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  1.  21
    The Deleuze Dictionary.Adrian Parr (ed.) - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    This dictionary, the first dedicated to the work of Gilles Deleuze, offers an in-depth and lucid introduction to one of the most influential figures in continental philosophy. It defines and contextualizes more than 150 terms relating to Deleuze's philosophy, including "becoming," "body without organs," "deterritorialization," "difference," "repetition," and "rhizome." The entries also explore Deleuze's intellectual influences and the ways in which his ideas have shaped philosophy, feminism, cinema studies, postcolonial theory, geography, and cultural studies. More than just defining and describing (...)
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    The Deleuze Dictionary Revised Edition.Adrian Parr - 2010 - Edinburgh University Press.
    This is the first and only dictionary dedicated to the work of Gilles Deleuze. It provides an in-depth and lucid introduction to one of the most influential figures in continental philosophy. It defines and contextualises more than 150 terms that relate to Deleuze's philosophy and explains the main intellectual influences on Deleuze as well as the influence Deleuze has had on subjects such as feminism, cinema, postcolonial theory, geography and cultural studies. In this revised edition, there are expanded entries on (...)
  3.  12
    Deleuze and Memorial Culture: Desire, Singular Memory and the Politics of Trauma.Adrian Parr - 2008 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Deleuze and Memorial Culture is a detailed study of contemporary forms of public remembrance. Adrian Parr considers the different character traumatic memory takes throughout the sphere of cultural production and argues that contemporary memorial culture has the power to put traumatic memory to work in a positive way. Drawing on the conceptual apparatus of Gilles Deleuze, she outlines the relevance of his thought to cultural studies and the wider phenomenon of traumatic theory and public remembrance. This book offers a revision (...)
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    Urban Debt, Neoliberalism and the Politics of the Commons.Adrian Parr - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (3):69-91.
    The rural/metropolitan/wilderness hybrid central to urban shrinkage directly challenges a commonly held belief that a city consists of a dense concentration of people living in a limited geographical area, one where the primary means of production is non-agricultural. In addition, the urban condition of shrinkage tests the dominant current of growth management that has guided urban design, development, and land use. In this essay we will explore how this hybrid presents an alternative to the production and realization of surplus value (...)
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    Birth of a new earth: the radical politics of environmentalism.Adrian Parr - 2018 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Varying shades of green -- Green governmentality -- Green scare -- Fascist earth -- Commonism -- Welcome to the dark side of dignity and development -- Urban clearcutting -- Protest without people -- So to speak.
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    Deleuze and the Contemporary World.Ian Buchanan & Adrian Parr (eds.) - 2006 - Edinburgh University Press.
    This volume joins the pragmatic philosophy of Deleuze to current affairs. The twelve new essays in this volume use a contemporary context to think through and with Deleuze. Engaging the here and now, the contributors use the Deleuzian theoretical apparatus to think about issues such as military activity in the Middle East, refugees, terrorism, information and communication, and the State. The book is aimed both at specialists of Deleuze and those who are unfamiliar with his work but who are interested (...)
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  7.  16
    Green Scare.Adrian Parr - 2015 - Philosophy Today 59 (4):671-684.
  8.  7
    Introduction.Adrian Parr & Santiago Zabala - 2023 - In Adrian Parr & Santiago Zabala (eds.), Outspoken: A Manifesto for the Twenty-First Century. McGill-Queen's University Press. pp. 3-8.
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    Outspoken: A Manifesto for the Twenty-First Century.Adrian Parr & Santiago Zabala (eds.) - 2023 - McGill-Queen's University Press.
    In a world of increasing right-wing populism, global capitalism, and a climate emergency, leading thinkers come together to interrogate the meaning and practice of being outspoken. The violence, nativism, persecution, and social hostilities of the twenty-first century demand a call to order: philosophical and theoretical communities must commit their intellectual resources to confronting and articulating the structures, desires, and resentment driving the dismantling of democratic values. Action in the absence of understanding and political vision devoid of inclusive ideas are all (...)
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  10.  38
    One nation under surveillance: Turning striated space inside out.Adrian Parr - 2006 - Angelaki 11 (1):99 – 107.
  11.  22
    Philosophy at the Edge of Chaos: Gilles Deleuze and the Philosophy of Difference (review).Adrian Parr - 2007 - Symploke 15 (1):388-390.
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    Review essay: Between Deleuze and Derrida, editors, Paul Patton & John Protevi.Adrian Parr - 2003 - Critical Horizons 4 (2):305-314.
    Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Derrida have each made significant contributions to philosophies of difference and yet few have tackled the difficult task of studying the connection between the two. In their forthcoming book, Between Deleuze and Derrida, editors Paul Patton and John Protevi do exactly this. What emerges is a fascinating study of the similarities and differences between the two philosophers and in particular the ethical and political threads underlying their connection.
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    The Wrath of Capital: Neoliberalism and Climate Change Politics.Adrian Parr - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    Although climate change has become the dominant concern of the twenty-first century, global powers refuse to implement the changes necessary to reverse these trends. Instead, they have neoliberalized nature and climate change politics and discourse, and there are indications of a more virulent strain of capital accumulation on the horizon. Adrian Parr calls attention to the problematic socioeconomic conditions of neoliberal capitalism underpinning the world's environmental challenges, and she argues that, until we grasp the implications of neoliberalism's interference in climate (...)
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