  1.  72
    Dwelling and Departure: Beginning Disputes between Arendt and Heidegger.Adi Burton & Barbara Weber - 2024 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 14:21-40.
    In “Letter on Humanism,” Martin Heidegger juxtaposes the notion of homelessness (Heimlosigkeit) with home-coming (Heimholung), i.e. the reawakening to our original relationship to Being. This focus on dwelling in Being represents an interesting modification from his earlier study of “incipience” (Anfang), which emphasizes departure. We follow the critique of this shift in thinking in Hannah Arendt’s work, beginning with a short allegory titled “Heidegger the Fox” (1953). We suggest that reading this allegory in the light of Arendt’s decades-long debate with (...)
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    Ritual as Praxis: The Responsibility of Activists in the Face of Genocide; or, Between Ethics and Politics.Adi Burton - 2022 - Dissertation, University of British Columbia
    The most urgent ethical task in the face of genocide is the demand to stop it. But how can the seeming moral clarity of opposition to genocide be reconciled with the failure of adequate political responses? I begin by problematizing the demand and response through the lens of the Save Darfur movement that mobilized millions of people against genocide in the 2000s, and which I suggest articulates the ethical and political challenges at the core of genocide research and its goal (...)
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    "Strong as Death is Love:" Eros and Education at the End of Time.Samuel D. Rocha & Adi Burton - 2017 - Espacio Tiempo y Educación 4 (1):1-17.
    This essay is an extended reflection on the relationship between death and love expressed in a fragment from Song of Songs 8:6: «Strong as death is love». The passage will be analyzed through a Jewish, Orthodox, and Catholic exegesis and literary reflection. In particular, the essay describes the role of a particular form of love (eros) within a particular form of education (education at the end of time). While eros has frequently been ignored or resigned to a purely sexualized role, (...)
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    The Eros of the Meal: Passover, Eucharist, Education.Samuel D. Rocha & Adi Burton - 2017 - Encounters in the Theory and History of Education 18:119-132.
    After outlining a common critique in selected texts by Paulo Freire and Benedict XVI, we turn beyond the individual thinkers and into the mystagogy of their common religious traditions, beginning with an extended description of the Jewish ritual of Passover, foundational to a description of the Catholic celebration of the Eucharist to follow, but also definitive in its own right. In describing these two rituals we find a fuller consideration of the constructive responses by Freire and Benedict to the institutional (...)
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  5. Facing the Perfect Stranger: Disrupting a Mythology of Innocence in Education and Beyond.Adi Burton - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:171-184.
    The impossible task of navigating ethical dilemmas and challenges as teachers, students, and persons leaves us vulnerable. Susan B. Dion coined the term “perfect stranger” to describe the ways in which teachers and students protect themselves from this ethical vulnerability. Yet, there is no protection or resolution to be found in an ethical relation. According to Emmanuel Levinas, we are never capable of meeting the ethical demands that the other places upon us. A Levinasian metaphysical lens reveals two ontological problematics (...)
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  6.  61
    “Now What?”: The Risk of Action and the Responsibility of the Teacher.Adi Burton - 2019 - Philosophy of Education 75:606-619.
    Many young people, especially in high schools in Canada and the United States, are exposed to a dangerously simplistic “make a difference” narrative that often unravels in the face of very real and complex crises. This essay begins in the moment of social justice education (or indeed any education oriented toward political action) where students learn enough about injustice to ask: “now what?” The paralysis that may emerge from a rupture of that narrative is one of the reasons that the (...)
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  7.  25
    A Phenomenology of Utterance and Prophetic Teaching in the Threshold.Adi Burton & Samuel D. Rocha - 2021 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 3 (2):144-163.
    In this essay, the authors explore the phenomenon of utterance we find in speech and teaching. Jean-Luc Marion’s third phenomenological reduction serves as a methodological foundation for this exploration which moves through Biblical literature and autobiography – both centred on the story of the election of Samuel – before leading into a meditation on the Call of and Response to the Other. The Call and Response guide the essay to a theory of prophetic teaching emerging within its phenomenology of utterance (...)
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  8.  13
    The Asymmetrical Relations of Contact Zones.Adi Burton & Susan Verducci - 2022 - Philosophy of Education 78 (3):i-v.
    Guest editors' introduction to the issue containing essays originally presented at the 2022 Philosophy of Education Society conference examining Mary Louise Pratt's notion of "contact zones." This issue includes discussions that highlight the “highly asymmetrical relations of power, such as colonialism, slavery, or their aftermaths” of contact zones in which we teach and learn. Pratt draws attention towards asymmetry to emphasize the social differences and fluidity of relations that characterize communities (including classrooms), over and against ideas of community that are (...)
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