Results for 'Activité enseignante, conceptualisation, didactique professionnelle, réglementation, sécurité, système d’instruments'

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  1. Une analyse des systèmes d’instruments chez les chargés de sécurité : proposition pour analyser la pratique enseignante.Grégory Munoz & Gaëtan Bourmaud - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (4):57-70.
    If research works, inspired by the instrumental approach of Rabardel (1995), shone the activities instrumented by the teachers by spotting instrumental geneses (Saujat, 2000), on the other hand, none tried to consider their systems of instruments (Bourmaud, 2006). Inspired by an investigation realized in the branch of industry, we discuss the opportunity of such analysis for the training of the teachers. From a case study based on interviews investigating the redefined task (Leplat, 1997) of professionals in charge of safety in (...)
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    Au fondement des savoirs professionnels en enseignement.Stéphane Martineau & Liliane Portelance - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (4):1-3.
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    De l’analyse de l’activité aux analyses didactiques : une recherche participative.Fabienne Brière & Laurence Espinassy - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (1):18-36.
    This article focuses on participatory research to understand, support and promote the implementation of skills assessment in Cycle 3 within a strengthened priority education network. The research falls within the theoretical and methodological framework of ergonomic analysis of teachers’ activities in their workplace and is enriched by a didactic analysis aimed at identifying the knowledge in circulation related to the tools implemented in skills assessment. Analysis of the results shows that the evaluation systems and their use(s) are characterized by the (...)
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    L’entretien d’analyse de l’activité en didactique professionnelle : l’EA-CDP.Line Numa-Bocage - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (3-4):37-48.
    This article presents factors and criteria of interview in auto-confrontation with an objective of professional didactic, which we frequently conduct in our collaborative researches, when we analyze the activity. Our aim is to initiate reflections and debates about the status conferred to auto-confrontation in a process of research and about the issue answers by such method in professional training. Observing that auto-confrontation is discussing in human and social sciences as a tool of investigation, as a method or as scientific object, (...)
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    « C’est plus grave de faire un enfant que de faire une IVG! ». Redéfinir l’avortement par la physiologie : luttes des sages-femmes pour défendre une juridiction professionnelle controversée.Myriam Borel - 2024 - Revue de Synthèse 145 (1-2):261-293.
    Résumé En 1975, la loi inscrit l’IVG dans la juridiction de la médecine, investie comme instrument du contrôle social dans la régulation des naissances. La demande d’IVG demeurait pensée comme phénomène relevant de la pathologie. Cependant, une normalisation de cette activité s’opère dans le système de soins avec l’évolution de l’encadrement réglementaire et des techniques de prise en charge. Notamment, les sages-femmes sont enrôlées dans le réagencement des formes de l’action publique en la matière. Leur champ de compétence (...)
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    L'introduction de la traçabilité dans la filière de la viande bovine.Céline Granjou - 2003 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 115 (2):327-342.
    La traçabilité, définie par la norme Iso 8402 comme « l'aptitude à retrouver l'historique, l'utilisation ou la localisation d'une entité au moyen d'identifications enregistrées » implique une forme de surenchérissement technique dans les modes de production : visant à créer une confiance fondée sur la preuve du respect de certaines normes techniques codifiant les procédures de fabrication, elle nous éloigne par là même encore plus d'un mode de production artisanal, soumis aux aléas et aux défauts inhérents à la reproduction humaine (...)
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  7. Pojam 'filozofska javnost' kao instrument analize povijesti moderne filozofske kulture u Bugarskoj.Dobrin Todorov - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (2):297-306.
    Ovaj rad započinje konstatacijom da u sklopu relativno kratke povijesti moderne filozofske kulture u Bugarskoj postoji dovoljno osnova za razlikovanje nekoliko zasebnih razdoblja, svako od kojih uključuje specifične razvojne etape. Svako razdoblje stoga zaslužuje ozbiljnu analizu. No istraživanje povijesti moderne bugarske filozofije mora se temeljiti na jasnim metodološkim premisama. Kada objašnjavamo fenomene i procese filozofskog života u ovoj zemlji, polazimo od pojma filozofske kulture, shvaćenoga kao kompleksni sustav koji uključuje elemente i idealne prirode i ne-idealnog karaktera. Svi čimbenici socio-kulturne naravi (...)
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    Système graphique et communauté des « professionnels de l’écrit ».Analyse linguistique du manuel de Guillaume Flambart.Isabelle Bretthauer - 2018 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Depuis la fin du xiiie siècle et le « moment 1300 », l’Occident connaît une large diffusion de savoirs sur l’écrit juridique et gestionnaire. Ces savoirs semblent cependant se limiter à un groupe spécifique, celui des « clercs », « notaires » ou juristes, qui font de cette maîtrise le socle de leur activité professionnelle : apparaissent alors des usages graphiques participant de la construction de cette identité professionnelle. À partir du milieu du xive siècle, cependant, nous pouvons observer (...)
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  9. La situation professionnelle : de la notion vers les prémices d’un concept.Jean-François Marcel - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):40-58.
    Based on the presentation of a research framework (the shared work of teachers), this text uses an empirical approach to examine the hypothesis of a co-elaboration of the professional situation. To do so, the empirical investigation, based on the Goffman framework, analyzes the process of reconstructing a teaching session (reference situation) over the course of a pedagogical counselling session (support situation) characterized by interaction between a beginning teacher and a trainer. The invalidation of the hypothesis leads to a suggested conceptualization (...)
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    Sciences de l'information et activité professionnelle.Brigitte Guyot - 2004 - Hermes 38:38.
    L'élargissement des pratiques professionnelles d'information dépasse le cadre étroit que beaucoup assignent à la documentation. L'approche informationnelle requiert de convoquer les sciences de gestion et la sociologie du travail. L'auteur s'interroge sur la démarche spécifique des sciences de l'information, en proposant une « approche par le document » et une approche « système d'information ».The information environment and its professional practices enlarge the restricted definition of an information spécialist. The gradual change in multifaceted information sciences needs to be acknowledged (...)
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    Activité enseignante à l’état naissant et développement du pouvoir d’agir : un prototype clinique.Frédéric Saujat & Christine Félix - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (2):4-14.
    In this contribution we are building on a long-term work conducted within the framework of an intervention-research with Guillemette, a young professor of history- geography working in a “difficult” college. At the time of our first meeting she suffers from not being able to build professional stability needed to consolidate its activity and organizing working conditions and student learning. We show how it is appropriate dialogic device mobilized during the intervention research to make its business development tool. Causing it to (...)
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    Plus facile à dire qu’à faire? La prise en compte du contexte dans l’observation des pratiques enseignantes : l’exemple de l’enseignement des « Langues et culture polynésiennes » à Tahiti.Amélie Alletru & Marie Salaün - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (1):1-17.
    This article discusses the impact of the local context on the implementation of a teaching practice observation protocol. It explores the methodological adaptations made within the framework of a collaborative research in professional didactics in French Polynesia. This research, aimed at involving teachers in the shared analysis of their own teaching activity of “Polynesian languages and culture”, required taking into account their context of engagement in order to reinvent a research approach meeting the needs of the researcher as well as (...)
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    Les identités professionnelles dans le miroir du discoursThe professional identities Throught the lens of discourse.Jean-Claude Kalubi - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (3):1.
    Faced with multiple changes in education, teachers must adapt to the diversity of learner profiles now integrated into regular classes. Our study focuses on a two-pronged support system (group and individual) to support the professional development of school teachers. The creation of dialogical spaces has stimulated exchanges in addition of challenging ideas and values to build new benchmarks that guide the work. The results show that the support provided has encouraged the adoption of practices oriented towards inclusive education principles and (...)
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  14. Les situations professionnelles : un point de vue de didactique professionnelle.Patrick Mayen - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):59-67.
    This article proposes to develop the notion of professional situation from the standpoint of professional didactics. To do so, it proposes to first examine the notion of professional situation from the perspective of its contributions in terms of thinking about a few questions relating to vocational training. The notion of professional situation is then re-examined in connection with the notion of the work situation as used in professional didactics, then with the notion of situation: what it is, what it is (...)
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  15. Les compétences professionnelles des enseignants : étude d'un référentiel officiel et conséquences pour l'étude des pratiques enseignantes.Bernard Rey - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (3):84-95.
    To help clarify the concept of «teaching practice», this article analyzes a repository of professional skills of the teacher. It then examines how two groups of teacher educators attempting to use this repository to evaluate two teaching sessions (one secondary and one primary). Analyses revealed the difficulty in assessing a session from elements determined a priori from a list of skills. The evaluation of a teaching session seems to require the inclusion of its organic whole. Afin de contribuer à préciser (...)
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    The employment policy and vocational activity support system for people with intellectual disabilities in Poland.Agnieszka Woynarowska - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-4 (15-4):354-362.
    L’article explore la question de la politique d’emploi et le fonctionnement du système de soutien à l’activité professionnelle des personnes en situation de handicap mental en Pologne. Les analyses sont basées sur des données provenant d’un projet de recherche plus large: Emploi et handicap. Reconstructions des expériences professionnelles des personnes en situation de handicap mental en Pologne. L’objectif du projet était de connaître la situation professionnelle de ces personnes en termes de politique d’emploi, de pratiques d’accompagnement sur les (...)
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    Comment la notion de préoccupation professionnelle peut-elle enrichir l’ingénierie didactique professionnelle?Éric Saillot - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (4):117-128.
    Professional didactic engineering is essentially based on didactic analyses of work activities in order to design or improve training devices, focusing on the problem of competencies in characteristic situation classes. This article proposes an enrichment of this approach by focusing on professional concerns, either in a pedagogical adjustment approach or to understand specific organizers of the activity. In this second perspective, this contribution submits a multi-agenda generic analysis model of professional concerns, with a view to professional didactics.
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    Les systèmes d'échange local.Jérome Blanc, Cyrille Ferraton & Gilles Malandrin - 2003 - Hermes 36:91.
    Cet article analyse les liens entre les SEL et l'économie solidaire. Les SEL sont définis comme des associations au sein desquelles des personnes échangent services et biens au moyen d'une comptabilité interne tenue en une monnaie propre ; elles émergent en 1983. SEL et économie solidaire partagent certains objectifs communs. Les SEL revendiquent en effet par leurs actions l'institution de nouveaux rapports économiques procédant d'une solidarité sous la forme d'une proximité relationnelle et spatiale, à laquelle ne répondent pas l'échange marchand (...)
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    "Insécurité juridique": l'émergence d'une notion?: actes du colloque tenu à la Cour de cassation le 22 mars 2021.Gustavo Cerqueira, Hugues Fulchiron, Nicolas Nord & Chantal Arens (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: Société de législation comparée.
    "Principe à valeur constitutionnelle en droit français, la sécurité juridique occupe une place centrale dans l'argumentaire du législateur aussi bien national qu'européen et se trouve au coeur de l'activité juridictionnelle. Dans une perspective économique du droit, les systèmes juridiques sont désormais eux-mêmes évalués à l'aune de la sécurité juridique, comme le démontrent les rapports "Doing Business", commandés par la Banque Mondiale depuis une dizaine d'années. Cependant, la crainte d'insécurité juridique semble ne jamais avoir été aussi forte. Elle est notamment (...)
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    La justice et la répartition fiscale dans l'économie politique de John Rawls: actualisation d'une préoccupation en Afrique: essai.Amané Célestin Dago - 2017 - Nantes: Éditions Amalthée.
    L'impôt sous son angle colonial en Afrique était perçu comme un instrument de pression, d'oppression et d'appauvrissement du citoyen contribuable par l'impôt dit, de capitation. Ce lourd passé historique pèse encore sur les systèmes fiscaux d'Afrique et d'ailleurs, systèmes au sein desquels les citoyens se sentent encore victimes parce que spoliés de leurs biens par les puissances publiques. Dans cet ouvrage, Docteur Célestin Amané DAGO propose un changement de paradigme du système de la fiscalité à travers la philosophie politique (...)
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    Le règlement des litiges opposant les organismes de sécurité sociale aux professionnells de santé.M. Hamidou Abdou Souna - 2001 - Médecine et Droit 2001 (49):16-20.
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    Éducation thérapeutique du jeune patient, domaine spécifique de l’ETP et évolution du métier d’infirmière.Line Numa-Bocage & Fanny Bajolle - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (2):45-54.
    Requests for support in professional changes are getting more and more numerous. Regarding jobs concerned with caring for others, therapeutic education needs to be spread into new approaches requiring social and human sciences (Tourette-Turgis, 2015 ; Chalmel, 2015). These requests lead to alterations in professional practices and changes in educational devices. This chapter deals with a direct observation of effective practices addressed to young patients and also implies the training of nurses through experiences. It also discusses ways of scientific collaboration (...)
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    Expérimentation didactique ou conformisme institutionnel pour un enseignant en période de mutation professionnelle?Isabelle Vinatier & Yannick le Marec - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (2):15-27.
    An experiment teacher of elementary school try te become an educational adviser. He accepts the collaboration with the researchers, the first one in didactics of history and the second in professional didactics, to get success with examination necessary to become an educational adviser. The didactic experiment concerns an historical debate with pupils to orient them in an historic investigation from an engraving dating from 1787. The analyse shows that the didactic experiment was abandoned for the benefit of institutional prescriptions in (...)
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    Visually Activating Pathogen Disgust: A New Instrument for Studying the Behavioral Immune System.Paxton D. Culpepper, Jan Havlíček, Juan David Leongómez & S. Craig Roberts - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Reconfigurer l’action enseignante pour la (re) découvrir : traces du répertoire didactique évolutif.Francine Cicurel - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (3-4):16-27.
    This study intends to question the theoretical and epistemological basis of research practices that give rise to the production of spontaneous oral commentary by teachers watching their own teacher action. What clues can the researcher use to impart on these discourses their ability to reveal that which is related to the link between discourse, action and teacher thinking? To address this question, we propose to concentrate more specifically on planning incidents, challenging moments, dilemmas and regrets in which, according to Schütz’s (...)
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    Sous quelles conditions construire, capitaliser et mobiliser des savoirs professionnels efficients en situation d’enseignement? L’étude de cas d’un stagiaire.Sophie Baconnet - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (3):5-12.
    Through the analysis of practices of a primary school teacher-in-training during her practicum, the author aims to better understand professional and personal experience. A concrete case issued from a clinical, longitudinal and comparative study led between 2008 and 2009 in comparison with two teachers-in-training reports the interiorization process and the capitalized experience. The comparative study is issued of an innovative practicum project in operation during three years from 2007 to 2009 in the University of Montpellier, and called ‘moderated writing workshop’. (...)
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  27. Le droit et l'éthique dans la profession enseignante.D. Jeffrey, G. Deschênes, D. Harvengt & M. C. Vachon - 2009 - In Christiane Gohier & France Jutras, Repères pour l'éthique professionnelle des enseignants. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
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    Strategic information systems and the reconfiguration of value space: a case study of Yoox.Andrea Resca & Alessandro D'Atri - 2012 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 10 (3):131-143.
    PurposeThe so‐called strategic information systems define systems that represent instruments able to provide a competitive advantage. In this case, the purpose of this paper is to go further and broaden the perspective to examine business sectors. Namely, information systems are conceived also as factors that reconfigure entire business systems.Design/methodology/approachThe research strategy followed can be considered in the circle of the case study. Specifically the case is Yoox, a virtual boutique. The theoretical approach for answering to the questions how and why (...)
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    Recommender systems for mental health apps: advantages and ethical challenges.Lee Valentine, Simon D’Alfonso & Reeva Lederman - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    Recommender systems assist users in receiving preferred or relevant services and information. Using such technology could be instrumental in addressing the lack of relevance digital mental health apps have to the user, a leading cause of low engagement. However, the use of recommender systems for digital mental health apps, particularly those driven by personal data and artificial intelligence, presents a range of ethical considerations. This paper focuses on considerations particular to the juncture of recommender systems and digital mental health technologies. (...)
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    Un « corpus de littéracie avancée : résultat et point de départ.Marie-Paule Jacques & Fanny Rinck - 2017 - Corpus 16.
    Le corpus de littéracie avancée réunit des écrits universitaires et professionnels produits par des étudiants du niveau Licence 1 au Master 2. Il contient actuellement 338 textes (+ d’1 million de mots) et est mis à disposition au format xml, assorti de métadonnées (niveau, discipline, genre, consigne d’écriture etc.). Il est à la fois un aboutissement et un point de départ dans le champ de la littéracie avancée : parce que l’enjeu n’est pas tant de constituer des corpus que de (...)
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    Quantum information in neural systems.Danko D. Georgiev - 2021 - Symmetry 13 (5):773.
    Identifying the physiological processes in the central nervous system that underlie our conscious experiences has been at the forefront of cognitive neuroscience. While the principles of classical physics were long found to be unaccommodating for a causally effective consciousness, the inherent indeterminism of quantum physics, together with its characteristic dichotomy between quantum states and quantum observables, provides a fertile ground for the physical modeling of consciousness. Here, we utilize the Schrödinger equation, together with the Planck-Einstein relation between energy and frequency, (...)
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    Améliorer l’insertion professionnelle d’enseignantes novices par le développement d’une identité professionnelle positive prenant appui sur la psycho-pédagogie du bien-être.Nancy Goyette - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (2-3):130-149.
    This article presents the preliminary results of a research that aims to document the journey of novice preschool and elementary teachers, to understand the evolution of their identity development and establish their profile that takes well-being into account in order to promote their perseverance. and better professional integration.Based on the principles of a new field in the sciences of education, the psychopedagogy of well-being, the study of the elements of well-being and the strengths of character in novices will make it (...)
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    Handicap maternel et maltraitance. Quand l’enfant vient rompre le pacte dénégatif autour du handicap.Christine D’Yvoire-Doligez - 2015 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 209 (3):133-144.
    Dans le cadre de ses activités de consultation médicale en pmi et de ses missions de prévention et de protection de l’enfance, l’auteure analyse comment l’arrivée d’un enfant pour une mère porteuse de handicap vient questionner et ébranler les mécanismes défensifs mis en œuvre par son entourage et par elle-même autour du handicap. Par l’expression de ses propres besoins, l’enfant vient rompre le pacte dénégatif inconscient qui lie les membres de sa famille, et plus largement l’ensemble des personnes en lien (...)
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    Circulations mathématiques et offre locale d’enseignement : le cas de Troyes sous la Restauration et la monarchie de Juillet.Renaud D’Enfert - 2015 - Philosophia Scientiae 19:79-94.
    En portant l’attention sur la ville de Troyes, petite cité manufacturière et commerçante du département de l’Aube, entre 1820 et 1850, cet article examine l’offre publique d’enseignement mathématique à l’échelle de la ville afin de mettre en lumière d’éventuelles circulations mathématiques entre les divers types d’institutions post-élémentaires – primaire, secondaire, technique – qui la composent. Il montre ainsi l’existence d’interrelations entre ces filières d’enseignement dont les modalités et les normes d’enseignement sont a priori distinctes, compte tenu de la spécificité de (...)
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  35. Thomisme AlS levende filosofie.L. De Raeymaeker - 1956 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 18 (1):3-26.
    Un système philosophique peut-il se maintenir à travers le temps ? Peut-il renaître après des siècles ? Oui, s'il peut faire l'objet d'une pensée vivante et, donc, personnelle.C'est pourquoi le cardinal Mercier estime que le thomisme authentique est appelé à se rajeunir sans cesse et à prendre la forme d'un néothomisme. Pour renouveller le thomisme, dit le Cardinal, « il ne peut s'agir simplement de retourner en arrière » ; il ne peut être question de considérer la doctrine thomiste (...)
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  36. Bondades E Infortunios De La Democracia Deliberativa: Michael Walzer Crítico De Habermas.D. Jesus & A. Ojeda - 2011 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 31 (2):79-94.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal contrastar las teorías deJürgen Habermas y Michael Walzer en relación con las bondades e infortuniosde la ‘democracia deliberativa’, modelo que, en el caso habermasiano, se encauzaa superar al liberalismo clásico y al republicanismo cívico, dos concepcionestradicionales y con gran influencia en el pensamiento político actual. Elautor de Facticidad y validez le objetará al primer modelo que restringe el espaciopúblico a una racionalidad instrumental y a un Estado neutro encaminados asalvaguardar los intereses privados y los (...)
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    Les mémoires professionnels d’étudiants en design : « discordance créatrice » et renouvellement des pratiques.Éric Tortochot & Christophe Moineau - 2019 - Revue Phronesis 8 (3-4):112-127.
    This article presents the outcomes of a semiotic and cognitive analysis. The activities’ tracks of dissertations’ writing and artefacts’ design made by undergraduate design students were observed. Although the requirements of the dissertations’ writing are ambiguous, the activity of writing “increases” the activity of design and consequently widens the design skill. Because they provide new knowledge reorganizing the scientific and pragmatic concepts of the design by a process of “creative conflict”, the kinds of produced operational texts contribute to the renewal (...)
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    Four Ironies of Self-quantification: Wearable Technologies and the Quantified Self.D. A. Baker - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1477-1498.
    Bainbridge’s well known “Ironies of Automation” Analysis, design and evaluation of man–machine systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 129–135, 1983. laid out a set of fundamental criticisms surrounding the promises of automation that, even 30 years later, remain both relevant and, in many cases, intractable. Similarly, a set of ironies in technologies for sensor driven self-quantification is laid out here, spanning from instrumental problems in human factors design to much broader social problems. As with automation, these ironies stand in the way (...)
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    Who is Phoenix?Roberto D'Angelo - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):753-754.
    "Some patients find it difficult to be in the present because they are stuck in the past; others, by contrast, struggle to remain connected with the past and are suspended in a so-called present that is effectively atemporal, that is out of time”.1 For psychoanalysts, the most profound and ultimately ethical way that we can help individuals, is by helping them know themselves. This involves discovering how they were shaped by their past and how their ongoing self-experience cannot be understood (...)
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    Des éthiques collectives à une gestion adaptative des conflits organisationnels : L’outil coPRIMOV en gouvernance.Antoine Boudreau LeBlanc & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2023 - Journal International de Bioéthique Et D’Éthique des Sciences 33 (3):91-114.
    L’idée d’une gouvernance collaborative gagne en popularité. Cependant, comment être véritablement collaboratif ? Les systèmes de prises de décision diversifiés en intervenants doivent composer avec des parties prenantes aux positions, aux rôles, aux intérêts, aux missions, aux observations et aux valeurs différents. Par sa formule facile d’utilisation pour les éthicien·ne·s professionnel·le·s, l’outil de bioéthique co P·R·I·M·O·V (Position, Rôle, Intérêt, Mission, Observation, Valeurs) vise à améliorer la pratique des initiatives technosociales pour un développement durable, collaboratif et démocratique. L’outil reprend la logique (...)
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  41. Tour d’horizon des principaux programmes et dispositifs de soutien à l’insertion professionnelle en enseignement.Stéphane Martineau & Joséphine Mukamurera - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (2):45-62.
    This text provides a brief portrait of teacher induction programs in place in the school boards in Quebec and an analysis of three major support systems used. The analysis is based on both the descriptive documents integration programs posted on the website of the Carrefour national de l’insertion professionnelle en enseignement (CNIPE) as well as a review of research. Ce texte présente un bref portrait des programmes d’insertion professionnelle mis en place dans les commissions scolaires québécoises ainsi qu’une analyse de (...)
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    The Computational Challenges of Means Selection Problems: Network Structure of Goal Systems Predicts Human Performance.Daniel Reichman, Falk Lieder, David D. Bourgin, Nimrod Talmon & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (8):e13330.
    We study human performance in two classical NP‐hard optimization problems: Set Cover and Maximum Coverage. We suggest that Set Cover and Max Coverage are related to means selection problems that arise in human problem‐solving and in pursuing multiple goals: The relationship between goals and means is expressed as a bipartite graph where edges between means and goals indicate which means can be used to achieve which goals. While these problems are believed to be computationally intractable in general, they become more (...)
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    De l'analyse des pratiques enseignantes à la mise à jour des compétences professionnelles : vers plus d'efficacité ?Joël Clanet & Laurent Talbot - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (3):1-3.
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  44. "The Choreography of the Soul": Recursive Patterns in Psychology, Political Anthropology and Cosmology.Edward D'angelo - 1988 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook
    The component structures of two distinct neuropsychological systems are described. "System-Y" depends upon "system-X" which, on the other hand, can operate independently of system-Y. System-X provides a matrix upon which system-Y must operate, and, system-Y is transformed by the operations of system-X. In addition these neuropsychological structures reverberate in political history and in the cosmos. The most fundamental structure in the soul, in society, and in the cosmos, has the form of a conical spiral. It can be described mathematically as (...)
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    Exploring morally relevant issues facing families in their decisions to monitor the health-related behaviours of loved ones.D. Gammon, E. K. Christiansen & R. Wynn - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7):424-428.
    Patient self-management of disease is increasingly supported by technologies that can monitor a wide range of behavioural and biomedical parameters. Incorporated into everyday devices such as cell phones and clothes, these technologies become integral to the psychosocial aspects of everyday life. Many technologies are likely to be marketed directly to families with ill members, and families may enlist the support of clinicians in shaping use. Current ethical frameworks are mainly conceptualised from the perspective of caregivers, researchers, developers and regulators in (...)
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  46. The varied lives of organisms: Variation in the historiography of the biological sciences.L. G. & D. M. - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (1):1-29.
    This paper emphasizes the crucial role of variation, at several different levels, for a detailed historical understanding of the development of the biomedical sciences. Going beyond valuable recent studies that focus on model organisms, experimental systems and instruments, we argue that all of these categories can be accommodated within our approach, which pays special attention to organismal and cultural variation. Our empirical examples are drawn in particular from recent historical studies of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century genetics and physiology. Based on (...)
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  47. Quasi-national european identity and european democracy.D. J. - 2001 - Law and Philosophy 20 (3):283-311.
    Democracy may well be the primary virtue of political systems. Yet European politics is marked by a democracy deficit that will not disappear spontaneously. While legal and political theory on this issue is dominated by supporters of civic institutionalism and constitutional republicanism, liberal nationalists seem to be split. They justify the civic nationhood of member states, but they shrink away from the idea of a European people. This essay claims that a quasi-national conception of European identity can be conducive to (...)
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    Formation à distance et activité du stagiaire de la formation professionnelle continue.Béatrice Verquin-Savarieau - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (1):49-57.
    This paper discusses the practical vocational training in the framework of a hybrid system. This is particularly ask the vocationnal education training as operational content to facilitate the transformation of subjects in action. We present the crucial role played by the engagement letter, as a tool for adjustment and regulation to the expectations of the university. The methodology presented is in analytical engineering training approaches, built from reading four business areas. Analysis of the activities is not a device in this (...)
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  49. Artificial Intelligence: Arguments for Catastrophic Risk.Adam Bales, William D'Alessandro & Cameron Domenico Kirk-Giannini - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (2):e12964.
    Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has drawn attention to the technology’s transformative potential, including what some see as its prospects for causing large-scale harm. We review two influential arguments purporting to show how AI could pose catastrophic risks. The first argument — the Problem of Power-Seeking — claims that, under certain assumptions, advanced AI systems are likely to engage in dangerous power-seeking behavior in pursuit of their goals. We review reasons for thinking that AI systems might seek power, that (...)
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    Evaluation of Interventions to Address Moral Distress: A Multi-method Approach.Lucia D. Wocial, Genina Miller, Kianna Montz, Michelle LaPradd & James E. Slaven - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (3):373-401.
    Moral distress is a well-documented phenomenon for health care providers (HCPs). Exploring HCPs’ perceptions of participation in moral distress interventions using qualitative and quantitative methods enhances understanding of intervention effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to measure and describe the impact of a two-phased intervention on participants’ moral distress. Using a cross-over design, the project aimed to determine if the intervention would decrease moral distress, enhance moral agency, and improve perceptions about the work environment. We used quantitative instruments and (...)
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