Results for 'Adam Rubenstein'

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  1. Identity Physicalism vs Ground Physicalism about Consciousness.Adam Pautz - forthcoming - In G. Rabin, Grounding and Consciousness. Oxford University Press.
    Unlike identity physicalism, ground physicalism does not achieve the physicalist dream. It faces the T-shirt problem for ground physicalism (Pautz 2014; Schaffer this volume; Rubenstein ms). In the case of insentient nature, it may be able to get by with small handful of very general ground laws to explain the emergence of nonfundamental objects and properties – for example, a few “principle of plenitude”. But I argue that for the case consciousness it will require a separate huge raft of (...)
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  2. How to Achieve the Physicalist Dream Theory of Consciousness: Identity or Grounding? (2020).Adam Pautz - forthcoming - In G. Rabin, Grounding and Consciousness. Oxford University Press.
    Unlike identity physicalism, ground physicalism does not achieve the physicalist dream. It faces the T-shirt problem for ground physicalism (Pautz 2014; Schaffer this volume; Rubenstein ms). In the case of insentient nature, it may be able to get by with small handful of very general ground laws to explain the emergence of nonfundamental objects and properties – for example, a few “principle of plenitude”. But I argue that for the case consciousness it will require a separate huge raft of (...)
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    Matematyzowalność przyrody [recenzja] Philip J. Davis, Reuben Hersh, Descartes' Dream - The World According to Mathematics, 1986.Adam Cudak - 1988 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 10.
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    Procopius of Caesarea: Tyranny, History, and Philosophy at the End of Antiquity (review).Adam H. Becker - 2007 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 100 (2):177-178.
  5.  24
    Battlefield Triage.Christopher Bobier & Daniel Hurst - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    Photo ID 222412412 © US Navy Medicine | ABSTRACT In a non-military setting, the answer is clear: it would be unethical to treat someone based on non-medical considerations such as nationality. We argue that Battlefield Triage is a moral tragedy, meaning that it is a situation in which there is no morally blameless decision and that the demands of justice cannot be satisfied. INTRODUCTION Medical resources in an austere environment without quick recourse for resupply or casualty evacuation are often (...)
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    Spirituality and Hallucinogen Use: Results from a Pilot Study among College Students.Adam Stasko, Satya P. Rao & Amy Pilley - 2012 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 31 (2):23-32.
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    Abstrakcja a metafizykaes encjalna.Adam Synowiecki - 1986 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 34 (3):5-38.
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    The Republic of Plato 2 Volume Paperback Set.James Adam (ed.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    James Adam was a Scottish classics scholar who taught at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. A strong defender of the importance of Greek philosophy in a well-rounded education, Adam published a number of Plato's works including Protagoras and Crito. This two-volume critical edition of the Republic was another major contribution to the field. Though his preface claims 'an editor cannot pretend to have exhausted its significance by means of a commentary,' Adam's depth of knowledge and erudite analysis of the (...)
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    Rozwój dokonywania decyzji.Adam Biela - 1978 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 26 (4):5-24.
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  10. The Lord Reigneth.Adam W. Burnet - 1947
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  11. Monastyczność uniwersytetu – wpływ idei monastycznej na kształt życia uniwersyteckiego.Adam Izdebski - 2011 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1 (16).
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    Descartes: Ses trois notions fondamentales.Ch Adam - 1937 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 123 (5/8):1 - 14.
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    Evridika in Orfej: od zrcalne k mnogoteri ljubezni.Alja Adam - 2009 - Ljubljana: Založba Sophia.
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    The vitality of Platonism.James Adam - 1911 - Cambridge,: The University press. Edited by Adela Marion Adam.
    The vitality of Platonism.--The divine origin of the soul.--The doctrine of the logos in Heraclitus.--The Hymn of Cleanthes.--Ancient Greek views of suffering and evil.--The moral and intellectual value of classical education.
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  15. Rectitudo i adaequatio — koncepcja filozofii Jana Morawskiego S. J.Adam Aduszkiewicz - 1993 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 38.
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  16. Traktat o naturze ludzkiej Dawida Hume\'a a brytyjska tradycja filozoficzna'.Adam Grzeliński - 2005 - Ruch Filozoficzny 2 (2).
  17. Między gnostycyzmem a dialogizmem. Kwestia stworzenia jako przedmiot rozbieżności w myśli żydowskiej XX w.Adam Lipszyc - 2000 - Principia.
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  18. Późny Heidegger i wczesny Benjamin : neopogaństwo i gnostycyzm w filozofii języka.Adam Lipszyc - 2007 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1:75-88.
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  19. El gasto sanitario y la ayuda como vías para salir del círculo vicioso entre pobreza y salud.Adam Wagstaff - 2003 - Humanitas 1 (3):247-254.
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  20. Jest dobrze.Adam Grobler - 2008 - Diametros:102-102.
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  21. Lepsze wyjaśnienie.Adam Grobler - 1996 - Filozofia Nauki 2.
    Like most realistically oriented philosophers, I accept that the growth of explanatory power of cognitive system is a sign of the cognitive progress. In other words, I assumecertain version of the principle of „inference to the best explanation”. In the paper I propose a unified and more sophisticated criterion for the „betterness” of explanation, which is formulated in van Fraassen's terminology.
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  22. Polityka i obyczaje.Adam Grobler - 2008 - Diametros 16:115-117.
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  23. Quine o tym, co istnieje.Adam Grobler - 2008 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 68.
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  24. Altruism, metalaw, and celegistics : an extraterrestrial perspective on universal law-making.Adam Korbitz - 2014 - In Douglas A. Vakoch, Extraterrestrial altruism: evolution and ethics in the cosmos. New York: Springer.
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  25. The problem of christianity and Žižek's "middle period".Adam Kotsko - 2015 - In Agon Hamza, Repeating Žižek. London: Duke University Press.
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    The Republic of Plato: Volume 1, Books I–V.James Adam (ed.) - 1902 - Cambridge University Press.
    James Adam was a Scottish classics scholar who taught at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. A strong defender of the importance of Greek philosophy in a well-rounded education, Adam published a number of Plato's works including Protagoras and Crito. This two-volume critical edition of the Republic was another major contribution to the field. Though his preface claims 'an editor cannot pretend to have exhausted its significance by means of a commentary,' Adam's depth of knowledge and erudite analysis of the (...)
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    Plato Moral and Political Ideals.Adela Marion Adam - 1913 - Philadelphia: Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published during the early part of the twentieth century, the Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature were designed to provide concise introductions to a broad range of topics. They were written by experts for the general reader and combined a comprehensive approach to knowledge with an emphasis on accessibility. Plato: Moral and Political Ideals by Adela Marion Adam, first printed in 1913, deals with the main substance of Plato's philosophy of ethics and politics, set within the context of (...)
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    Logikôs Argumentation in Aristotle’s Natural Science.Adam Woodcox - 2022 - Apeiron 55 (1):65-95.
    This paper offers a novel interpretation of the nature and role of logical argumentation in Aristotle’s natural philosophy. In contrast to the standard domain interpretation, which makes logikôs argumentation the contrary of phusikôs, relying on principles drawn from outside the domain of natural science, I propose that the essential or defining feature of logikôs argumentation is the use of principles that are general relative to the question under investigation. My interpretation is developed and illustrated with a close textual analysis of (...)
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  29. Adam Müllers Handschriftliche Zusätze zu der "Elementen der Staatskunst.Adam Heinrich Müller - 1926 - Jena,: G. Fischer.
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    Philosophy and Sport.Adam Berg - 2016 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 43 (2):329-333.
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    The missing consequences: A fourth flaw of experiments.Adam Thomas Biggs - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Decisions are affected by the potential consequences as much as any factor during the decision-making process. This prospective influence represents another flaw overlooked by most experiments that raises questions about the use of certain laboratory paradigms. Lethal force encounters are a prime example of this problem, where negative consequences of slow decisions and wrong decisions should be considered alongside behavior.
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    Introduction to the Special Issue.Adam Blair & Anne O'Byrne - 2021 - Puncta 4 (2):1-4.
    The Collegium Phaenomenologicum has met in Umbria, Italy every summer since 1976; only COVID made it pause, and hopefully only temporarily. It has been a forum for deep and broad discussion of the phenomenological tradition; it has also been a place where that tradition has itself been broadened and deepened by generations of thinkers who came to study the classical texts and to do phenomenology. In 2019, over the course of three weeks in July, in three lecture courses, several talks (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Che cosa significa essere marxista ; La questione dell'Umanesimo marxista, 2 vol.Adam Schaff - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (2):269-270.
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  34. (1 other version)Filozofia człowieka.Adam Schaff - 1962 - [Warszawa]: Książka i Wiedza.
  35. On Suffering.Adam Schaff - 1982 - Giornale di Metafisica 4 (1):27.
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  36. Irrealism and historical theory : a user's guide.Adam Timmins - 2023 - In Tor Egil Førland & Branko Mitrović, The Poverty of Anti-realism: Critical Perspectives on Postmodernist Philosophy of History. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  37. Carnap’s Weltanschauung and the Jugendbewegung: The Story of an Omitted Chapter.Adam Tuboly - 2017 - In Friedrich Stadler, Integrated History and Philosophy of Science: Problems, Perspectives, and Case Studies. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Towards an Evolutionary Epistemology of History.Adam Timmins - 2016 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 10 (1):98-115.
    _ Source: _Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 98 - 115 What has come to be known as the ‘linguistic turn’ in historical theory over the past forty years or so has finished what the two World Wars began in demolishing the confidence that the historical discipline possessed at the turn of the twentieth century. This confidence was most memorably expressed by Lord Acton that one day we would possess ‘ultimate history’. Today most historians are probably more inclined to subscribe to (...)
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    Sandra Lapointe and Christopher Pincock, eds., "Innovations in the History of Analytical Philosophy." Reviewed by.Adam Tamas Tuboly - 2019 - Philosophy in Review 39 (2):77-79.
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  40. Dedukcyjno-nomologiczny model wyjaśniania Hempla a wyjaśnianie w naukach humanistycznych.Adam Włodarczyk - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (4).
    The starting point of the article is claim, that the well-known distinction between natural sciences as explaining and human sciences as interpreting made by W. Dilthey and distinction between idiographic and nomothetic sciences made by H. Rickert are both inadequate at present. Human sciences separate their research areas using logics and statistics and formulating many generalizations and even laws. So it can be argued that they can give explanations sensu stricto. First part of the article describes contemporary controversy naturalism-anti­naturalism in (...)
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    Über die platonischen Briefe.Rudolf Adam - 1910 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 23 (1-4):29-52.
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    On Double-Membership Graphs of Models of Anti-Foundation.Bea Adam-day, John Howe & Rosario Mennuni - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (1):128-144.
    We answer some questions about graphs that are reducts of countable models of Anti-Foundation, obtained by considering the binary relation of double-membership $x\in y\in x$. We show that there are continuum-many such graphs, and study their connected components. We describe their complete theories and prove that each has continuum-many countable models, some of which are not reducts of models of Anti-Foundation.
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    On the Words πμαλα and βναυσος.J. Adam - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (03):102-.
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    Plato, Republic VI. 507 D and 507 B.J. Adam - 1899 - The Classical Review 13 (02):99-100.
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    Thirty years of Time & Society: The challenges for time studies revisited.Barbara Adam - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cet éditorial a paru le 30 janvier 2022 à l'occasion du 30e anniversaire de la revue Time & Society. Thirty years ago, as founding editor of Time & Society, l set out the challenges for contributors in the Editorial to the first issue. T&S was launched as an international trans-disciplinary journal, primarily straddling the sciences and humanities. This involved taking great care that all published communications connected with readers outside contributors' own - Brèves.
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    Wandering in Eden: three ways to the East within us.Michael Adam - 1976 - New York: Knopf : distributed by Random House.
    Relates Eastern concepts to Western religion, art, and modern science, and suggests their relevance to the reader.
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  47. Kto to są relatywiści.Adam Nowaczyk - 1999 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 32 (4):5-18.
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    Sade - nasz współczesny.Adam Nowaczyk - 2006 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 58 (2):203-210.
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    A Chestertonian Evening.Adam Szafrański - 2012 - The Chesterton Review 38 (3/4):678-678.
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    A miracle as a basic action on the part of God. A philosophical approach by David Korner (cud jako proste dzialanie ze strony boga. Filozoficzna propozycja David a cornera).Swiezynski Adam - 2010 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 46 (1).
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