Results for 'A. O'Sullivan'

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  1. Conservatism: A Reply to Ted Honderich*: Noel O'Sullivan.Noel O'Sullivan - 1992 - Utilitas 4 (1):133-143.
  2.  20
    Infant orofacial movements: Inputs, if not outputs, of early imitative ability?Eoin P. O'Sullivan & Christine A. Caldwell - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Animals, equality and democracy.Siobhan O'Sullivan - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Animals, Equality and Democracy examines the structure of animal protection legislation and finds that it is deeply inequitable, with a tendency to favor those animals the community is most likely to see and engage with. Siobhan O'Sullivan argues that these inequities violate fundamental principle of justice and transparency.
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    The Role of Ethical Standards in the Relationship Between Religious Social Norms and M&A Announcement Returns.Leon Zolotoy, Don O’Sullivan & Keke Song - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (4):721-742.
    Prior studies suggest that firms headquartered in areas with strong religious social norms have higher ethical standards. In this study, we examine whether the ethical standards associated with local religious norms influence the M&A announcement returns. We document that the M&A announcement returns of acquirer firms increase with the strength of religious social norms in the area surrounding firms’ headquarters. We also document that the relationship is attenuated when acquirer firms have strong corporate social responsibility credentials, is amplified when public (...)
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  5. Painful Reasons: Representationalism as a Theory of Pain.Brendan O'Sullivan & Robert Schroer - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (249):737-758.
    It is widely thought that functionalism and the qualia theory are better positioned to accommodate the ‘affective’ aspect of pain phenomenology than representationalism. In this paper, we attempt to overturn this opinion by raising problems for both functionalism and the qualia theory on this score. With regard to functionalism, we argue that it gets the order of explanation wrong: pain experience gives rise to the effects it does because it hurts, and not the other way around. With regard to the (...)
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    A Good Fight: Paul's Journal [Book Review].Moira O'Sullivan - 2003 - The Australasian Catholic Record 80 (1):112.
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  7. Vocabulary of a Modern European State: Essays and Reviews 1953-1988.Luke O'Sullivan (ed.) - 2008 - Imprint Academic.
    The Vocabulary of a Modern European State is the companion volume to The Concept of a Philosophical Jurisprudence and completes the enterprise of gathering together Oakeshott’s previously scattered essays and reviews. As with all the other volumes in the series it contains an entirely new editorial introduction explaining how the writings it contains find their place in his work as a whole. It covers the years 1952 to 1988, the period during which Oakeshott wrote his definitive work, On Human Conduct. (...)
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    Art encounters Deleuze and Guattari: thought beyond representation.Simon O'Sullivan - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In a series of philosophical discussions and artistic case studies, this volume develops a materialist and immanent approach to modern and contemporary art. The argument is made for a return to aesthetics--an aesthetics of affect--and for the theorization of art as an expanded and complex practice. Staging a series of encounters between specific Deleuzian concepts--the virtual, the minor, the fold, etc.--and the work of artists that position their work outside of the gallery or "outside" of representation--Simon O'Sullivan takes Deleuze's (...)
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  9. part 3. A garden of small nuptials : images, movement, and fabulations. Mythopoesis, fabulous images, and memories of a sorcerer.Simon O'Sullivan - 2019 - In Paulo de Assis & Paolo Giudici, Aberrant nuptials: Deleuze and artistic research 2. Leuven (Belgium): Leuven University Press.
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  10. On the production of subjectivity: five diagrams of the finite-infinite relation.Simon O'Sullivan - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Introduction: contemporary conditions and diagrammatic trajectory -- From joy to the gap: the accessing of the infinite by the finite (Spinoza, Nietzsche, Bergson) -- The care of the self versus the ethics of desire: two diagrams of the production of subjectivity (and of the subject's relation to truth) (Foucault versus Lacan) -- The aesthetic paradigm: from the folding of the finite-infinite relation to schizoanalytic metamodelisation (to biopolitics) (Guattari) -- The strange temporality of the subject: life in-between the infinite and the (...)
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  11.  32
    The Regime of Demetrius of Phalerum in Athens, 317-307 Bce: A Philosopher in Politics.Lara O'Sullivan - 2009 - Brill.
    The background to the regime : Demetrius of Phalerum's early years. The years in obscurity : the reigns of Philip, Alexander, and the age of Lycurgus -- Demetrius' rise to prominence : Athens after Alexander -- The decade of Demetrius : some introductory observations -- Demetrius the law-giver : the moral programme. Burial laws -- The gunaikonomoi and their laws -- The nomophulakes -- Demetrius and the ephêbeia -- The laws : an interpretation and discussion of the historical context -- (...)
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    Nature's way: a sense of beauty.Patrick V. O'Sullivan - 2011 - Dublin, Ireland: Veritas.
    A Sense of Beauty -- Hearing -- Seeing -- Touching -- Tasting -- Smelling -- Epilogue.
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  13. Mary Aikenhead: Inspiration for NOW: A woman for all seasons.Moira O'Sullivan - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (4):401.
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  14. The Euthyphro Argument (9d–11b).Brendan O'Sullivan - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 44 (4):657-675.
    A sizable literature exists concerning the structure of Socrates' argument at Euthyphro 9d–11b. Although there is some dispute, a substitutional reading has emerged as a leading interpretation. However, some rear‐guard maneuvers are in order to defend this reading against its competitors. In this paper, I articulate a substitutional reading and argue that it is invalid on two counts: one, Socrates oversteps the logic of his reductio ad absurdum, and two, he illicitly substitutes coreferring expressions in explanatory contexts. Next, I defend (...)
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    ‘The Echo of a Thought in Sight’: Property Perception, Universals and Wittgenstein.Michael O’Sullivan - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 25 (1):1-15.
    Contemporary philosophers of perception, even those with otherwise widely differing beliefs, often hold that universals enter into the content of perceptual experience. This doctrine can even be seen as a trivial inference from the observation that we observe properties – ways that things are – as well as things. I argue that the inference is not trivial but can and should be resisted. Ordinary property perception does not involve awareness of universals. But there are visual experiences which do involve determinate (...)
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  16. Suvi Soininen, From a'Necessary Evil'to the Art of Contingency: Michael Oakeshott's Conception of Political Activity Reviewed by.Luke O'Sullivan - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (6):441-443.
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  17. Conceiving of Pain.Brendan O'Sullivan & Peter Hanks - 2008 - Dialogue 47 (2):351-376.
    In this article we aim to see how far one can get in defending the identity thesis without challenging the inference from conceivability to possibility. Our defence consists of a dilemma for the modal argument. Either “pain” is rigid or it is not. If it is not rigid, then a key premise of the modal argument can be rejected. If it is rigid, the most plausible semantic account treats “pain” as a natural-kind term that refers to its causal or historical (...)
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    Oakeshott's Life and Time: A Philosophical and Personal Memoir.N. O'Sullivan - 2018 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 24 (2):199-215.
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  19. 7 Power, authority and legitimacy: a critique of postmodern political thought1.Noël O'Sullivan - 2000 - In Noël O'Sullivan, Political theory in transition. New York: Routledge. pp. 131.
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    'Une forme d'escrire douteuse et irresolue': Seneca and Plutarch in Montaigne's Essais.Luke O'sullivan - unknown
    What are the relationships between doubt and truth, thinking and writing in Montaigne’s Essais? We usually see Montaigne’s doubt through the lens of ancient schools of Scepticism and yet he notes that the Pyrrhonians ‘ne peuvent exprimer leur generale conception en aucune maniere de parler’: these philosophers describe their doubtful thought in negative affirmations but these are affirmations – ‘propositions affirmatives’ – all the same. This thesis approaches Montaigne’s doubt differently: I investigate the Essais not as an attempt to indicate (...)
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    Undocumented migrants’ access to healthcare in Sweden, and the impact of Act 2013:407.Anna O’Sullivan - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (7):1349-1360.
    Background Research shows that undocumented migrants have difficulties in accessing healthcare. Act 2013:407 came into force in 2013 and entitled undocumented migrants to healthcare that cannot be deferred. To date, studies about undocumented migrants’ access to care in Sweden and the impact of Act 2013:407 are sparse. Hence, the aim of this study was to describe professionals’ experiences of access to healthcare for undocumented migrants in Sweden and the impact of Act 2013:407. Methods A qualitative design with semi-structured interviews was (...)
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    Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham Correspondence: Volume 12: July 1824 to June 1828.Luke O'Sullivan & the Late Catherine Fuller (eds.) - 1968 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This twelfth volume of Correspondence contains authoritative and fully annotated texts of all known letters sent both to and from Bentham between July 1824 and June 1828. The 301 letters, most of which have never before been published, have been collected from archives, public and private, in Britain, the United States of America, Switzerland, France, Japan, and elsewhere, as well as from the major collections of Bentham Papers at University College London Library and the British Library.In mid-1824 Bentham was still (...)
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    Exploring Parental Responses to Pre-schoolers’ “Everyday” Pain Experiences Through Electronic Diary and Ecological Momentary Assessment Methodologies.Grace O’Sullivan, Brian McGuire, Michelle Roche & Line Caes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Parental influence during children’s “everyday” pain events is under-explored, compared to clinical or experimental pains. We trialed two digital reporting methods for parents to record the real-world context surrounding their child’s everyday pain events within the family home.Methods: Parents completed a structured e-diary for 14 days, reporting on one pain event experienced by their child each day, and describing child pain responses, parental supervision, parental estimates of pain severity and intensity, and parental catastrophizing, distress, and behavioral responses. During the (...)
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    Absent Qualia and Categorical Properties.Brendan O’Sullivan - 2012 - Erkenntnis 76 (3):353-371.
    Qualia have proved difficult to integrate into a broadly physicalistic worldview. In this paper, I argue that despite popular wisdom in the philosophy of mind, qualia’s intrinsicality is not sufficient for their non-reducibility. Second, I diagnose why philosophers mistakenly focused on intrinsicality. I then proceed to argue that qualia are categorical and end with some reflections on how the conceptual territory looks when we keep our focus on categoricity.
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    Ethics as social critique.Patrick O'Sullivan, Mark Smith & Mark Esposito - forthcoming - Business Ethics: A Critical Approach: Integrating Ethics Across the Business World.
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    Animal Activists, Civil Disobedience and Global Responses to Transnational Injustice.Siobhan O’Sullivan, Clare McCausland & Scott Brenton - 2017 - Res Publica 23 (3):261-280.
    Traditionally, acts of civil disobedience are understood as a mechanism by which citizens may express dissatisfaction with a law of their country. That expression will typically be morally motivated, non-violent and aimed at changing their government’s policy, practice or law. Building on existing work, in this paper we explore the limits of one well-received definition of civil disobedience by considering the challenging case of the actions of animal activists at sea. Drawing on original interviews with advocates associated with Sea Shepherd, (...)
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    Leon Goldstein and the epistemology of historical knowing.Luke O'sullivan - 2006 - History and Theory 45 (2):204–228.
    Leon Goldstein’s critical philosophy of history has suffered a relative lack of attention, but it is the outcome of an unusual story. He reached conclusions about the autonomy of the discipline of history similar to those of R. G. Collingwood and Michael Oakeshott, but he did so from within the Anglo-American analytic style of philosophy that had little tradition of discussing such matters. Initially, Goldstein attempted to apply a positivistic epistemology derived from Hempel’s philosophy of natural science to historical knowledge, (...)
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    Reverse-Engineering Risk.Angela O’Sullivan & Lilith Mace - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-26.
    Three philosophical accounts of risk dominate the contemporary literature. On the probabilistic account, risk has to do with the probability of a disvaluable event obtaining; on the modal account, it has to do with the modal closeness of that event obtaining; on the normic account, it has to do with the normalcy of that event obtaining. The debate between these accounts has proceeded via counterexample-trading, with each account having some cases it explains better than others, and some cases that it (...)
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    Authentic subjectivity and social transformation.Michael O'Sullivan - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-7.
    Holiness in the Christian tradition has often been understood in a way that devalues embodiment and practical engagement with the world of one's time. The latter understanding, for example, led to Marx's critique and repudiation of Christianity. Both interpretations of holiness can be understood as mistaken efforts to express the dynamism for authenticity in contextualised human subjectivity. Vatican 2 opposed both views by addressing itself to all people of good will, declaring that everyone was called to holiness, and that authentic (...)
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    The Legal Lacunae of Human-Animal Hybrids and Chimeras within Patent Law.Maureen O’Sullivan - 2018 - Journal of Animal Ethics 8 (1):62-79.
    This article compares and contrasts the patenting of animals, humans, and biotechnological inventions in the United States, at the European Patent Office, and within the European Union. It shows that morality is not a concern of U.S. legislative instruments or courts and patents have been granted liberally on living organisms, from microorganisms to mammals, in North America since the 1980s. By way of contrast, both European legislative instruments enshrine a morality bar that must be employed to deny patentability. Their implementation, (...)
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    Intimations of Oakeshott: A critical reading of his ‘Notebooks, 1922–86’.David Hexter, Michael Kenny & Luke O’Sullivan - 2019 - European Journal of Political Theory 18 (1):138-149.
    The nature and worth of Michael Oakeshott’s contribution as a political thinker have long been the subject of deep disagreement within the community of Anglophone political theory. This is partly the product of a partial familiarity with Oakeshott’s corpus. During his lifetime, his body of published work had a rather slender appearance, comprising two major monographs, separated by some forty years, and two rather more accessible collections of essays on politics and history. Following his death in 1990, however, a much (...)
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    Whistleblowing: a critical philosophical analysis of the component moral decisions of the act and some new perspectives on its moral significance.Patrick O'Sullivan & Ola Ngau - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (4):401-415.
    Discussions of whistleblowing whether in academic literature or in more popular media have tended to very one-sided assessments of the moral worth of the act. Indeed, much of the current literature concentrates on psychological or managerial aspects of whistleblowing while taking for granted this or that moral position or eschewing any normative commitment on the question. The purpose of this article is firstly to reemphasise the importance and complexity of the normative foundations of whistleblowing acts; and secondly, through a moral (...)
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  33.  41
    (1 other version)On 'Plutarch', De Libidine et Aegritudine 9.J. N. O'Sullivan - 1976 - Classical Quarterly 26 (01):116-.
    We must return to the transmitted reading, which is beyond objection. The persons referred to in want to establish that passivity, the experiencing of desire, grief, and the like, is a thing of the body and not of the soul, which, they maintain, is The climactic structure makes it plain enough that what is in dispute and has to be proved is that the soul is , and that what is assumed for the proof is that it is . It (...)
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    Old Criticism and New Pragmatism.J. M. O'Sullivan - 2019 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Lectures in the History of Political Thought.Luke O'Sullivan (ed.) - 2006 - Imprint Academic.
    Oakeshott’s memorable lectures on the history of political thought, delivered each year at the London School of Economics, will now be available in print for the first time as Volume II of his Selected Writings. Based on manuscripts in the LSE archive for 1966–67, the last year of Oakeshott’s tenure as Professor of Political Science, these thirty lectures deal with Greek, Roman, mediaeval, and modern European political thought in a uniquely accessible manner. Scholars familiar with Oakeshott’s work will recognize his (...)
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    What is History? And Other Essays: Selected Writings.Luke O'Sullivan (ed.) - 2004 - Imprint Academic.
    This highly readable new collection of thirty pieces by Michael Oakeshott, almost all of which are previously unpublished, covers every decade of his intellectual career, and adds significantly to his contributions to the philosophy of historical understanding and political philosophy, as well as to the philosophy of education and aesthetics. The essays were intended mostly for lectures or seminars, and are consequently in an informal style that will be accessible to new readers as well as to those already well acquainted (...)
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    Deleuze Against Control: Fictioning to Myth-Science.Simon O’Sullivan - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):205-220.
    Through recourse to Gilles Deleuze’s short polemical essay ‘Postscript on Control Societies’ and the accompanying interview (in Negotiations) on ‘Control and Becoming’, this article attempts to map out the conceptual contours of an artistic war machine (Deleuze’s ‘new weapons’) that might be pitched against control and also play a role in the more ethico-political function of the constitution of a people (or, what Deleuze calls subjectification). Along the way a series of other Deleuzian concepts are introduced and outlined – with (...)
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  38.  44
    On Achilles Tatius 6.6.3.James N. O'Sullivan - 1977 - Classical Quarterly 27 (01):238-.
    There are three things to be noticed with regard to κoυoευ Λευκíφφη άυoιλoμέυωυ τωυ the hiatus; the fact that in every other place where Achilles Tatius uses άκoω with the genitive of the source of the sound and an appended participle the participle always belongs to a verb of speaking used literally ; ςιαλεγoμέυωυ; φoτυιωμέυης; φoκπρωoμέυoυ or metaphorically ;–12 τòυ ψóφoυ άκoσας άυoιγoμέυωυ τωυ υυρωυ.
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    What a Difference a Decade Makes: Coming to Power and the Second Coming.Sue O'Sullivan - 1999 - Feminist Review 61 (1):97-126.
    A critical look at two books, Coming to Power – Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/m, published in 1981, and its ‘long awaited sequel’, The Second Coming – A Leatherdyke Reader, published in 1996, yields many differences and similarities. Both books have been judged negatively or positively on the basis of their sadomasochistic content and in line with knee-jerk positions around the lesbian ‘sex wars’ of the 1980s. The feminist politics represented in each book and the connections to more general (...)
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    Sophistic Ethics, Old Atheism, and "Critias" on Religion.Patrick O'Sullivan - 2012 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (2):167-185.
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    Twenty Years a-Growing.Maurice O'Sullivan - 1983 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Maurice O'Sullivan was born on the Great Blasket in 1904, and Twenty Years A-Growing tells the story of his youth and of a way of life which belonged to the Middle Ages. He wrote for his own pleasure and for the entertainment of his friends, without any thought of a wider public; his style is derived from folk-tales which he heard from his grandfather and sharpened by his own lively imagination.
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    Finding a Proper Political Augustiniansim: An Exploration of Reinhold Niebuhr and Eric Gregory.James P. O'Sullivan - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (1):35-45.
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    Number and Illusion: Representation and Numerosity Perception.Michael O’Sullivan - 2017 - Topoi 36 (2):311-318.
    It has been claimed that empirical work in psychology requires the attribution of representational content to perceptual states: that is, the attribution of veridicality conditions to those states. This is a claim that can only be evaluated by the examination of actual empirical research. In this paper I argue that talk of ‘representation’ in at least one area of research in the psychology of perception can be reinterpreted so as to avoid the attribution of veridicality conditions. This area is the (...)
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    Philochorus, Pollux and the nomophulakes of Demetrius of Phalerum.Lara O'sullivan - 2001 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 121:51-62.
    A board of ¿law-guardians¿, or nomophulakes, has long been associated with the Athenian regime of Demetrius of Phalerum (317-307 bc). The duties of Demetrius¿ officials have been surmised from an entry on nomophulakes in the Atthis of Philochorus (FGrHist 328 F64), which lists their central functions as the supervision of ma-gistrates and the prevention of illegal resolutions by the assembly and council. This understanding of the fourth-century nomophulakes stands in contradiction to the explicit testimony of Pollux (8.102), who asserts that (...)
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    Realism, Postmodernism and/as Metanarrative.Luke O’Sullivan - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 18 (2):223-233.
    The question of how realism and metanarratives are related in the philosophy of history does not seem to have been widely discussed. Whereas there are distinct philosophical and political senses of ‘realism’, contrasting with ‘idealism’ and ‘utopianism’ respectively, ‘metanarrative’ has a singular meaning based on Jean-François Lyotard’s sceptical definition of postmodernism as “incredulity towards metanarratives”. Lyotard defined metanarratives as philosophies of history that serve some legitimatory function, but claimed that their importance was waning. From this point of view, postmodernism can (...)
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    Oakeshott on History.Luke O'Sullivan - 2003 - Imprint Academic.
    This book challenges the common view that Michael Oakeshott was mainly important as a political philosopher by offering the first comprehensive study of his ideas on history. It argues that Oakeshott's writings on the philosophy of history mark him out as the most successful of the philosophers who attempted to establish historical study as an autonomous form of thought during the twentieth century. It also contends that his work on the history of political thought is best seen in the context (...)
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    Athenian impiety trials in the late fourth century B.C.L. L. O.′Sullivan - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (01):136-.
    Dotted throughout the records of the turbulent last decades of fourth-century Athens are reports—often frustratingly vague—of prosecutions, many of intellectuals on the charge of . Most belong to the period of Macedonian domination: Theophrastus was one targeted at this time, and we hear also of actions against Demetrius of Phalerum, Theodorus the atheist, and Stilpo of Megara. Even before the Athenian capitulation to Macedon, in the immediate aftermath of the death of Alexander, prosecutions were launched against Demades and Aristotle. These (...)
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    Poetry from old rope: a neglected emendation in Aristophanes, Frogs 1298.Neil O'Sullivan - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (01):297-.
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    Tara Page's Placemaking: A New Materialist Theory of Pedagogy: A Becoming Book-Review.Victoria O'Sullivan - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5):645-650.
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    Returning to the Central ‘Essentialist’ Question in Achieving Overlapping Consensus on Human Rights: A Comparison of Charles Beitz and Martha Nussbaum.James P. O’Sullivan - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (3):438-451.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 3, Page 438-451, May 2022.
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