Results for 'A. Serrano Pérez'

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  1.  13
    Effects of semantic clustering and repetition on incidental vocabulary learning.Mercedes Pérez-Serrano, Marta Nogueroles-López & Jon Andoni Dunabeitia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:997951.
    The present study intended to investigate, first, the impact of semantic clustering on the recall and recognition of incidentally learned words in a new language, and second, how the interaction between semantic clustering and frequency of occurrence may modulate learning. To that end, Spanish university students watched an intentionally created video which contained Spanish target words that were either semantically related to others of the set, or not semantically linked at all. Furthermore, frequency of appearance changed among target words (1|4|8). (...)
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    Born Too Early and Too Small: Higher Order Cognitive Function and Brain at Risk at Ages 8–16.Marta Córcoles-Parada, Rocio Giménez-Mateo, Victor Serrano-del-Pueblo, Leidy López, Elena Pérez-Hernández, Francisco Mansilla, Andres Martínez, Ignacio Onsurbe, Paloma San Roman, Mar Ubero-Martinez, Jonathan D. Clayden, Chris A. Clark & Mónica Muñoz-López - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Benefits of Auditors’ Sustained Ethical Behavior: Increased Trust and Reduced Costs.Rafael Morales-Sánchez, Manuel Orta-Pérez & M. Ángeles Rodríguez-Serrano - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):441-459.
    Studies demonstrating the benefits of ethical behavior at an individual level are scarce. The business ethics literature centers its analysis on unethical behaviors and their consequences, rather than ethical behaviors and their benefits. There is now considerable debate on the role of auditors in society and the function of accounting firms in the free market capitalist system. Specifically, the eminently ethical nature of the auditor’s work has been highlighted. Therefore, the aim of our paper is to show the impact of (...)
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    José Luis Pérez triviño, de la dignidad humana Y otras cuestiones jurídico Morales.Javier Saldaña Serrano - 2011 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 34:189-198.
    En el océano de literatura jurídica que aparece casi todos los días en los estantes de las diferentes librerías nacionales, suelen ser pocas las ocasiones en las que se pueden llegar a encontrar trabajos sobre un tema tan importante como es el de la dignidad de la persona; la mayor parte de los libros que aparecen se refieren a cuestiones de derecho positivo, p. ej. el derecho penal, civil, administrativo, no se diga el constitucional, etcétera, y aunque cada una de (...)
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    Filosofía actual: en perspectiva latinoamericana.Serrano Sánchez & Jesús Antonio (eds.) - 2007 - Bogotá: San Pablo.
    CONTENIDO: Fenomenología / Daniel Herrera Restrepo / - La hermenéutica y su naturaleza analógica: necesidad de una hermenéutica analógica / Mauricio Beuchot / - La filosofía analítica / Margarita M. Valdés / - Filosofía de la ciencia en el siglo XX / Ana Rosa Pérez Ransanz / - El liberalismo en la segunda mitad del siglo XX / Jesús Antonio Serrano Sánchez / - Filosofía y cultura / Dora Elvira García G. / - Filosofía e interculturalidad en América (...)
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  6. Cognoscens in Actu Est Ipsum Cognitum in Actu: Sobre Los Tipos y Grados de Conocimiento,.Carlos A. Casanova & Ignacio Serrano del Pozo (eds.) - 2018
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    Is the perverted faculty argument saved by the principle of totality? A view from Thomistic ethics as a dialectical discipline.Carlos A. Casanova & Ignacio Serrano del Pozo - 2022 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 51:109-128.
    Resumen Este artículo analiza, en discusión con Joaquín García-Huidobro y Alejandro Miranda, la conveniencia de utilizar en moral sexual el argumento de la facultad pervertida, conforme al cual sería inmoral frustrar el fin natural de las facultades reproductivas. Según García-Huidobro y Miranda este argumento sólo puede utilizarse desde el “principio de totalidad”, pues su uso aislado llevaría a los absurdos denunciados por la New Natural Law Theory. Con vistas a una reconsideración de este argumento, se demuestra la importancia de considerar (...)
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    Scientific discovery and simplicity of method.Herbert A. Simon, Raúl E. Valdés-Pérez & Derek H. Sleeman - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 91 (2):177-181.
  9.  30
    Similarity to the self influences memory for social targets.A. M. Sklenar, J. Pérez, M. P. McCurdy, A. N. Frankenstein & E. D. Leshikar - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (4):595-616.
    The construct of the self is important in the domain of memory research. Recent work has shown that person memory is influenced by similarity of social targets to the self. The current experiments investigate self-similarity as defined by traits and political ideology to better understand how memory for social targets is organised. Across three experiments, participants formed positive or negative impressions based on each target’s picture, a trait-implying behavior (Experiments 1 & 2), and/or political ideology (conservative/liberal label in Experiment 2; (...)
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    Michel Foucault: la emergencia de una historia crítica.A. Sergio Pérez Cortés - 2008 - Dikaiosyne 11 (20).
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    Ecological Key Elements in the Management Agrosystems.A. Bello, J. A. López-Pérez, M. A. Díez-Rojo, J. López-Cepero & A. García-Álvarez - 2008 - Arbor 184 (729).
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    Esthétique de la Technique.Sophie A. De Beaune & Liliane Hilaire-Pérez - 2012 - Revue de Synthèse 133 (4):471-476.
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    Friends with the Good: Moral Relativism and Moral Progress.Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (3):886-899.
    The aim of this paper is to defend moral relativism from the accusation that it would make it irrational to classify past changes in public opinion as instances of moral progress, for they would constitute an improvement only from our current point of view. The argument is this. For our assessment of a change in public opinion as an instance of moral progress to be rational, we need to take the moral claims made before the change to be false simpliciter (...)
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  14. How Enaction and Ecological Approaches Can Contribute to Sports and Skill Learning.Carlos Avilés, José A. Navia, Luis-Miguel Ruiz-Pérez & Jorge A. Zapatero-Ayuso - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  15. La presencia de la Sabiduría: El Reino de Dios está viniendo.Agustina Serrano Pérez - 2006 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 1 (15):370.
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    Against a global conception of mathematical hinges.Jordi Fairhurst, José Antonio Pérez-Escobar & Deniz Sarikaya - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Epistemologists have developed a diverse group of theories, known as hinge epistemology, about our epistemic practices that resort to and expand on Wittgenstein's concept of ‘hinges’ in On Certainty. Within hinge epistemology there is a debate over the epistemic status of hinges. Some hold that hinges are non-epistemic (neither known, justified, nor warranted), while others contend that they are epistemic. Philosophers on both sides of the debate have often connected this discussion to Wittgenstein's later views on mathematics. Others have directly (...)
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    John Dewey and Social Criticism: An Introduction.Arvi Särkelä & Justo Serrano Zamora - 2017 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 31 (2):213-217.
    Critical social theories are generally understood to be distinct from other normative theories by their explicit orientation toward emancipation: they not only present normative criteria for assessing the legitimacy or justification of social institutions or merely inquire into the actualized freedom of a given form of social life but claim to point toward a “freedom in view”—an end that might aid those participating in social struggles to overcome the pathological, alienated, or ideological social order of the present. John Dewey’s social (...)
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  18.  5
    The Protectionist (Interventionist) Economic Model and the Liberal Economic Model in Peru: 1961-2021.J. Adolfo Hinojosa Pérez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:484-499.
    The objective of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of the two models of growth and development that were applied in Peru over the past six decades (1961-2021). The objective is to conduct a comparative analysis of the Import Substitution Model (ISM) and the Liberal Model (LM), to determine which of these models has demonstrated superior performance in terms of economic growth and social welfare for the country. In this instance, the documentary and systematic review of the material (...)
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    Machine learning techniques for computer-based decision systems in the operating theatre: application to analgesia delivery.Jose M. Gonzalez-Cava, Rafael Arnay, Juan Albino Mendez-Perez, Ana León, María Martín, Jose A. Reboso, Esteban Jove-Perez & Jose Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (2):236-250.
    This work focuses on the application of machine learning techniques to assist the clinicians in the administration of analgesic drug during general anaesthesia. Specifically, the main objective is to propose the basis of an intelligent system capable of making decisions to guide the opioid dose changes based on a new nociception monitor, the analgesia nociception index. Clinical data were obtained from 15 patients undergoing cholecystectomy surgery. By means of an off-line study, machine learning techniques were applied to analyse the possible (...)
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  20.  4
    The invention of disability.Melania Moscoso Pérez - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-2 (16-2):31-42.
    L’anthropologue Roy Wagner a défini l’invention comme une manière de contester l’hypothèse selon laquelle la vie ordinaire est en grande partie déterminée. Dans ce texte, nous explorons la notion de handicap comme notion ordinaire et comme notion conventionnelle, en mettant en évidence le contraste avec la notion de normativité vitale proposée par Georges Canguilhem dans la section II du Normal et du pathologique, qui se rapprocherait de la notion d’invention que Wagner développe. Dans cette seconde approche, le concept de normativité (...)
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  21.  22
    Thomas Hobbes y la distinción entre propiedad estatal, individual y común.Miguel León Pérez - 2022 - Isegoría 66:16-16.
    Within the paradigm of political liberalism, Hobbes’s legal philosophy has the peculiarity that individual property rights are treated as conditional and derived from the State’s absolute property rights, and thus common, State and individual property are explicitly recognised as three different juridical realities. Through determining the place that Hobbes’s few references to common property hold within his legal philosophy, it is possible to turn the thought of this classic author into a very useful theoretical tool for thinking the possibilities and (...)
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  22.  8
    The Value of Vibranium.Edwardo Pérez - 2022 - In Edwardo Pérez & Timothy E. Brown (eds.), Black Panther and Philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 203–209.
    Agent Ross's interrogation of Ulysses Klaue doesn't just explain the significance of vibranium, it frames vibranium as “the most valuable metal known to man,” which, in turn, establishes what ends up being a moral dilemma for T'Challa – when Agent Ross gets shot and, later, when T'Challa learns the truth about his father's past. The scene also adds to the fabled mystery that the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) narrative weaves throughout the other films. Although the metal's uses are fictional, (...)
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  23.  48
    Terrorismo y estereotipos de género.Eulalia Pérez Sedeño - 2012 - Isegoría 46:233-247.
    Las discusiones e investigaciones sobre el terrorismo raramente se centran en la implicación del género en la cuestión. La idea de que las mujeres sólo desempeñan, en todo caso, labores de apoyo, corresponde a unos estereotipos de género que asocian a las mujeres con la ternura, la compasión, la sensibilidad, el cariño, el cuidado, el afecto y la sumisión. Dichos estereotipos extienden la creencia de que las mujeres son apolíticas, que la división del trabajo entre mujeres y hombres se basa (...)
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  24.  14
    Universidad, entre Poiesis y Politeia.Fabián Alonso Pérez & Juan Carlos Franco Montoya - 2018 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 4 (23).
    Este manuscrito pretende plantear dos ideas: la primera problematiza el origen de la universidad en tanto creación humana en sentido pragmático (Kant, 1800), para luego abordarlo en perspectiva histórica desde tres momentos: Medieval, Clásico y Ancestral, retomando autores como Rashdal (1895), Haskings (1923), Ureña (1919), Ribeiro (1971) y Dussel (2004); posteriormente se plantea el origen de la universidad más allá de su historicidad, en el interior del ser humano como cultivo de la virtud y el conocimiento poiesis en Platón (380 (...)
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    Self and Non-self in Early Buddhism.Joaquín Pérez-Remón & Oaquin Perez-Remon - 1980 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Sinceits founding by Jacques Waardenburg in 1971, Religion and Reason has been a leading forum for contributions on theories, theoretical issues and agendas related to the phenomenon and the study of religion. Topics include (among others) category formation, comparison, ethnophilosophy, hermeneutics, methodology, myth, phenomenology, philosophy of science, scientific atheism, structuralism, and theories of religion. From time to time the series publishes volumes that map the state of the art and the history of the discipline.
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    A Fault Analysis Method for Three-Phase Induction Motors Based on Spiking Neural P Systems.Zhu Huang, Tao Wang, Wei Liu, Luis Valencia-Cabrera, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez & Pengpeng Li - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-19.
    The fault prediction and abductive fault diagnosis of three-phase induction motors are of great importance for improving their working safety, reliability, and economy; however, it is difficult to succeed in solving these issues. This paper proposes a fault analysis method of motors based on modified fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P systems with real numbers for fault prediction and abductive fault diagnosis. To achieve this goal, fault fuzzy production rules of three-phase induction motors are first proposed. Then, the rMFRSNPS is presented (...)
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  27.  79
    Death pluralism: a proposal.Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho, Alberto Molina-Pérez & David Rodríguez-Arias - 2023 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 18 (1):1-12.
    The debate over the determination of death has been raging for more than fifty years. Since then, objections against the diagnosis of brain death from family members of those diagnosed as dead-have been increasing and are causing some countries to take novel steps to accommodate people’s beliefs and preferences in the determination of death. This, coupled with criticism by some academics of the brain death criterion, raises some questions about the issues surrounding the determination of death. In this paper, we (...)
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  28.  53
    Arturo Andrés Roig y el pensamiento decolonial.Carlos Pérez Zavala - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (59):1-13.
    El trabajo analiza los aportes que Roig realiza al pensamiento decolonial, a partir de la consideración de tres cuestiones: 1) La “ampliación metodológica” y la consiguiente recuperación de textos propios de la tradición americana que representan una crítica frontal a la filosofía occidental moderna..
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    Beyond gatekeeping: Philosophical sources, Indigenous philosophy, and the Huarochirí Manuscript.Jorge Sanchez-Perez - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (3):1-16.
    This paper argues for a broad definition of philosophical sources and how Indigenous traditional knowledge fits that definition. It concludes by showing how, following the previous two points, an Indigenous document such as the Huarochirí Manuscript can be considered a philosophical source by academic philosophers. The paper has three sections: the first deals with the methodological point of addressing what can be considered as philosophy. This section presents a conversational approach to philosophy. This approach, although broad, properly captures the practices (...)
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    El dominio de lo mental en la filosofía de Williamson.Manuel Pérez Otero - 2018 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 33 (1):23-40.
    Según Williamson, saber y creer son estados mentales, pero creer algo verdadero y creer justificadamente algo verdadero no lo son. Ese tratamiento discriminatorio es relevante para la epistemología de Williamson. Su principal tesis epistemológica negativa y su principal tesis epistemológica positiva están en peligro si su teoría metafísica sobre lo mental es incorrecta. Presento aquí un problema para dicha teoría: impone limitaciones implausibles a los posibles usos de conceptos y expresiones lingüísticas. Describiré algunas opciones que tendría Williamson para evitar el (...)
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    Ministerio Fiscal.Nicolás Pérez-Serrano de Ramón - 2003 - Arbor 175 (691):1357-1364.
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    An Epistemic Puzzle About Knowledge and Rational Credence.Manuel Pérez Otero - 2019 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 32 (3-4):195-206.
    I present some puzzling cases regarding knowledge and its relation to rational credence. They seem to entail a failure of an apparently correct principle: if S knows P, then the epistemic justi...
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  33.  26
    A Liberal Approach to Reducing Corruption with Behavioral Public Policy From Regulations to Choice Architecture.Alejandro Hortal & Armenio Pérez Martínez - manuscript
    Traditionally, corruption is seen as a rational pursuit of profit, focusing on personal gain. However, this view overlooks behavioral, social, and systemic influences. This paper focuses on the behavioral aspects of corruption, providing a deeper understanding of its complexities by addressing the factors overlooked by conventional approaches. Reviewing some of the literature, we highlight how researchers have approached the study of corruption from the perspective of behavioral sciences. Additionally, we examine how the emerging discipline of Behavioral Public Policy (BPP) employs (...)
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    Rigidity, instability and dimensionality.Jon Pérez Laraudogoitia - 2018 - Synthese 195 (9):4047-4062.
    The paper takes a detailed look at a surprising new aspect of the dynamics of rigid bodies. Far from the usual consideration of rigid body theory as a merely technical chapter of classical physics, I demonstrate here that there are solutions to the conservation equations of mechanics that imply the spontaneous, unpredictable splitting of a rigid body in free rotation, something that has direct implications for the problem of causality. The paper also shows that the instability revealed in indeterminist splitting (...)
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  35.  19
    An ‘Amateur of Genius’: C.S. Lewis on the Risks of Professional Theology.Jahdiel Perez - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (3):225-238.
    Six decades after his death, there is still no scholarly consensus regarding whether C.S. Lewis should be considered an important theologian of the twentieth century. This paper investigates where the belief that Lewis was not a theological writer worth taking seriously originated. Then it evaluates two approaches that have been introduced in recent scholarship, by P.H. Brazier and Alister McGrath, that seek to affirm Lewis as a modern theologian of distinction. The final and central part of this paper nuances McGrath's (...)
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    La regla de la aseveración y las implicaturas conversacionales.Manuel Pérez Otero - 2009 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 24 (1):63-81.
    Williamson defiende la regla del conocimiento, RK, sobre las aseveraciones: debemos aseverar que p sólo si sabemos que p. En este trabajo exploro algunas consecuencias interesantes de RK: (a) en ocasiones, al hacer una aseveración correcta transmitimos (como implicatura) un significado no literal verdadero, que \sin embargo\ no podría ser correctamente aseverado; (b) ese tipo de implicatura se da, entre otros casos, en una cierta subclase de las implicaturas: las implicaturas argumentativas; (c) RK y la noción de implicatura argumentativa permiten (...)
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  37.  35
    En memoria de Horacio Arló Costa.Gladys Palau & Diana I. Pérez - 2011 - Análisis Filosófico 31 (2):219-222.
    En este artículo me ocupo de la cuestión de cómo en las teorías de proceso dual se puede dar cuenta del autoengaño y su conexión con la racionalidad. Presento las versiones intencionalista y no intencionalista del autoengaño y muestro cómo el debate entre ellas puede dirimirse de manera más completa y satisfactoria en el marco de una teoría dual. En éste suelen aceptarse dos sistemas de razonamiento, uno heurístico y otro analítico, que compiten por el control de nuestras inferencias y (...)
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    Los cursos de economía doméstica y educación para el hogar en la educación femenina. Chile 1920-1960.Francisca Pérez Pallares - 2022 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12 (2).
    The following article analyzes the development of education plans in home economics and home education between 1920 and 1960 in the case of Chile. From this perspective, it is interesting to investigate the impact on female pedagogical training of the manuals and education programs in home economics and home education between 1920 and 1960, promoted by the different Chilean governments of the period. The results show that these plans and programmes enhanced the training of women in domestic work, contributing to (...)
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    La pulguita y el elefante.Luis Miguel Viaña Pérez - 2024 - Revista Disertaciones 13 (1):87-111.
    El presente texto examina la relación entre las valoraciones de la normalización filosófica en Colombia y el intento particular del filósofo Germán Marquínez Argote de realizar una historia de la filosofía colonial en clave latinoamericanista. Ello, para dar algunas luces sobre la continuidad de la filosofía latinoamericana en Colombia respecto del proceso local de normalización filosófica, siguiendo así algunas de las conclusiones de la historia de las prácticas de escritura. Esta continuidad no debe entenderse como una suerte de secuencialidad histórica, (...)
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    La distinción personal-subpersonal y la auto­­nomía de la explicación de nivel personal en Dennett.Liza Skidelsky & Diana Pérez - 2005 - Manuscrito 28 (1):77-112.
    Hornsby defiende una interpretación muy particular de la distinción personal-subpersonal tal como fue propuesta por Dennett y de la doctrina filosófica en la que está enraizada esta distinción. Según Hornsby de la aceptación de la distinción y la doctrina se sigue una defensa de la autonomía explicativa del nivel personal. Esta defensa nos compromete con un nivel personal genuino de explicación y la idea de que los hechos subpersonales no explican hechos personales. Hornsby sostiene, además, que mientras que en Dennett (...)
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    Empatía en adolescentes, cogniciones y afectos durante la pandemia en Perú.Fernando Ledesma-Pérez, Jenny Ruiz-Salazar, Ana Holgado-Quispe, Juana Cruz-Montero & Jhon Holguin-Alvarez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 19 (1):1-11.
    El objetivo de la investigación fue realizar un análisis de la capacidad de empatía en 178 adolescentes de 14 a 17 años que cursan el último ciclo de Educación Básica Regular. Se aplicó el diseño convergente. En la primera etapa, se aplicó una lista de cotejo, y en la segunda, una entrevista semiestructurada. El estudio de tipo transeccional sincrónico-descriptivo, permitió reportar que el adolescente, durante la pandemia, es empático, consciente de la posibilidad de infectarse, cree que su cuidado y autoprotección (...)
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    Social perceptions and bioethical implications of birth plans: A qualitative study.Maria José Sánchez-García, Francisco Martínez-Rojo, Jesús A. Galdo-Castiñeiras, Paloma Echevarría-Pérez & Isabel Morales-Moreno - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (3):196-204.
    Background The birth plan is a tool that allows the self-learning and thoughtful analysis of the women during the birthing process, facilitating their making of decisions and participation, in agreement with the bioethical principles of autonomy and no malfeasance. Goal: To understand the perception and satisfaction of women who presented a birth plan. Methodology: Qualitative, descriptive, observational, retrospective and cross-sectional study. The population of the study was composed of 21 women who presented a birth plan regulated in a Hospital ever (...)
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    Quantum Mechanics and Inclusive Materialism.Javier Pérez-Jara - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (5):140.
    Since its inception, the intricate mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics has empowered physicists to describe and predict specific physical events known as quantum processes. However, this success in probabilistic predictions has been accompanied by a profound challenge in the ontological interpretation of the theory. This interpretative complexity stems from two key aspects. Firstly, quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory that, so far, is not derivable from any more basic scientific theory. Secondly, it delves into a realm of invisible phenomena that (...)
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  44. Entre fenomenología y hermenéutica: ensayo de ontología.Alejandro Escudero Pérez - 2010 - A Parte Rei 69:1.
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    Minimal logical teleology in artifacts and biology connects the two domains and frames mechanisms via epistemic circularity.José Antonio Pérez-Escobar - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 104 (C):23-37.
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    Sobre el solipsismo y la transmisión del recuerdo en la experiencia de la historia.Manuel Orozco Pérez - 2022 - Quaderns de Filosofia 9 (1):105.
    On solipsism and the transmission of memories in the experience of history Resumen: Este artículo está dedicado a la problemática de la experiencia histórica y a varias de sus ramificaciones. De especial interés resulta aquí la cuestión de la preeminencia del testigo respecto a otras instancias en la construcción del relato. Una cuestión que está, sin duda, estrechamente vinculada a las diferentes concepciones del tiempo histórico y de su experiencia. A este respecto, merece especial atención la figura del historiador alemán (...)
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  47.  12
    Éduquer, gouverner: lire Émile ou De l'éducation de Rousseau avec Michel Foucault.Valérie Pérez - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    "En faisant le choix d'un "gouverneur" plutôt que d'un "précepteur" pour éduquer Émile, Jean-Jacques Rousseau a introduit, dans la pensée éducative, des concepts qui avaient été jusque-là exclus des traités d'éducation. Dans les cours qu'il a donnés au Collège de France à partir de 1978, Michel Foucault s'est interrogé sur le problème de l'art de gouverner. Que signifie "gouverner selon la nature", et comment Rousseau envisage-t-il les questions éducatives dans ce qui relève, selon les termes de Foucault, du "gouvernement de (...)
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    Del anecdotario matematia casos de éxito en el CECYTE Chiapas plantel 04 Jitotol.Gamaliel Pérez Susunaga - forthcoming - Ciencia y Filosofía.
    Se describe casos de éxito donde los estudiantes y docentes de (EMS) en el CECyTE Chiapas tuvimos que adaptarnos a la situación de emergencia sanitaria provocada por la COVID-19 en el contexto semi urbano de la región de los bosques, combinando recursos digitales y tradicionales, (uso del Anecdotario)herramienta que nos ayudó a entender al alumno como la pieza fundamental en este proceso educativo como sujeto y no meramente objeto ( NEM). El trabajar de manera escalonada en el laboratorio de cómputo (...)
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  49.  12
    El espejo mariano de la feminidad en la Edad Media española.Mª Isabel Pérez de Tudela - 1993 - Anuario Filosófico 26 (3):621-634.
    The present work attempts to evaluate in what manner the Marian virtues marked out throughout the Middle Ages with respect to women, contribute powerfully to the dignification of women and their redemption from the traditional accusations that they are a perverting influence on humanity.
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  50.  17
    Estrés minoritario LGBT+ sin hogar.José Gabriel Rodríguez Pérez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 16 (6):1-14.
    Introducción: Los jóvenes LGBT+ corren un riesgo elevado de sinhogarismo, además de padecer estrés de las minorías sexuales. Objetivo: conocer la percepción del estrés en minorías LGTB+ sin hogar en su riesgo de exclusión social. Metodología: modelo de regresión lineal de probabilidad para determinar los efectos marginales de los ítems con la probabilidad de riesgo de exclusión social. Se evalúa la significación de los efectos parciales y la fiabilidad del grado de clasificación a partir del modelo. Resultados: diferentes tipos de (...)
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