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Arthur Ernest Morgan [5]Amy Morgan [4]Anne Morgan [4]Arthur E. Morgan [4]

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  1. Representations gone mental.Alex Morgan - 2014 - Synthese 191 (2):213-244.
    Many philosophers and psychologists have attempted to elucidate the nature of mental representation by appealing to notions like isomorphism or abstract structural resemblance. The ‘structural representations’ that these theorists champion are said to count as representations by virtue of functioning as internal models of distal systems. In his 2007 book, Representation Reconsidered, William Ramsey endorses the structural conception of mental representation, but uses it to develop a novel argument against representationalism, the widespread view that cognition essentially involves the manipulation of (...)
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  2. Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Intentionality.Alex Morgan & Gualtiero Piccinini - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (1):119-139.
    We situate the debate on intentionality within the rise of cognitive neuroscience and argue that cognitive neuroscience can explain intentionality. We discuss the explanatory significance of ascribing intentionality to representations. At first, we focus on views that attempt to render such ascriptions naturalistic by construing them in a deflationary or merely pragmatic way. We then contrast these views with staunchly realist views that attempt to naturalize intentionality by developing theories of content for representations in terms of information and biological function. (...)
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  3. Mindless accuracy: on the ubiquity of content in nature.Alex Morgan - 2018 - Synthese 195 (12):5403-5429.
    It is widely held in contemporary philosophy of mind that states with underived representational content are ipso facto psychological states. This view—the Content View—underlies a number of interesting philosophical projects, such as the attempt to pick out a psychological level of explanation, to demarcate genuinely psychological from non-psychological states, and to limn the class of states with phenomenal character. The most detailed and influential theories of underived representation in philosophy are the tracking theories developed by Fodor, Dretske, Millikan and others. (...)
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  4.  90
    When Doublespeak Goes Viral: A Speech Act Analysis of Internet Trolling.Andrew Morgan - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (8):3397-3417.
    In this paper I survey a range of trolling behaviors and analyze a particular species that stands out. After a brief discussion of some of the inherent challenges in studying internet speech, I describe a few examples of behaviors commonly described as ‘trolling’ in order to identify what they have in common. I argue that most of these behaviors already have well-researched offline counterparts. In contrast, in the second half of the paper I argue that so-called ‘subcultural trolling’ calls out (...)
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  5.  50
    No Harm, Still Foul: On the Effect-Independent Wrongness of Slurring.Ralph Difranco & Andrew Morgan - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (3):471-489.
    Intuitively, a speaker who uses slurs to refer to people is doing something morally objectionable even if no one is measurably affected by their speech. Perhaps they are only talking to themselves, or they are speaking with bigots who are already as vicious as they can be. This paper distinguishes between slurring as an expressive act and slurring as the act of causing a psychological effect. It then develops an expression-focused ethical account in order to explain the intuition that slurring (...)
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  6.  20
    The Gaze Cueing Effect and Its Enhancement by Facial Expressions Are Impacted by Task Demands: Direct Comparison of Target Localization and Discrimination Tasks.Zelin Chen, Sarah D. McCrackin, Alicia Morgan & Roxane J. Itier - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The gaze cueing effect is characterized by faster attentional orienting to a gazed-at than a non-gazed-at target. This effect is often enhanced when the gazing face bears an emotional expression, though this finding is modulated by a number of factors. Here, we tested whether the type of task performed might be one such modulating factor. Target localization and target discrimination tasks are the two most commonly used gaze cueing tasks, and they arguably differ in cognitive resources, which could impact how (...)
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    Analyzing Outcomes of Intrauterine Insemination Treatment by Application of Cluster Analysis or Kohonen Neural Networks.Anna Justyna Milewska, Dorota Jankowska, Urszula Cwalina, Teresa Więsak, Dorota Citko, Allen Morgan & Robert Milewski - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 35 (1):7-25.
    Intrauterine insemination is one of many treatments provided to infertility patients. Many factors such as, but not limited to, quality of semen, the age of a woman, and reproductive hormone levels contribute to infertility. Therefore, the aim of our study is to establish a statistical probability concerning the prediction of which groups of patients have a very good or poor prognosis for pregnancy after IUI insemination. For that purpose, we compare the results of two analyses: Cluster Analysis and Kohonen Neural (...)
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  8.  47
    (1 other version)Hybrid Speech Acts: A Theory of Normative Thought and Language That ‘Has It Both Ways’.Andrew Morgan - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (4).
    In this essay, I propose a novel hybrid metanormative theory. According to this theory, speakers making normative claims express both cognitive and motivational attitudes in virtue of the constitutive norms of the particular speech acts they perform. This view has four principal virtues: it is consistent with traditional semantic theories, it supports a form of motivational judgment internalism that does justice to externalist intuitions, it illuminates the connection between normative language and normative thought, and it explains how speakers can express (...)
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  9. Against neuroclassicism: On the perils of armchair neuroscience.Alex Morgan - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (3):329-355.
    Neuroclassicism is the view that cognition is explained by “classical” computing mechanisms in the nervous system that exhibit a clear demarcation between processing machinery and read–write memory. The psychologist C. R. Gallistel has mounted a sophisticated defense of neuroclassicism by drawing from ethology and computability theory to argue that animal brains necessarily contain read–write memory mechanisms. This argument threatens to undermine the “connectionist” orthodoxy in contemporary neuroscience, which does not seem to recognize any such mechanisms. In this paper I argue (...)
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  10. Pictures, Plants, and Propositions.Alex Morgan - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (2):309-329.
    Philosophers have traditionally held that propositions mark the domain of rational thought and inference. Many philosophers have held that only conceptually sophisticated creatures like us could have propositional attitudes. But in recent decades, philosophers have adopted increasingly liberal views of propositional attitudes that encompass the mental states of various non-human animals. These views now sit alongside more traditional views within the philosophical mainstream. In this paper I argue that liberalized views of propositional attitudes are so liberal that they encompass states (...)
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  11.  39
    Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and Logistic Regression Analysis in Pregnancy Prediction Using the In Vitro Fertilization Treatment.Robert Milewski, Anna Justyna Milewska, Teresa Więsak & Allen Morgan - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 35 (1):39-48.
    Infertility is recognized as a major problem of modern society. Assisted Reproductive Technology is the one of many available treatment options to cure infertility. However, the efficiency of the ART treatment is still inadequate. Therefore, the procedure’s quality is constantly improving and there is a need to determine statistical predictors as well as contributing factors to the successful treatment. There is a concern over the application of adequate statistical analysis to clinical data: should classic statistical methods be used or would (...)
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  12.  44
    Against compassion: in defence of a “hybrid” concept of empathy.Alastair Morgan - 2017 - Nursing Philosophy 18 (3):e12148.
    In this article, I argue that the recent emphasis on compassion in healthcare practice lacks conceptual richness and clarity. In particular, I argue that it would be helpful to focus on a larger concept of empathy rather than compassion alone and that compassion should be thought of as a component of this larger concept of empathy. The first part of the article outlines a critique of the current discourse of compassion on three grounds. This discourse naturalizes, individualizes, and reifies compassion (...)
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  13.  71
    Solving the Puzzle of Aesthetic Assertion.Andrew Morgan - 2017 - Southwest Philosophy Review 33 (1):95-103.
    Most of us think that we can obtain knowledge about the aesthetic properties of objects via testimony – at least sometimes. We can learn that a painting is beautiful by reading a book, or learn that a film is awful by talking to a friend (as long as our sources are reliable). At the same time, if we go on to share this knowledge we have to carefully qualify it as second-hand in order to avoid misleading our audience. Simply stating (...)
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  14.  33
    The moral case for sign language education.Julian Savulescu, Angela Morgan, Christopher Gyngell & Hilary Bowman-Smart - 2019 - Monash Bioethics Review 37 (3-4):94-110.
    Here, a moral case is presented as to why sign languages such as Auslan should be made compulsory in general school curricula. Firstly, there are significant benefits that accrue to individuals from learning sign language. Secondly, sign language education is a matter of justice; the normalisation of sign language education and use would particularly benefit marginalised groups, such as those living with a communication disability. Finally, the integration of sign languages into the curricula would enable the flourishing of Deaf culture (...)
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  15.  31
    Plato's Revenge: Moral Deliberation As Dialogical Activity.Andrew Morgan - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (1):69-89.
    In this article I offer an account of normative thought inspired by Plato's proposal in the Theaetetus that judgement is ‘speech spoken … silently.’ After arguing that force conventionalism is the speech act theory best suited for modeling dialogic inner speech, I close the article by sketching the picture of normative thought that results. Though I defend a particular theory of normative speech elsewhere, the core insights of this article can be used by other theorists as well. The arguments offered (...)
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  16.  15
    Pushback: Critical data designers and pollution politics.Mike Fortun, Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn, Alli Morgan, Lindsay Poirier & Kim Fortun - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    In this paper, we describe how critical data designers have created projects that ‘push back’ against the eclipse of environmental problems by dominant orders: the pioneering pollution database Scorecard, released by the US NGO Environmental Defense Fund in 1997; the US Environmental Protection Agency’s EnviroAtlas that brings together numerous data sets and provides tools for valuing ecosystem services; and the Houston Clean Air Network’s maps of real-time ozone levels in Houston. Drawing on ethnographic observations and interviews, we analyse how critical (...)
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  17. Simone de Beauvoir's Ethics of Freedom and Absolute Evil.Anne Morgan - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (4):75-89.
    Simone de Beauvoir held that human experience is intrinsically ambiguous and that there are no values extrinsic to experience, but she also designated some actions as absolute evil. This essay explains how Beauvoir utilized an intrinsic absolute value to ground an action-guiding principle of freedom that justifies her notion of evil. Morgan's analysis counters Robin May Schott's objections that Beauvoir failed to systematically justify her notion of absolute evil and that Beauvoir shifted from a “logic of action” to a “logic (...)
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  18.  18
    Understanding the Needs of Young People Who Engage in Self-Harm: A Qualitative Investigation.Sarah E. Hetrick, Aruni Subasinghe, Kate Anglin, Laura Hart, Amy Morgan & Jo Robinson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  19.  19
    Shared syntax between comprehension and production: Multi-paradigm evidence that resumptive pronouns hinder comprehension.Adam M. Morgan, Titus von der Malsburg, Victor S. Ferreira & Eva Wittenberg - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104417.
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  20.  31
    Emotional impacts of participation in an Australian national survey on mental health-related discrimination.Denise P. W. Tan, Amy J. Morgan, Anthony F. Jorm & Nicola J. Reavley - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (6):438-458.
    Institutional Review Boards have expressed concern that research into sensitive topics such as mental disorder will cause participants undue distress. This study investigated the emotional responses of 5,220 Australians to a survey on mental-health-related discrimination. Participants were interviewed about their mental health and experiences of discrimination across 10 life domains and then the emotional impacts of the survey. Results suggested that a minority experienced a negative reaction in contrast to 88% reporting positive experiences. A mental health problem was associated with (...)
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  21. Power, Threat, Meaning Framework: A Philosophical Critique.Alastair Morgan - 2023 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 30 (1):53-67.
    Abstract:In this paper, I offer a philosophical critique of the Power Threat Meaning Framework (PTMF). This framework was launched in the UK in January 2018 as a non-pathologizing way of understanding mental distress. It argues that those experiences diagnosed as mental illnesses are better understood as meaning-based threat responses to the negative operation of power. My critique consists of three parts. First, the PTMF argues that it is opposed to a concept of mental distress as illness. However, the PTMF unfolds (...)
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  22. By Author.Nikola Biller-Andorno, Alexander Morgan, Andrea Boggio, Alex See Capron & Mark T. Brown - 2009 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (4):415-418.
  23.  43
    Mere life, damaged life and ephemeral life: Adorno and the concept of life.Alastair Morgan - 2014 - Angelaki 19 (1):113-127.
    This paper analyses three concepts of life in Adorno's philosophy and considers the relationship between these concepts and the idea of a speculative materialism. The paper is concerned with Adorno's late concept of metaphysical experience and articulates a response to two key problems for the interpretation of this concept. First, given Adorno's emphasis on a purely negative philosophy, how does transcendence arise? Second, how can we give an experiential content to this idea of transcendence? A response to these two questions (...)
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  24.  14
    The ‘living entity’: Reification and forgetting.Alastair Morgan - 2014 - European Journal of Social Theory 17 (4):377-388.
    In his attempt at a renewal of the concept of reification, Axel Honneth has referred to reification as a kind of forgetting. He uses an epigraph from Adorno and Horkheimer’s work to introduce this theme. This article considers the different accounts that are given by Honneth, on the one hand, and Adorno and Horkheimer, on the other, as to the way that reification is a forgetting of core experiential capacities of intersubjective human relations. It argues that Honneth’s account relies too (...)
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    The Remnants of Sense.Alastair Morgan - 2023 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 30 (1):77-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Remnants of SenseAlastair Morgan, PhD (bio)In an interview outlining her approach to understanding mental distress, Lucy Johnstone states that when faced with ostensibly bizarre, irrational or distressing experiences:[T]he guiding principle of "At some level it all makes sense" applies. In fact, I can't immediately think of anyone I've worked with for whom it did not, in the end, turn out to be true.1The two commentaries on my paper (...)
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  26.  29
    How does pheomelanin synthesis contribute to melanomagenesis?Ann M. Morgan, Jennifer Lo & David E. Fisher - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (8):672-676.
    Recently, we reported that melanoma risk in redheads is linked not only to pale skin, but also to the synthesis of the pigment – called pheomelanin – that gives red hair its color. We demonstrated that pheomelanin synthesis is associated with increased oxidative stress in the skin, yet we have not uncovered the chemical pathway between the molecule pheomelanin and the DNA damage that drives melanoma formation. Here, we hypothesize two possible pathways. On one hand, pheomelanin might generate reactive oxygen (...)
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  27.  56
    Graph-Theoretical Study of Functional Changes Associated with the Iowa Gambling Task.Taylor Bolt, Paul J. Laurienti, Robert Lyday, Ashley Morgan & Dale Dagenbach - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  28.  14
    Analysis of regulated exocytosis in adrenal chromaffin cells: insights into NSF/SNAP/SNARE function.Robert D. Burgoyne & Alan Morgan - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (4):328-335.
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  29.  42
    Power relations in IT education and work: the intersectionality of gender, race, and class.Lynette Kvasny, Eileen M. Trauth & Allison J. Morgan - 2009 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 7 (2/3):96-118.
    PurposeSocial exclusion as a result of gender, race, and class inequality is perhaps one of the most pressing challenges associated with the development of a diverse information technology workforce. Women remain under represented in the IT workforce and college majors that prepare students for IT careers. Research on the under representation of women in IT typically assumes women to be homogeneous in nature, something that blinds the research to variation that exists among women. This paper aims to address these issues.Design/methodology/approachThe (...)
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    Perceived stress during pregnancy and the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) rs165599 polymorphism impacts on childhood IQ.Yvette N. Lamb, John M. D. Thompson, Rinki Murphy, Clare Wall, Ian J. Kirk, Angharad R. Morgan, Lynnette R. Ferguson, Edwin A. Mitchell & Karen E. Waldie - 2014 - Cognition 132 (3):461-470.
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    The Use of Log-linear Analysis for Pregnancy Prediction.Anna Justyna Milewska, Dorota Citko, Dorota Jankowska, Rafał Milewski, Katarzyna Konończuk, Teresa Więsak, Allen Morgan & Robert Milewski - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 56 (1):7-18.
    Log-linear analysis is a practical tool for examining relationships, successfully applied in many fields of science. This paper discusses the topic of estimation of the chance of getting pregnant in couples that underwent ART insemination. The authors focus on finding significant interactions between variables, on the basis of which statistical models are built. With the use of results of log-linear analysis, a model predicting the chances of achieving a clinical pregnancy that contained interactions was successfully built. Moreover, it was more (...)
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    Costs and effectiveness of pre‐and post‐operative home physiotherapy for total knee replacement: randomized controlled trial.Caroline Mitchell, Jane Walker, Stephen Walters, Anne B. Morgan, Teena Binns & Nigel Mathers - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (3):283-292.
  33.  19
    (1 other version)An Attempt to Measure Happiness.Arthur E. Morgan - 1933 - International Journal of Ethics 44 (2):236.
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    A compendium of Antioch notes.Arthur Ernest Morgan - 1930 - Yellow Springs, O.,: Kahoe & Company.
    Contents.--The pursuit of values.--Science and values.--Biological viewpoints.--Mental attitudes.--Ethics.--Religion.--The management of life.--The social mind social progress.--Government.--International relations.--Education.--Proportion in education.--The American college.--Objective experience.
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  35.  22
    Evaluating service delivery for speech and swallowing problems following paediatric brain injury: an international survey.Angela T. Morgan & Jemma Skeat - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (2):275-281.
  36.  43
    Feeling, thinking, and the free mind.Arthur E. Morgan - 1966 - Zygon 1 (3):244-255.
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    Give Peirce a Chance.Anne Morgan - 2003 - Metascience 12 (2):242-244.
  38. JM Bernstein, Adorno: Disenchantment and Ethics.A. Morgan - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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    Multidimensional thinking about force ethics: A matter of method and content.April L. Morgan - 2010 - Journal of Religious Ethics 38 (3):545-578.
    Analyses of religious and cultural perspectives on the use of force continue to receive criticism for questionable motives, for insufficient holism, and for exaggerating uniqueness. Claims of recurrent problems educe consideration of interdisciplinary proposals designed to resolve related challenges. Thought together, some suggest that a transversal research program into ethical orientations toward war can facilitate fair and rigorous exploration of crosscultural similarities and differences. Tentative findings emphasizing textual precepts indicate some resonance amid diversity across eleven ethical frameworks including Western just (...)
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  40.  1
    My world.Arthur Ernest Morgan - 1927 - Yellow Springs [O.]: Kahoe & Spieth.
  41.  1
    Observations.Arthur Ernest Morgan - 1968 - [Yellow Springs, Ohio]: Antioch Press.
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  42. Petrified Life: Adorno and Agamben.Alastair Morgan - 2007 - Radical Philosophy 141:23.
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  43.  15
    Philosophic Reality and Human Construction in the Utopia.Alice B. Morgan - 1973 - Moreana 10 (3):15-24.
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    Simone de Beauvoir's Ethics, the Master/Slave Dialectic, and Eichmann as a Sub-Man.Anne Morgan - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (2):39 - 53.
    Simone de Beauvoir incorporates a significantly altered form of the Hegelian master/slave dialectic into "The Ethics of Ambiguity." Her ethical theory explains and denounces extreme wrongdoing, such as the mass murder of millions of Jews at the hands of the Nazis. This essay demonstrates that, in the Beauvoirean dialectic, the Nazi value system (and Hitler) was the master, Adolf Eichmann was a slave, and Jews were denied human status. The analysis counters Robin May Schott's claims that "Beauvoir portrays the attitudes (...)
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  45.  41
    Spectrum Epistemology: The BonJour - Goldman Debate.Andrew Morgan - unknown
    Socrates teaches in the Meno that in order for a belief to be justified, an appropriate relation must ‘tie down’ the belief to its truth. Alvin Goldman’s position of externalism holds that for a belief to be justified, an appropriately reliable process must have obtained. One need not be aware of this reliable process. Conversely, Laurence BonJour’s brand of internalism holds that this relation between a belief and its truth is just what the cognizer needs to be aware of in (...)
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  46.  4
    Search for purpose.Arthur Ernest Morgan - 1955 - [Yellow Springs, Ohio]: Antioch Press.
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  47.  73
    Sovereignty’s New Story.April Morgan - 2007 - The Monist 90 (1):26-47.
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    Schizophrenia, reification and deadened life.Alastair Morgan - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (5):176-193.
    Recent debates concerning the abolition of the schizophrenia label in psychiatry have focused upon problems with the scientific status of the concept. In this article, I argue that rather than attacking schizophrenia for its lack of scientific validity, we should focus on the conceptual history of this label. I reconstruct a specific tradition when exploring the conceptual history of schizophrenia. This is the concern with the question of the sense of life itself, conducted through the confrontation with schizophrenia as a (...)
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  49.  22
    Two‐pore channels ( TPC s): Current controversies.Anthony J. Morgan & Antony Galione - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (2):173-183.
    SummaryMuch excitement surrounded the proposal that a family of endo‐lysosomal channels, the two‐pore channels (TPCs) were the long sought after targets of the Ca2+‐mobilising messenger, nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP). However, the role of TPCs in NAADP signalling may be more complex than originally envisaged. First, NAADP may not bind directly to TPCs but via an accessory protein. Second, two papers recently challenged the notion that TPCs are NAADP‐regulated Ca2+ channels by suggesting that they are highly selective Na+ channels (...)
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  50. (1 other version)The philosophy of Edward Bellamy.Arthur E. Morgan - 1945 - New York,: King's Crown Press.
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