Results for 'Adolf Frankel'

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  1. Essays on the foundations of mathematics: dedicated to A. A. Fraenkel on his seventieth anniversary.Abraham Adolf Fraenkel & Yehoshua Bar-Hillel (eds.) - 1966 - Jerusalem: Magnes Press Hebrew University.
    Bibliography of A. A. Fraenkel (p. ix-x)--Axiomatic set theory. Zur Frage der Unendlichkeitsschemata in der axiomatischen Mengenlehre, von P. Bernays.--On some problems involving inaccessible cardinals, by P. Erdös and A. Tarski.--Comparing the axioms of local and universal choice, by A. Lévy.--Frankel's addition to the axioms of Zermelo, by R. Mantague.--More on the axiom of extensionality, by D. Scott.--The problem of predicativity, by J. R. Shoenfield.--Mathematical logic. Grundgedanken einer typenfreien Logik, von W. Ackermann.--On the use of Hilbert's [epsilon]-operator in scientific (...)
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  2. Hermann Cohen on the role of history in critical philosophy.Scott Edgar - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):148-168.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 1, Page 148-168, March 2022.
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    Adolf Reinach: Les Fondements a Priori Du Droit Civil.Adolf Reinach - 2004 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Cette traduction inedite de l'oeuvre principale d'Adolf Reinach (1883-1917) apporte des contributions fondamentales a divers champs de la connaissance. Disciple de Husserl, Reinach propose une interpretation du monde social qui engage la phenomenologie sur le terrain des actes sociaux et des experiences individuelles qui les accompagnent, afin d'isoler les structures a priori qui sont au principe meme du droit positif. Le travail de Reinach s'inscrit egalement dans un champ d'analyse philosophique et linguistique centre sur les enonces dits performatifs, baptises (...)
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  4. Adolf von Harnack zum gedächtnis.Adolf von Harnack - 1930 - Elmau,: Verlag der Grünen blätter. Edited by Johannes Müller.
    Adolf von Harnack auf schloss Elmau, von J. Müller.--Briefe Adolf von Harnacs an Johannes Müller.--Leben und erkennen, von A. Harnack.
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    From Mineralogy to Geology: The Foundations of a Science, 1650-1830.Henry Frankel - 1990 - Journal of the History of Biology 23 (1):157-158.
  6.  17
    Defining American Psychology: The Correspondence Between Adolf Meyer and Edward Bradford Titchener.Adolf Meyer & Edward Bradford Titchener - 1990
  7. Synthesen der Philosophie der Gegenwart Festgabe Adolf Dyroff Zum 60. Geburtstag Dargebracht von Freunden Und Schülern.Adolf Dyroff, Erich Feldmann & Martin Honecker - 1926 - K. Schroeder.
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    Hinze, Adolf, Sozialdemokratie, Christentum, Materialismus und der Krieg.Adolf Hinze - 1920 - Kant Studien 24 (1).
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    The career of continental drift theory: An application of Imre Lakatos' analysis of scientific growth to the rise of drift theory.Henry Frankel - 1979 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 10 (1):21-66.
  10. Azmat al-Insān al-ḥadīth.Charles Frankel - 1959 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dar Maktabat al-Ḥayāh. Edited by Nicola A. Ziadeh.
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    Adolf von Harnacks Briefwechsel mit Gustav von Bunge, hg. von Christian Nottmeier und Claus-Dieter Osthövener.Gustav von Bunge & Adolf von Harnack - 2006 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 12 (2):287-340.
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  12. Historical determinism, social activism, and predictions in the social sciences.Adolf Grünbaum - 1956 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 7 (27):236-240.
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    The Social Contract.Jean Jacques Rousseau & Charles Frankel - 1948 - Journal of Philosophy 45 (24):666-667.
  14. Aufbruch der Lebensforschung.Adolf Portmann - 1965 - Zurich: Rhein-Verlag.
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    Validation in the Clinical Theory of Psychoanalysis.Adolf Grünbaum - 1993 - International Universities Press.
    "Well over one half of this brilliant new Monograph constitutes a major sequel to Professor Grunbaum's highly influential 1984 book The Foundations of Psychoanalysis: A Philosophical Critique, which was labeled "magisterial" by Frank J. Sulloway, and "the most important book ever written on Freud's status as a scientist" by J. Allan Hobson. The importance of the present Monograph lies in the extent to which the author now goes beyond that earlier volume to offer new original ideas on fundamental themes." "Validation (...)
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  16. The Role of Psychological Explanations of the Rejection or Acceptance of Scientific Theories* By Adolf Griinbaum.Adolf Griinbaum - 1979 - In Jan Bärmark, Perspectives in metascience. Göteborg: Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället. pp. 2--95.
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    The Little Community: Viewpoints for the Study of a Human Whole. Robert Redfield Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955. Pp. vi, 182. $4.00.Charles Frankel - 1956 - Philosophy of Science 23 (3):269-270.
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    The Adolescent Psyche: Jungian and Winnicottian Perspectives.Richard Frankel - 1998 - Routledge.
    Adolescence is recognised as a turbulent period of human development. Along with the physical changes of puberty, adolescents undergo significant transformations in the way they think, act, feel and perceive the world. The disruption that is manifest in their behaviour is upsetting and often incomprehensible to the adults surrounding them. In _The Adolescent Psyche_ Richard Frankel shows how this unique stage of human development expresses through its traumas and fantasies the adolescent's urge towards self-realization. The impact of contemporary culture (...)
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  19. The Duhemian Argument.Adolf Grünbaum - 1960 - Philosophy of Science 27 (1):75 - 87.
    This paper offers a refutation of P. Duhem's thesis that the falsifiability of an isolated empirical hypothesis H as an explanans is unavoidably inconclusive. Its central contentions are the following: 1. No general features of the logic of falsifiability can assure, for every isolated empirical hypothesis H and independently of the domain to which it pertains, that H can always be preserved as an explanans of any empirical findings O whatever by some modification of the auxiliary assumptions A in conjunction (...)
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    Humaniora: Medizin - Recht - Geschichte: Festschrift für Adolf Laufs zum 70. Geburtstag.Adolf Laufs & Bernd-Rüdiger Kern (eds.) - 2006 - Berlin: Springer.
    Womit beschäftigt sich die medizinische Wissenschaft? Ich verstehe ja natürlich nichts davon, aber sie beschäftigt sich doch mit dem Menschen. Und die Juristerei, die Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung? Auch mit dem Menschen.
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    Zwischen scylla und charybdis.Adolf Meyer - 1936 - Acta Biotheoretica 1 (3):203-218.
    In comparing it with the mechanistic and vitalistic views, the author seeks to make clear the nature of holistic causality, referring toDonnan's equations as an example.Holistic causality is essentially dimensional simplification. A complex system which forms a whole must be described in the first instance autonomo-phenomenologically, and if possible mathematically. Thereafter it is simplified into other wholes of less dimensionality, through progressive elimination of its higher dimensions, and so on until there remain over constituents no longer showing „wholeness”. These are (...)
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    Natural selection and metaphors of “selection”.Adolf Heschl - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):539-540.
    Natural selection in the sense of Darwin always means physical propagation (positive case) or disappearance (negative case) of living organisms due to differential reproduction. If one concentrates on this simple materialist principle, one arrives at a much better method of discerning true selection processes from largely nonrandom processes of internal rearrangement (somatic mutations) and reorganisation (operant learning).
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    Quelques remarques sur l' « éthique a nicomaque ».Adolf Lasson - 1910 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 18 (1):25 - 36.
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    Orosius, christlicher apologet und römischer bürger.Adolf Lippold - 1969 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 113 (1-2).
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  25. Professional codes: Why, how, and with what impact? [REVIEW]Mark S. Frankel - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (2-3):109 - 115.
    A tension between the professions' pursuit of autonomy and the public's demand for accountability has led to the development of codes of ethics as both a foundation and guide for professional conduct in the face of morally ambiguous situations. The profession as an institution serves as a normative reference group for individual practitioners and through a code of ethics clarifies, for both its members and outsiders, the norms that ought to govern professional behavior. Three types of codes can be identified (...)
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    Introduction: truth and truth-making.Adolf Rami - 2008 - In E. Jonathan Lowe & Adolf Rami, Truth and Truth-Making. Montreal: Mcgill-Queen's University Press. pp. 1-36.
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  27. Scientific Societies as Sentinels of Responsible Research Conduct2 (msssd).Mark S. Frankel - forthcoming - Research Ethics.
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  28. Abelson on Feigl's Mind-Body Identity Thesis.Adolf Grünbaum - 1972 - Philosophical Studies 23 (1-2):119 - 121.
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    The Importance of Galileo's Nontelescopic Observations concerning the Size of the Fixed Stars.Henry Frankel - 1978 - Isis 69 (1):77-82.
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    Arthur Holmes and Continental Drift.Henry Frankel - 1978 - British Journal for the History of Science 11 (2):130-150.
    Although there are numerous and significant differences between the theories of scientific growth and change proposed by Kuhn, Lakatos, and Laudan, they all hold that specific scientific theories should be viewed as constitutive of more comprehensive theories. Kuhn calls those more general theories ‘paradigms’, Lakatos labels them ‘research programmes’ and Laudan refers to them as ‘research traditions’. They all argue that scientists are much more willing to give up the specific theory within a given research programme rather than the programme (...)
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  31. Introduction to the biopsychosocial approach.R. M. Frankel, T. E. Quill & S. H. McDaniel - 2003 - In Richard M. Frankel, Timothy E. Quill & Susan H. McDaniel, The biopsychosocial approach: past, present, and future. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
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  32. Spinoza’s Response to Maimonides.Steven Frankel - 2005 - International Philosophical Quarterly 45 (3):309-325.
    Spinoza resolves the tension between reason and revelation by granting reason complete authority and autonomy in all philosophical and natural matters, and by denying revelation any claims to knowledge. Despite this dramatic partisanship, he attempts to make this solution attractive to believers by creating a hermeneutic that allows a limited claim to knowledge for revelation. This article attempts to explain how he arrived at this strategy and why he believed it would succeed.
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  33. The Piety of a Heretic: Spinoza's Interpretation of Judaism.Steven Frankel - 2002 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 11 (2):117-134.
  34. Poems by Wang Wei.Hans H. Frankel, Chang Yinnan, Lewis C. Walmsley & Wang Wei - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (2):174.
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    Die Psychobionik als Instrument gelenkter Gesellschaftsveränderung und artifizieller Evolution.Adolf Adam - 1985 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 17 (1):148-178.
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  36. Die Etik des Stoikers Epictet. Anhang : Exkurse ueber einige wichtige Punkte der stoischen Etik.Adolf Bonhöffer - 1897 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 44:305-309.
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    Civil religion in modern political philosophy: Machiavelli to Tocqueville.Steven Frankel & Martin D. Yaffe (eds.) - 2020 - University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A collection of essays on civil religion in modern political philosophy, exploring the engagement between modern thought and the Christian tradition.
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  38. Education and the Barricades.C. FRANKEL - 1968
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  39. (1 other version)The Philosopher as Teacher.Charles Frankel - 1973 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 47:1.
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    Zur Discordia des Ennius.Hermann Fränkel - 1948 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 97 (1):354-354.
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    Etiology and theory in psychoanalytic theory.Adolf Grünbaum - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):729-732.
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    Descartes.Lois Frankel - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (2):261.
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    On the Concept of Causality in the Criminal Law.Adolf Reinach - 2009 - Libertarian Papers 1:35.
    Adolf Reinach was a German phenomenologist and legal theorist. This is a previously-unpublished translation of Reinach’s 1905 dissertation for his PhD earned under Theodor Lipps at the University of Munich, which was published as “Über den Ursachenbegriff im geltenden Strafrecht” , and reprinted in Adolf Reinach, Sämtliche Werke. Textkritische Ausgabe [Collected Works: Critical Edition], Karl Schuhmann & Barry Smith, eds., 2 vols. , pp. 1–43.
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    Johann Gottlieb Fichte im Verhältnis zu Kirche und Staat.Adolf Lasson - 1968 - Aalen,: Scientia Verlag.
    Der Philosoph Adolf Lasson blickt auf einen der wichtigsten Vertreter des Deutschen Idealismus: Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Lasson diskutiert Fichtes Lehre und ordnet sie in die Denkströmungen der Zeit ein. Im Fokus seiner Arbeit steht jedoch Fichtes Verhältnis zu Kirche und Staat, das er kritisch hinterfragt. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1863.
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  45. The biopsychosocial approach: past, present, and future.Richard M. Frankel, Timothy E. Quill & Susan H. McDaniel (eds.) - 2003 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
    According to the biopsychosocial model, developed by the late Dr. George Engel, how physicians approach patients and the problems they present is very much ...
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    Psychological Issues.Adolf Grünbaum - 1959 - International Universities Press.
    "Well over one half of this brilliant new Monograph constitutes a major sequel to Professor Grunbaum's highly influential 1984 book The Foundations of Psychoanalysis: A Philosophical Critique, which was labeled "magisterial" by Frank J. Sulloway, and "the most important book ever written on Freud's status as a scientist" by J. Allan Hobson. The importance of the present Monograph lies in the extent to which the author now goes beyond that earlier volume to offer new original ideas on fundamental themes." "Validation (...)
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    Justifying Descartes' causal principle.Lois Elaine Frankel - 1986 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (3):323-341.
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    The Cartesian Roots of Berkeley's Account of Sensation.Melissa Frankel - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (2):214-231.
    On the old story about early modern philosophy, Descartes is a “rationalist” who devalues the senses, and Berkeley an “empiricist” who rejects this. Berkeley plays into this story in his Notebooks, where he writes: “in vindication of the senses effectually to confute wt Descartes saith in ye last par. of the last Med: viz. that the senses oftener inform him falsly than truely”. But when we turn to this “last par.,” we find Descartes maintaining that “my senses report the truth (...)
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    Gesammelte Schriften: Verfassungsrecht, Völkerrecht. Bd. 2. Teilbd. 1.Adolf Merkl, Dorothea Mayer-Maly, Herbert Schambeck & Wolf-Dietrich Grussmann - 1999
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    XII. Die Religionsphiosophie Teichmüllers.Adolf Müller - 1908 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 21 (2):218-239.
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