C. M. Martin - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (1):35-38.
    This paper describes the change of emphasis that occurred in the teaching of ethics to small groups of clinical students. Although the original focus of the course was on the analysis of ethical dilemmas associated with individual patients known to the students, it soon became evident that there were, for the students themselves, more fundamental ethical dilemmas in their new role as clinical students. These included worries about how to respond when patients asked questions which their consultants had previously deceived (...)
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